Laying Siege to the Institutions

Christopher F. Rufo

Founder and Director, Battlefront

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 16, 2022 8:20 am

Excellent article that just scratches the surface of what is happening to all of the institutions in the world. The majority of the American people do dot agree with the leftist ideology, but they do not necessarily see it and when it is shown to them, they react negatively. More insiders need to come forward and expose their organizations.

  TN Patriot
May 16, 2022 9:29 am

The Case of the Disney Company

There has been a similar response following the more recent revelations about the Walt Disney Company—a company founded 99 years ago and associated in the public mind with wholesome family entertainment.

I’ve been reporting on Disney for more than a year, and I have good sources inside the company. I broke a story last year about Disney forcing employees to engage in a critical race theory training program that denounced America as fundamentally racist, had its white employees complete a “white privilege checklist,” and included exercises on “decolonizing” bookshelves.

Disney’s first reaction was to deflect. In response to accusations of racism, the company issued a press release denying the charge. Incredibly, it offered as proof the fact that it had produced the movie Black Panther—a kind of corporate variation on “I’m not racist, some of my best friends are black.” This ridiculous response suggests that Disney executives were caught totally off guard. The elites who run our institutions, after all, are not accustomed to being challenged.

It is a very good article. I wish I knew how we go about crushing the perverse ideology which has infiltrated all our society’s institutions.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
May 16, 2022 9:38 am

It is like eating an elephant. You just start in one bite at a time. As the article points out, they have taken control of most institutions and it will be a long slog to kick them out. It has to start with the schools. Local school boards have tremendous power in what our kids are learning. Raise them up in the way of the Lord and they will not forget when they grow old.

Fortunately, some of these groomer organizations are being outed and the public is not happy. I would love to see Disney go tits up for what they have become.