The Two Faces Of Elon

Some folks have fallen in love with Elon ever since his bid to buy Twitter.  Elon for Truth!!!  We all hate Twitter and the thought of their employees going bat shit crazy with rage,  and that they might be out on their libfuk asses, well, that makes us love Elon even more.  Elon is fighting Swamp Creatures!!  Yeah!  Where have we heard that before?  Be careful of Elon, he ain’t the harmless somewhat weird sheep he appears to be. Actually, he might be the Antichrist.


Elon’s Folly

Instead of trying to save a dying Marxist bird, the richest man in the world should spend $44 Billion to take a flame thrower to the agenda of Global Tyrants.


A Serious Man?

There has been much debate about Elon Musk’s stance on the Great Reset, UN Agendas, Technocracy, and Posthumanism, which I partly addressed in a previous post 40 days ago. He was listed as a 2008 World Economic Forum “Young Global Leader”. Almost every prominent figure in business or politics has been associated with this organization over the last thirty years, so it’s no guarantee of anything. Take Putin for example. He is likely no longer working for or with this international tyrannical order, no matter how many domestic Russian planemic policies align with the Rockefeller lock-step plan.

Musk is also the founder of a company that is researching and developing AI and brain implants, and presumably not just for those whose disabilities could be remedied with techno-assisted chips that reactivate defunct neuro-motor functions. This path is a slippery one, adored by post-humanist technocrats seeking to play God and merge the biological and technological. All of this and more must be taken into consideration of Musk’s motivations and positions on the Global tyranny agenda.

This piece’s premise might be false, as it assumes Elon Musk is a serious man intent on exposing the lies and corruption of globally interconnected corporate states and their social engineering agendas. These agendas depend on censorship to manipulate the masses as Elon has identified, but they also require transforming democracies and republics into corrupt vassal states that march in lock-step formation to carry out new world orders.

Why does Elon assume restoring “free speech” on one dying Marxist platform will help anything? It’s possible Musk never intended to purchase Twitter, only to expose its litany of flaws including political censorship. And even if he is a puppet of global technocrats let this piece serve as a guide to how much less than $44 Billion could be utilized to smother the NWO and Great Reset agenda on the dozens of different fronts required to make a meaningful impact. It’s not the ideal people-first grassroots decentralized solution needed, but in a world where money dominates, and those in powerful positions all have a price, it might be the best thing we have at the moment. If he’s a serious man, here’s how he should spend that money instead.

Bird Brains

For those who missed it, Our Fren Elon, from 40 days ago warns of putting faith in the richest man in the world to “save free speech” on a censorious attention network platform run by Marxist lunatics that we should have all let die a public and undignified death years ago. The only good Marxist lunatic attention network platforms are dead ones.

Celebrating this as some game-changing event is misguided and myopic. This is the equivalent of missing the forest for a tiny branch, on a larger branch of a single tree. The masses who have witnessed the tyranny of mass censorship of specific political views and are now desperate for some semblance of justice, any tiny straw they can grasp. They know the state has colluded with Twitter and other platforms to control online speech and manage narratives, funneling acceptable micro-discourse into a tiny range of corporate-state approved insipid and fallacious perspectives.

The platform is part of the controlled narrative managers’ toolbox. Millions of conservatives, independents, and libertarians recognized this years ago and departed for alternatives that advertised a dedication to free speech and expression online. This resulted in the balkanization of microblogs with tribes retreating to their preferred echo chamber platforms.

Digital Balkans

Those who understood the importance of free speech online have gone to Gab, which has done its best to ensure the values it proclaims to respect are upheld on the platform. The establishment mud wrestlers did their best to associate the platform with at first the “alt-right”, then “white supremacists”, “nazis”, “fascists” and other terms that will soon be meaningless in the west when uttered by the usual liars and propagandists of the corporate state.

Gettr, one of the most boring platforms ever conceived collected the scraps of people who were booted from the corporate-state slain Parlour, and bought into a laughable slandering of Gab and so were too afraid to go there due to the taint.

The Trump fanatics were more recently swept up by the former President’s own network Truth Social, bogged down with technical issues and a slow rollout. Trump is there “truthing” his brains out to a tiny fraction of the followers he once did on Twitter.

We now have a digital universe where each platform is populated with people who all agree with each other and reinforce each other’s views. This used to happen on Twitter with algorithmically curated echo chambers, but at least the sheep were all in the same meadow, if not the same state. Being surrounded by those who constantly agree feels good but advances nothing, unites nobody, provides no stimulating debate or conversation, and only further divides an already partisan world by sealing people into tighter and narrow tunnels of accepted information. When anything challenging or contradictory penetrates this tunnel, they are overwhelmed with a range of emotions that act as a buttress to this new information, psychologically blocking it from any consideration, especially if upends months or years of previous digital performances that garnered respect from their coveted tribe of followers.

This is one of many flaws of centrally controlled and manipulated top-down, center-out networks powered by AI and algorithms written and tuned by biased if not malicious humans with no allegiance to objective truth or the free flow of ideas and opinions that might help engender an environment where truth is valued and persued over showing off for tribes, piling on, “owning”, “destroying”, and other shallow performative self-aggrandizing digital gestures to increase “reach” and followers. Another reason we should all let these networks fail as soon as possible by abandoning them and ignoring the odious people using them to control narratives. There is no greater insult in the universe than to ignore those who demand attention.

Greed over Principals

The fact that anyone who is not a neo-liberal or neo-conservative lackey of the corporate-state, or is a conservative, libertarian, classical liberal, liberal, anarcho-libertarian prepper homesteader, cyberlibertarian, anti-war, anti-corruption, anti-censorship, anti-everyone responsible for the present decrepit state of the west is still on Twitter, ARE the only reason Twitter still exists. These people should have jumped ship the minute the first whiff of communist rot began to emerge, sometime between 2016-2018. They didn’t because of avarice and greed.

There’s a reason the worst people in the world want Twitter to still be relevant. Elon’s desire to purchase the platform plays right into their hands pronouncing the dead Marxist bird as “the public sphere”. Why would anyone desire to spend time in a digital realm where the truth is explicitly forbidden and has been for years?

Masochists? Those who think their tweets aren’t being pushed to the shadows, or their followers purged daily?

Even knowing all the algorithmic tricks and antics to amplify the acceptable blue check brigade, while subverting everyone else, the big profiles of non-establishment messaging still stay on Twitter.

These people had a chance to make a difference years ago by all agreeing to leave at once, to give a swift kick to the head of the Marxist bird flailing on the ground in convulsions from years of degradation and intentional destruction, the one thing Marxists excel at, and yet few people had the courage or conviction to smother the little blue bastard. They chose money and reach “metrics” over principals. The believed they could reform a diabolical establishment that wants them sick, misinformed, lazy, subservient, or dead.

Yes, The Good Citizen has a Twitter profile to occasionally retweet articles from here that flock members kindly share, but I spend less than an hour there each week. Why waste time on a platform that can censor anyone at any time without any explanation given? Imagine spending two years building up a following of tens of thousands of followers after working thousands of hours tweeting one’s brains out to be kicked off, erased, and disappeared to the digital-gulag-for-wrong-think-dissidents for saying men can’t be women or only women get pregnant. No recourse, no justice, nothing to show for other than thousands of hours of one’s life completely wasted. Unless one is Alex Berenson with followers who will subsidize the Twitter lawsuit (that could be lost) of a millionaire through GoFundMe, one is completely and utterly shit out of luck.

Elon’s Blind Spots

Elon does not appear to be either politically astute or aware of how the global influencer games are played. If he assumed being the second “founder” of Tesla (after purchasing it and purging the original founder) to move the masses into millions of EVs adored by those socially engineering the “sustainability” and “green” agendas and might insulate him from their wrath, he assumed wrong. He is now firmly in their sights. Their smear campaigns are just beginning.

It’s not enough to be a wealthy public figure if none of that wealth is used to buy people who are in key positions to further their interests. This is the sad reality of global influencer games. Money can buy everything, including governments, policies, foreign policies, and even “the science”. Bill Gates knows all this quite well.

The EV Scam

The tweet below is misleading. It should say “…vehicle is charged on electricity from coal power.”×720/HqEPFN5_qvdKdK-w.mp4?tag=12

These people hate your guts and want to maximize suffering for the American people. Their EV agenda benefits Musk, and he should use those benefits to restore sanity to the government so there are more public servants and fewer bureaucrats and social engineers. Their arrogance is simply astonishing.×720/5ckMrEdGSWJuo5oQ.mp4?tag=14

No matter how disparaging one’s thoughts of Bill Gates are, one cannot deny his ability to maximize each dollar he invests in his foundation under the pretense of philanthropy. He has mastered the art of buying the media, controlling narratives, and molding the masses while masquerading as an intelligent medicine man despite dropping out of college to steal software and spending three decades failing at combating viruses in his own software.

Yet he uses his dominant global position to buy the World Health Organization (WHO), medical researchers and helps the Pentagon engineer deadly viruses in dangerous Biolabs around the world while patenting their vaccines years before they are “accidentally released”. Elon Musk owns and controls a few companies that may or may not survive the next decade. Bill Gates owns and controls nations, medicine, farmland, food supplies, international organizations, researchers, and hundreds of technology and pharma companies.

Gates utilizes his great wealth to acquire more wealth and to further his depopulation agenda. George Soros uses his wealth to control politicians and create policies for them to implement, from Presidents and Prime Ministers all the way down to the local mayors and prosecutors. Control the law, lawmakers, and law enforcement, and one can control the managerial state that undermines a healthy society. Soros’ Open Society Foundation promotes open borders, mass illegal immigration, decriminalization of violent crimes, and the overt destabilization of western civilization. Both Gates and Soros are funding two spears on two fronts in preparation for the Great Reset agenda.

Thanks to central banks printing money to artificially inflate asset prices including Tesla stock, Musk is worth far more than Gates and Soros combined and has the potential to desecrate both their spears with half the money he’s spending on a dead Marxist bird. No amount of free speech restoration on any attention network is going to stop Gates, Soros, Schwab, or other Global Managers. They do not care that the people know their agenda because they openly admit in white papers and other documents exactly what they plan to do, how, and when. Their puppets in western governments now openly admit that the economic suffering of the people is intentional and deliberate and they will not help alleviate it.

There are other spears being sharpened to help the Great Reset war on humanity. Zuckerberg put his billions to work in recent years, quickly buying people and elections as George Soros has for decades, and spent $410 million to help engineer the 2020 Papa Dementia “victory” through ballot stuffing, and dominion voting machine fixing.

Musk is light years behind Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg, and Bezos. Perhaps his space fantasies are clouding his judgment of what’s even possible here on earth for the non-oligarch hordes of mere earthlings without the means to play God. The destruction of the middle and working classes is accelerating. People who cannot afford food or petrol (thanks to intentional economic destruction by global managers) and are corralled into digital concentration camps with QR codes to participate in society are not going to care about the richest man in the world’s ambitions to colonize Mars. Nobody cares about the future of the species or planet who cannot buy basic goods or services or pay their electricity bill. In the twenty-first century hierarchy of needs, over-priced electric vehicles with a thousand computer chips, space missions, and neural implants are near the bottom of the bottom.

This is Ground Control to Major Musk. You’ve really missed the mark. And the blue checks want to know what tweets you share.

Ground Control Foundation

Before continued obsessions with space and Mars, Elon Musk should be concerned with the state of human flourishing here on Earth. That requires maximizing the prosperity and happiness of as many people in as many nations as possible.

Instead of buying a dead Marxist bird, Musk could establish his own foundation called Ground Control Foundation with the simple aim of blocking and derailing global technocracy wherever it attempts to engineer policies and control people. Everywhere the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Zuckerberg-Chan Foundation, and Soros’ Open Society Foundation invest money in buying people, media companies, politicians, researchers, doctors, or even elections, Musk’s GCF could be there investing more money and resources in blocking their agenda, exposing their lies and hypocrisy and offering real meaningful solutions that benefit humanity.

Wherever these meddlers intentionally create chaos to implement the “order” they desire, GCF would expose their intentional social, economic, and cultural destruction, and either seek to restore the previous order or offer better solutions that benefit the people rather than global oligarchs.

The Fronts the GCF should invade include Information/Media, Technology, Governments, Policy, Medicine, Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy, and Elections.

  • GCF ($25 billion) could establish new media entities under a single media corporation across North America, Britain, and Europe. This conglomerate would fund new social platforms that are foundationally privacy-centric with a distributed or decentralized network power structure to prevent censorship and meddling.
  • In the District of Corruption, an Anti-CFR and Anti-Atlantic Council group called the New Continental Congress (NCC) funded by the GCF could promote peace instead of war and seek to uphold a firm isolationist Foreign Policy agenda that undermines, exposes, and counters the criminal Military-Industrial Complex.
  • Also in the District of Corruption, GCF could establish a powerful lobby that undermines and counters other corrupt lobbyists seeking to write legislation that makes life terrible for the average American while looting the treasury and enriching the controlling 1%.
  • A group like NCC would be required that identifies and targets politicians who work directly for global managers, and seeks to primary and depose every single “public servant” at every level of government, including school boards, sheriffs, and county commissioners.
  • In Brussels, GCF could establish dozens of NGOs and foundations committed to the dissolution of NATO, the end of the European Union, and restoration of external European borders (Schengen can stay for those nations that wish to participate) while promoting strict immigration policies that immediately deport illegal immigrants without any legal basis for asylum.
  • In Geneva, GCF could establish organizations that partner with medical groups established in the past two years like FLCCC (Frontline Doctors For Critical Care), The World Council For Health, and others that seek to restore science-based medicine, and patient-centric care while combating Gates controlled, China-owned organizations like the WHO and all UN agencies.
  • GCF Fund ($10 Billion) to invest in start-up and early companies that have the goals and values of individual liberty, choice, bodily autonomy, limited government, free markets, decentralization, and the technologies that develop and foster better human and social relations. Any company that claims to make the world a better place should be immediately suspect.

The GCF should be populated with sharp, objective, non-ideologues who recognize the threats posed by global technocrats, are well versed in their agendas and can move swiftly and effectively against them. It must be a meritocratic organization that selects personnel based on ability and talent, and no other silly politically correct metrics.

Best of the Worst

Depending on the richest man in the world to restore basic human liberties is obviously not ideal. None of this is ideal, but we do not live in a world where anything is close to ideal at the moment and therefore must make do with the best options we have available. In a globally interconnected world increasingly controlled by meddling technocrats, a wealthy billionaire with the resources to counter their tyranny might just be the best out of a bunch of bad solutions.

All of this of course assumes that Elon Musk is a serious man.

While his tweets of late are amusing and expose the hypocrisies of establishment buffoons and even their crimes, he should spend more of his free time organizing a meaningful political, social, economic and psychological assault on Global Tyranny.

They will be coming for him with their own all-out assault on his character, companies, and wealth, so he might as well join the war against those that have already declared it on humanity. The fact that he hasn’t should alert us all to the likelihood that he is not a serious man for opposition efforts.

But Good Citizens can always ponder the possibilities and wonder and hope that they are wrong.



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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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i forget
i forget
June 13, 2022 6:41 pm

Ellon’s a Sammy-wielding sadist. If you love him, that freak, youse a muskochist. And a Duracell Teslave.

June 13, 2022 6:44 pm

I think Elon is getting a lot of pleasure out of screwing the socialist pricks that control Twitter. He is a smart man that positioned the electric car to be the enviro-wennie’s dream for saving the environment. But it comes at a cost of coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants that is pushing the limits of production in the electrical grid. Not to mention what it is doing to the earth at the lithium mines.

June 13, 2022 7:44 pm

I recall it served the interest of Big Brother in the novel 1984 that there be perpetual war. Is it possible the role of Putin and Xi is as such?

Elon associates with satanists and is a proponent of transhumanism, which is clearly satanic.

Long Time Lurker
Long Time Lurker
June 13, 2022 8:24 pm

Muskie is playing the role of good cop, in the good cop, bad cop game. Elon is, and always has been, a cop fuck globalist.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 13, 2022 8:54 pm

This is absurd.


comment image

This is not real.

He is the inventor/founder of PayPal. He builds reusable rockets that go into space and then land backwards. He invented the Tesla electric automobile. He claimed he was going to build the a hyperloop high speed mag-lev train connecting LA and Sacramento. He makes personal flame throwers. He is building a technology that will wire directly into the brain to create a hybrid human computer advancing the Singularity. He has promised to create artificial intelligence. He’s a rap artist, and a philanthropist. He’s a CEO, he’s an inventor, he’s an investor, he’s an engineer, he’s an architect. He’s the richest man in the world. He’s buying Twitter, he’s not buying Twitter.

He married a woman and they had a child who later died, then they had twins, then they had triplets. Then he divorced her and he married an actress, then he divorced her, then married her again and then divorced her again then he took up with a woman named Grimes. Then they had a child, named-X AE A-XII Musk. The he dated infamous bedshitter Amber Heard right around the time he’s smoking doobies with Joe Rogan.

Do we need to go on? Is this the most outlandish tale of the century? I submit that this guy is a complete Zelig, a contrivance and an engineered distraction from our present reality. There is no way to separate what parts are fact and what parts are fiction, but we do know this- his cars randomly catch on fire and drive into walls and blow up. There is no maglev train, he damn sure didn’t send a Tesla into space and no one- not a single voice in the entirety of the Post Modernist Narrative has ever bothered to ask even the simplest questions about how a single human being could possibly accomplish all of these outlandish feats.

comment image

That’s a spaceship? It looks like a corn silo. But supposedly it does this-

comment image

I swear to God I feel like I am losing my mind. The Marines are celebrating trannies in the Corps and people beleive that Elon Musk is a real scientist on the verge of sending people to Mars.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 13, 2022 8:57 pm

Tell us how you really feel

  hardscrabble farmer
June 13, 2022 9:03 pm

I feel like I am losing my mind

You are not alone. Everything seems like a Hollywood prop or actor now. B movie quality too.

The writing sucks, the actors suck and the props look very fake. Plus the massive plot holes.

June 13, 2022 9:19 pm

I remember seeing the claymation TV show “Land of the Lost” and how real it looked as a small child. Then I saw a clip when I was older and it was not so impressive. I was almost hoping all of that was over, but it never seemed to have stopped, because things that seemed real before are clearly fake now.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 13, 2022 9:16 pm

I guess we all feel like we are losing our minds, only its even worse than that – We aren’t.

June 14, 2022 5:24 am

Of the potential candidates visible today, he is the leader.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 13, 2022 9:17 pm

“They” are just putting the finishing touches on the fine art of humiliating the humiliated. A friendly reminder of Jews your Daddy.

June 14, 2022 12:04 am

Remember when Admin used to ask me if I believed it was really me when I looked in the mirror? Now most folks can see the Kabuki because it really is in your face like never before. These actors are far less believable than back in the day. I caught on to the lies early in life and it was hell getting others to even consider the possibility.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 13, 2022 10:24 pm

I submit that this guy is a complete Zelig, a contrivance and an engineered distraction from our present reality.

He’s a fraud. There are plenty of sites that detail how he is a fraud. Just search for them.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 13, 2022 11:30 pm

I believe you confuse deceive with Musk’s persona, as do I, but I also have it on Good Authority that there will be “strong delusion” which sounds a bit like a grand illusion, doesn’t it.

This should take you back but the words are interesting in context. Now that we are in a “great delusion” and all.

All is well, Marc.

This whole chapter is worth a look-see, but here’s the reference for those who didn’t know or have forgotten.

2 Thessalonians 2
King James Version

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Grand Illusion/Great Delusion; six of one/half-dozen of the other

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  hardscrabble farmer
June 14, 2022 12:15 am

I think you’re overthinking it. He’s a sharp business guy who horned himself into others’ inventions/companies: PayPal, Tesla. Those are actual companies. Blasting small objects into low Earth orbit is pretty technologically simple 70 years on. He just picked the low-hanging fruit after the US government abandoned that. Sure he takes advantage of government subsidies, and electric cars are dumb, but so is bottled water. All that shit about digging tunnels under LA and sending people to Mars is just spouting off – bar talk. The AI stuff is just an outgrowth of having a shitload of people working on improving the self-driving car technology. At least he’s expressed a much-warranted apprehension about A.I. Thomas Edison was also a bullshitter who rode others’ inventions to prosperity while pushing sub-optimal technology.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 14, 2022 6:55 am

You left out corporate welfare whore… The Beast doesn’t reward the enemies of chaos.

Muh free market…..reeeeeee

Subsidy Tracker Parent Company Summary
Parent Company Name: Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX)
Ownership Structure: privately held
Headquartered in: California
Major Industry: aerospace and military contracting
Specific Industry: aerospace & military contracting
Subsidy Summary Subsidy Value Number of Awards
State/Local $3,016,750
Federal (grants and allocated tax credits) $2,613,824 1
TOTAL $5,630,574

Federal loans, loan guarantees and bailout assistance (not including repayments) $106,055,302
TOTAL $106,055,302

Subsidy Tracker Parent Company Summary
Parent Company Name: Tesla Inc.
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol Nasdaq: TSLA)
Headquartered in: California

Subsidy Summary Subsidy Value N
State/Local $2,166,519,089
Federal (grants and allocated tax credits) $339,597,164 82
TOTAL $2,506,116,253 110

Federal loans, loan guarantees and bailout assistance (not including repayments) $466,500,000 2
TOTAL $466,500,000 2

Note the date of this article. No one has dared , in 7 years , to expose the Mighty Muskrat can’t lose funding arraignments.

Elon Musk’s growing empire is fueled by $4.9 billion in government subsidies
By Jerry Hirsch May 30, 2015

Los Angeles entrepreneur Elon Musk has built a multibillion-dollar fortune running companies that make electric cars, sell solar panels and launch rockets into space.

And he’s built those companies with the help of billions in government subsidies.

  hardscrabble farmer
June 14, 2022 11:49 am

Space isn’t real because the rocket engines don’t have anything to push against

Fozzy Bear
Fozzy Bear
June 13, 2022 9:35 pm

My understanding is that Musk comes from a Canadian family, and that his grandfather was a card-carrying member of Technocracy, Inc. This was the same cult Jordan Peterson joined in college. These “Technocrats” wore gray suits and drove gray cars. They demanded a 10 day work week where every worker had to work day shifts and night shifts on a 10 day cycle. They pushed for an educated elite to decide and provide the best/cheapest option for every consumer decision, because providing multiple options is inherently wasteful.

  Fozzy Bear
June 14, 2022 1:53 pm

Uh, you would need to provide a little bit more than pure conjecture, to link Jordan Peterson with Technocracy, Inc.

Fozzy Bear
Fozzy Bear
June 14, 2022 3:06 pm

Peterson wrote about some of his involvement in Technocracy, Inc. in the University of Alberta student newspaper. Look it up.

June 14, 2022 12:03 am

I think all the satellites he is putting in space will be used by A.I. to control people and crush freedom.
That’s what he will be eventually known and remembered for.

June 14, 2022 1:54 am

Elon Musk, the richest man in Clownworld in the current year, who had to borrow to raise the 44B, whose ‘fortune’ (which is measured in fiat debt) rests atop the Green Energy Scam which has as its foundation the Global warming Hoax, is a flash in the pan.
He’s not even a fly in the ointment of those who can bring Trillions to bear. Elon came down in the last shower. The Big Boys, to whom he owes his success, have been around for much, much longer.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
June 14, 2022 7:31 am

He is a transhumanist, snake-oil selling, taxpayer fleecing shit bag.

Better off believing in a fucken skittles shitting unicorn.

ZFG, out.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
June 14, 2022 7:59 am

He is a transhumanist, snake-oil selling, taxpayer fleecing shit bag.

Better off believing in a fucken skittles shitting unicorn.

ZFG, out.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
June 14, 2022 11:34 am

Not sure why it double posted. Admin, can you file 13 this one please?

June 14, 2022 10:04 am

He’s just more controlled opposition. He’s the nice version of Bill Gates. He doesn’t wan to kill you. He just wants to implant a microchip into your brain and wants you to drive electric cars.

June 14, 2022 11:47 am

Electric cars aren’t real. Have you ever seen one? And even if they were real, they wouldn’t work. Tesla super chargers are secretly gas pumps. Tesla are powered by big block hemis

June 14, 2022 1:54 pm

I never was really convinced Elon has an extremely high IQ years ago, and now I’m pretty sure he’s mostly a good bullshitter.

June 14, 2022 4:35 pm

Elon is not the answer! Let the so called great reset happen, The course of revolutionary human experience will end in another form of humans and governments here and abroad… It will, and must all come tumbling down… Those that are in control now need slaves. Do away with the slaves and see just how they will survive the evil they do! We were born and we will eventuly die and no amout of crying in our beer will change that. It all must perish to begin a new begining in what will be a global reset that takes us back 100 to 2oo years in the revolution of change. None will be exempt from their behaviours in spite of blaming others for our behavioural demise…