YEAR I: Dispatches & Discussions

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio

“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.”

— Ernest Hemingway


Well, it has been an interesting year, that’s for sure.

When I started this journey in December of 2012, I could not have pictured it would lead me down so many of these myriad intellectual footpaths; indeed, the journey has been an interesting one. Originally, I began writing these dispatches as a way to speak to my family and friends, a way to share the research and knowledge I had accumulated about the forces behind the levers of power in this world. It was also a way for me to sound a clarion call for Christ’s eternal Truth, one that has sadly been lost in so many corners of our lands.

I could hardly have imagined the support that I have received this early into my writing career. It is truly humbling to be read in 47 states and over +40 different countries. It is humbling that so many of you have reached out and spent your precious time reading the writings of an old soul in this brave new world. That anyone has spent their hard earned shekels in times such as these to support this work has been an incredible blessing. I thank those of you whom found this research valuable and returned that value back to me, either through spreading the message or financially.


The COVID pandemic was a wake up call for me in many ways, a warning sign of how far down the slippery slope we have fallen. Despite the level of tyranny unleashed, I can still barely fathom the level of evil that has been perpetrated against humanity. Despite immersing myself in the origins of the unraveling of Western civilization, it is only after seeing the undeniable signs of nanotechnology with my own eyes that I finally realized the magnitude of this luciferian regime’s assault upon us. The forced evolution of humanity is a crime so grand, so all-encompassing, so subtle, so devious, so sublime, it begs questions to which there are only bad answers.

I owe a debt of gratitude to my brothers in this spiritual and informational war: George Hobbs of The Fact Hunter; Raul, Alex, & Claudiu of FirmaMental; Dr. S, and so many others I can hardly name them all — but you know who you are. I can only pray that the LORD continues to bless our endeavors. Above all, I thank my wife and my family for assisting me during this time of great change. For my child-to-be, this work has been a labor of love so that you may learn the true history of this world, one unclouded by Satan’s calumnies.

I will be taking some time to unplug for a few weeks here and enjoying the season with my family. Don’t worry dear readers, I have certainly left you all with a great deal to listen and read this year, all of which has been compiled in this article for ease of access. Not to mention, I’ve got some podcasts in the can and ready to go for you all to enjoy during the break as well.

Few generations get to decide what the next several centuries of history would look like.

Ours is one of those called into the line of duty; only time will tell if we will rise to the occasion.

Decision points and tectonic fractures are already manifesting that will to lead changes so massive it can scarcely be reckoned by the common man: from CBDC to transhumanism, fake contagions to mentally conjured atom bombs, our luciferian lieges plie the peons with practiced pageantry. While the forces of Darkness are looming large, the Light will never be snuffed out. Despite all that lies ahead, I am incredibly excited about what 2024 is going to bring.

Christ has won the battle for us already, but the fight has just begun.


Scipio, December 11th, 2023


A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.”

— The Book of Eccliastes 3:8 KJV


YEAR I, 2023, digital art.


Continued on Substack

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December 12, 2023 9:39 am

Got the beard, wish for the hairdo…

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 12, 2023 11:30 am

I’ve got the side and back portion covered, but not they hair part. 😉

December 12, 2023 9:41 am

Our Duty is to make it known. The missing debate minutes.

DD Denslow 🇬🇧
Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate.

This is what was blacked out from the American public.

If msm & their big pharma pay masters didn’t want you to see it, then it’s probably worth sharing.

December 12, 2023 9:50 am

Fox is Ⓤ approved.

December 12, 2023 12:36 pm

Ⓚ approved also.

December 12, 2023 1:37 pm

Ⓚosher Nostradamus

December 12, 2023 2:33 pm

Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed

But they are more than happy to show you fake stuff….

Meet the Covid CRISIS ACTORS: NOT Conspiracy Theory. LITERAL ACTORS.

Worldwide Illusion Warfare: Actors making deathbed videos to beg others “get vaccinated”, ambulances with dummy dolls on gurneys, fake doctors, staged photoshoots, reusing old footage & more…

This is not a “Conspiracy Theory” post. The people shown on this list are literal actors and I am going to show you the evidence today.

Because this is not “theory”, in order to qualify as an actor on this list, one or more of the following must be true:

– They have an IMDb page (Internet Movie Database) that lists the productions they have appeared in

– They have advertised themselves as an actor on their own website, a talent agency website or their own social media

– The media says verbally, or in print, that they are an actor.

– They have to appear in Credits of a production as an acting roll

– They have appeared in multiple broadcasts, in different locations, filmed at different times, involving completely different topics

If the above criteria are not met, the individual cannot appear on this list because this is not a theory post. Kapish? Let’s start here:


Because this is a serious topic, I can’t just tell you they are actors, I have to show you, therefore, there’s a lot of videos below, but I edited them to be short so you can bang them all out in 30 minutes and trust me, it’s worth it.


Concerned citizen confronts a photographer and an actor who is wearing a hazmat suit and posing for pics in the city while he pretends to disinfect it… (1:30 video)

December 13, 2023 1:58 pm

Fake, staged andd gay.
Hollywood has entranced the earth.

December 12, 2023 10:52 am

If the truth of this place on which we live is ever reclaimed, the oppressors matrix will crumble and fall away. That is the goal of a dedicated warrior. Destroy the illusion.

Merry Christmas Grunge.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 12, 2023 11:31 am

It is When, not If, Bea.

Eddy O
Eddy O
December 12, 2023 2:40 pm

I started my journey 11 years ago today and have been in Ecuador ever since. Have been here since 12/12/12 at 12.

  Eddy O
December 13, 2023 1:59 pm
