Britain’s ‘Partygate’ Scandal – The Ghost of Christmas Past has come Home to Roost

AMID the erupting scandal of Downing Street ‘parties’ during lockdown last year – “one rule for them, another for us plebs” – it is astounding how some of our ruling elite hold the British public in such disdain.  And yet the sheeple go on supporting them, following orders like the good sheep they are.  But not me and mine, Boris – I’m sick to the back teeth of your lies and idiotic rules – you can go to hell!  Maybe Neil Oliver’s discourse below will give the remaining ‘critical thinking’ Brits food for thought.

As background; UK in May 2020: here is a short history to set the scene: “All of this came shortly after the resignation of Prof Neil Ferguson, the epidemiologist whose modelling helped shape Britain’s coronavirus lockdown strategy, for flouting the rules by receiving visits from his lover at his home.  The then health secretary, Matt Hancock, claimed to have been left “speechless” by Ferguson’s “extraordinary” behaviour, and said it had been right for him to resign as a government adviser.  Hancock added that the social distancing rules were “there for everyone” and were “deadly serious”. Then Hancock himself was caught cuddling in his office and was forced to resign – we haven’t heard from him since.  The hypocrisy is so blatant, the greed and hubris on open display for all to see, and yet there is no accountability or retribution:  death-and-despair-while-downing-street-nibbled-in-the-sunshine

HERE IS WISDOM from Neil Oliver.  He is a Presenter on our only ‘propaganda-free’ TV service.  If you want to know what’s really going on in these dismal islands check out GB News:

“There’s something left unsaid about this virus that has done so much to disrupt our lives and change our world – change for the worse.  Unsaid or not it was hiding in plain sight during all the fuss last week about Christmas parties in Downing Street, with other Establishment employees in government buildings during the 2020 Lockdowns.

Much has been made – obviously – about the fact those parties were organised and took place at a time when Christmas had been cancelled for plebs like us. Loved ones left alone when they might have been with family. Businesses closed. All manner of get-togethers – long planned and looked forward to – set aside for the apparent good of the nation.

While others made do with quiet homes, they – by which I mean our leaders and their aides – danced and drank and partied like it was … well, 2020.  But never mind all that stuff about ‘one rule for them, another for us’ and ‘do as I say and not as I do’. Rather notice something else as obvious as Rudolph’s red nose.

The people behind those parties, and with whose knowledge they took place, were not afraid … not afraid to be together in indoor spaces with people not their families. They were not afraid to be maskless in confined spaces with more than six people, or nine people, or whatever the final number was for the proles. Did they know something we didn’t?

Because apart from anything else that might have been driving the government’s determination to keep the little people indoors and alone, separated from others they might have talked to and with whom they might have come to different conclusions about why it was all happening, our leaders and their aides were evidently not afraid of catching [the dreaded death by a thousand cuts].

Neil Oliver: Governments amount to hundreds, while we amount to millions – they are few and we are many.  People who are afraid of a disease – and I know with absolute certainty that millions of people here in Britain and around the world have been made and remain terrified of Covid – don’t have to be told to do whatever they have to do to limit their chances of catching it.

People naturally afraid will go home and stay there without the need of government diktat, far less round the clock propaganda shaped by government ‘nudge units’ to ramp up the terror. They will, all by themselves, decide to keep away from places where people might gather – like pubs, shops, restaurants, schools, cinemas, theatres, sports grounds. [This is happening today as people voluntarily shun public places, putting the hospitality and entertainment businesses in grave peril of mass bankruptcy in the New Year, from just the mere mention of  ‘Omicron’ by Boris on TV last Sunday]

If they do have to venture out, for life’s necessities, they will cover their faces and wash their hands. They will do all of these things and more, instinctively, because fear of catching a lethal disease makes thinking people take all possible steps to keep themselves and their loved ones safe.

In the case of the sort of disease that is naturally terrifying for people, they don’t have to be tested, morning, noon, and night, while feeling perfectly well, in order to find out whether or not they have a symptomless version of the ‘ lurgy ‘.  If you’re not scared, you won’t do any of these things – not unless [perhaps] you’re ordered to by the authorities of course.

As well as wanting no trouble from the police and the like, people obey rules and toe the line for fear of attracting unwanted attention from the wider community. Peer pressure.

Almost as much as disease of the body, people fear criticism, bullying by the mob, and the shame that falls upon any person who is seen to do ‘The Wrong Thing’. People who are not scared of a disease, however – people who have learned from those around them that there is nothing to fear – will, if they get the chance, especially at Christmas, get together with friends and colleagues and drink and dance the night away.

I say again – the people who gathered for those parties and then laughed the morning after about what they’d got away with were in positions to know more than anyone else about what the government was saying behind closed doors. For whatever reason, they were evidently not afraid – not afraid of each other, not afraid of condemnation for their rule breaking, and not afraid of Covid.

Neil Oliver: Fear has blinded people to the reality of manipulation: And let’s remember too, that all of this fearlessness was there in the world of Christmas 2020, that world before the vaccines were even available, whatever your opinion of them.  I am not, here, belittling the fear felt by many people – the fear that is still felt and still driving behaviour and choices. The government has, after all, spent hundreds of millions of pounds using all channels of communication, including the captured media, to instill, stoke and pedal that fear.

There have been thousands of deaths since the virus arrived among us – although, on account of the way in which the counting was conducted and massaged for greatest effect, we will never know how many actually died of Covid, and not of something else, like cancer, or heart failure, or crashing a motorbike or whatever, while also testing positive for Covid. Any death, for any reason, is to be mourned – of course it is.

But hundreds of thousands of us die every year. Tens of thousands of the dearly loved – especially among our elderly and those already ill, or frail, or physically weakened and compromised in other ways – die every winter on account of flu and respiratory disease.

In 2020, for the first time, we were taught to fear death as never before. But not all death. Since 2020, not all deaths are equal. The death to fear above all others was death by Covid, or indeed with Covid, as I have already said. Ironically all the other ways of dying – by cancer, heart disease, stroke and all manner of ills – were pushed into a column headed, ‘Don’t Worry About That For Now’, [and so now 6 million are on the NHS waiting list].

Damage to livelihoods, caused by all the fear and all the rules, was nothing to fear either, apparently. No cause for alarm either were the consequences of the damage done to a generation of youngsters on account of missing out on everything from education, to play, to mixing with extended family, to enjoying childhood itself.

Fear is a powerful thing. Like fire it is a good servant and a bad master. Fear in response to seeing for ourselves – without having to be told, or persuaded, or nudged or otherwise manipulated – that something is dangerous, makes us fight or flee, depending on our personal wiring. Fear can be a good thing, but only for moments at a time. Constant fear, never-ending fear for month after month is a bad thing.

Fear that is kindled and stoked by propaganda, and for years on end, is no good to anyone. We cannot, any of us, live in fear. So, I say again. Think about those Christmas parties of 2020, when fear among the general population had been pushed to its greatest height by reports of big numbers with the NHS apparently at breaking point.

Neil Oliver: Will we remain silent while such a dark tide slides ever closer to our own shores, one country at a time?  He who remains silent is deemed to have granted his consent – or so the old tenet goes. Will we remain silent, or will we speak up loud and clear and truthfully?  Folk on their doorsteps on Thursday nights in 2020 were waving anxiously at their neighbours – “How are you doing? Are you alright?” while beating pots and pans with spoons and clapping for the NHS and carers – some of whom have either been sacked already or shortly will be on account of saying ‘no’ to vaccines. Kids off school for months on end, missing out on everything.

Think about all that, driven by fear stoked by the media and the government – and remember how they partied, and drank, and danced cheek to cheek, and laughed. I read reports last week about a party in the offices of the Sun newspaper – one among many in that trade, I venture to guess – and so deduced that they too were without fear.

And while I’m on the subject of the press and the media – how about we get to know, as soon as possible, which political journalists representing which media, were at those parties – living it up the one minute, and then the following day sitting down to write more fear-laden nonsense about how we were all about to kill granny.

And then look at us now. Getting on for two years into it all now. Another Christmas to be crippled and crumpled by more of the same fear-mongering from on high. Straight faced, despite their own partying, they’ve whipped up tighter restrictions.

In Scotland – FM Nicola Sturgeon’s pre-Christmas gift to the ailing hospitality industry is her advice to one and all to cancel any plans they might have had for Christmas parties. Advent this year has been not about the coming of Jesus Christ, but the coming of Omicron instead.

So far Omicron has infected many, many people – as yet there’s no data on hospitalisations in the UK. So far, not one single death can be attributed to it.  Hospitalisations and deaths are currently in decline.  Omicron might, if we’re allowed to look on the bright side for just a moment, be the soft form of the virus that will lightly touch everyone, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, and so deliver unto them the priceless gift that is natural immunity, that might keep a person proof against Covid for a lifetime.

But we’re not supposed to talk about that, are we? Not frightening, you see – quite the opposite. But no. Let’s keep the fires of fear burning instead. Let’s push for a third dose of vaccine – in time, and we have no reason to doubt it – for a fourth in the spring, a fifth in the summer. Big Pharma know what they are doing – follow the science – ask no questions!

Speaking only for myself, I contracted a mild dose of fear in Spring 2020. I was bit worried for a while, waiting to see what would happen to us all. Within a few weeks I’d got over it, got over the fear. I’ve been immune to this state-sponsored fear ever since.

This year I caught Covid and got over that as well. Now I’m naturally immune, which is what I might have asked Santa for, if I’d thought of it.

Anyone planning parties and get-togethers with family and friends this year – even members of Her Majesty’s government and Opposition, that’s fine by me and I hope you and they enjoy every moment.  Because it’s Christmas, a time for forgiving as they say.  My family and I will do as we please. And just like the government types at their parties last year, we are not afraid.”

Thanks Neil for telling it as it is – my family too will enjoy the seasonal celebrations without fear or favour, relying on our God-given natural immunity and forsaking the proffered potions of Satan’s making.

 SINCE it is Christmas time – a thought from the good book:

Ecclesiastes 8:14-17

14  There is something frustrating that takes place on the earth: There are righteous people who are treated as if they had acted wickedly and there are wicked people who are treated as if they had acted righteously. I say that this too is futility.

15  So I recommended rejoicing because there is nothing better for man under the sun than to eat and drink and rejoice; this should accompany him as he works hard during the days of his life, which the true God gives him under the sun.

16  I applied my heart to acquire wisdom and to see all the activity happening on the earth, even going without sleep day and night.

17  Then I considered all the work of the true God, and I realized that mankind cannot comprehend what happens under the sun. No matter how hard men try, they cannot comprehend it. Even if they claim that they are wise enough to know, they cannot really comprehend it.

 Here are some further references:

 SO – This isn’t so much ‘something being rotten in the state of Denmark’, as absolutely everything being rotten in the state of Denmark. The official rule seems to be “when caught – double down”: prime-minister-cheese-wine-omicron-no-10

 PLUS here is the reality:

AND MORE – they call this ‘science’!  Check out how our ‘Sage Committee’ forecast what is going to happen – it’s all crap and this article proves it:

FINALLY – whilst all this confusion is going on, the government mandate for all NHS staff to be jabbed is having a severe backlash: england-hospital-units-may-close-as-staff-revolt-over-jab-mandate-says-nhs-leader

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 23, 2021 2:44 pm

It’s nice to see people who love freedom in these times of Tyranny. Many blessings to you and your family.

  John Pietrusiewicz
December 23, 2021 3:29 pm

I just got back from the grocery store. 99% masked. 1 other white dude came up to me and we got into a conversation about how these zombies will mask forever. He said all us normal whites should head for Tennessee. I didn’t disagree with him.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 23, 2021 3:34 pm

We really need our own land. Somehow, someway. I am all out of tolerance. I don’t want to share space anymore. Ever.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
December 23, 2021 3:43 pm

At least 4 families I know here in MA are seriously considering to move out of state, with states mentioned WY, ID, NH, TN or SC. I think the housing market here will collapse soon, and will continue to rise in prices in those states due to migration. I cannot fathom that there are enough families interested in moving here to keep the balance even.

  Svarga Loka
December 24, 2021 9:38 am

It’s terrible out here. Stay where you are.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 23, 2021 3:47 pm

Mask mandates are over, in Anchorage, but half of people still using them. Very sad.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 23, 2021 5:31 pm

It is nice down here, but I noticed an increase in people masking up going shopping this week. I seldom will wear one, even when I took my wife in the Dr. office, I remained mask free in a mandatory mask zone.

We had a beautiful sunshiny day today. I got lots of natural Vit D as I worked in the yard.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
  TN Patriot
December 23, 2021 7:17 pm

Nice here too. Sunny and 25. But I’ll have to get my Vitamin D from some fish oil.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  John Pietrusiewicz
December 23, 2021 7:43 pm

About 40 degrees higher here today. CHRISTmas day is supposed to set a record at 75. Probably will take the grandsons and a few freedom tools to the woods and put some holes in tin cans.

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 23, 2021 10:23 pm

The TV says 60% of people in this part of north Florida took the poison; that’s unbelievably stupid: 50% of the population is “out of Africa” and 50% of the rest ain’t from Dixie. As soon as I get some cash, I’m headed to my land in very rural Tennesssee where 99% of the population likes Country & Gospel Music. While Jesus delays, I’ll just go where He’s appreciated.

December 23, 2021 4:03 pm

Nothing changing in our lives this year and nothing did last year. Missed a few church services and that was it.Resist facism!

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 23, 2021 5:36 pm

Merry Christmas, Peter. We will have our usual CHRISTmas dinner with friends and family. There will be lots of shaking hands, hugs and people crowded around the tables enjoying a good meal and fellowship. Above all else, we will remember why we are gathered and thank God for the gift of His Son.

  TN Patriot
December 23, 2021 6:27 pm

Peter, I echo Patriot’s sentiments to you, and also send tidings of joy to him as well. God Bless, Gents.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 23, 2021 7:46 pm

Same to you SMC. I hope to see you participating in the special S M C, tomorrow.

December 23, 2021 7:09 pm

When a writer with such good manners and courtesy as Peter uses a phrase “to hell with him”. You know, without doubt, that something is seriously wrong in the UK.

Thank you for the excellent comments by Neil Oliver of GB News.

Canada is not immune to the manufactured ‘fear’. It seems to permeate public life. Yesterday our beloved health minister, (Saint Bonnie) announced new restrictions on public and family gatherings, shops, bars and restaurants closed – very similar to those imposed in the UK. All for our own and the publics good – but of course.

Cui bono?

Have a very enjoyable Christmas Peter and ignore the nonsense, at least for a while.

December 23, 2021 7:28 pm

I’m waiting for Austrian Peter to say “Blow me!”. That will signal the official beginning of the Great Tribulation.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 23, 2021 7:48 pm

I am willing to bet we would hear it from the demur Svarga before Peter would utter such a thing. She even used MF’er yesterday.