China’s Tragic One-Child Policy: Only the Lonely Survived

With that teaser of a headline, I hope at least one of the STMs around here takes the bait and wants to debate the point made about there being a dearth of women in China.

The video does a good job summarizing the main points without getting too graphic about how brutally the one-child policy was carried out.  That video, The Dying Rooms, is linked below.

Of course, only the lonely survived.

This video is age restricted, but it is worth the viewing, in my opinion.

China’s Past Shame: The Dying Rooms (One-Child Policy Documentary) | Real Stories

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very old white guy
very old white guy
April 3, 2021 8:36 am

A friend of mine from another point in time worked for a national newspaper. He and his wife spent a couple of years in China on assignment when the one child insanity started. He told me after he returned home some of the absolutely disgusting things he witnessed there. He wrote a book about it but I don’t remember the title and I am not sure I should mention his name without permission. He told me that in the rural areas if a baby girl was born they would kill it as it had no future as a farm worker, they wanted males only. Pre birth abortion was not available in most rural areas. The Chinese are not to be admired, unfortunately their inhumanity to their own people is not much different than our inhumanity to our fellow citizens. I wonder why so many people hate that nasty word, freedom?

April 3, 2021 8:38 am

Thanks for sharing, Ghost

April 3, 2021 9:24 am

“debate the point made about there being a dearth of women in China.”

First, Mao got his One Child inspiration from a hermit in the hills of northwest China by the name of Weeno Fukee No’mo.

What is there to debate?? Fact is; there are about 120 boys for every 100 girls in China …. or 30 million “surplus” boys.

The real debate is what happens when 30 million men are doomed to jerking off the rest of their lives.

— internally within China … a huge increase in all kinds of crime, despair, and poverty. This is already happening on a large scale throughout China … no debate about it.

— externally …. CANON FODDER. Really. In the blink of an eye China can raise a 20 million man Army of frustrated and angry masturbaters willing to happily kill anything in their path. China can win any war of attrition. The Chinese government wouldn’t give a flying fuk about losing them all. This has scary implications for the world-at-large.

(I just wonder who would win in a China Army Of Masturbaters vs a US Army Of Fags and Jerkoffs?)

April 3, 2021 10:16 am

fyi …. Chinese for “fucking”

comment image
Chinese for “no fucking”

comment image

April 4, 2021 3:26 am

5 rows of ribbons below the NDSM? That’s plenty of I was here, I was there, long time, short time, kept soap dish clean in basic, etc. What are they, the crocodile dundee flight?

April 4, 2021 4:34 pm

I was going to say Bush hats for bush league flight but that wouldn’t have been nice. All DIs have snappy headgear except the navy.

April 3, 2021 12:18 pm

Just tell the young men that there are many lonely women in these countries they need to take over.

i forget
i forget
April 4, 2021 4:16 pm

Comm(i)e ci comm(i)e ça…& applies to all the “other” emperors’ robes cultural exoskeletons, civilization-straighjackets, domesticated ethical-moral lifedinghy dilemmas, hollow trojan(eration)s – X marks the Millennial BoomerZ Greatest Rorschach ink spotsblots – and all the rest of the leaky prophylactics, too.

Vid-voice says un-ironically PRC is low trust society (which is a legacy from externalized-without {book title: Mistakes Were Made (But Not By We): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, & Hurtful Acts} blah, blah, blah…), but that people trust blood, trust family, & that filial piety – the virtue of honoring/serving parents & ancestors – is baked into the bye bye miss china pie. Like all those pied persons in Titus Andronicus were. Yum. (Remember Lum’s? And to bring your Tums?)

Abortion “here” infanticide “there” (& infantalizedcide once the goes around comes back around & the what that went on 4 feet in the morning, 2 at noon, & 3 in the evening is locked away in an Epstein-Secure “care facility”) as synchronized “we” – & esp the youthful cannon fodder – go marching “everywhere” ←←← the direction of priority, who does the net-net sacrificing of the other, is, & always has been, clear ←←← as is who gets nyet-nyet sacrificed & the direction of the shot/s fired →→→ thru whose born to be sunk bows →→→ (humanimal is cannibal…& its “veal” appetite is insatiable…but neither will it turn up its nose to other cuts of the body realpolitic).

Saw some chewing on “economics” over at Z-Man’s place & how *all* those leaky cultures-theories-narratives just don’t seem to work, end of the day, but never ever stop procreating, metastasizing, “mutating” anyway – we’ll get ‘em, & a bigger budget, next year!

Somebody said econ’s downstream ofrom politics – which means/is to say war, the worldwide war of all against all that the Hobbes-nailed boots on necks assured domestication (they call it “civilization”) would prevent.

Another reminded that once upon a time, before specialization got so sliver-sutured, that part of the frankenstein monster was called the larger lump “political economy” (which prolly became political incorrect, some point).

Somebody else said the whole mess is downstream biology – & that one found the undeniable headwaters of da’ nile.

Substrate’s sow’s ear & silk road’s most travelled by is whichever route can shortestcut to fattest possible-estimable slices of silk purse with the most fundamental deluxe subbasement in the sky of those driven “drivers” represented by the likes of Bezos’ ex-wife’s ex-best friend’s-cum-Bezo-wife-newest, Schwartzeneggar’s domestic’s magic-bullet-not-a-theory-Kennedy-terminator – politics’ bedfellows ain’t stranger than perversity’s, not to mention proximity’s (♪love the one you’re with♫)…but slices-same, just smaller, are billions of driven Han Chinese, or even however many Nebraska cornhuskers – see Cy Tolliver’s pitches – & most everybodywhere else, too, in the spacetime confidencewo/man continuum.

Laughter, joy, and loneliness and sex and sex and sex and sex

(Melville tore it up with his The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade, but also with his Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street, who – & I, like him – would prefer not to…but Jimmy Crack Corn, & the fever, don’t care, got pre•ferences of their own that “transcend” – trans•ferences: It’s A Kind of Magic(al) hair of the dog&pussycat what bit ya’ therapy)

i forget
i forget
April 4, 2021 5:04 pm

Howdy back, Ghost (I forget what your handle used to be?)

That’s interesting: Why the loath? I loved it – Milch is genius – bought the boxed set.

And where’s EC?

i forget
i forget
April 4, 2021 5:48 pm

Ohh. Damn.

Sad’s this side of the divide. He was genius, too.