If You Live In A Big Leftist City, Why Haven’t You Moved??

Guest post from John Wilder at Wilder Wealthy Wise.

“I don’t know what you do in New York, but around here we don’t give a man a funeral unless we’re pretty sure he needs one.” – Green Acres


I think I ran over Schrödinger’s cat.  Not sure if I feel guilty or not.

Growing up, Green Acres was one of my favorite television shows.  I was far too young to have seen it in the first run, but the local television station showed reruns that were on after the school bus made it all the way to the top of Wilder Mountain.  The bus rides were long, but I learned a lot about kindness – one time I saw someone give up their seat for a blind student.  In retrospect, the bus driver probably showed poor judgement in letting that blind girl drive.

For those of you that haven’t seen it, Green Acres was about a New York attorney (Oliver Wendell Douglas) that decided he was through with city life.  Mr. Douglas quit his big city life and moved to the rural town of Hooterville.  The show never discusses exactly where Hooterville is, but the best theory is that Hooterville is in the Ozark Mountains in Missouri.

The show was funny in a way that television isn’t now.  Oliver always tried to fit in, but never could quite adjust from his city ways.  A lot of the humor was making fun of that disconnect between Oliver and the humorous cast of townspeople, though the relationship between Oliver and his wife was loving, strong, and funny.  Here’s a scene when there were looking for clothes to donate:

Oliver Douglas:  Why don’t we give away this one?
Lisa Douglas:  No that’s the dress I graduated from high school in.
Oliver Douglas:  How about this one?
Lisa Douglas:  That’s the dress I wore the first day of college.
Oliver Douglas:  [holding a black, low-cut dress] What about this one?
Lisa Douglas:  That’s the one I got expelled in.

Why do I bring this up?


If I ever get a barn I’ll make sure I have an Internet router in there, so I can have stable wifi.

This weekend, The Mrs. and I were snoozing and were listening to the Watchdog on Wall Street, a radio show about investment.  In the latest episode/podcast (Expedition New York – LINK), the host advocated what he called the Sam Kinison solution.  Give good people U-Hauls® so they can leave the cities that are turning into scenes from Mad Max.  “The reality of many urban areas is . . . it’s going to take a long, long time to come back.”


I was slipping in and out of sleep, but discussed the show later with The Mrs.

“He’s right you know.  The era of law in those big cities is over.  The District Attorneys in those large metropolitan areas have been bought and paid for by the far Left (LINK, LINK, LINK and I could go on forever with links).  The DAs are no longer concerned with Justice,” I said.  “These DAs are concerned with Social Justice.  Try to defend yourself in a lot of these large urban monstrosities, and you’ll find out what the inside of a jail cell looks like pretty quickly.  And that scares me because my brother got stabbed in jail.  We took Monopoly® just a bit too seriously when I grew up.”

“Well, they can’t move here.  We’re full.”  That’s not exactly what The Mrs. said, but I can’t repeat it exactly since this is a family-friendly blog.

Although The Mrs. isn’t a social butterfly, she doesn’t exactly hate people.  And it’s not new people moving to Modern Mayberry that was bothering her.  It’s Leftist ideas.


I donated $50 to a Leftist group the other day.  I hope they find a cure.

“They residents of those cities are the reason the cities are in the condition that they’re in.  Then they’ll move here, and want to turn Modern Mayberry into what they left.”

The Mrs. is not wrong.  Here’s an example.

My brother, John Wilder had this problem in his midsized town.  (Yes, his first name really is John as well.  Our parents were caught in a soap opera episode and got amnesia and forgot they had him and named me the same thing by mistake.)  He was at the neighborhood homeowners’ association meeting when they were selecting a trash company.  They recently had an influx of people from the United Soviet Republic of California who had gotten approval to leave the state from the Supreme Soviet.

“Well,” one transplant said, “we certainly must be environmentally friendly.  We should pick the trash company that offers the mandatory recycling.  They only cost $35 more a month.”

After about an hour, my brother talked the homeowners’ association into picking the cheaper trash company.  Is recycling bad?  Not at all.  Junkyards have been recycling cars for decades.  Aluminum recycling makes beer cans cheaper.  But in my brother’s town, the only thing that was really recycled was aluminum – the rest of the trash went into the dump whether or not it was neatly sorted.

That’s what scared The Mrs.


I always get sad after crushing aluminum cans – it’s soda pressing.

Modern Mayberry is nice because it doesn’t have those things the big cities have, including all of their problems.

And the economy appears to be in a pretty bad state.  The dollar bubble appears to be in the first phase of ending.  The gold bubble may be inflating, and inflation will follow a deflation of the dollar, which is exactly as I predicted, but it’s about six months earlier than I had expected.

The median price (right now) for a house in San Francisco is $1,108.  In Modern Mayberry, I couldn’t find a single house that cost more than $100 per square foot.  Sadly, you have to do without all of those San Francisco amenities like people pooping in the streets, riots and the San Francisco 49ers™.  On the plus side, the Oakland Raiders® have moved, and if San Franciscans are lucky, what goes to Vegas stays in Vegas.


This is a true statement.

If I were in Seattle or Portland or New York or any of a dozen other large cities I would be moving if I had children.  The best time to move is ten years ago.  This gives you time to build the relationships and integrate into the community.  In Modern Mayberry, I’m still one of the New Guys, even after a decade.

The second best time is now.  The worst time to move is after the bottom drops out and escaping from New York looks like something that even Kurt Russell couldn’t do on his best day.

And, if you decide to move, here’s hoping that you find a place as nice as Hooterville.  I hear they have good hotscakes there.

Remember that the worst time to move is one day too late.


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July 31, 2020 2:26 pm

At the moment, if you are trying to move to one state, and are from another on a long list, you can’t even visit or travel by car without forced quarantine for 14 days. I don’t feel as safe in my suburb as I would somewhere rural, but all the neighbors I trust are big gun owners, aren’t going to put up with much shit, and the other worthless neighbors will likely be cowering so as to not cause any issues. On an overall scale where I am could be a whole lot worse.

July 31, 2020 3:33 pm

Solution: Just do what you want and don’t publicize your actions…

July 31, 2020 6:49 pm

Bingo. I’m in Virginia. I don’t wear a mask. If anyone ever asks me…I have a medical condition.

No one is being arrested here. No one is being fined. My wife and I have had a few instances where cops are present. No problem. I even had one cop tell me he couldn’t care less if people are wearing masks or not.

August 1, 2020 8:45 am

Oh, I wouldn’t, but when you drive, your license plates give away where you are coming from. When you book a hotel/motel room, they know where you are from, etc. I can only imagine that the proprieters of these businesses, in order to keep their licenses to operate, are cooperating fully.

August 1, 2020 8:52 am

Good points! Thank you,

August 1, 2020 8:26 pm

Don’t think my wife and I haven’t been seriously thinking of how to make it happen.

July 31, 2020 2:44 pm

Lol, cities. Fags, illegal aliens, dope fields, rich hyper liberals, homeless, no one speaks English, tech worker betas, Starbucks, graffiti, trash, fat lesbians with green hair, crime, niggers. Let them burn.

July 31, 2020 2:49 pm
Glock 1911 M1A .308
Glock 1911 M1A .308
July 31, 2020 5:50 pm

Ha’en’t heard FEAR in a long, long time. Good, good times…

  Glock 1911 M1A .308
July 31, 2020 7:08 pm

Just for you, Glock. Imagine the riots these guys would cause today.

July 31, 2020 11:12 pm

Jumped onstage and shook lees hand back in the day.., More beer!!!!!

August 1, 2020 1:47 pm

I saw these guys open for Suicidal Tendencies back in ’83. Imagine the same situation as in the above video but with 600 people. One of the wildest shows I’ve ever seen. During Fear’s set nearly every bouncer one by one got pulled off the stage into the crowd and got their asses kicked – and I mean covered in blood ass kicking – and left the show. With no bouncers and a 100% chance of riot if they stopped the show before Suicidal Tendencies came on the venue had to let the LAPD in to control the crowd but even they kept their distance.

July 31, 2020 10:48 pm

Lee ving, love it!

July 31, 2020 3:18 pm

This is about the most stupid article I’ve read.

Yeah, just sell your home that you have improved, move somewhere else,leave your friends behind, leave your married kids behind, just get another job. This guy is a fuck up.

July 31, 2020 3:35 pm

Get the fuck out of Minnesota Dutch.

Tom MacGyver
Tom MacGyver
July 31, 2020 3:57 pm

Indeed. Add to all of that, moving to a town full of people who don’t want you because you’re “from THAT place.” Never mind doing all of this at 60 years old, and trying to find a job at the far end! WHERE DO I SIGN UP??? John Wilder, you’re ONE-DISCONNECTED-SOMBITCH!

Where were all of these keyboard warriors… er… stalwart defenders of freedom… when we were trying to tell them “THE ILLEGALS ARE COMING! THE ILLEGALS ARE COMING!!! It wasn’t THEIR problem, therefore it wasn’t a problem. Now illegals are voting… illegally… Now illegals are steering the entirety of these United States; even YOUR state. After all; California and New York weigh really heavily in national elections… “Russian collusion” has NOTHING on this. The “mail-in ballot” scheme will only make things worse. …But it wasn’t your problem. Now it is…


July 31, 2020 6:51 pm


Aren’t you a software engineer that works from home? You can live anywhere. Call AOC (Artlicles of Confederation) and become his next door neighbor.

August 1, 2020 8:03 am

What’s wrong? Can’t sell your pricey, Minneapolis stone house on the lake anymore? Gee, wonder why.

July 31, 2020 3:32 pm

People who live in New York City don’t own anything but the clothes on their backs and maybe a few household possessions. Paying $3000 per month “rent” for a 6th floor studio 300 square foot walk-up with a long-inoperative elevator to some fat shylock jew is definitely no bargain.
I would NEVER live or even visit Jew (oops, I mean “New” York City) as it is a sewer not worthy of visiting. The inability to protect one’s self is another factor as well…

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
July 31, 2020 3:46 pm


BTW, Ebb did pass away recently (honestly). Eustis Haney III said he was run over by a Hoyt-Clagwell tractor. Arnold Ziffel said the rumor was murder by electrocution. Somebody changed the numbers on the appliances and he simutaneously plugged in a 5 & 3 “by mistake”, immediately frying him.

My fav was when Lisa was learning to drive and asked what the “pernerdel” was on top of the the steering column.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
July 31, 2020 4:16 pm

The advantage of living in the suburbs outside a wonderfully blue metropolis like Portland is you get to watch the festivities close up. It is like being in the first row at a hockey game, protected by the relative safety of the thick plexiglass around the rink.

In fact, watching from the sidelines outside Portland has allowed my deep-blue wife to witness the destruction of her city by people of her persuasion. I no longer hear “the violence is just a myth” at home, especially after we took a ride on a Sunday morning to downtown Portland a few weeks ago so she could see the results of the myth first hand. I could see the cognitive dissonance growing in her as we toured the promised land.

Eventually we may move to Mayberry, but so far the destruction is limited to the blue cities themselves. To me nothing would be more enjoyable then watching cities like Portland turn into burned out wrecks after all the businesses and smart people with some money move to the suburbs.

July 31, 2020 4:25 pm

As one of the resident urbanites here, I had to pour myself a glass of chardonnay before responding. It is with much anticipation all the people who created the problems in the Big City will LEAVE. And it appears that process is in progress. Score 1 for the City Slicker.

The cities have peaked and piqued. A demolition, reduction, remodel and rebuild are not only necessary, but welcome (as long as I am one of the survivors, of course). Even me, a lifelong concrete jungle dweller, am delighted to see all the scaredy pants hop in their oversized, overpriced, over indulgent Range Rovers and head for the Hills of Mighty Mayberry. Now it’s your turn. Another score for the Rat Racer.

Yes, remaining in the city will be an adventure. Wild Safari. Perhaps even a nightmare. But during this scaredemic, it became clear to me the most irrational were my formerly rational neighbors and community. They were some of the first to skedaddle but, unfortunately, quite a few remain. Strike Out for the Sane Suckers. The Worn out Junkie Prostitute still hasn’t sung, yet.

I can smell the ensuing turmoil in the air. Even the people of the projects are on edge. They know the jig is up. If it ends in an all out cluster fuck, I’ll have a front row seat, along with a flak jacket and a snifter of Courvoisier.

Don’t get me wrong. I do have my antenna up. And I’ll have Farmer’s 4th to look forward to. Until then, I have to run. My doorman is buzzing. My Groceries, Laundry and Dinner have been delivered. Life is Hard in the Big City.

July 31, 2020 5:20 pm

Hope you have your own generator, diesel supply, water tank, secure parking, and strong gates in the stairwell with a different key for every floor. Is there any architectural feature of the building facade that can be climbed? Is the elevator secured?

I used to live in cities in west Africa and we had to deal with this kind of shit never ending. SE Asia was more just sitting in traffic that never budged.

July 31, 2020 6:40 pm

If all that shit fails, It’ll be like living off-grid. City Style.

July 31, 2020 6:56 pm

If you live in California and SHTF you can just walk down to your corner store and steal up to $900 of food and the police won’t respond. Hell go twice since its $900 per offense. Be sure to get there early as it will be the Black Friday to end all Black Fridays.

July 31, 2020 11:27 pm

We have your ass up here Seabee, give a holler if you need us.

August 1, 2020 11:35 am


22winmag - TBP's Latter Day Shit-poster
22winmag - TBP's Latter Day Shit-poster
July 31, 2020 5:12 pm

Another article blames folks for not packing up their shit.

Not everyone can just pack up and replace a salary or a primary residence.

Moving away is nice, but only if you have excess money and good luck.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation

Oh I assure you I had neither. My wife got laid off when pregnant with our first in OCT 2008, we were renting, and I was a newly sole breadwinner making a LOT less dinero. When TARP passed, we game planned a 10 year stretch goal of gradually downgrading my clearance in a series of relocations. That’s a different story for a different time, and I assure you that it is very difficult to escape NOVA when you have certain skillsets and tickets.

The time to act was 11-12 years ago. The LAST time to act was when we went into lockdown. That time inside the house would have been time well spent looking for better digs. It’s basically too late unless you have a wad of cash like a Californian selling high right now and buying low in a more secure location. It’s been happening, and the two couples I know of are more than welcome in middle TN.

In my personal experience, Gen X is actually setup well for this crisis. They’re Nomads, the polar opposite of the Boomers’ nature to freeze in place as you can ever imagine. I tuned out people saying the word “can’t” a long time ago. Hard times make tough people I guess.

Glock 1911 M1A .308
Glock 1911 M1A .308
July 31, 2020 5:48 pm

If a man craps his pants, summarily bathes himself, and then insists upon adorning himself in the clothes wherein he shat, then what good has he done? Cali-turds and other miscreants move away from their crime-ridden, shit-strewn, overtaxed hell holes and then try to bring their same faulty (and often criminal) thinking along with them to their new locale. They have only wrought harm. Because they are fools, probably with mental disorders and certain sociopathy. Such should be kicked in the nuts and then shoved down a long flight of stairs with extreme prejudice and vehement ridicule.

Tom MacGyver
Tom MacGyver
  Glock 1911 M1A .308
July 31, 2020 6:37 pm

Most of the “Cali-turds” you refer to came to California from somewhere else… maybe even from where YOU live…

Loogout, Texas. What’s happening to you; we saw it here first… Nobody listened…

Glock 1911 M1A .308
Glock 1911 M1A .308
  Tom MacGyver
July 31, 2020 7:14 pm

Doubtful any caliturds came from here. And Texas was lost when the queers conquered Houston, Dallas and Austin. All the caliturds I’ve known were native cali’s and did not hesitate to mock normals for their love of their Constitutional rights, their spiritual views and their refusal to embrace an urban lifestyle. So yeah, no. Stay in Cali. Please.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  Glock 1911 M1A .308
August 1, 2020 11:19 pm

The Californian couple on our country road are surprisingly sane and very well prepared. They took advantage of the lockdowns and GTFO.

Two if by sea. Three if from within.
Two if by sea. Three if from within.
July 31, 2020 10:31 pm

People aren’t going to throw junk out, permitting their move in the first place.
Ask any storage facility owner about “treasures”.

August 1, 2020 6:27 am

My place in a true mayberry esque location is for sale if anyone wants to move to the sticks.

August 1, 2020 8:47 am


August 1, 2020 2:06 pm

I remember watching “Green Acres” with my parents as a kid and found it hilarious. You might check out “Schitz Creek” on Netflix…it’s about an ultra-rich family (Eugene Levy, Catherine O’Hara) who loses it all except a town the dad bought as a joke for his son. They’re forced to move there as a last resort and hilarity ensues.