Economic War with China is the Final Step Before the “Great Reset”

From Brandon Smith

Economic War with China is the Final Step Before the "Great Reset"

With the pandemic dominating the news cycle, the general public has been completely distracted from a much more important crisis; namely, the economic crisis. To be sure, economic decay is not as swift or exciting, but I doubt that’s why the mainstream media mostly ignores the issue. From my experience, the media tends to omit coverage of the things they don’t want the population to notice or think about.

Right now, the only word spoken on the economy is “recovery”. Of course, if you’ve been reading my recent articles, you know that the recovery narrative is nonsense. With the small business sector on the verge of collapse, the U.S. economy has no means to recover unless we see a sudden resurgence in industrial production and domestic factories built, and with corporate debt at historic highs, there’s simply no money for that right now. Good luck trying to bankroll a manufacturing renaissance in the middle of a stagflationary environment.

That’s not to say that the rest of the world is much better off, but the U.S. suffers from the added weight of its past financial and monetary “success”. Let me explain…

Recent generations have grown up conditioned to believe that, through the power of central bank fiat currency, all problems can be solved. There has even been a concerted effort within the media to support this lie. Remember when propaganda rags like The Atlantic claimed that central bankers like Ben Bernanke were “the real heroes” saving the economy?

That’s the narrative young adults and investors today have grown up with. Now, whether they believe it is another matter, but as we can see in the world of Robinhood stock trading, there has been little concern for the concept of “bubble markets”. These kids think that the party is eternal because they are backstopped by the Fed, and there’s a lot of shoe-shine boys in the media telling them they are right. However, what they are not being told is that we are in the middle of a collapse dynamic, and the structures they view as reliable are now crumbling.

According to history, here’s how this usually works: Investment chases profits, and market profits can be a self-fulfilling prophecy for a little while, as central banks inflate the money supply. But eventually, the piper has to be paid. Without a sound economic foundation, including strong production, strong wages, sound money, easily managed debt and prosecution of corruption, the system cannot hold together no matter how much capital is floating through the financial structure and no matter how much stimulus is being pumped out by central banks.

There has NEVER been a stimulus effort that actually saved an economy for the long term. In fact, massive stimulus actions always contribute to greater destabilization of the economy over time. This was true for the Weimar Republic in Germany and it’s true in America today. If you want to destroy a nation, let it print itself into oblivion.

The Federal Reserve knows full well that all they are doing with stimulus measures is delaying the inevitable. And, I don’t think they really care. With the pandemic and the “Great Reset” in full swing, the central bankers have done the job they were tasked to do, which was to undermine the financial system, leaving it open to broad instability and self destruction.

All that is left is for the banks is to conjure enough scapegoats to avoid being blamed for the fallout. Then, just like the 2008 bubble implosion, the establishment elites can swoop in to “save the day” with a new system of their choosing and be heralded as “heroes” by the very media conglomerates they own a stake in.

Enter the trade war…

To be clear, China is not innocent in any of this, and those who claim they are victims of globalists have no understanding of the long-running relationship the Chinese have had with western elites. By extension, the people who think that our economic war with China is somehow legitimate and that China is going to be “punished” for their trespasses are fooling themselves.

The trade war is not designed to punish China; it is designed to offer further distraction as well as a scapegoat event for the economic collapse the central banks originally created. China’s ties to the IMF, their involvement in building a cashless society, their participation in digital currency frameworks, etc., all lead me to believe that they intend to have a large seat at the table of the “Great Reset”. With the amount of capital and technology being funneled into China the past two decades, I would not count on the establishment to then try to destroy their new favorite economic engine.

What I would count on is for the current tensions with China to be increased dramatically in the next year. It seems to me that the pandemic and the riots are not quite enough to send the U.S. population begging for help from those at the World Economic Forum or the IMF. They need another crisis, and China can provide them with one.

We are already seeing the signs, as China has recently threatened to dump all their U.S. Treasury holdings if conflict continues to escalate; this is an outcome I have been warning about since 2008. China has been preparing for a full decoupling from the dollar system for over a decade. It’s an outcome the majority of analysts claim is impossible, but they don’t understand what is really happening here.

The World Economic Forum talks constantly about the “reset”, but it is important to examine what this entails. One of the primary goals of this new world order is a single international monetary system; they want that system to be digital, and most likely they want it managed by the IMF. The next step in achieving this objective is to sabotage the existing financial order so that the public, desperate for stability, demands a replacement. This means taking down the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency.

Through confrontation with China, this can be done. It’s not only the threat of China dumping U.S. debt, it’s about China, the largest importer/exporter in the world, no longer using the dollar as the reserve currency. If they take this step, then many of their trading partners will follow their lead. This will probably result in a currency basket system moderated by the IMF being used to replace the dollar in international trade. That doesn’t mean the dollar will disappear, it will just lose a large portion of its buying power.

This means trillions of dollars that are held overseas will flood back into the U.S. through various channels. Hyperinflation will result, the global economy will take a hit, but the U.S. will be hit hardest. And it will all be blamed on Trump and the trade war.

But how could this endgame be assured? Well, with Robert Lighthizer in charge of trade policy and Wilber Ross as Commerce Secretary, I see no reason why the elites can’t maneuver the situation however they please. But the final outcome is still out of their hands. They are seeking to exploit crisis events as opportunities to push their agenda. They openly admit to it. But they cannot control how the public reacts. So far, I think the American response to pandemic lockdowns has not been what they hoped. They are scrambling to get us to conform completely to the “new normal”, and millions upon millions of us are not doing it. In a country where there are more guns than people, enforcing such measures will be difficult.

That said, our economic situation remains tenuous. This is why we must prepare with localized trade, local sound money and local production. Without an alternative system in place it will be much harder for people to rebel against the trappings of the reset.

After 8 long years of ultra-loose monetary policy from the Federal Reserve, it’s no secret that inflation is primed to soar. If your IRA or 401(k) is exposed to this threat, it’s critical to act now! That’s why thousands of Americans are moving their retirement into a Gold IRA. Learn how you can too with a free info kit on gold from Birch Gold Group. It reveals the little-known IRS Tax Law to move your IRA or 401(k) into gold. Click here to get your free Info Kit on Gold.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 11, 2020 6:58 pm

The folks making these plans may have the West by the short hairs, but China is a whole ‘nother ball of wax.

They may have plans of their own and they probably know exactly who the prime movers are and where they live.

There’s going to be a great reset, but it won’t be the one they’re planning.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
  hardscrabble farmer
September 12, 2020 10:55 am

Bingo. It’s one thing to turn the West into a bunch of pussies. It’s another thing entirely to subjugate China and Russia.

Old Toad of Green Acres
Old Toad of Green Acres
September 11, 2020 7:03 pm

Right there in plain sight.
Like the CIA destabilizing so many countries since the 50-60’s. We do not see what is happening.
Chickens are coming home to roost.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
September 11, 2020 7:26 pm

“But they cannot control how the public reacts. So far, I think the American response to pandemic lockdowns has not been what they hoped. They are scrambling to get us to conform completely to the “new normal”, and millions upon millions of us are not doing it. In a country where there are more guns than people, enforcing such measures will be difficult.”

Balderdash !

The public has been conditioned like Pavlov’s dog. The American response to the plandemic could not have been better for them. The controllers know the ‘conditioning’ will continue in graduating stages, until the point where the public is clamoring for a vaccine. All it will take is another, more virulent strain to be released. (Although, from where I sit, that won’t even be necessary as the flu season is upon us.) Mix media hype with the recent Woodward revelation about the Emperor’s comments, and the public is already set up to believe the corona killer is lurking and even more deadly than previously proffered.

Nobody is “scrambling to get us to conform completely to the ‘new normal'”. The implementation to the ‘new normal’ (novus ordo seclorum) is insidious. With the advancement of weapons systems, increased surveillance, and the use of digital for payments, the amount of guns in the public becomes less of a deterrent by the day.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——==== going just as planned

Nobody goes to jail !

  ordo ab chao
September 11, 2020 7:40 pm

There is no resistance. That time has come and passed.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
September 12, 2020 3:49 am


I agree, and that is kinda what ole Flea has been saying. There will be those of us who choose to make a stand at our own ‘Alamos’, but there seems to be no organized efforts…..I don’t really know.

I’ve been ‘resisting’ these local freemasons for almost 20 years. They are everywhere within the local governments both thru employment by them, no bid contracts awarded to them with tax payer monies, and as ‘elected’ officials sitting on the governing boards…..

Fully in charge of the environmental depts. in both major towns in our rural county, so when the time comes, they will follow suit just like many already are–comply with covid crap or your water gets shut off…


annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<<<———====

Faux Queue
Faux Queue
September 12, 2020 9:04 am

You morons need to turn off your television programming devices and see what is really going on. The millions Smith talks about have not been heard yet, but they will be.
Enter a fight too soon and lose. Wait until the enemy fully exposes himself and starts to self destruct.
Keep watching Fox in your pajamas, boys, and leave the fighting to non-brainwashed patriots.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Faux Queue
September 12, 2020 9:26 am

Hahaha….who’s the moron here?

I think everything on the establishment MSM is propaganda, controlled by one of 5 or 6 globalist conglomerates. Your new Emperor Trump is leading you to the mandatory vaccine trough.

Now, you go back and study up what we are really facing………order out of chaos

Multiple Wars Being Waged Against the American Republic—Who & Why?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——===== brought to you courtesy of the freemasons

  Faux Queue
September 12, 2020 11:18 am

Faux Rambo.
You need to put down the game consoles and drop out of the Paintball Patriot Homeguards.
How much more would you like them to expose themselves. They have barely even moved yet and you are heralding their self destruction.
An old Marine who had faced the Red Hordes in Korea told me, if you don’t have a plan you’re gonna die. Barely 10 minutes will go by before some smart ass repeats the out of context remark attributed to Iron Mike about everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. He wasn’t talking about not planning.
Patriots(Ahem) have no organization or plan. High tech or low tech other than playing Rambo Redoubt. That’s where you wait until armies of Effeminate Hipsters, Black Looters, and their BullDyke Biker Captains show up at your Farmette and you hose them down like a boss.
In addition to the links Ordo put up that you didn’t read, we spent 8 years in Nam learning how to remove entire counties of resisters using less glamorous methods. Have you ever been shot at outside of a rifle range? Have you ever seen Napalm at 100 yards? What about Sarin Gas? Are your crops and trees defoliant proof. Have you studied how it’s done in Syria and Libya and Africa. Ever encountered a real Merc up close.
We should have been planning and organizing 4 years ago.
“They” knew that and deliberately brought in the Orange Prozac to lull us into a false sense of security long enough get the final pieces in place. Now they are trying to goad us into attacking whereas before they were discouraging it. Wonder why? Everything they do is planned and wargamed years in advance and nobody believes it when it’s right in their faces.

22winmag - TBP's Jewish Yankee Mormon Sh1tp0$ter
22winmag - TBP's Jewish Yankee Mormon Sh1tp0$ter
September 11, 2020 8:08 pm

Liar liar, pants on fire.

Once upon a time, Brandon said the Oath Keepers were Guardians of the Galaxy and would not allow the Republic to fall.

After all this rioting and unrest, you have not said ONE THING about those Oath Keeper pretenders in several years now!

Fake patriots are bad. Columnists who pump them are worse.


So anytime an article by Brandon is up this is pretty much your boilerplate response. Maybe Brandon was hopeful about the Oath Keepers. Maybe he wanted to believe that there is a solid group of vets, cops, ad retired cops that won’t just obey tyrannical orders. I would like to believe that as well. Even if you despise Stewart Rhodes do you believe that none of the people who joined the Oath Keepers are sincere?
More to the point, even Brandon was totally in the wrong about the Oath Keepers, what exactly does that have to do with this article? No, don’t answer, I think I have it. You have decided to straw man anything he writes by repeating this same shit.


Top definition of broken record:

One who continually repeats the same statement with little variation, if any.

Derives directly from the (slightly inaccurate) term involving polyvinyl record albums, where such a “broken” record would repeatedly skip back a moment in, in, in, in, in, in, in time….

The term was inaccurate – usually such skippage was caused by debris on the disc.

Hey, .22 is being a broken record about Brandon Smith and the Oath Keepers again, again, again, again, again, again…

More debris on his brain…Somebody wanna hit him?

Ok…thanks Pogram…

Fatman from Oz
Fatman from Oz
September 12, 2020 3:39 am

Please don’t threaten violence against 22windbag. If violence comes to the closet homosexual, how will I get my daily laugh from it’s dose of hysterical bullshit.