There’s no bigger bomb that any enemy can drop on the USA today than the one that our own political leaders just dropped ON THIS PAST MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND!

Via State of the Nation

Think About It

Really, the utterly treasonous Uniparty is pushing for a $4 trillion increase to the existing $31 trillion+ federal debt burden?!?!

For folks who are not yet aware, POTUS Imposter Joe Biden and super RINO Speaker Kevin McCarthy are staging the most important Kabuki Theater show of their patently fraudulent political careers.  They are both, along with a very large supporting cast of traitors in Congress and elsewjere, cunningly colluding behind the backs of both the Right and the Left.

Both of these Kabuki clowns — Biden & McCarthy — are working very closely (but obviously in secret) to deliberately deceive the American people regarding the inevitable debt default disaster.  Of course, they’re also collaborating with the likes of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen (the woman who only knows how to “cry wolf”) to kick the can down the road yet again.  In so doing, these three traitors have knowingly and willfully guaranteed an even bigger financial catastrophe for the U.S. Corporation, the bankruptcy of which will plunge the United States into Third World conditions.

In point of fact, every single major player in this rapidly unfolding tragedy has been quite purposefully typecast and positioned over the course of their criminal careers to play their current cataclysmic role.  For example, this is why the Khazarian Cabal criminally installed Biden in the White House; they know he will betray the U.S. citizenry as no other POTUS in history.  Same goes for the deceptively treacherous Kevin McCarthy; all he does his betray the many conservative causes of the House Freedom Caucus which is why his tumultuous election was turned into such an unprecedented rejection circus.  As for Janet Yellen, just listen to her for 5 seconds to apprehend the shocking level of unrelenting perfidy, prevarication and chicanery that she employs during each and every congressional hearing.

Here are the Irish-American bad actors Biden and McCarthy being stage-managed by their Khazarian handler Chuck Schumer.

Notice how these Three Amigos have conspired to add $4 trillion dollars to the federal debt limit lasting until January of 2025 so that Biden will be free and clear of the fiscal calamity that his Khazarian-infested administration is triggering.  You can bet that whoever is installed in the Oval Office at that time will be a ‘bankruptcy expert’ like Trump; and that the most culpable Democrats and RINOs will be no where near the biggest crime scene in recorded history.

The key point here is that the new $35 trillion debt burden is being intentionally created for two primary reasons: (i) to maximize the federal debt to such an inordinate level that the United States government will be compelled to go into default and (ii) to provide more time for the Khazarian Mafia to steal another $4 trillion dollars from American taxpayers.

Certainly there are many other nefarious objectives for carrying out this BIGGEST heist in world history, but these are just a couple.  Were the American people to understand the true reasons for so much graft and outright misappropriation of funds from the US Treasury, they would burn down the House in a D.C. flash.

More significantly, were the people to understand that the same stolen funds were used to kill and injure, incapacitate and debilitate them, they would storm the Capitol with torches and pitchforks in hand.  For example, the COVID-19 Plandemic, as well as the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda, have already proven that the US government spent hundreds of billions of dollars to conduct a naked genocide against the American people.

How’s that, folks?!?!  We have all been paying for our own mass torture and mass murder.  And the Khazarian perps are still stealing US blind to fund their next mass extermination of the populace.

— The Armchair Political Analyst

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May 31, 2023 10:48 am

Just wait until Trump is re-elected , then we’ll show ’em

May 31, 2023 10:46 pm

Right,that’s what my wife says…..go fig!

June 3, 2023 11:57 am

Yeah! Trump will have the Mexicans build the wall again

May 31, 2023 10:49 am

When will the people realize that the politicians are destroying the USA on purpose. They have all sold out to the Globalist Agenda, and in order for that to happen, the USA must fall, and be balkanized so that it will be subservient to NATO. If you want to see our future, just look at Kosovo. NATO is sending in troops to force and election down the peoples throats in which only 3% of the population voted. The Globalists call that Democracy. That is your future.
The only way to stop what is happening is through violent revolution, which we as a country do not have the courage to do.

May 31, 2023 11:49 am

Trial run at creating a global government within the year via WHO.
Pass the binding treaty with as little mention and attention as possible.
Then, give it a year or two before springing the next pandemic on the world.
Anyone complains, say “you should have objected two years ago, this is settled law now.”
After that, all policies are global and based on “crises” deemed “public health threats”.

Makes another $4T seem unimportant by comparison.

May 31, 2023 12:08 pm

A most interesting read .

” The media is completely controlled by “Mr. Global” which is the Committee of 300. They allowed the mainstream media to discuss the gain of function lab leak because they wanted to blame China, but the truth is the United States is behind the creation of SARS-Cov-2 and all manmade bioweapon viruses including AIDS and Ebola.

Most of the officials and polticians in the world including the United States have been trained by the Young Global Leader program which is controlled by the Committee of 300 and its branch the World Economic Forum.

For a full list of the criminal names who belong to the Committee of 300 please see the first post of this thread.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin is against the Committee of 300 and that is why they ordered MI6 and CIA to assassinate him and why they want WW3 with Russia.”

Dangerous Variant
Dangerous Variant
May 31, 2023 1:04 pm

I agree but the USA is already gone. At least in the sense of some nation built for a People under some kind of homogenous moral and social order codified in some foundational documents preserving those things in the highest law.

We are an economic zone in the Global Economy. That toothpaste is out of the tube.

The war profiteering and gibs harvesting I saw within my own social and business circles during “covid” pretty much sealed the question of “when” for me. And if thats bad wait till their kids, steeped in the instaTiktok influencer conspicuous consumer bug world take over. They are already minorities in FUSA and have no idea what has already been lost.

And those weren’t even the rabid statists, leftists, commies, petty State bureaucrats, karens and cucks and other covidian variants who helped destroy the life savings of their neighbors because virtue. Just regular folks who are smart and busniessy and love money. Most never stopped grilling and never will.

It is “get mine” all the way down until the lights go out.

As for “balkanized”, well that doesn’t seem so bad compared to more of this shit. I’d take my chances with my whiskey tango neighbors and the counties of badwhite dirt that spans Appalachia over any more of this fake and gay “we are all in this together” psyop called USA.

I’ve personally known Sebs and Croats. Hard mofos. They have been at the crossroads of Progress for a long time and yet they still manage to remain an actual People with some small (and oft wrecked) homeland. We should be so lucky.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
May 31, 2023 2:55 pm

Courage or not, it’s coming.

4th Turner
4th Turner
May 31, 2023 2:56 pm

Yup, TPTSB who own and teleprompt-marionette Dementia Joe likely showed Kevin “Surrender” McCarthy a more official version of the following vid [just over 15 mins yet age-restricted to heavily reduce viewership] and told him “pass this debt ceiling bill or you and your family won’t get to bug-out to the network of luxury C.O.G. bunkers built with the missing 31+ trillion dollars!

TPTSB and their gov’t lackeys know we’re knocking on the door of Biblical catastrophe, so everything including the economy, supply chains, industrial base, power grid, food production, and especially “individual rights” are being IMPLODED.

May 31, 2023 10:56 am

The other part of ” the plan ”

Expect in the future ships — ships — coming to US ports filled with aliens. Landing with thousands per load. Both coasts. Maybe even injected straight into our heart — up the Mississippi — as insult and humiliation to American dope smokers. Dope comes in many forms. Dope smokers talk trash. Sleep tight. Die.

May 31, 2023 11:28 am

what % of the federal budget are entitlements?
we have met the enemy & he is us —

May 31, 2023 11:41 am

There is no debt ceiling in this deal. They can print whatever they want in response to a Clown World event.

May 31, 2023 11:51 am

Paving the way for the response to the next pandemic.

May 31, 2023 12:02 pm

Fuck this country. I’m broke I don’t spend money on anything but survival . Fuck the spicks niggers and Jews .

May 31, 2023 1:39 pm

Dude, get a better attitude or go crazy. /s

World War Zero
World War Zero
May 31, 2023 5:46 pm

Better attitude: eff the commies, fags, dykes, ‘spics, ‘groids, khazars, and ice back Canucks.

May 31, 2023 12:47 pm

Where’s MTG
Oh that right ,my bad

May 31, 2023 1:33 pm

They all grin like shit eatin’ possums except Kevin in the pic. The nurse must have administered the dope before the pic…control the grin.

May 31, 2023 1:44 pm

Stephanie Shepard, aka she-who-is-never-wrong, was 100% certain with her prediction —> “The USA WILL DEFAULT!!!” <— she screeched from the mountaintop of her ego.

Hmmmm … where is she now? Like Biden during an election — nowhere to be seen.

Let the world burn
Let the world burn
May 31, 2023 1:56 pm

Playing Nostradamus can be quite humiliating if you do not have insider knowledge…

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Let the world burn
June 1, 2023 8:47 am

SAYING you’re Nostradamus is the EASY part! Doin’ the homework? That just sounds fucking EXHAUSTING!!!

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
June 1, 2023 8:46 am

I told her she was wrong. I SO informed her thusly! Ha ha ha!

May 31, 2023 1:49 pm

1, Debt is good.

2. We owe the money to OURSELVES.

3. We ALREADY couldn’t pay back what we currently owe, soooo, not being able to pay back a little more of what we never intended to pay in the first place is no big deal.

4. We have THOUSANDS of nukes.

5. We can play Kick The Can Down The Road for as long as we feel like it because we are the USA!, USA!, USA!

So, please people, stop worrying about the fucking debt. We have much more serious issues that can destroy America. Like those fucken faggots and shit. Nignogs, too.

May 31, 2023 2:22 pm

“Don’t tell me how to enjoy things.” – Rick Sanchez

Good to see you back!

June 1, 2023 11:59 am

Yes Stucky, right again. The math tells us what will happen to the debt. Maybe we can do something about the niggers and queers.

May 31, 2023 2:00 pm

Kill them all!

May 31, 2023 2:42 pm

Yes………………KTA !

May 31, 2023 3:48 pm

Its such a crisis they all took the weekend off. Graham went to Ukraine to cheer spending over the entire GDP of Ukraine as money well spent.
At the same time they ran ads claiming granny won’t get her Social Security Check

Remember social security? A government mandated 401K with no investment gains that you will never again pay taxes on. Except the gubmint stole all the money and now claims it is a ‘benefit’ subject to the discretion of the POTUS!

Ah, I dream of the old days when the people amassed at the gates with pitchforks, hot tar, and torches. Real accountability

World War Zero
World War Zero
May 31, 2023 5:52 pm

Cave-in MIC Arthy

May 31, 2023 8:18 pm

Imagine believing there were negotiations. If Stew Peters isn’t a shill, he lacks discernment.

June 1, 2023 12:02 pm

Come on Admin, you know McCarthy and Biden were negotiating from the same side of the table.

May 31, 2023 8:10 pm

The notion of “RINO” makes no sense to a thinking person. If they are not really Republicans, then would not a legitimate party bring them into line?

It is childish absurdity, but all the gatekeepers are saying it.

May 31, 2023 11:03 pm


May 31, 2023 10:45 pm

And it seems you can get virtually NOBODY to believe it.Very (abusive relationship)strange…….

May 31, 2023 11:57 pm

McCarthy as Charlie Brown

comment image

June 1, 2023 1:30 pm

McCarthy is Lucy in that analogy.

June 1, 2023 7:02 am

It is only 12.9 % increase in spending, so that’s your inflation that you must pay forward.
Sucks to be lumbered with 12.9% more work/ tax/ inflation.
But what are you going to do, The .Gov knows your good for it.

June 1, 2023 11:50 am

….and we thought 20 trillion dollars in debt was a lot.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 1, 2023 2:16 pm

$4 trillion more over two years is $2 trillion printed deficits per year or same old shit; the Uiparty cut nothing. TPTB pretend the Conservatives got a victory with this and that but it is what would have been anyway. It’s like the Eskimos bought ice boxes, Arabs buying sand , US Useful Idiots just bought more liberal hot air BS. The Taxpayers took another screwing. The GOP should demand cuts to the Ukraine War, UN and NATO, Planned Parenthood, PBS/NPR, Dept of Education and Green Energy Subsidies, Subsidies to Minority Farmers, any Money for FedNow/FedCoins, etc. Then look at every expenditure for a 5% cut. The GOP is a sick joke.