The Dolchstoßlegende

Guest Post by Eric Peters

An interesting thing happened after I posted the little notice about not having much luck getting people who use anti-social media (e.g., Twitter and Facebook) to start using Parler instead. I more than doubled the followers I had there.

And then another interesting thing happened.

I just lost about a third of them, overnight. After I posted my Orange Fail column. Apparently one cannot speak ill of the Orange Man on Parler without the Parler room getting emptier. That’s fine; people have every right to stay or go, as they prefer. I just think it’s an interesting commentary on the affliction which afflicts both sides of the aisle.

The left cannot deal with diversity of opinion . . .  and neither can the right.

Just as one must worship at the altar of BLM and Wokeness if one wishes to remain in the good graces of the left, so also one must prostrate oneself before the radiant orange glow, even if now much diminished and on the verge of being extinguished.

Was the election stolen? Sure, probably – it seems likely. But the Orange Man helped steal it. Shall we count the ways?

The most fundamental way was by agreeing with Sickness Psychosis. By letting Pope Fauci XVII become the president. The Orange Man just stood there – for months – while the ultimate swamp creature lectured and terrorized Americans. The Orange Man is not only complicit in this terrorizing of the populace, the man was apparently not smart enough to see that Sickness Psychosis was the means by which “the steal” was arranged.

The boxes were stuffed with absentee ballots. PA changed its voting procedures because of Sickness Psychosis.

Had Orange Man called a halt to this weaponizing of hypochondria – the cases! the cases! – we’d have had mostly in-person voting and the Orange Man would likely be trying on his new suit for the inauguration.

Instead, we are about to be ruled by a rabidly psychotic Sickness Cult, led by a relentless wearer of the Holy Rag, who will probably order every man woman and child in the country to wear the Rag.

And that is on you, sir.

The Orange Man also performed as the left characterizes him in the first debate; i.e., as a bullying narcissist unable to form coherent sentences, spouting insults and making a figure as grotesque as Joe Biden seem  . . . presidential.

If only you’d conducted yourself in a manner befitting the office, you might not have lost the office.

He fought giving Americans a petty $2,000 check – which Biden will now give them and get the credit for giving them. And now we have two more Bidenite senators and nothing to stop the Bidenites, in terms of the now-defunct “checks and balances.”

Everything is balanced one way – their way – thanks to you, Orange Man.

Yes, yes, yes. Dominion machines. A rabidly antagonistic media. All true, all there. But at the end of the day, you lost – and so did we because of it.

Not by the numbers lost, perhaps. But that doesn’t matter, does it? What matters is they won – meaning, they will be in charge, soon.

Irrespective of “the steal,” which you didn’t act to stop before the steal.

Orangites had better come to grips with this rather than bitch about this.

I wrote about it and lost a third of the people who had “followed” me over to Parler. These people apparently can’t handle dealing with inconvenient truths or even debating them. You must say no ill of the Orange Man. You must adhere to the doctrine of the Dolchstoßlegende – the stab in the back that the disgruntled of two generations ago bear-hugged as the basis of their lockstep (and goose-stepping) support of another leader, who eventually failed as well.

Though not before taking down a country and much of the world with him.

Orange Man could have been a transformative figure – and may still be so. The tragedy is what he could have transformed – as opposed to what he has set in motion.

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January 11, 2021 12:41 pm

Both Facebook and Twitter are UN-American and should be abandoned by ALL true Americans.
They have NO place in our society. They should be PUT OUT OF BUSINESS as soon as possible.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 11, 2021 12:41 pm

When the entire world seems bent on fucking over the Orange Man who is merely representative of people like me who have no other advocates of any impact, we don’t need another dickhead spewing shit about him. If you want to be holier than thou there is all of “allowed, decent, sane” social media for that. The only place left where you could discuss your own shit SHOULD be intolerant of poseur clowns like this.

  Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 11, 2021 12:52 pm

This society has become a culture of blaming someone else, or even demanding for someone to save their sorry asses ( Save us oh Christians that is if you are really one according to the victim’s standards)
These people do not even deserve to stand in the same country as Donald Trump. Better yet they should just go and kneel before the satanist party.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran

I don’t think it’s spewing shit. I think it’s just acknowledging what we all knew but wished hadn’t been true: that Trump didn’t have the tools to accomplish the task. Look, I don’t have the tools, either. I couldn’t get elected dog catcher, so you have to credit him for his first job in politics being… President of the United States. Still, for someone whose main campaign promises – stopping illegal immigration and avoiding stupid new wars – were perfectly reasonable, he pissed off people way more than was productive. And he kept trusting and hiring people who obviously hated him. I realize there isn’t a huge contingent of paleocons in DC to choose from. They (we) don’t have a think tank. Still.. John Bolton? John fucking Bolton? How could he hire John fucking Bolton? Mattis? Why did he let Gina Haspel run CIA? She was in London when Stefan Halper was there entrapping Papadopoulos. I realize the senate had to confirm some of these positions, but he’d have been better to keep rotating-in acting secretaries than to let his enemies be put in place. And don’t even get me going about that son-in-law of his and letting his dipshit daughter have any role in anything.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
  Iska Waran
January 11, 2021 2:27 pm

I am so tired of all the people who throw out this idea that it should have been so easy with the whole establishment, up, down and sideways against you. Step back four years and recall even the fuqueung RINO Speaker of the House was part of the coup.
Seriously your comments are akin to deriding a runner for not breaking a record while having to jump over barricades with bystanders throwing rocks during an ice storm. Good Lord man!


But a lot of that establishment was NOT elected but rather appointed /hired by him or former administrations. He could have pulled his classic “You’re Fired” but chose not to. It is becoming more likely that he truly was in way over his head or was part of the plan all along. Get the “right” demonized and then let the next admin come in and bulldoze down what is left of the Constitution. If that second one is the case then it appears he was playing 55D chess, just turns out it was against The People not the Swamp.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 11, 2021 8:00 pm

Have you ever heard of the bureaucracy and Civil Service? Add being banned by every place you might want to work if you take a job with Trump? Your family harassed? Kids not accepted at “top schools.?” Hundreds of thousands for legal costs when charged with false charges and lies?
I’m not going to let up on this. The people acting like it should have been easy are simply unserious and naive in extremis.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 12, 2021 12:03 am

I’m NOT saying it should have been easy. I actually thought he would be assassinated several months into his term. I just mean that he did stuff like needlessly antagonize people who then went on to try to take their revenge. Rex Tillerson, Mattis, Bolton, etc. It’s one thing to fire somebody – it’s another thing to fire them over Twitter and then go on a tweet-storm calling them a loser. Then they write tell-all books and get interviewed by NPR, etc. It’s like the “shithole countries” thing. He may not have said it, but I wouldn’t fault him if he had. We’re talking about Haiti. But what you don’t do is make that kind of comment in the presence of Dick Durbin.


Call a whambulance…

Trump could have hired anyone he wanted. He promised to drain the swamp, and yet when push came to shove he went there to get all his critters. It’s kind of a fucked up and backwards way of doing things. Ducken fumb in my opinion. And now Trump et Co. are running around with their hair on fire making excuses that he did his best, gave it the ol’ college try, blah, blah, blah with what he had now. Aww boo hoo! If his Orangness hires people that hate him why is there even one person surprised when he gets stabbed in the back.

Why keep Haspel at CIA once it was clear she was not following orders?
Why Wray at the FBI when he was not interested in Justice?
Why hire John Fucken Bolton who never met a war he didn’t like?

Those are just three really dumb things he did…

He handed out silver-plated knives to his enemies and now spends his day picking lint from his belly cuz it didn’t turn out his way. Yeah, he did accomplish much but when it came to his biggest promises, the fence, immigration, and Lock ‘er Clinton, Trump failed in an epic fashion…

And yeah the election was stolen. Trump won but lost. And why did he lose, well, because he did fuck all to prevent the steal from happening. He was shown the template the DEMS were going to use in the 2020 election in the 2018 mid-terms. He had access to all the intelligence he needed and did nuffin, and because of that has no excuses now… none!

And what has he done just today?
What Executive Orders so long promised by Q have been signed?
I can only think of four
They are in no particular order; Zilch, Zip, nada and none.

All Trump is now doing is planning his excuses…

He needs to proceed directly and haste with the DECLASS.
If he doesn’t then the excuses being made for him must end..

Here’s a partial list…

Russian Collusion
JFK assassination
Pearl Harbor
Gulf of Tonkin
Murrah Building
Fast and Furious
IRS Scandal
Moon Landing

But let’s be serious. Right now, Trump is engaged in the Art of the Deal of a Lifetime. Sharpening his skates before the ice breaks. Checking twice and once he has his edge, Ol’ Wee Bonnie Prince Donnie will just walk away. His Margaritas in Mar-a-Lago intact and his followers in tatters….

But don’t worry folks, he is the gift that keeps giving. Once Parler is back up and running because he didn’t issue that EO, there should be moar than enuf salt to go round….


January 11, 2021 5:28 pm

You are delusional if you think they will let him or his family walk away from anything.
Look at what he has done to their system.
And while many might be contemplating life under a Xiden administration, the adjustments and such, President Trump has no such luxury, they will destroy him and his family.

January 11, 2021 7:51 pm

My bet is they all walk. None of them want to be in a position where a precedent is established where previous administrations are targeted by the new ones. That would destroy their entire game, and everyone would crap themselves at the prospect of actually being held accountable for their crimes.

My strike rate on these type predictions is rather good.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 12, 2021 12:16 am

Why would they worry about a precedent like that? Any president who agrees to go along with the Deep State would be safe from being targeted in that way. I think it’s more likely that they want to make an example out of him of what happens when a president thinks he can actually do his own presidenting.

January 11, 2021 8:15 pm

Pfft.. otto

Trump had four years with unlimited access to any and all State secrets. All he has to do keep just a couple safe and he fucken skates.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 12, 2021 12:13 am

I actually don’t think he’s planned for that. That would be smart, but he would have to have it set up like a “dead hand switch” – if he or his family die suspiciously, trusted confederates who have partial passwords release their portion, etc… That would take a lot of planning and I don’t think he has the patience to have set that up. I maintain that every word said in the White House on Air Force One, in Mar-o-Lago etc has been listened to. People around him told him the office had been scrubbed for bugs and he believed them. He’s not remotely paranoid enough about stuff like that.

January 11, 2021 7:41 pm

He should declassify whatever documents relating to the Israeli bombing, strafing, torpedoing of the USS Liberty, too.

January 11, 2021 7:48 pm

Rob – wonderful stuff.

Trump could have done exactly what he said. For fuck sake, you or I could have done it. Executive orders by the thousands, too many for courts to stop. Enforce borders. Veto every bill until the wall went up. Hired actual supporters not swampcritters. Etc etc etc.

He tried to play the game. Their game. He needed to play a different game to them.

January 11, 2021 8:42 pm


How hard would it have been to find good help outside a 20 mile radius of DC..

Likely not that fucken hard .. And if push did come to shove he could have always advertised on the interweb. Indeed, Workopolis…. there are plenty of capable people that never darkened the door of a government building who would have jumped at the chance to fix what the apparatchiks have broke.

Trump needed to declare war on the swamp 4 years ago not 10 days before he takes his final flight on Air Force 1.

And where in the fuck is the Orange wonder… the Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne is talking about a Communist Party Takeover and Trump is nowhere to be seen.. Leading me to believe

That when the chips are down
Best not count on that clown

January 12, 2021 6:21 am

He was in over his head. Period.

Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
  Iska Waran
January 11, 2021 11:35 pm

Slamdunk! Iska.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
January 11, 2021 12:57 pm

In the old days being a Libertarian meant that you could have amiable discussions with both liberals and conservatives because you agreed with blues on some issues and reds on other issues. But not any more.

If you don’t buy into the tribe’s dogma 100% you are the enemy. You can agree with making pot legal, being compassionate to the homeless, and reforming the police departments, but if you don’t use the right pronouns, you are a fuckin’ menace to society. Likewise, as Eric points out, you can support Trump’s efforts to disrupt the swamp, but if you express disagreement with any of Donald’s approaches, you are as bad as the progressives.

Unfortunately, this trend is only growing worse. I used to think (as far back as last week) that a divorce for this country was the solution. But even that will not work. The tribes are splitting into smaller tribes who don’t get along with each other.

I’m beginning to think a giant meteor is the only solution.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
  Trapped in Portlandia
January 11, 2021 1:08 pm

Kant said war is the natural state. In light of that: “This town ain’t big enough for both of us.” “Land has always belonged to whoever is willing to kill for it.” “There it is.”

  Trapped in Portlandia
January 11, 2021 2:35 pm

Separate nations for distinct peoples is the answer. Endless conflicts between diverse people was always (((their))) goal.

  Trapped in Portlandia
January 11, 2021 7:43 pm

And ((they)) are banning the use of “father, mother, son, daughter” on the floor of Congress, too.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
January 11, 2021 1:11 pm

Blaming Trump for the political theatre of the past year is pointless. They always intended to steal the elected with rigged machines.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Stephanie Shepard
January 11, 2021 1:43 pm

Yep. They had a trial run with ballot harvesting in ’18 and learned what worked and didn’t. In January, we get the WuHuFlu and all of a sudden ballots must be mailed to everyone, even the dead because it is dangerous to go into the streets, except to protest Orange Man.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
  Stephanie Shepard
January 11, 2021 2:34 pm

I am so outraged at all these asshats blaming the victim. Who in their right mind would ever stand up for ingrate shitheads like us again?

  Stephanie Shepard
January 12, 2021 8:13 am

An intelligent comment finally! Finally one that is not ensconced in immovable dogma.

Did Trump mess up by many of his appointments?– absolutely!
Did Trump fail to utilize the full power of his office and executive order/veto power?– dam right.

However Peters’ examples are very thin– first off, there is no way Trump could have successfully denied the “coronavirus” narrative, refused lockdowns/mask mandates etc… He would have been shredded even worse than conservatives are shredding Cuomo-might have even been successfully removed via the 25th with that kind of decision.

Second, mail-in ballots have been legal for a long while. He had no power/authority to ban state rights in determining how to conduct their individual elections. It also appears that even providing evidence of the blatant fraud ( uncreased mail in ballots, dead people, 125% turn out etc) would not even be heard by a “conservative” supreme court as the swing states simply made up new rules on the fly .

Unlimited access to state secrets?.. this one is funny. If the Deep State is Sauron, then surely the CIA, NSA, DoD etc are the ring wraiths. We have repeated instances of the Obama/communist appointed intelligence organizations spying, listening and reporting every Trump conversation– nobody even questioning the illegality of listening and reporting a POTUS’ private phone calls with other state officials.

Peters may be right overall in that Trump is a failure in everything except delaying the Agenda for 4 years, but his accusations of why Trump failed are sophomoric.
Now be prepared for overdrive as the left tries to make up for 4 lost years in their Agenda 2030 timeline. Carbon credits, false flag spree shootings to pressure gun removal, “climate events”, more and deadlier pandemics, digital currency, mandated vaccines, registrations, blocked bank accounts, banned travel for dissenters… it is going to get ugly. All Trump could do , even if successful, was slow the metastisizing. The cancer in our government and society is already terminal– Trump was just chemo and pain meds to prolong life and comfort but the death was already ensured.

January 11, 2021 1:37 pm

I couldn’t agree with your more!!! Trump and Pence same coin – good cop/bad cop…….I believe they are all working together to bring down the country…………….no problem for me I’m waiting for my king to come………..

January 11, 2021 1:55 pm

It seems those who warned to avoid Parler may have been correct.

byu/BlueMountainDace from discussion

Thousands of people provided all kinds of personal data to join Parler including pictures of drivers licenses. Curiously, prior to shutting down yesterday it seems Parler was data scraped and now Parler users personal information has been released on the internet and is being used to dox people.

Bob P
Bob P
January 11, 2021 2:15 pm

Hard to argue the main points here; Trump did go along with the covid nonsense–why couldn’t he have taken the same stance as Sweden??–which opened the door for all the ballot stuffing, and he did nothing to stop the steal before it happened and just after it happened. The left was broadcasting what they were going to do; everyone knew they would stuff the ballot boxes. Trump did nothing to stop them or catch them in the act. Corrupt judges were aiding the upcoming theft with absurd decisions such as the signature on the mail-in envelope didn’t have to match the signature on file. Trump did nothing. Many knew the vote tabulation machines were insecure. Trump did nothing. Then when it was apparent the criminal Democrats were stuffing in fake ballots and expelling Republican observers Trump did nothing. Why the hell didn’t he seize the machines and fake ballots right away? Why didn’t he seize video from all counting centres in the affected cities? Why didn’t he insist the DNI report on election fraud be delivered on time as required by the executive order? Why didn’t he appoint a special counsel to investigate the fraud? Why didn’t he order the release of damning documents on Russiagate? Unless he comes through on the last two points in short order, he deserves a good share of the blame for the outrageous outcome.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
  Bob P
January 11, 2021 2:40 pm

WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO BOB? Was Trump supposed to personally monitor every location and personally stake out every illegal ballot drop box? Weren’t there public officials and law enforcement we normally count on to enforce laws? Could he overpower corrupt executive branches in all those states? Could he force courts to not be cowardly or corrupt?
There’s only one course of action left and there is no doubt it scares the shit out of all rational people.

Bob P
Bob P

So, your position appears to be that Trump was powerless to stop the theft of the century. If that’s the case, what does it matter who’s president? The president is merely a figurehead, a front for the establishment. And if Trump tries a last-ditch effort to implement the insurrection act, install a special counsel, or release all the damning docs, those, too, would be useless gestures, since he’s powerless to enforce them, right?


May God bless you and your family Harrington Richardson.
Over and out.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Bob P
January 11, 2021 3:12 pm

Bob – Even a dumb country hick in W. TN knew the fraud was going to occur in Philthedelphia, Detroilet and Milwaukee (3 states Trump had to win run by radical dem governors). I did not see it coming in Las Vegas, Atlanta and Phoenix, though I should have anticipated ATL due to the skank Stacy.

  TN Patriot
January 11, 2021 5:42 pm

She reminds me of the Black Priestess character in Kings, The Stand.

  Bob P
January 11, 2021 7:45 pm

Ann Coulter’s column from last week basically seconds what you are saying.

Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
January 11, 2021 5:26 pm

Another fine column by Mr. Peters. Lucid, balanced, spare. Very nice.

January 11, 2021 7:38 pm

Trump has no authority to tell states how to manage their corrupt mail-in ballot voting system. So that’s one major point of your article debunked right there.
And he didn’t fight giving taxpayers $2,000 of THEIR money back.
He fought the total spending bill that would have cost taxpayers a WHOLE LOT MORE and bailed out
liberals and their corrupt states.

January 12, 2021 10:40 am

Pelosi fought against it, tooth and nail, though.