The Financial Jigsaw Part 2, Chapter 3 – LOCALISATION – UK Flash Inflation – DECENTRALISATION – Resistance – Climate Action – Surviving Energy Transition – Davos Update – [01-20-24]

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful… that’s what matters to me.” [Steve Jobs]

This week is special, with no paywall, as I ease into the core of Plan ‘B’ – Phase 4, regarding ‘Localisation’ and ‘Decentralisation’ in the Protect & Survive strategy.  Follow me down the rabbit hole and find out how to overcome the arrant attacks on our freedom and liberty which have been taken for granted for centuries

NOTICE – This Issue is so Important for Protection & Survival that I Have Lifted the Paywall for this Week

LOCALISATION is a model of a happy, self-sufficient, and productive local economy independent of an oppressive central government.   It relies on a mentally healthy community where individuals can interrelate without fear and which engenders positive outcomes.  In Africa, the concept is known as UBUNTU.  The principle in its simplest state says: “I cannot be rich if my neighbour is poor”.

Our modern, centralised societies, where the government takes on the responsibility for all our needs, have resulted in an extreme welfare state which diminishes the community to the level of slaves, fed and housed by elite rulers according to their rules and laws.  This relieves responsibility and accountability from the individual and places it upon a chaotic and wasteful bureaucratic spider web. [Précis edited from Doug Casey’s discussions with International Man.]

First, it is necessary to assess the reasons why Localisation is required in the first place. After all, centralised nation-states have survived and prospered for centuries.  But as the 21st century dawned, 911 happened, which I suggest shocked with extreme fear in all sectors of American society, and traumatised the leadership.  In response, a range of draconian laws were enacted that severely limited former accepted freedoms – our leaders were running scared. For the first time ever, America had been bombed on its own soil.

Artificial concepts like “safe spaces,” “trigger warnings,” and “micro-aggressions” arrived in the last decade but now they are ubiquitous. They are not only pseudointellectual fads but also signs of mental derangement or maybe even spiritual sickness.  A transmogrification of society often occurs as a result of fear, responding to group hysteria, where evangelical cultist minorities demand unconditional compliance from the silent majority to ‘save’ their distorted concept of our world.

These days this syndrome is generally known as “Wokeness” and is perceived as smug, virtue signalling to be intolerant of other viewpoints, aka, “the anti-democratic illiberal woke brigade“.  It is one of many mantras of cults in which COVID-19 was the first of a global cult driven by hysterical Covidian Scientism.

The British Establishment has been deeply penetrated by the Woke Cult to such a degree that they have replaced our government in their authority to make and enforce the law of the land.  They are the modern equivalents of French Jacobins or Soviet Bolsheviks who took control of the apparatus of the State and used coercion under cover of law.

But the rot is so deep that they don’t even have to use laws. The mob, what the Romans called the capite censi, also known as “the headcount”, the capite censi owned little or no property, so they were counted by the head rather than by their property. Initially, capite censi was synonymous with proletarii, meaning those citizens whose property was too small to be rated for the census, the headcount could enforce their will by force of numbers. They can “cancel” their enemies using democracy.

We already have our unofficial variety of the Chinese Social Credit system which are FICO credit scores, and stands for the ‘Fair Isaac Corporation’. They are computed by Equifax et al. Young people like to compare their credit scores, seeing them as signs of approval from society at large. However, a credit score is irrelevant if cash is used.

The emergence of ‘consumerism’ after WW2 was driven by the American marketing and advertising PsyOp and has prevailed for 100 years.  However, this is now fading from the national consciousness, mainly because everyone is deeply in debt and unable to consume much more; enough is indeed enough.

Consumerism is being replaced by ” Wokeism.” Words and movements ending in “ism” typically involve using peer pressure, social opprobrium, and moral approbation to move people where the rulers choose. On the one hand, they’re the glue that holds society together but they can be manipulated by power-hungry sociopaths to disrupt civil society.

Humans are herd animals that know it’s dangerous to be highly visible because animals that move in flocks, herds, or packs tend to ostracize oddballs, rebels, and mavericks. The compliant others will consider these individuals traitors or even dangerous domestic terrorists.

It’s part of ‘cancel culture’ which is increasingly imposing itself on British society and is anti-individualistic. One characteristic that made Western civilisation more successful and different from other civilisations was that it endorsed and promoted individualism.

But a ‘Woke’ society is intensely anti-individualist; Wokism, like Marxism, is antithetical to every characteristic of Western Civilisation.  Contrary to what the masses believe, Wokism is not forward-looking, or “progressive” in the sense of progress. It’s retrogressive, going backward towards tribal culture.

The computer, like all technological advances, comes with pluses and minuses; it’s a double-edged sword. It’s like gunpowder. When gunpowder was developed it was controlled by the ruling classes and was used to suppress the peasants. But it wasn’t long before the peasants were using gunpowder to unhorse armoured knights and destroy their rulers’ castles.

Technology has always worked to liberate the common man. Gunpowder led to physical liberation, and the printing press led to intellectual liberation. People no longer needed a priest to tell them what was in the Bible; they could read it for themselves. The computer and the internet have liberated the common man in the same way.

However, the State, and its corporate minions, still control most platforms and IT systems through public/private partnerships.  Hackers will eventually turn the tables or even the whole system might collapse because it’s become super complex and unwieldy. Central control and the State itself will then fall apart.

Unfortunately, the trend is not only in motion but gaining momentum.  Technology is not your enemy; your enemy is the Central State, which uses technology to regiment and oppress its subjects. This short explanation of Monty Python’s peasant scene illustrates the concept.

This is my Plan ‘B’ (phase 4) now playing in the Western Cape. The first thing is to make an effort to produce more than is consumed and save the difference. In our flat on the mountain, we have an unused swimming pool which is now used to collect and store rainwater.  Simons Town often has outages of municipal water supply but it doesn’t bother us because we have 20 cubic metres of water on hand outside our front door!

The second thing whenever possible, is to request payment by promissory note or a bill of exchange from traders with whom you do business. During a financial collapse, it may be inconvenient for traders to work with cash.  I have often referred readers to this book about the local economy in Sussex during the eighteenth century. There is a detailed description of Thoma Turner’s financial dealings in Appendix C (page 340).

Our economies are mutating before our very eyes. The whole world is over-financialised which means there’s an overwhelming amount of trading and leverage in every kind of stock, bond, property, commodity, derivative, and Crypto. Huge numbers of people are gambling, using option derivatives instead of roulette wheels.

The third thing to consider is political insulation, which for practical purposes, means geographical distance.  This is why I have chosen a place in the sun, by the sea, where food is abundant, and our off-grid power supply uses the sun – natural and abundant.  IMHO, my Creator has provided for all my needs freely through natural resources and I praise Him for the knowledge of His great gifts.

The Global Financial System is fragile, but the political environment is even more flimsy and James Corbett agrees with my Plan ‘B’ ‘UBUNTU’ model

Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance Network discusses The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation, the latest edition of the ongoing series of solutions-focused workshops and conferences seeking to empower people on their quest to build parallel systems of the future.  From workshops and presentations on permaculture, and parallel networks, to taking back our technology, and building community (including a virtual presentation from James Corbett), this conference offers something for every stripe of #SolutionsWatch-er, both in person and in a free livestream.

UK NEWS FLASH – Inflation rises:

UK inflation unexpectedly increased to four percent in December, the first increase for 10 months, complicating the timing of interest rate cuts from the Bank of England this year.  But food inflation remained at 8% which is a key element of everyone’s cost of living. It’s yet another nail in the coffin of centralisation; systems have become so complex that management of modern economies is failing catastrophically.

DECENTRALISATION – The Final Solution for the 21st Century

We are living in a unique era, where three historical cycles have converged, which offers exceptional opportunities to prosper in a new world changed beyond measure. Here is an edited précis that offers a succinct explanation of historical cycles and which explains why we are where we are.

Mathematical Cycles of History – People think that progress is linear, a step-by-step process. In reality, it’s not linear. It’s exponential and cyclical. We have cycles that keep repeating within the overall pattern of progress. So even though things are changing, in one important sense, they’re staying the same. All operations of nature and the universe follow cyclical patterns.

There are also stages in the way these cycles work. They’re like a pendulum that swings back and forth. The pendulum swings from centralisation to decentralisation, then the process repeats.

Cycles also have periods. That’s pretty interesting because if you’re into technical analysis, you will understand everything is mathematical, which is a bit weird. And so we have these cycles within cycles. Roughly speaking, there are 28-year cycles, 84-year cycles, and 250-year generational cycles.

Looking at the math: 3 x 28 equals an 84-year cycle. 3 x 84 equals a 250-year cycle. So the number three is important. It’s like financial technical analysis with cycles repeating in ‘triple bottoms’.

Let’s start with the 84-year cycle. Events like the ‘Fourth Turning’, which proposes an 80-year cycle, describe regime change affecting established institutions. 84 years is a loose estimate; it could be 74, or it could be 90 or more years.

Regime change happens around every 84 years; the 1930s saw regime change. In the United States, FDR’s New Deal essentially took America from a capitalist society to more of a centralised, socialist-style nation.

Roughly 84 years before that Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto, which inspired the 1848 ‘European Spring’ or the ‘Springtime of the Peoples’, which was the largest revolution in European history. Thus, every fourth generation witnesses a popular uprising, which we’re watching today.

There are people in the streets protesting mandates. But people around the world were protesting before the scamdemic. It started with Brexit in 2016, which was a major blow to the globalist establishment. Trump’s election in the United States was also a rejection of the Establishment. Then came BLM and Antifa, turning into social forces in 2020, creating massive unrest in many cities.

There’s a major swing about every 84 years (again, it could be more, it could be less). Right now, we’re at the end of an 84-year cycle, which was a centralising cycle. But that’s a part of the larger cycle: 3 x 84 equals 252.  Every 250 years or so there’s revolution. This cycle has coincided with the Fourth Turning cycle.

About 250 years ago there were the American and French revolutions. In the American case, they were rebelling against British rule. They set up a decentralised government afterward. In the French case, they were rebelling against the Old Regime of the crown and the Church.

Two hundred fifty years before was the Protestant Reformation. Leading up to the Protestant Reformation, the Church had amassed all the power. The Church was the only way to get to God. But once the printing press had decentralised information, the people could read the Bible themselves and discovered they didn’t need the Church after all. Thus the Church gradually lost its power.

When the Church lost its monopoly, there was an explosion of innovation and the Renaissance age began.  The Renaissance gave birth to science and technology, which then led to the Industrial Revolution. Then the Industrial Revolution, about 250 years later, brought technology that started centralisation again as people moved to the cities from the farms and giant factories appeared in giant cities. Nation-states became heavily centralised.

Now we’re at the end of this 250-year cycle. We’re entering the cycle where the pendulum is ready to swing away from centralisation; we’re at peak centralisation, and moving towards decentralisation. These cycles of history demonstrate that, like the pendulum, it’s a natural repeating pattern

The key to understanding is to recognise that these revolutions were pushing against centralised establishments and toward decentralisation. They happen approximately every 250 years on average. Ray Dalio below illustrates the historical truth:

Incidentally, no empires effectively lasted more than 250 years. Some may have technically lasted longer, but their heydays were much shorter. No democracy has truly lasted more than 250 years either.

Technology is a major driver of change.  But revolutionary technology is a disruptive technology. Technological revolutions build entirely new economies and change the way humanity works. Just like the printing press, was the technology that changed the Church’s monopoly power, today we’re witnessing other technologies powering change.

As with the Church, no matter how many people they killed, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t keep change from happening. Thus today where no matter how hard establishments try, they can’t stop decentralisation technology either. The main technology that will decentralise the world is ‘Localisation’. Much like the Protestant Reformation, we have a new decentralising technology.

Today new technologies typically have rapid adoption because they build on top of existing technologies. For example, the Internet was adopted quicker than the telephone because it used telephone lines to gain adoption.  During the centralising Industrial Revolution being located in the United States offered massive opportunities to get rich but to be in a city was the best of all.

This centralising activity made it easy for governments to collect high taxes and increase oppressive social and financial controls. During the scamdemic, people discovered they could work from home, so now people are moving out of cities into low tax regimes. My case is an example of ‘Working from Anywhere’ (WFA)

There’s going to be a great migration, it’s happening now. And as people start decentralising, the government begins to lose control and its ability to squeeze people.  This new cycle will be well underway by the end of this decade. It could potentially be the most profitable decade of our lives if you position yourself accordingly and remove to an advantaged location.



More recently, in 2019, Bloomberg was publishing articles with headlines like “Climate Change Will Kill National Sovereignty As We Know It”, and academics are telling us “States will remain unable to solve global crises like climate change until they let go of their sovereignty”.  For years climate change has been sold as the reason we might be “forced” to abandon democracy or sovereignty.  Alongside this, there is a prolonged propaganda narrative dedicated to changing “climate change” from an environmental issue into an everything issue. (more in the next issue).

At this point, all national governments agree that “climate change” is an urgent problem requiring global cooperation to solve. They host massive summits at which they sign international agreements, binding nation-states to certain policies, for the sake of the planet. Having established that model, they are now widening the “climate change” purview. Changing “climate change” into the answer to every question: Obviously, “climate change” was always going to impact energy and transport.

Following Covid, “climate change” has already been re-branded as a “health crisis”.  Now we’re being told “climate change” is generating a food crisis. We’re being told that international trade needs to be climate-conscious.  We’re being told by the World Bank that education reform will help the fight against climate change. We’re being told by the IMF that every country in the world should tax carbon and, in a recent cross-over episode, that CBDCs can be good for the environment. See how it works?

Agriculture & food, public health, energy & transport, trade, fiscal & taxation policy, even education. Almost every area of government is now potentially covered by the “climate change” umbrella.

They no longer need a one-world government, they just need a single panel of “impartial international climate change experts” working to save the planet.  Through the lens of “climate change”, these experts would be empowered to dictate – sorry – recommend – government policy in almost every area of life to every nation on the planet.  Do you see it yet?

This is global government in the modern world, not centralised but distributed. Cloud computing. A supranational corporate-technocrat hive-mind. With no official existence or authority, and therefore no accountability, and funnelling all their policy decisions through one filter – climate change.

There won’t be a single global currency, there will be dozens and dozens of “interoperable” digital currencies creating an “harmonious payment ecosystem”.

There won’t be a single global digital identity service, there will be a series of “interconnected identity networks” engaging in the “free flow of data to promote security”. There won’t be a global government, there will be international panels of “impartial experts”, appointed by the UN who make “policy recommendations”.

Most or all of the countries of the world will follow most or all of the recommendations, but anyone who calls these panels global governments will be forwarded fact-checks from Snopes or Politifact highlighting that “UN expert panels do NOT constitute a global government because they have no legislative power”. Sources


Mike Adams says, “Live off-grid to survive the next decade”, and I fully agree with Mike.  Energy is electricity for our personal lives.  Yes, it originates mainly from oil and coal but it’s so easy to switch on the light or cook a meal at the flick of a switch. Not surprisingly, we take it all for granted, as indeed I have done all my life, apart from a few outages when my wife cooked a meal on our coal fire in the 1980s.

But this all changed in 2022, when I remained locked down in the UK desperate to escape to the sunny climes of the Global South, HMG decided otherwise, so I went into survival mode.  There’s no such thing as a Low Energy-Rich Country.  Energy consumption is the prime marker of a society’s wealth

BTW – The Northern Irish should not laugh too soon about SA’s load-shedding because, “An emergency alert has been triggered on Northern Ireland’s electricity grid, sending it into an amber warning at teatime today.”  [N Ireland Close to Blackouts as Wind Fails – January 16, 2024.


Hat Tip Spartacast Substack – ICENI Bulletins:  And edited précis:  At Davos, Ursula von der Leyen, that horrible, sneering witch, went on a long Bond-villain-like spiel about misinformation and disinformation, where she extolled the virtues of the EU’s new Digital Services Act, through which the EU seeks to enforce a regime of Stasi-like, totalitarian censorship over social media platforms.

The face of this effort is, of course, Thierry Breton, an utterly humourless, pug-faced hall monitor of a man who looks and sounds like a toilet brush given human form. The busybodies are on the march, and they won’t rest until they’ve clamped their sweaty palms over your mouth and silenced your unsophisticated criticism of the Elites.

The ruling class complains about a lack of trust in institutions, even as their actions drive that mistrust. Trust is not given freely; it’s earned. They can’t comprehend this simple fact. They want to govern in the manner of tyrants, with impunity. They want you to feel guilty for not bending the knee to them as they do so.

Enough is enough.  Any time matters of economic class are brought up, these parasites tamp it down with divisive rhetoric about race, gender, sexuality, and other irrelevancies. Anything to keep people from asking simple, straightforward questions about necessities, like affording rent, transportation, and groceries.

They’re leading us up the garden path. They think that they can fool us into believing that they’re gods forever, so long as they perform the proper rituals and chant the correct mantras, but it’s not working. The natives are restless; they’re turning the screws on us. And as they do it, they demand that we trust and obey them. They get very upset and insecure when we aren’t prostrating ourselves deeply enough.

They wouldn’t be using the kind of rhetoric that they are if they weren’t afraid, and rightly so. Why wouldn’t the architects of the ‘New World Order’ be afraid? There are so many things that are happening in the world right now, one after another. We are seeing technological breakthroughs that would have been considered unthinkable a decade ago.

To allow for the centralisation of AI in a select few cloud providers with strict guardrails would be the death of freedom, liberty, and human agency flourishing everywhere on the surface of this planet.  The ruling class wants you to be afraid of what decentralised and guardrail-free AI can do. They want you to be afraid because they’re afraid of it themselves, and the reason why they’re afraid is because they don’t want the balance of power to shift from them to us but history tells us it will shift in the end.


  • BOOM’s weekly global review – Tuesday, January 23, 2024
  • Letter from South Africa – Easy Living Off-Grid – Saturday, January 27, 2024


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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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Simplicus Carpenteria
Simplicus Carpenteria
January 20, 2024 11:26 am

Uh …. I got nothin . Good points from Austrian Peter . Technically if A.I. , which its operating system ,as opposed to its program, has to be devised from cold hard logical and mathematical premises were to be given a thoroughly objective program would it conclude that the vast majority of wisdom is dispersed thru out the aggregated knowledge and understanding of the individuals that make up the masses and that the very notion of centralization of control is therefore a deprivation of potential positive and beneficial “known unknowns “? I stop at “known unknowns because I know that there are unknown unknowns , so I know about them ya know ? lol . and whats with the geometry ? Threes ( the triune , the three branches of gov in a repub , Tres Hombre’s ZZTop ), fours , triangles , squares , parralelagrams, trapezoids (and there are more in the four sided category )? What about circles ? Sure we break those down into increment too , symbolically anyway , first by degrees ( 360 ) then by minutes within those degrees ( 60 ) then by seconds within those minutes ( another 60) and beyond that I dont know where it officially goes but all of that is just our own ” symbolic representation” ( symbols represent things but aren’t actually the things themselves , I think people forget this ) of ” what actually is” , which preceded our acknowledgement of it ( maybe / Boson Higgs ) so who the fuck knows ? Amirite ? Lol (-;

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Simplicus Carpenteria
January 20, 2024 4:00 pm

That’s a pretty big bag of nothing you got there. carpenter. Just sayin’…

Simplicus Carpenteria
Simplicus Carpenteria
  The Central Scrutinizer
January 20, 2024 9:02 pm

Yeah er uh sorry there Mr Scrutinizer , I seem to be in that manic phase of my cycles bout now.I’m definitely not a flatliner nor would I want to be ,and that in and of itself is a whole other rabbit hole I aint goin down right now . Perhaps I’m marginally” bipolar ” er sumethin? Never been diagnosed any more than I’ve ever “tested positive” for “COVID “( I simply don’t submit to the tests(-; ) I prefer to refer to it as being ” Surprised By Joy ” ( the title of one of CS Lewis’s books ) and then I slog thru the bittersweet melancholia that makes up most of the rest of the time that is my life in stoic fashion . It is what it is bruh . Godspeed .

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Simplicus Carpenteria
January 21, 2024 12:29 pm

I’m not complaining. Just riffing off a Rick & Morty episode. It was funnier when they did it. And you don’t need to tell me about bipolar. I’m a Gemini.

January 20, 2024 11:26 am

Look up UHURU. Contemplate the advancements in African culture over the millennia, they even outlawed cannibalism in Kenya… in 1967! Terrible way to start the article.

January 20, 2024 2:54 pm

The ZOG and FJB have turned the USA into such a FUBAR Kakistocracy that something in 70 IQ FU Africa seems to make better sense? Actually, socialism is an inferior pit in hell compared to free market capitalism in a Christian country.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
January 20, 2024 4:02 pm

Up her skirt? Or like, literally “UP her”? I’m asking for my lawyer. He says it makes a difference. Not sure I follow his logic, but when in Rome.

  The Central Scrutinizer
January 21, 2024 12:36 am

Facts, details, Truth, Justice and the American Way mean nothing in a Communist Show Trial or Leftist Kangaroo Court, with a liberal Jury, and that’s 99% of American Court Trials these days. The Ends justify the Means with democrats. You could be the wrong man, nothing she says is true, or a totally fabricated FBI Report; it doesn’t matter if TPTB want you locked up as a convicted criminal. Or if you are one of them, they could have the stained dress, your lap top with all the evidence, a dozen eye witness whistle-blowers, and video but you walk. The FBI & CIA are like KGB and Gestapo; ask JFK , the Waco Victims, J6 Protesters, Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Justice Scalia, Jeff Epstein, Seth Rich, the 3 Ga home-owners given life, etc.

Saami Jim
Saami Jim
January 20, 2024 12:34 pm

Thank you Peter
Very thought provoking for me:

“I cannot be rich if my neighbour is poor”.

I will study on this topic.

I drove over an hour this morning to pick up two small feeder pigs. Our cow is giving so much milk, I figure the extra milk, whey, etc. will feed these pigs for many months.

All the best to you, Peter.

  Saami Jim
January 21, 2024 12:40 am

Please, I have some worthless neighbors and it’s not my fault or societies fault; if a man will not work, he should not eat. DEI is just Communist propaganda to take your hard earned stuff and consume it.

January 20, 2024 2:04 pm

Disagree that humans are “herd” animals. Herd=prey.

January 20, 2024 3:03 pm

The majority sure were herded by TPTB during The Shots, CDC Protocols, and government pogroms : Affirmative Discrimination, Quotas, Dumbed down leftist public schooling, Cultural Communism in art and music, feminism, chem-spraying, wokism, Great Society Welfare, Zionist Warfare, Censorship, control of our money and controlled mass media, open borders, sterilizing GMOs, and wholesale persecution of the intelligent individuals sounding the alarms.

January 21, 2024 12:42 am

Thousands are suddenly falling over dead from The Shot for dozens of reasons.