Ship of Fools

by the subway philosopher™

A tripartite ship of fools is sailing the muddy, toxic waters of planet Earth these days. Beneath the hoary, fluttering ensign of the corporate state, on the vessel’s main deck, we see the ‘plenty of oil, nothing to worry about’ crowd. Crammed into the cargo hold are the peak-oil doomers, kept out of earshot of decent folk  in order to mute their tiresome cries: ‘the oil is running out, the oil is running out!’ And aft on the poop deck we find the abiotic ‘oil is constantly replenishing itself’ gang.

But despite the apparently conflicting viewpoints, it’s all the same ship. Consider the following unpleasant facts:

1) The amount of energy per barrel of oil that’s available to power the economy and civilization is in relentless decline. Seventy years ago, 95% of a barrel’s energy helped drive prosperity and growth to dizzying heights, while today that figure is hovering somewhere in the 80-85% range for new discoveries – a significant reduction.

2) Oil and fossil fuel discoveries have substantially lagged extraction and consumption for almost all of the past 60 years.

          How many internal-combustion vehicles can dance on the blades of a wind turbine?

Now check to see which part of the ship you dwell in, and ask yourself – how does my particular perspective alter these two essential pieces of information? Answer: it doesn’t. Thus all three theories are effectively irrelevant, the equivalent of disputing how many ICE vehicles can dance on the blades of a wind turbine.

The limits to fossil fuels are only partially a question of depletion. More realistically, they’re a function of extraction costs, i.e. depletion of the most easily-exploited resources. From an EROEI greater than 100:1 back in the day, to the current figure of roughly 7:1 for sources such as the Athabasca tar sands or Venezuela heavy crude, the long-term trend in extraction costs is such that any curious persons ought to be wondering at what point they become prohibitive. Does it matter how much oil exists if we can’t viably extract it?

          Could it be that the masters of the Great Reset actually understand reality?

Furthermore, suppose that at least a few of the people who recognize these practical limits to oil are ensconced in the upper echelons of power. After all, it doesn’t seem reasonable to assume that every single corporate billionaire and/or high-level government official is an intellectual dullard, irrational though the powers-that-be appear on occasion. How would such persons behave if they were in the know? What policies, rules and mandates might they enact? What would the puppet-masters be doing if they were concerned about the energy constraints staring humanity in the face?

A quick look at some additional facts illustrates the matter more clearly:

  • ·         The world’s great petroleum companies are, through both voluntary and coercive means, turning their backs on the oil and fossil fuels that made them unimaginably wealthy.
  • · almost everywhere is promoting enforcing a suicidal switch to ‘green’ energy alternatives and sources which make little sense from economic and practical perspectives.
  • ·         Electric vehicles are being jammed down the throats of citizens world-wide, despite the obvious reality that electrical grids cannot support them all and most people can’t really afford them.
  • ·         Every automotive manufacturer is switching to EVs, disregarding an almost complete lack of demand from the public.
  • ·         The rules and regulations ostensibly designed to combat covid are in the process of becoming permanent, and severely restrict the mobility and energy use of the unwashed.
  • ·         Government, corporate and personal debt continues to skyrocket, an ever-increasing supply of ‘money’ notwithstanding.
  • ·         The prosperity of ordinary people, especially in the first world, has been falling for two decades, if not longer.
  • ·         Current economic growth depends far more on financialization and monetization than on production of useful goods and services, and benefits only the elite.
  • ·         Brown is the new green – the toxic extractive processes which enabled the industrial machine are accelerating to embrace the even more toxic extractive processes which enable the green machine.
  • ·         Thirty-five nations are pouring $22 billion or more (of your tax dollars) into the development of the most complex machine ever devised, one which will operate at 10 to 20 times the temperature of the sun. Does this seem reasonable? Or just desperate?

If you suspect there’s an agenda behind all this, you’re probably right. There’s plenty more going on too, but the astonishing feature is that John & Jane Q. Public are otherwise engaged, busy squabbling about racism and gender bias that doesn’t actually exist (at least not as portrayed), about domestic terrorists, about Russia-gate and China-gate (is that a thing yet? Don’t worry, it will be), about freaks with dicks defeating women in the Olympics, about Biden and Trump, about climate change, about whether female beach sports-ball teams should wear bikini bottoms or shorts (bikinis, of course – why is anyone even arguing?), and on and on the bullshit goes.

          The ‘Great Reset’ does not mean what you think it means.

Behind the diaphanous curtain, hidden in plain sight, the most significant transformation in the history of industrial civilization is stirring from slumber, hungry and restless after a great sleep, a rough beast making ready to snack on the slow, the weak, the stupid, the powerless. The great reset is on the way, although it likely won’t conform to the expectations of the woke, entitled and complacent.

In other words, the ship of fools has yet more passengers – in steerage, where the great mass of humanity unknowingly awaits a slow, irregular, generations-long transport to the brave new world of grunt labor and indentured service under the merciless lash of a harsh reality in which only a limited number have access to the coveted BTUs of days gone by. The coming contraction of the energy economy will not be mercifully quick, but it most certainly will be painful, especially for the peasants.

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Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 13, 2021 10:02 am

The it’s my right to have a mansion, multiple large gas guzzler vehicles, a private jet, and perpetual inexpensive fuel to heat, cool and operate them all is well and good until limited resources are over taxed, supply chains disrupted or government created inflation really kicks in.
Then only the rich or very frugal conservation minded survive.
The party never lasts forever.

very old white guy
very old white guy
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 14, 2021 6:50 am

There is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine or a free lunch.

December 13, 2021 10:12 am

For a preview of the impending energy cliff, stayed tuned to the disaster developing in Europe. Europe’s natural gas reserves are at 70% of the previous two years average. The Nethlands is at 54% with the price over €110/mwh and it is not yet officially winter.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 13, 2021 11:43 am

Maybe the Swedish monkey girl can generate some electricity riding a stationary bike.

very old white guy
very old white guy
December 14, 2021 6:50 am

I have always wondered how an increase in price expands the supply of something.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
December 13, 2021 10:14 am

A very good, if not somewhat painful article. The most obvious solution to electricity generation is nuclear. In a more perfect world nuclear plants could be built more efficiently and operate safely for less than the current price. Wishful thinking though.

  Ben Lurken
December 13, 2021 11:39 am

“The most obvious solution to electricity generation is nuclear.”

Fusion! Hydrogen!

That’s the future.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 13, 2021 6:11 pm

Not if the petro industry has their way

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 13, 2021 9:10 pm

There is plenty of room for both.

December 13, 2021 9:15 pm

Hydrogen readily leaks (even *through* steel tanks), and immediately travels to the upper atmosphere where it reacts with ozone and destroys it. Old problems become new again! I once invested in it before I knew this.

December 13, 2021 9:20 pm

Huh! Didn’t know that.

I only said “hydrogen” because BL said elsewhere that it was THE solution to the world’s energy needs.

And since he is never ever wrong (just ask him) I went with it. My bad.

December 13, 2021 9:23 pm

Protons are pretty small.

December 13, 2021 10:16 am

Weird how the wealthy are buying gold by the ton, land by the thousands of acres, homes in remote areas… It would appear that they are taking big chunks of fiat coin and dumping it into real world assets. You will own nothing and be happy… hand my fingers crossed on the happy bit, to bad for you… Back away from the life boat…

December 13, 2021 10:48 am

an elongated tokomak will be the first engine to power interstellar flight

December 13, 2021 11:27 am

One thing is for certain, there is a finite amount of fossil fuels available in the earth. With a large population nuclear is the only final solution to have energy for everyone. Since that is unlikely to happen and with the Georgia Guide Stones limiting of population will quite likely come to fruition. That’s man’s thoughts.
God tells us there will soon be a 7 year tribulation which will end our current system. It will be replaced by a restructuring of the earth and a 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ siting on the throne of David. That will end with the devil being loosed a “little season” where he deceives many and they will be destroyed by God. Next up will be the great white throne judgment where all unrepentant sinners who rejected Christ will be judged for their sins and sent to the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone. Then the heavens and the earth unto the elements shall melt with a fervent heat and the universe will be remade for those who put their faith in Christ. A new earth and the New Jerusalem will be created and there we shall be forever with the LORD. Trust Christ today and get ready for real life, the life found in Christ.

December 13, 2021 11:37 am

“One thing is for certain, there is a finite amount of fossil fuels available in the earth. ……. It will be replaced by a restructuring of the earth and a 1000 year reign of Jesus “

—1) Upon his return, will Jesus know where all the undiscovered oil fields are?

—2) Or, will a “restructuring of the earth” involve the creation of vast new oil fields?

—3) Or, will we even require fossil fuels during the 1000 years? Maybe we can get the angels to do all the work for us?

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 13, 2021 12:13 pm

I’m hoping for a return to little house on the prairie days with a pre-Flood of Noah worldwide climate, no sickness, 1000 year lifespans, lions laying down with lambs and kids playing with serpents kind of stuff.
That’s just for believers who survive the Great Tribulation though and their offspring.
Raptured and martyred believers will come back in their new spiritual body.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 13, 2021 4:04 pm

“One thing is for certain, there is a finite amount of fossil fuels available in the earth.”

The more I explore these topics the less certain of certainties I become.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
December 13, 2021 7:02 pm

“One thing is for certain, there is a finite amount of fossil fuels available in the earth.” Better double check that pretense sir.

‘It’s not what we don’t know that gets us in trouble. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so’
– Mark Twain

Fossil fuel is a term coined by Rockefeller to imply a finite limited amount. Much like diamonds, oil (not coal) is abiotic and continually created deep inside the mantle. The Russians have used and proved the abiotic oil theory to discover large reserves, where non should be based on the fossil fuel fallacy. The earth’s mantle is a significant reservoir of carbon. The mantle contains more carbon than the crust, oceans, biosphere, and atmosphere put together. The figure is estimated to be very roughly 10 to the 22 (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) (or 10 Billion x 1 Trillion) kg.

One more rant – Carbon dioxide is the gas of life, consumed by all creatures whether you are a plant that consumes carbon dioxide directly, combing the CO2 with H20 to create simple sugars via photosynthesis, or you eat plants, or you eat animals that plants, or you eat animals that eat other animals that eat plants. We should be using more, not less hydrocarbons, so like a greenhouse with CO2 tanks, plant yields wildly increase with higher C02 levels.

The fact the Gates, etal are funding CO2 capturing devices is insanely evil.

December 13, 2021 11:29 am

Get rich or die trying.

December 13, 2021 11:36 am
December 13, 2021 12:31 pm

That unabomber guy spoke more tuth than people want to know.

December 13, 2021 9:12 pm

I thought only about 10% was crazy an the rest spot on.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 13, 2021 6:12 pm

A ship even God can’t sink!

Red River D
Red River D
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 13, 2021 8:18 pm

Okay. Maybe He can sink it. But I bet He can’t RIP IT IN HALF before He does!!!

December 13, 2021 11:44 am

In 1859, at Titusville, Penn., Col. Edwin Drake drilled the first successful well through rock and produced crude oil.

In other words, mankind has survived for many thousands of years before the discovery of oil.

We will be just fine when the last drop is consumed. There will be a LOT fewer of us, but of those who remain, they’ll manage just fine.

December 13, 2021 9:22 pm

I wish I was in agreement. I’ve been making my life as independent of fossil fuels as possible for the last 13 years (farm with horses, grow majority of own food, heat/cook with wood, horse drawn transportation, etc). It’s increasingly apparent that the dramatic rise in night-time lows here in the upper midwest just since I’ve lived here is a real fly in the ointment when it comes to working draft animals in the summer heat (night-time lows determine the humidity levels). We’re already bumping up against the limits of wet bulb temps for humans in the shade, and imho are often well into the danger zone for humans and draft animals doing hard work in full sunlight. If we can’t cut summer hay, we can’t keep livestock.

Sure, we can live without fossil fuels. I’m in complete agreement. What I’m not so sure about is whether we will be able to continue to live with them insulating our atmosphere and acidifying the oceans.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 13, 2021 11:50 am

You knew it was coming, right?

  Iska Waran
December 13, 2021 12:25 pm

I’ll see you and raise you a Bob Seger tune:

December 13, 2021 3:09 pm

I’ll call.

December 13, 2021 7:07 pm

Well. Brand new to me.


December 13, 2021 9:37 pm

robert plan -ship of fools

  Iska Waran
January 5, 2022 9:10 am

Thanks Iska, you’re always reliable. 🙂

December 13, 2021 1:07 pm

– Could it be that the masters of the Great Reset actually understand reality?

“We see a future world without enough to go around…” “we do plan 50 to 100 years in advance and what we are more concerned about is ensuring that the things we do fear simply do not occur in the future” – From a comment left by “Jacob R.” at

December 13, 2021 5:02 pm

It is not so much absolute recoverable resource numbers that matter as it is upper limits on production rate. Nuclear for heat and electricity is available now at competitive rates if there was the political will to use it. It would be even cheaper if it was not demonized to the point that R&D essentially was shut down for decades.

EROEI is a red herring. The economics of energy production is calculated in $, not BTU. There is plenty of oil, gas and coal in the very short term and plenty of gas and coal in the longer term. Generate steam with a couple of SMRs and the Alberta tar sands are pretty readily producible for a long time.

The real potential shortage in the intermediate/long term is liquid hydrocarbons which are needed because of their energy density and storage/transportability properties. Liquid hydrocarbons can be manufactured if push comes to shove, but at what cost and at what rate?

December 13, 2021 9:30 pm

Considering the relative peace of nuclear powered countries since WWII combined with significant contamination from accidents and irresponsible disposal of waste (or for that matter, just not disposing of it at all while it accumulates), I can only imagine how much contamination there would be after another century of this. Throw in a carrington event or a few good wars, and it goes up exponentially. Nuclear energy (at least in the forms currently in operation) effectively requires that we achieve world peace. Hell — at this very moment the US and Israel are practicing bombing runs of Iran’s facilities. Couldn’t possibly cause any contamination now, could it? A minute’s indiscretion or anger yields millennia of cancer and mutation, all so we could run some propaganda filled TVs. What a deal!

Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
December 14, 2021 2:48 am

You must have been reading Dr Tim Morgan’s book and blog. He has it banged to rights and of course the elite know that the fossil fuel future is not sustainable. This is what Covid is all about IMHO.