The Financial Jigsaw – Issue No. 79

My unpublished (100,000 word) book “The Financial Jigsaw”, is being serialised here weekly in 100 Issues by Peter J Underwood, author

 Quote of the Week: “Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.” – Winston Churchill

NOTE – If anyone would like a free updated, 3rd edition, electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free pdf on request to: [email protected].  The book has many footnotes linking to relevant and explanatory Appendices, websites and videos.  A version for iPhone and Kindle is also available; please specify which one you would like.

 If this isn’t enough proof that the whole global financial edifice is rotten to the core this should convince you:

            And John Rubino has a great article describing his fears about the coming crisis: The video is worth watching too.

            This is technical about the current state of the markets – worth a read:

 We continue this week by delving deeper into the psychological basis for personal transformation, necessary if we are going to successfully navigate the coming crisis and adapt to a totally changed way of living.

            Chris Martenson has an excellent article this week explaining how the Fed buys up treasury bonds and has now reverted to ‘NOT QE’ yet again:

This is quite revealing because we will all suffer when the crisis occurs just like last time – are you prepared for the coming recession?  Actually I think we are already here – the runes are not encouraging.  And John Rubino sees continuing unrest:

 Here is the link to last week: Issue 78

 Now that the Brexit final conclusion has been delayed yet again, I will continue to provide weekly updates as events progress:

 Brexit & Election Update – 22th November 2019

The Brexit deadline remains 31st January 2020 and Boris still needs to get Parliament to agree his new exit plan (WAB) during this period:   . You may follow a daily run-down on the current situation from my friend, Dr Richard North as the election fever progresses:

And here is an article that says it all this week as the election fever unfolds:

“The Telegraph reports

If you were wondering why Labour is losing ground in UK election polls, there it is, in spades.  The article below did not even mention Corbyn’s plan to force homeowners to sell homes to renters at a government specified price.  This election is no longer primarily about Brexit, it’s primarily about Corbyn and his extreme socialist policies!  Corbyn is rightfully getting clobbered.” 

 Parliament has been dissolved and there will be no government in charge until the new one is formed on 13th December although administration will continue as normal because our astute civil service will carry on working essential elements of our economy and social responsibilities.

Details of Parliament’s deliberations when sitting can be found here:




(The need for Personal Transformation)

 “There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands.  You seek problems because you need their gifts”

Richard Bach – “Illusions”

“We really cannot change the external world nor can we change other people.  We CAN change how we perceive the world, how we perceive others and how we perceive ourselves”

Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D.  –  “Love is Letting go of Fear”

“People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defences, or the problems of modern society.”

Vince Lombardi

How a debt-based, fiat currency economy distorts our perceptions of reality

You have been born into and experienced coming of age during an era of an unreal economic paradigm.  The thoughts you express and the values and beliefs you hold are conditioned by the social conditions surrounding you and your family.

Those of us who lived through the privations of the post war economy and are soon to “shuffle off this mortal coil” can only caution and warn the coming generations of the need to forsake the present invalid models of ‘economic wellbeing” and prepare for a New Economy in the making.

The New Economy will create conditions for Cognitive Dissonance defined as (noun): “the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioural decisions and attitude change”.  There are several conditions that create this unfortunate mental state:

  • Cognitive dissonance area #1:  Being told we have a strong job market while your own eyes see homeless people everywhere, and people looking for jobs report extreme difficulty landing anything beyond part-time, minimum wage ‘gig’ economy employment.
  • Cognitive dissonance area #2:  Next we turn to the idea that “inflation is subdued.” That is the issue at play here. While the BoE frets about inflation being too low you struggle to afford rising motor car and food costs, as well as the skyrocketing fees for maintenance, education, insurance and health costs (in USA) not to mention household requirements.
  • Cognitive dissonance area #3:  Another prime area for “fuzzy numbers” is in living expenses related to housing.  According to the government, housing costs have been modestly rising by an average of less than 3% per year for a decade. And even more egregious than the misinformation is the complete inappropriateness for the media to praise economic ‘strength’ while ignoring the role of debt in bringing about the growth being celebrated. If the ‘prosperity’ is simply due to a drunken debt-binge, it should be criticized, not applauded.

But we know now, having considered Part 1 of this book, that prosperity cannot be printed out of thin air. All that can be accomplished by a central bank’s sleight of hand is a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich.  Central banks steal from the many to give to the few; they are the reverse ‘Robin Hoods’ of our day. They also encourage everyone to steal from the future which is what excessive borrowing really represents. It is future consumption taken today at the expense of tomorrow.

The most charitable thing that can be said about central banks is that perhaps they actually believe in their own mismanagement.  Even the most naive of observers has noticed by now that we are ten years into ‘emergency measures’ and austerity but nothing even remotely close to healthy economic growth and improved prosperity has emerged.

One year of emergency measures is perhaps reasonable, three years is embarrassing and ten years tells us that the central banks are not in this for the reasons they state.  Instead, they are orchestrating the largest wealth transfer in all of history. But why should they wish to do this?

The answer is that they did not willingly engage in this transfer of wealth; it was a consequence of bailing out insolvent banks in 2008/9 which was inevitable unless they allowed the world financial system to collapse entirely.

Central Banks control all the global economic, political and financial systems.

We now have the largest wealth and income disparity in all of history. The big banks and global corporates have complete control of the political and financial machinery of every country in the world.

Additionally, the corporate controlled media simply publicises the central bank model, trying to convince people that it’s all been for their own good.  From a planning and execution standpoint we have to give the central banking cartel high marks for pulling off such a magnificent ‘robbery’ almost completely undetected by the average person and of course ably assisted by a compliant media.

It is interesting to note that the only country left, in 2019, without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family is Cuba.  After instigating protests and riots in the Arab countries (the Arab Spring) the Rothschilds finally paved their way into establishing Central Banks, and getting rid of many leaders, which gave them even more power.

We are getting softer with Cuba so it will not be long before we see private central banks imposed in this country even if it takes a war to action.  We have no way of predicting the course of events to come, except to say that the end is unlikely to be pleasant.  For more background read this:

Fiat Money systems condition politicians and their behaviour

To understand the effects of fiat money on the culture, we must first look at the relationship between financial systems and the nature of government.  A number of economists have observed that fiat money is a prerequisite for tyrannical government, and the idea that monetary interventionism paves the way for tyrannical government is very old and goes back to Nicolas Oresme in the fourteenth century. It has not been generally emphasized in the twentieth century, but Ludwig von Mises is among the few who have stressed the importance of this relationship.

Ludwig von Mises said that when it comes to limiting government power, it is essential that the government is financially dependent on its citizens, and this addresses the fundamental political problem of controlling the people in office once they are there.  Have a look at our 6 Demands for the UK: and a short video presentation from our leader:

We know that generally, once they are in office, elected, bought & paid for politicians turn around and do very different things than they said they would do, with many acting contrary to the common good and interests of their constituents.  So we ask the question: “how do we ensure that the people in power can be controlled?”

 To be continued next Saturday – don’t miss finding out next week!

Extra current commentary:

Today, in UK, we are undergoing an election process and it is revealing that all the politicians are promising so much in terms of additional spending (in all areas) that the UK debt burden is going to sky-rocket in the coming years.  But like USA too, according to the banksters, debt doesn’t matter so onward we go.  The private equity vultures are joining in the party and after Xmas, as many companies discover that they are unable to service their excessive debt piles, the banksters are going to get even richer – this article is worth reading to find out really how poor 99% of Brits are:

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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