Counter Intelligence

via Grp Captain Lionel Mandrake @

In the early morning hours of November 4, 2020 (Insurrection Day 2), the elites that control everything around us except the Church (working on that) and traditional families (that, too) roll the dice by flipping the Big Reset Switch.   I knew then and there that it would take us – and them – down a path of no return.  

Now, the latest conspiracy charges for themselves have been transferred onto the leading enemy of the State Donald J Trump. (i.e. election fraud/racketeering). This only happens when you are: (1) in near total control and (2) scared to death of losing total control.   You see, when a coup of any kind happens, electoral or military, the perpetraitors cannot go back to the world before the uprising through peaceful means because of the distinct possibility of criminal charges, up to and including treason.    Even if SCOTUS slows them down by citing “Constitutional” defenses against Tyranny, they will ignore their decisions(3).  And, that is why it is important to know how this affects you and what the options are for both sides.

But fear not – we are still a massive majority and have economics on our side against ESG Climate Controls and, if necessary, other options described below.  


    1. Two diametrically opposed spiritual worldviews will vie for ultimate control of our socioeconomic systems as either Libertarian (Godly) or Authoritarian (Secular/Atheist). Preparation is critical if the Libertarian side loses.
    2. Leading up to these worldviews may involve going through one or more phases:  World War, Economic Collapse, Secession, Parallel Economies and/or Counter Coup.  A return to Traditional American Values could possibly delay the other scenarios from occurring.
    3. The current US Executive Government will not relinquish power voluntarily via fair elections due to severe criminal consequences for systemic election fraud to take the White House.
    4. Barack Obama is effectively a 3rd term President running the Biden Administration.  He was made by the Corporate Legacy media, is beholden to them and to other powers that prefer the authoritarian objective of One World Government.
    5. Obama may be attempting to provoke a Civil War through weaponization of Government in order to speed the transition to an Authoritarian State thru either a direct conflict or imposition of Martial Law against what is seen as “threats to Democracy”.
    6. The constantly increasing pressure on most Americans to fight back kinetically against what is believed to be an installed government is not by accident.  Therefore, civil disobedience and other non violent pushbacks must still remain within our legal system, no matter the 3rd world corruption, or the consequences.

The world around you is going to be changing, maybe quite abruptly, and you need to plan accordingly for yourself and your loved ones. The SHTF moment may or may not be unstoppable, but it may be possible to delay and prepare for what’s to come. It may even be possible to alter history, if the Sleepyheads awaken.

We are going down the proverbial drain as a Nation unless something happens to change the trajectory.  Other than a Godly supernatural intervention/awakening there seems nothing that can stop the flow, brought to you by people called “Progressives”.

Progressives are what mostly young adults (aka useful idiots), “educators” and ultra rich elites lovingly call themselves. They want to rule your life and your kitchen.

Sleepyhead Wake up Call #1: “Progress” is not taking a step forward in the wrong direction.

We have taken many, many steps.

And once you wake up and come to know what is happening all around us my advise is simply this:

Don’t go with the flow if it’s going down the drain…..

However the collapse happens, the outcome is the same.   Two diametrically opposed  worldviews will vie for ultimate control of our socioeconomic systems as either Libertarian or Authoritarian.   One or the other will rule.   This will be because neither side can live peacefully side by side in the same, still connected world with the other.  Simply put, a next door neighbor that believes in child mutilation and other forms of sexual abuse by the new Healthocracy will become intolerable.   The notion of Love Thy Neighbor will be tested like never before.  This will be nothing less than a battle between love of fellow human beings created in the image of God, or being forced to exalt Sin in a Godless New World Order.

Before the last bit goes down that drain, we will likely undergo a period where the One World Only vise is squeezed very hard through things like programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies that will replace your money in it’s already decentralized form of digital (yes, over 95% of “money” in the bank is already digital). Or, maybe a WHO ordered world lockdown and Martial Law as a result of people reacting to the last little bit of  Liberty lost.

Here are a few possible outcomes to prepare ourselves for (if we can)1:

World War III.    A few years ago I would say this possibility, though always on the table, was somewhat remote.  But today, we are probably looking at a better than 50/50 chance that a Nuke will be used within the year in the Eurasian/West conflict we like to call the Ukraine War.   And then the contagion of war (which will likely include Bioweapons when total war becomes obvious) spreads through a combination of mutual protection treaties, tacit obligations and economic alliances in a repeat of The Great War, also beginning in Eastern Europe and spreading worldwide.   Then, we are all East Palestiners.

Economic Collapse.   This is a near certainty that most of us, even the Sleepyheads in the Demmunist Party, know is coming very soon to a woke bank near you, and there are many.   This will be followed by someone’s “Build Back Better” to save the day from their own purposeful financial and genocidal destruction caused by greed and Artificial Intelligence.   But whose Build Back Better wins?

Whether it’s the BBB  from the Good Guys or the Ultra Rich Atheist Davos people, it won’t be pleasant.   But I can tell you this.   The WEF version will pay the people that are still alive chump change protection money to keep them away from their islands and Gulfstream Jets.   This will be called Universal Basic Income (UBI), part of the long range plan described in my article Why are they Killing us?     In a nutshell, we are being systematically killed off to a manageable UBI payoff number because AI will take over 90% of our jobs in the next 20 years.   This BBB plan will of course involve those UBI payments through a programmable CBDC world “currency” and Artificial Intelligence controlling our Nation’s manufacturing and food supplies.

The Good guys BBB version will be exactly the opposite.  It will be very low tech, Liberty and God-Conscious (vs Satan Conscious).  People will live simple agrarian lives similar to the Amish and Mennonites.  Luddite philosophy rules.  Social bonds will be reestablished without dependence on Smartphones. They will grow much of their own food.  Some may still be living in cities to help with the rebuilding and all the dead bodies from genocide.  This is the second order worst case scenario, caused by the military industrial powers that be that have screwed with Capitalism for generations.

Parallel Economies.   The first time I heard this phrase was from Gab founder Andrew Torba.  In essence, this means we live exclusively within a non-woke economic and financial infrastructure that we create from existing and new organizations.  This kills “cancel culture’ by effectively removing political and religious discrimination from for profit business institutions.

Too many Americans, even now with the world crashing around us, are still hopelessly addicted to their “feel good” Pollyannish legacy media brainwashing.   They complain about what Disney has been doing to kids (not even allowing staff to use the words “boys” and “girls” now) but they still take their kids there.  They still keep their kids in Public Schools, perpetuating the moral and personal destruction of their own offspring.   They still keep their money in Bank of America that voluntarily gave the names of their clients that went to DC on January 6 2021 to the new FBI while at the same time decrying the unconstitutional charade of illegal J6 imprisonments in Internet comments with words like “Insane!” and “Unconstitutional!”  And let’s not forget maybe the best example of modern American intestinal fortitude in our fight against Tyranny with the still ubiquitous “Let’s Go Brandon!” That’ll turn the tide.  Need I say more?

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, although can get me into trouble without the Bill of Rights
New English Proverb

That is why this option may be the  most difficult. It’s just too damn inconvenient for weak willed people to change.    This is also a reason why I am not bringing Civil War into the equation, at least not without a lot of outside help (keep reading).

Secession.   This may well be the best way out of our mess because it will force Parallel economies to happen.  It could put many of us in the driver’s seat because much of our critical energy resources will be in Pro USA Secession states and we can choose to trade or not with the Anti USA States.

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The only thing that may prevent a peaceful divorce is Barack Obama.  Obama you say?

The Obama Factor. Barack Hussein (not Muslim) Obama, some say, is the real Puppet master of our Coup Administration.  He is behind everything from declaring the majority in our Nation as the most dangerous threat to our country in history to calling parents Terrorists who just don’t want schools telling their little boy he can be a little girl.

Obama runs things from his well-protected (from illegal immigrants) enclave in Martha’s Vineyard.   Will his Installed Government of the United States allow peaceful Secession or will they wage war against Obama’s “Deplorables against Democracy”?  Let’s break down how this could lead to either a preemptive or responsive Civil War(2).

The Lincoln Factor. Obama and Lincoln have a lot in common, most importantly their connection to the actual or planned death and destruction of their fellow Americans that they just don’t like.  Before you yell at me, please understand I am against slavery in all its forms, including those in the State that enslave people using things like EBT cards.

Obama has stated in writings and in speeches that Lincoln is his favorite President.

“My favorite President is a guy from Illinois who founded the Republican Party, effectively — Abraham Lincoln, our first Republican President.”

Barack Hussein (not Muslim) Obama

While Obama talks about his eloquence and stature as a man, his real obsession is with the American Civil War, not that Lincoln  “founded the Republican Party”,  quite a LOL.     It is not a long march to believe what most of us already know about Obama, especially the “Fundamental Transformation” part.  Obama’s goal is to replicate Lincoln’s war.   He is motivated by his personal desire to wage war against Americans that are largely White and (in his own words) live on their religious “high horse” of Christianity.

So, if Obama is still around as a nefarious underground political force, the possibility of a 1861 Secession, followed by a Civil War of his making as our 3rd or 4th term President, is very likely.   If he is not around to call the shots (no pun) then a peaceful Secession is possible.

Counter Coup.     There is as much evidence of the Killer “Vax” as there is of Biden’s fake election.   We now know that fake elections, otherwise known as a “coup-by-fraud”, have real consequences.

Situation report.   Once in office by possibly treasonous means, the installed Administration of largely Obama appointees will not go peacefully in the night by a legitimate election.    If they did, and treason proved, the perpetrators will be investigated and charged with treason.  That they have also planned for this is not surprising because they are chess players and the opposition is still playing their checkers game deciding whether to order pizza before or during their favorite TV show.   

In a surveillance state, the coup d’état people know that a grassroots counter coup insurgency is a difficult proposition to both plan and implement.   Those 5G towers they installed without your permission within 3 miles of your house don’t help.  And as I have already noted, most Americans have no stomach for anything other than another quarter pounder with cheese.  

If any counter insurgency happens beyond the most desirable electoral solution (which I highly recommend as it prevents Obama’s civil war), it will require assistance by what can be loosely called Shallow and Deep State “Oathkeepers”.   In our Twilight Zone world, people taking oaths to protect and defend the Constitution are now enemies of “Democracy” if they simply want a public airing of all the evidence of election fraud in the 2020 election.   These are people in and out of government that have sworn an oath to defend our Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  What traitors!

Depatriotize the Military.  Obama started the Military readiness decline and it’s nearly but not completely successful.   It took Covid to bring in the last stage.   Since the Nov 3 Insurrection, the Covid Vaccination program has been used to decimate the Military in every possible way – physically and morally.   If this continues, who could possibly be left in the rank and file to disobey unconstitutional orders under a fake martial law to wage war against citizens who won’t follow along with the next WHO mandate on lockdowns and suicidal injections?   Objectively, our military is in the worst state of readiness in history.  Not only are recruitments at all time lows but the people being recruited have little desire to fight against foreign, let alone domestic, invaders.   If our government is taken over by unjust pretenders, you better be on the right side to avoid a Robespierre thrashing that could speed up depopulation.

American Redo.  With each passing day, this seems a little less likely but still possible.   We can win back our Government politically if we get rid of the Uniparty and Fake Elections. They both go hand in hand and both have to go.  This is going to be the hardest long term struggle (if we have time before the other scenarios play out) because it involves either the complete reconstruction of the GOP/Democrat Party and it’s leadership or a new party altogether that may lead to a new Judicial System that defends rather than attacks the USC.    Even a Convention of States doesn’t seem to solve this problem, but it could help move Congress on Election Reform and that’s good enough for me.

A new party can work and can even be formidable if we can combine the true Liberals (e.g. RFK Jr) that respect the First Amendment (still the largest bunch in the Democratic Party) with the Constitutional Conservatives.  Regardless of what you may think, there are still a lot of Tulsi Gabbards and Alan Derschowitzs out there looking for a new place to find a political home but can’t stomach being in the “Republican Party”.  Neither can I.

There is also the chance that the source of our Tyranny and weaponization of Government against Liberty – The Democrat Party – rids itself of the Communists that have taken the party over. This is possible now that RFK Jr, an old school Constitutional Liberal, is rapidly gaining in the 2024 Presidential run. Read more about this option here.

For all the rightful fretting about our political system, a new party is a possibility but not one I would say has much more of a chance of happening beyond Total War, Economic Collapse or Secession.  But if we do stop Uniparty Insurrection Coups with permanent Federal and State Congressional Election Reform and a redo of Trumps Schedule F Executive Order (rescinded by the Deep State), that is the best option of all. And, we go back to when corporate/union influence (aka Uniparty) was eliminated, allowing virtually unlimited campaign financing of their chosen few.

Alas, none of this works if Americans, after enjoying a two year taste of Tyranny, still favor security over liberty.

If we survive through any of the above scenarios, our first order of business beyond putting food on the table is to redo our educational system so we can assure that future generations don’t allow our Sleepyhead mistakes to be repeated.

For now, I am heading to my local GOP office for a short discussion. Simply, I will tell them I am done with them and every other political organization that allows the weaponization of government and destroys our Bill of Rights that puts earthly fears into God fearing people. I will tell them that I hold them responsible for turning America into a Banana Republic of which even Alan Derschowitz agrees. I will inform them of the outcomes above if they stay the course and quit defending their electorate against an installed government. And I will also let them know that as far as I am concerned, the sooner we get to the end game, the better. I just don’t like suspense.


Maybe that first option of World War happens and won’t be so bad. If we aren’t living inside a Faraday cage bunker well outside of cities and strategic areas of note to passing balloons we will be put out of our misery. The survivors can recreate the low tech world of real humanity we should have had, incorporating the new economies, and some of us can meet again in a better place.

1Biblical Armageddon is also a possibility. The only way to prepare for that is spiritually, not a topic for this discussion.

2I will admit to having no absolute proof of these specific plans that could also just be a crisis not going to waste. Or for that matter, many of the above suppositions, as far as you know.

3As the Biden DOJ has already done with SCOTUS rulings on affirmative action and student loans.

Sic Semper Tyrannis

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Author: tr4head

Economy, Social Issues, Politics, History, Science NonFiction, Religion

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Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
September 11, 2023 4:35 pm

The author paints a dire picture. I’m 75, awake, both spiritually and outside that realm in the day to day drama that is unfolding.
However, I rely on what I am taught from the pulpit, (hard truth to power, by the way), and what I garner from my Bible. I read and study it daily, pray for insight, wisdom and discernment, and soldier on.
Here is a concern of mine: In my sphere of influence, which is not huge, (Mostly family and church) I can find so few that can see beyond the end of their nose. Most couldn’t find John 1:1 in their bible, unless it fell open at that spot. I find myself craving the friendship of someone that can actually advise and counsel me on the matters that concern me most, i.e. the verbiage of the above article. My bride, bless her, is my strong tower, and then the pastor. Where are the lay-persons that we need to be able to ask for advice and counsel? I can count them on one hand with fingers left over.
Anyone else relate to my quandary?

  Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
September 11, 2023 7:25 pm

I would say a combination of things will occur, likely involving the things mentioned. Maybe a new world without tech not so bad for humanity? As for hooking up with people who have some inkling as to what is going on in the world, this site is a good place to start but tends towards a dark perspective so a biblical balance and strength, which you have, is critical. In the final analysis – we are all in his hands.

Doug grows potatoes
Doug grows potatoes
  Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
September 11, 2023 7:51 pm

We are certainly a minority. My primary concern is whether we can wake up the younger generations. The call to awareness is not being attended. But…there are younger people who are awake to the challenge. At our age we can only hold tight and encourage where possible.

Anon II
Anon II
  Doug grows potatoes
September 11, 2023 9:53 pm

I tried ro talk to my son last week (He is in college education).

Can’t get through to him. STILL believes that vaxxes are great…………….

I want to warn him, he MUST get off the Titanic and find a new country.

The younger generations are so stupid.

I grieve.

as Spock said, Fascinating
as Spock said, Fascinating
  Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
September 11, 2023 8:55 pm

“The book of Jonah is not prophecy, as the books we have been studying. This is an account of Jonah’s call to minister at Nineveh, and his reaction to that call. He really did not want to answer God’s call to minister in Nineveh. We find that God has ways of getting him to answer His call.”

“Jonah was from Galilee. He ministered during the reign of Jeroboam the second. The name “Jonah” means dove. The lesson we can learn from this is the danger that lies ahead for us, when we do not do the will of God for our lives. We can also receive the message, in God’s sight all men are worth saving, not just the ones we choose. Jesus said it best in the following Scripture.”

Mark 16:15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

“40 days”? Now where have we heard that timeframe before?

Another great site for learning/interpretation/etc.

Be the solution You are looking for?

Many VERY knowledgable here, myriad subjects. Help freely given.

Anon II
Anon II
  Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
September 11, 2023 9:48 pm

I can’t even count on my brainwashed spouse.

From my perspective you have it rich!

September 11, 2023 6:58 pm

I am not going to be lectured by someone who considers Libertarian to be Godly and authoritarian to be unGodly, when that defies the very fundamental truth of the Bible that God is THE Authority. This is not an authoritarian/libertarian crises (ideologies are thought prisons), this is a crises of obeying God and disobeying God, just like all crisis are.

Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
Ruger49 in Nowhere, Montana
September 11, 2023 8:29 pm

Well-said. You make salient and provably sound points. The Libertarian/Authoritarian mantra stuck in my craw, too. Few will have recognized your take on this; most so-called “Evangelical Christian” know-it- all’s don’t have insight to see what you did. Hence, my quandary.
To the Work!

"a crises of obeying God and disobeying God"
"a crises of obeying God and disobeying God"
September 11, 2023 8:59 pm


September 12, 2023 5:08 am

I was taking about man not god. There is a difference.

September 12, 2023 9:22 am

No. Dictatorships are nearly all by definition Atheistic because they don’t like competition. Think Mao, Stalin. Libertatian means Freedom and Liberty which ALLOWS Religion to flourish, mans basic nature and reason for America , and does not require it. But freedom and liberty has always reqd a Godly people to maintain structure and society. If you think the Reset people will allow Christianity, Islam and Judaism to flourish if they win all, you are a dead wrong.

September 11, 2023 7:28 pm

That set of vermin is up against the ropes because their Babylonian Monetary Majik system all over the world is collapsing and there’s not a thing they can do to stop it. They know it means the end of their power. This isn’t a national collapse, it is a Global collapse of a system whose roots I believe go back to the dawn of Egyptian Civilization. It really is that big.

Their narratives are collapsing. Even Musk is about to go after the Jews who boss everyone around. They’re running scared and they know everyone hates their guts. Who was it who said that before the gods destroy them, they would go insane?

September 11, 2023 7:37 pm

Coalclinker for the bullseye says the man born in Mt. Carmel PA!

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
September 12, 2023 1:56 pm

My Mom’s side of the family is from Lykens Valley since about the 1750’s.

  Joe Blow
September 12, 2023 8:15 pm

I’m a Heinz variety as far as heritage goes. Mom’s family came to America from England in 1847, when her great-great grandfather and mother had to leave England because of an out of wedlock pregnancy. Her great grandfather was born on the ship coming over, and his burial place is less than a mile from my house.

Don’t know much about my father’s family. They came to America over some crime supposedly committed in Germany, when one of the scions was hanged. The next part of the story was forbidden to be told, but somehow the whole family got kicked out of the synagogue, and they all became either irreligious or Roman Catholic.

Thus I’m descended from a hodgepodge of criminals or scofflaws.

September 11, 2023 7:44 pm

The whole reason for the article (even though it has some good points, just like him).

A new party can work and can even be formidable if we can combine the true Liberals (e.g. RFK Jr) that respect the First Amendment (still the largest bunch in the Democratic Party) with the Constitutional

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
September 11, 2023 8:19 pm

The R Party was founded by John C. Fremont, Leland Stanford Sr. & Samuel Huntingdon (and 1 more I can’t remember) out in Cali. Not Lincoln.

Oh, I’m tickled that hopefully I can see the Stanford Pep Band live at an ACC Game. UVA used to have one that was funny as hell.

  lamont cranston
September 12, 2023 12:16 pm

Lincoln was the first Rep President and as such was the first leader of the party by default.

September 11, 2023 8:39 pm

barry soetoro, The Black(ish) Parrot?

ONE THING That Nobody can un-hear?

On the campaign trail in Beaverton, Oregon, in May 2008?

“… it is just wonderful to be back in Oregon, and over the last 15 months we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in fifty …. seven states? I think one left to go. One left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit but my staff would not justify it.”

Soooo over-the-top….That his trainers NEVER even considered how ‘Dumb’ barry really was.

‘CONstitutional Scholar’? 🤣

Harrington Richardson: Resurgent
Harrington Richardson: Resurgent
  BS, TBP?
September 11, 2023 9:24 pm

He had a temporary gig as a “guest lecturer” at some law school in Shitcago. Big deal. Everything about his and Big Mike’s legal careers is overblown bullshit. They both lost their licenses. Few know that.

"both lost their licenses"
"both lost their licenses"
  Harrington Richardson: Resurgent
September 11, 2023 10:31 pm

Can’t see anybody that does NOT know how many states there are…Passing the bar?

To begin with.

Idiot Savant?

  "both lost their licenses"
September 12, 2023 7:35 am

Minus the savant.

September 12, 2023 6:08 am

Freedom, is the only damn word.

September 12, 2023 9:15 am

Essense of Libertarianism.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
September 12, 2023 7:07 am

As most commenters have noticed Grp Captain Lionel Mandrake is a bit off the mark.
“1Biblical Armageddon is also a possibility. The only way to prepare for that is spiritually, not a topic for this discussion.”
Turn away from God, FAFO.

  Oldtoad of Green Acres
September 12, 2023 9:17 am

Except when you will need him.