Sowing and Reaping, Part 2

Guest Post by Freed Radical

I previously wrote an article on sowing and reaping, and how it’s the mechanism of life, how life works. The usual reaping shock is the surprise of consequence, as when a dirt biker in high school earned a body cast by crashing in a particularly stupid stunt. Delayed consequences further serve to amplify the shock as people learn, no, they did not get away with anything. The most surprised are the people who have no clue that bad actions have bad consequences, and we call them liberals.

We are today seeing an entire people group voluntarily commit suicide-by-reaping. American liberals have embraced one destructive philosophy after another, at the behest of a virtually invisible elite pulling their strings through a puppeteer media. Conservatives think the elites are using liberals to destroy them, but the people damaging and killing themselves, and self-neutering, are liberals. Liberalism is literally a flesh eating ideology.

Look at some of the actions and consequences of liberalism.



Heterosexual liberals refusing to have children (to save the planet)

Taking their own DNA out of the gene pool

Chemical castration through puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones

Psychological castration through porn

Physical castration through transgenderism

Killing their own babies through abortion

Educating their children to be idiots

Ensuring failure in life, and as mates

Emasculating society

Rotting our culture and ensuring wholesale failure

Enslaving the poor through welfare and immigration

Wasting money on big government, green energy, $8 coffees, and $800 cell phones

Bankrupting themselves and/or the nation

Buying worthless college educations

Living in the rental culture

Supporting corporate/government communism

Concentrating power in the hands of elites, surrendering freedom

Trading freedom for security

Supporting universal basic income

The mass psychoses affecting half our population, and the resulting penalties, certainly appear to be planned by the people who run the left, not for the benefit of their zombie followers but for their deaths. I suppose if they want to cut the population of Planet Earth by 95% to 500 million there’s no reason to be choosy. Start with the gullible, the low hanging fruit.

When the global warming hype started, I was shocked that liberals I knew were believing that garbage. If you want to put out lies for political gain, that’s one thing, but why would you believe your own lies? I gave them too much credit. They actually do believe their own lies! Suckers incarnate.

These suckers are willingly selecting themselves right out of the human gene pool. For people who worship Darwin, he sure is opening a can of whoop ass on them.

But I’ll not explore “Why can’t liberals see what’s happening to them?” Deception, stupidity, slavery, what difference, at this point, does it make? It is what it is and half of our country is simply not going to awaken, ever. Mass mask and non-vaccine vaccination compliance now suggests 80%-90% of our country is already dead to freedom.

I would rather like to point out that the elites, the ones orchestrating this insanity from remote locations, they also believe much of this liberal garbage. They believe in green energy, global warming, baby killing, pedophilia, central control, and communism for all. However, they think for some reason that they are immune to the death and poverty that those philosophies bring. They are wrong.

You and I may not be alive to see it, but there is a reaping coming for the effete snobs of liberal dominion just as there is for their dominated thralls. This includes liberal Republicans. All their children are being indoctrinated exactly like your neighbors’ kids down the street. They are aborting their babies just like the poor women in the projects. They believe all the propaganda and are 100% invested.

No, they are not going to abort themselves out of existence, but the very nature of their culture is weakness, willful ignorance, and frailty. That culture is failing right now – we are watching it live on video. The elites think that they can build a slave society out of effeminate males, but they are wrong. The Soviets built a slave society out of Russian peasants, but the peasants had a work ethic. If conservatives were removed from society today, taking away their experience, wisdom, morality, and work ethic, liberal society would fail worldwide in months.

On our side, every liberal failing listed above has a complementary conservative value. For example, we raise larger, coherent families, with mothers and fathers. We love our babies and do everything possible to give them the best in life. We educate our children, at home in many families. We champion the strengths of manhood and womanhood. We save our hard earned money, build wealth, and invest in tangibles. We shun corporate communism and live free. And we defend our security from government theft.

Only these values are keeping what’s left of the fabric of America from unraveling. Soy boys do not have the brains or brawn to move America into a successful future. Masculinized women or feminized men are the recipe for a weak society, and our adversaries in the world know it.

How do we stop this? Should we stop this?

When I see the sexual perversion clown show story hours for kids, my first reaction is abomination. However, if the parents are that stupid, and the librarians are that stupid, and the teachers are that stupid, and the kids are that stupid, well, let them have each other. They are not long for this world. I cannot save hundreds of millions of idiots from themselves. I’m working with a few parents and their kids locally to lead them to responsible freedom. I hope you are, too. The others are victims of their own evil. Don’t cast your pearls before swine.

Take a look at the INCELs, the involuntary celibate biological males who cannot get a date, liberals every one. They are in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, living in mommy’s basement, watching porn all night and whining on social media that women don’t like them. Liberalism has taught them that the masculine is gauche, and they present an almost androgynous affect. The women in society have selected these creatures out of the gene pool, and most will die childless. Thankfully.

Same deal with critical race theory in schools. If you as a parent are stupid enough to leave your kids unguarded with the pedophiles in government schools, you deserve what you get. You and your kids are not long for this world. Take your children out of the indoctrination centers and educate them to build their own society based on Godly values. It’s just too late to reform the government system.

What say we do remove ourselves from this society and let it crash? Are you willing to withdraw your brain from the liberal machine? Are you building conservative community to take its place? Are you engaging in spiritual warfare? Are you ready to step out of the way as deluded liberals march to their mass graves at the hands of their masters, with their masters soon to follow? Are you ready to step into the void and rebuild?

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Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
August 19, 2021 8:00 am

More of a philosophical approach, I thought this was inspiring. I sometimes long to find someone to tell me a message of hope. It is true that once someone “awakens” or whatever you call it, there is no way back. It is a one way street. Which is why the numbers of those will never go down, only up. The question is, how fast is it happening?

And another good, brief summary, but nothing new for all of us here.

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
  Svarga Loka
August 19, 2021 10:35 am

He speaks of a computer system, the data is only as good as the the data that goes in, you know like the climate change data results out for the outcome they wanted.

August 19, 2021 9:01 am

Time to go Galt!

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
August 19, 2021 9:07 am

But I’ll not explore “Why can’t liberals see what’s happening to them?”

Could it be they are not in the book of life.

“If conservatives were removed from society today, taking away their experience, wisdom, morality, and work ethic, liberal society would fail worldwide in months.”

I do not know one liberal who produces anything, but they all pollute like crazy, and make big bucks.

“What say we do remove ourselves from this society and let it crash? Are you willing to withdraw your brain from the liberal machine? Are you building conservative community to take its place? Are you engaging in spiritual warfare? Are you ready to step out of the way as deluded liberals march to their mass graves at the hands of their masters, with their masters soon to follow? Are you ready to step into the void and rebuild?”

The sad part 80% of the conservatives I know, are using the system as liberals do, and the ones that produce the necessities to sustain life, live week to week, are only hope is crushed that these people cannot walk off of their job.

Let it crash

a pessimist is nothing but a optimist with more information

  80% Fraud
August 19, 2021 9:23 am

80%…they made a movie that could be the future without Conservatives…true Conservatives. It was called ” Idiocracy” .

80% Fraud
80% Fraud
August 19, 2021 9:29 am

I will have to watch it for a laugh

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
August 19, 2021 11:22 am

“No, they are not going to abort themselves out of existence…”

With the jab they just might.