Immigration Will Destroy Southern Red and Purple States

When most people think about problems stemming from immigration, they naturally think about the millions pouring across our southern border. Or the refugee program, H1B’s, etc. You should be concerned about those things, of course, and those concerns were one of two reasons I voted for Trump despite swearing to not vote for another republican after their treatment of Ron Paul. What I am speaking of, however, is the most dangerous “immigrants” possible coming to settle in your area: White liberals from a big city.

I already had thought of this before these riots, with all the virus nonsense. If you are locked down, and forced to spend a bunch of time indoors, and are mostly working from home anyways, wouldn’t it be better to do so in a house thats 4 times larger than your current home and costs substantially less? A lot of people are going to say yes. Add in the weather, and you had a perfect storm of white liberals leaving the cities they helped ruin to come live next to you. Now you have riots, looting, mayhem, and Democrat mayors and governors doing nothing about it. This is going to cause even more people to flee large cities.

Not only did you have to worry about living in such a densely populated area while what was apparently thought to be the black death spreading around, now you have a bunch of politicians in your city talking about defunding the police while letting the worst kind of mayhem go unchecked. They want to remove money from police budgets, and drastically reduce what they are able to do about someone kicking in your door and murdering you and doing horrible things to your family. Make no mistake about it, dear reader, thats going to happen. If Biden wins its going to go to a whole other level most of us never thought we’d see.

Well-heeled white (and Jewish) liberals have living, dating, and mating habits that are little different from a hardcore white supremacist. They want to live around others whites, they want police around to protect them. Sure, they’ll talk about how great diversity is, but they want to live where they live because of the ‘good schools’ which everyone knows means schools without a whole lot of black people in them.

Many liberals know this just as well as we do, they just won’t actually talk about it. So, what happens when your rich neighborhood or apartment dwelling is now less than a mile away from a bunch of rampaging mobs hell bent on destruction? You leave. This WILL accelerate the decline of American cities, but I don’t care about them, they can rot in hell, they brought this on themselves, which finally gets me to the point….

These people leave the Blue State/City hellholes they themselves helped create and move to nice, safe, Red State or at least Red county areas, and then vote. A rational, sane person would see what happens when you give the left a super majority for decades. You get what we are seeing now. Blue states economies are completely wrecked compared to red states, and now you have the rioting, looting, and violence that is taking place in large cities that have been run by democrats for decades.

Their taxes will be increasing massively in the coming years, they have to, because the politicians in charge will not be cutting spending. Plus, you have the possibility of being included in some lawless ‘autonomous zone’ against your will and once you’re there the police will not be allowed to enter to protect you, your family, your home, or your business. If you need one, an ambulance will not be coming to your rescue. So, you move.

People make the economic argument that wealthy people leaving blue states for red states is good. They bring their skills, their money, their low propensity for crime to your area, add to your tax base, and help grow your local economy. That blue states are nearly all experiencing a mass exodus of people who mostly head for lower tax and more free red states is a good thing. It proves what works and what doesn’t.  Listen to Sean Hannity talk about it for a good example of what I mean.

Those people are ignoring an important, fundamental reality of a side effect of this exodus that, in my opinion, completely negates any possible economic benefit of them coming here. Simply put, they vote. Once they get that FL drivers license, they are voting residents, these new neighbors of yours. They will come to your town, your county, your state, and they will vote for the same poisonous ideology that ruined where they came from. They will spout the same nonsense, they will vote for the very same things that caused them to uproot themselves and move to your neighborhood.

Why do they do this? Because liberalism is a mental disorder. Reality, which a rational person would think would cure them, has no effect on them in most cases. They will turn the purple states blue, the red states purple. And then what happens? The entire country looks like NYC or LA. I write all of this as a warming, and I don’t really have a solution other than this – quit with all the ‘southern hospitality’ stuff we are known for down here. Stop being so polite to people who are going to destroy you, your country, your heritage, and your way of life, because make no mistake – they are, and they will. Make them feel unwelcome, let your displeasure be known.

Reserve your hospitality for people who deserve it, because these people do not. Would you be kind, helpful, and hospitable to a person you just watch rip down a statue of Thomas Jefferson, torch a building, or loot a business? Probably not. Keep in mind when dealing with these people that although they may not have done those things personally, they played a large part in creating the situation that allowed it to happen, and will do the same in your town.

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June 26, 2020 7:54 am

The influx of Californians to Idaho is a sterling example of what Gator is talking about. How many years will it take for Idaho to fall?
Idahoans need armed guards at the border telling Califorians to keep on going or turn around.

Glock 1911
Glock 1911
June 26, 2020 8:09 am

Idaho is done. Boise and CDA and Moscow are to Idaho what Denver, Fort Collins and Boulder are to Colorado. Everybody else is either busy working and raising kids or too imbued with buck fever to bother with social issues and politics. Having moved here from Vegas, I would bet the average round count per household in Vegas is much, much higher. Most of the guys I know here think 40 rounds is a lot of ammo to have on hand. Because, if you’re just hunting deer and elk, 40 rounds is a lot. When I try to ‘splain that bad shit is coming and they might want to prepare for that, I usually get a confused stare and then they change the subject. And CDA, the closest bigger city to us, is fast turning into a totalitarian shithole. The stench of liberal yuppies, broke-ass, communist refugees from Portland, and cranky fuckers from back east is overwhelming. Except for the outdoors and our little farm, we moved to the wrong place. I’m not saying everyone here has their heads in the sand. Local citizens represented well when Antifa was rolling through town. But there’s a lot less of folks here like that than one might expect. I tried getting involved with a local militia even. It was run by a woman with the support of her beta male husband. And they brought their son to most of the meetings. He was probably about 12, and spontaneously broke out into what appeared to be interpretive dance-kinda disturbing. Most of the rest of the members were betas, with no military experience and any kind of political talk was quashed immediately. I stopped going once I realized what was up there. Weird. Freaking weird. Almost surreal.

Gen X Nomad
Gen X Nomad
  Glock 1911
June 27, 2020 11:55 am

What are your thoughts on Montana?

Glock 1911
Glock 1911
  Gen X Nomad
June 27, 2020 1:56 pm

I don’t live there, and I don’t go there that much. The college towns have good breakfast restaurants and lotsa fat chicks.

  Gen X Nomad
June 27, 2020 6:29 pm

A cold fucking place where many new people don’t make it.

  Glock 1911
June 27, 2020 6:39 pm

Tell me, how many people do you imagine shooting at? yeah, I have a few rounds myself but I don’t imagine Shaka Zulu happening. I bet most of the people looking ahead and thinking kinda like yourself are in their fifties or older. Were all facing a society of strange thinking folks.

Glock 1911
Glock 1911
June 27, 2020 8:35 pm

I don’t imagine shooting at anyone. The thought of doing so is horrifying. You try to mock me for my age. I weigh what I did in my late twenties when I was road racing bicycles. I eat mostly organic and mostly what I raise/grow on my farm, and heat my home with the wood that I cut. I usually get up at 3 am before the alarm goes off, lift weights, do farm chores, work a 10 hour shift in a boiler, get off work, lift weights, do night time chores, clean up and eat dinner. I’d bet I’m in better shape in my late 50’s than you’ve ever been in your life. Mock away, you little puke.

  Glock 1911
June 27, 2020 11:31 pm

So forty bullets isn’t enough? Don’t get all butt hurt over nothing. I just like to imagine many people’s various thinking about what they think they will come up against. I’m about the same age as you are. I’m not little either. Many of the SHTF sites bring about talk of mega firepower. The article here reminded me of this. From what you wrote you’re a stud in my book!

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
June 26, 2020 9:05 am

They always believe that socialism will work, if done properly. They never seem to realize it has been tried thousands of times and has failed every single time.

  TN Patriot
June 26, 2020 10:08 am

This is why I denigrate those who tell me not to vote, that it’s futile. If voting were so futile then why do the leftists/dems push so hard to corrupt the vote? Texas cities are liberal shitholes with the usual suspects in charge. Here’s where it gets interesting though, most Hispanics are traditional and Christian and they don’t like the perverts and radicals anymore than trad whites do.
The ones the dems cater to are the gimmedats, and, those cities that have majority Black politicians in charge (Dallas and Houston) are rife with graft, corruption and cronyism. Abandon the cities and if the city dwellers move out to your area then do what you must to remove them.

June 26, 2020 9:21 am

When SHTF (and it will) white liberals had better hope I am dead and gone.

June 26, 2020 10:47 am

quit with all the ‘southern hospitality’ stuff we are known for down here. Stop being so polite to people who are going to destroy you, your country, your heritage, and your way of life, because make no mistake – they are, and they will. Make them feel unwelcome, let your displeasure be known. – In other words, become intolerant of those hellbent on wrecking this nation. Most whites wouldn’t say shit if they had a mouthful. The time has come to confront the issue head on and stop being tolerant. Anyone who preaches tolerance is your sworn enemy.
Tolerance by the white race is the primary factor that allows the swarming masses to advance their marxist agenda. Stop playing nice with this scum. They don’t belong in your neighborhood, or even in your country. That’s right, it is your country, respect it as you respect your home and your neighborhood.
Never allow them entry into the nation and you will never have to be concerned about defending your home or neighborhood. As for the irredeemable libtards, that’s what reeducation camps are really for.
Here’s an idea; launch a crusade to strip blacks, indigents and women from having voting privileges, as it was intended in the original Constitution. How many black mayors do we have now? How many black women mayors, police chiefs, public health officials, educators, etc., do we have? How many women governors? How do you think they ascended to their positions of power? By organizing the constituents that had similar views and voted. Think about it. Their financial backing came from the same Marxist/Jewish organizations that fund the chaos now. This all came about because the so called white men “tolerated” those who were working to dismantle the very foundation of our nation.
It will be an uphill battle that will require thick skins and ear plugs to shield yourself from the screams of “racist” and “misogynists.” But that’s not important, as they were never too concerned about offending us, as they continued to advance their agenda of cultural Marxism and the poisonous brew of multicultural destruction.
That’s is how we fight back. Become a counter force for good. Rescue a foundering Constitutional Republic from the whirlpool of democracy,which will inevitably suck it down to the depths of Davy Jones locker.
Eventually, we can reverse the damage done from integration and reinstate segregation to a separate but equal status. Women can be free to do what they wish, without having the added burden of political concerns. Those that are unhappy with living under a true Constitutional Republic will be free to seek alternative locations. Blacks will be given the option of returning to their homeland, with reparation money to start life anew and free tickets back to Africa. The sleazy white mudsharks that have chosen to co-habitate with blacks will be required to leave as well, along with any mongrel offspring.
If nothing is done, the final curtain will fall and for whitey- obliteration.
Does this sound too radical a solution? Hah, wait until you find out what they have in store for you, whitey.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
June 26, 2020 11:31 am

This is a Fourth Turning. I would have said that if this was a Third Turning, Middle TN would have fallen just like NoVA, given the additional 25 year jumpstart.

Not going to happen…push this fear aside because we are in an existential crisis fomented from within, not without. In the case of TN, keep tabs on the IL and MN transplants. That’s it.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 26, 2020 12:35 pm


That makes it sound like there’s a possibility of preventing it.

This is a fait accompli.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 26, 2020 8:05 pm

This is a fait accompli.

Sadly I have to agree with you. We are outnumbered, the stupid is strong and nothing will change until the JIT deliveries stop, the electricity goes off and the fraud that sustains the unsustainable quits. I remember watching people spinning plates, eventually there are too many plates up there and one misstep and they all come down. We’re at that misstep point.
Gov. Abbot just shut Texas down again, started at noon today. Bars closed, restaurants half capacity and the tourists can no longer tube down the river. The little tourist town nearby is essentially toast. I had an appointment in said town and was wondering where all the people were, I didn’t know about the shutdown, it seemed too peaceful.
I used to do business with an artist’s oil paint company. They sent me emails on new products and colors along with the usual news letter. It seems They Have Awoken. They see the light, they now know that Black Lives and only Black lives, Matter. In that new and awoke spirit they have done away with a paint labeled as ‘caucasian flesh tone’ because it was racist. They created a paint they named ‘Equality Orange’ with proceeds from the sales of said paint going to NAACP and other organizations of that ilk. They gave gifts and money to a group of black female artists, because…black. From the email….

Making paint. Making a difference, together.
All twenty of us have been working hard through the pandemic. We’ve been trying to make a difference, and we’re making changes.

Thanks so much to all of you who joined us! In a matter of days, our community of painters purchased every single tube of Equality Orange that we made (1,090 in total). Together we raised $14,715. And as promised, 100% of what you spent on this color has been invested in non-profits that fight for equality and justice.

Besides donating our time and materials, we decided to contribute alongside you, bringing the total raised to $21,000. We listened to you, we researched, and we are proud to announce that we equally divided donations among The Equal Justice Initiative, the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the ACLU Foundation (donation designated for Police Reform).

As a colorhouse with a mission to lead painting into the future, it’s also important that we look at ourselves and our own community of painters. And we did. In addition to the contributions mentioned above, we also gave $2,000 in cash and painting materials to @blackgirlswhopaint.

“Thank you for informing us, inspiring us, and thank you for helping us lead oil painting into the future. When some of you voiced concerns about the name Caucasian Flesh Tone, we listened, we agreed, and we acted. ”

My new and soon to be unread email, sent when I asked them to remove me from their email list;

You have become a racist company, anything white is banished, even a word like ‘caucasian’ is deemed unacceptable even though it only describes a skin color. Evidently, to you, ONLY black lives matter and only black people deserve assistance. White people are apparently evil and must be destroyed. So sorry but such racist and ignorant attitudes aren’t acceptable. All lives matter, not just black ones. Will we soon read about how Gamblin paints are the best paint to use while destroying monuments and defacing buildings?

June 26, 2020 9:15 pm

I just unsubscribed from this gardening web site because they started that BLM bullshit. Here is what I sent them why:

BLM is built on a false premise. The organization has nothing to do with equality. The basic tenants of BLM which it is supposedly based on are complete falsehoods and not based on facts. I believe that all men are created equal but to pander and grovel to race baiting and hateful organizations is the last thing we need to be doing as a society. It just causes more division and hatred. The more people see these senseless displays of violence and destruction the less empathy they have for their cause.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
June 26, 2020 9:41 pm

I got similarly “woke” emails from (white) weaving supply outfits, a (white) yoga studio (I was expecting that, and they helpfully included re-education book titles to consume during this time of meditative lockdown), (white) seed companies, fabric and thread companies, etc., etc. I wanted to compose responses but I just don’t have the energy. Plus, at this point, they are not beyond firing people as customers. Funny, I didn’t get a BLM e-mail from the ammo companies.

  Chubby Bubbles
June 26, 2020 10:27 pm

I’ve reached a point where I refuse to do business with companies and businesses that are too stupid to see how they’re the authors of their own destruction. I don’t care if they fire me, in fact I WANT them to fire me. I have enough stuff on hand that I won’t and don’t need to buy anything from said companies. I quilt and I have the SABLE amount on hand (stash above and beyond life expectancy)of material and thread. Plus, I’m old school and reuse fabric like granny and her granny did. I joked with a buddy the other day that if it came down to the wire I could make him clothes out of old bed linens and pillowcases (they make excellent quilt backings)and hoped he liked white and floral motifs.

June 27, 2020 7:47 am

When these companies start firing only whites because these whites have an opinion against violence, did nothing, said nothing controversial, nothing “rayciss”, and get sued, and WIN then what. Now you will be slaves to corporations. Small biz is all but dead. With social scoring next your name will precede you and no corp will hire you, no person will visit your store if you open your own biz. Essentially we are all being enslaved now and do not even see it. Everyone that works for a living has everything to lose and the leftist have everything to gain.

If we fight them in the streets it will be called rayciss violence. If we say anything, anything, we are doxxed and fired. If we do not get on knees and lick boots we are rayciss. Essentially they are leaving no outs and this will end up only one way like a corned pissed off cat knowing it is fighting for its life. And essentially has “everything” to lose if he does not fight. Because not fighting is a guaranteed losing situation. They have overstepped, miscalculated and discounted the counter reaction. Hopefully everyone understands that once this counter punch kicks off, whether you are docile, complicit, or an active party, companies will put out statements and emails to employees threatening them if they participate or voice any support for Liberty, they are in breach of company policy. Employees can only have one outward opinion and that is pro BLM. Yet no such statements or emails have come out for certain people rioting and looting. Is it because none of them work? Maybe. Surely we have seen examples of Professors at colleges trying to murder people with bike chains. Professors that make public statements that white lives don’t matter. And the result, she got tenured full professorship. But they never even get fired. But you, you, who have opinions about freedom, stating facts about law and order, the Constitution, or violence in general, you better shut your mouths or prepared to be fired. These companies hate you. They want third world labor at 1/10th the cost and having put all small biz out of biz there is no competition left. It is no longer about profit. Because they are destroying their own customer base. It is about fascism and being a market leader when the marxist take over. These companies are all vying to be in the game and in power when it happens. Any capitalist would see its a snake eating itself but a marxist is all about their hierarchy of power.

The media, govt, blacks, religion, education, corporations are all in cahoots in your genocide. Wake You are under full forward attack. Whatcha gonna do about it?

June 27, 2020 5:15 pm

As an old retired sign painter, the only reason they removed lead base was to push crappy water base.

June 26, 2020 1:08 pm

Right on, Gator. We’ve seen this phenomenon in person where we’ve lived for 25 years and are now facing another move further away from the city since this place has changed so much. The new liberals put the county into debt and fought to provide more social services, more low income housing (which never gets built next to *their* house), etc, which then attracted the blacks. Their programming is deep, and most are incapable of connecting the dots of the results to their actions, at least consciously.

June 26, 2020 2:46 pm

Gator, it’s allready happening in Texas. I listen to the Joe Pags Show out of San Antonio and he has said the very same thing you said in your article. He says White Liberals get fed up with the high taxes and detereating living conditions in California, Oregon, and Washington State so they move to Texas to get away from it but they bring their Liberal voting habits with them never realizing that it’s those Liberal Policies that caused them to move in the first place. Joe Pags says it’s only a matter of time before Texas turns Blue. How sad is that?!?!

June 26, 2020 7:21 pm

10,000 people/month move into the DFW area. Do the math. Texas will flip in my lifetime-I’m 68. The REgressives sure as fuck aren’t moving into n AR

June 27, 2020 6:31 pm

AZ is full of folks from CA. and their strange faggy ways. Its a plague of idiots.

June 26, 2020 3:31 pm

Here in NW Montana realtors are reporting that out of staters are buying houses, cash sales, without ever visiting the property. This area is very tourist driven but I have never seen so many out of state vehicles and they are not from Red states.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
June 26, 2020 9:46 pm

I heard that two days ago from the guy who’s selling the house across the street to people coming up from New Jersey. I am in VT, so it’s always been kinda left but fairly live-and-let-live until more recently. It has changed in the eight years I have been here and become more suburban. Our town manager is now a CA Mexican who used to work for Barbara Boxer. Oy veh.

Anywhoo, seller told me the realtor said the same thing as what you are reporting: people buying sight unseen now.

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
June 26, 2020 5:59 pm

This guy had nothing to do with turning PA Blue or Purple and I’m getting outta here as soon as possible. I watched 30 years ago as the locusts fleeing NJ overwhelmed PA. Now, everything east of I-81 is just a suburb of Jersey. When I arrive at my new destination I plan to embrace local culture rather than bringing this with me.

I can vividly recall two women with thick Jersey accents buying flowers at the local Agway discussing everything they missed about where they came from, hoping they add those stores and services soon. I was only in my teens but knew this was the beginning of trouble.

The very town I grew up in now resembles a miles long strip mall more than a rural village. The places I camped with friends, and the baseball diamond I dominated, are now housing developments full of manicured yards and solid D voters.

My advice for anyone worried about getting swamped by influx is simple, never-ever get public transportation. I watched a bucolic small town in Central PA fight to get added to the bus route of the nearest city. Within a decade the decline in that town was visibly obvious. Now, just a few years after that, a ride down main street is greeted by Mudsharks and Dindus sitting on the porch smoking when everyone else is working. Downtown businesses disappeared replaced by Dollar Stores, tattoo shops, and boarded up storefronts. NEVER GET ON THE BUS ROUTE

The other towns in the area are putting up the good fight but it’s already lost. Some businessmen figured out that Section 8 housing pays more than regular rent and is guaranteed. The government schools there are not able to handle what has been dealt to them.

  Dirtperson Steve
June 27, 2020 8:03 am

Yes public trans, section 8 are starting to become law. They are forcing it upon every city. We had 6-10% housing appreciation here for the last 10 years due to the public school system that is tops in The state with great teachers. Then came bus routes. This is a suburban area 15 miles from the largest city in a small southern state. Then 4 local apartment complexes, really nice ones, were nearly forced by some libtards in govt to convert to section 8. This changed the high school That was 8% minority, 98% graduation rate, and 94% college attendance and 91% college grad rates. There was zero racism according to my kids and their friends. My kids were junior and senior that year and said peaceful lunches where nobody had raised voices were now full of dindus standing and sitting on tables screaming throwing things and fighting. My kids had never even seen two students fight since kindergarten. They came home shell shocked the first week of school. Now the school is 38% minority (5 hears later) Gpa, college attendance, and graduation rates are in the 70% range. Drugs are everywhere. Violence weekly. The houses here are still on fire because those of us that are wanting out are keeping mum about this so the next housing ponzi scheme moron buyer is willing to pay top dollar for us to GTFO. Let them figure it out. Not my problem. Our areas great reputation precedes it and realtors push it, for now. Selling at the high. See ya.

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
June 27, 2020 10:13 am

Exactly my plan as well. We live in “The good school district” that is so bad both of my kids went to private/Christian school. We aren’t rich and my kids were from one of the poor families there but the sacrifices of new cars and vacations were well worth having educated kids and critical thinkers with a moral background capable of being solid citizens.

The local government school is only considered to be so good because the surrounding schools are so bad.

Big JiLm
Big JiLm
June 26, 2020 8:14 pm