Via Comically Incorrect

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Tony LV
Tony LV
February 20, 2024 6:19 pm

That over 8 million Biden illegals is probably more like over 12 million. What about adding in the rogue just-us system?

February 21, 2024 2:04 pm

The Yids are taking down the USA.
This is what the yids are doing to the USA and the western nations.
They are taking them down with the same exact strategies they use on everyone they take down.
As an example, this is how the yids took down the Italian Mob in the US.
When the Russian Jewish Mob came to New York they immediately, as they always do, infiltrated the Italian Mafia, it was getting to Catholic for them, and they needed a mob that would work with the CIA and the Mossad, who were already one unit, serving the Illuminati=Rothschilds.
That is why the gangs and the mobs all over the world became united with satanic cults, as they are now.
The yids infiltrate, secretly caused division and made each mob family fight each other, then they used laws because the yids own the legal system and all the DA’s they made the Rico act specifically for the Italian mobsters so the Yiddish mafia could take down the Italians and replace them as a monopoly controlled by the Global Yiddish Russian Mob.
Whatever they infiltrate and gain a monopoly over also becomes satanic.
In the beginning in New York City, after infiltrating the Italian mob with front men, yids with prestigious “doctor” titles that would put the Italians illegal businesses in their name to take the heat.
Like massage parlors, strip clubs, anything semi-illegal that needs a front also needs front men.
The yids seemed friendly, useful and helpful but yids are good actors and liars.
The Yids then secretly did horrible things to members of each crime family, but they set it up so they would all blame each other, and never knew it was the yids=Russian jewish Mob in New York.
The crime families began to fight each other for crimes against each other, when they should have fought the yids who were the actual perpetrators of those crimes=Yid divide and conquer strategy.
It is what Yids do: divide and conquer.
They used the Yids in the criminal justice system to then arrest all of the Italian mob and put them in Prison so the Jewish mob could take over. They had the yid defenders charge huge amounts of money to defend them and then they cause them to be convicted.
They created and used the RICO act to take all their money from the Italian mob.
Many Rabbis were involved in this takeover. The Yids also ran the son of Sam killings as a test, and set up many satanic cults in New York to get people to kill for them as patsy’s.
These Yids learned all they could from the Italians so they could get rid of them and then use what they learned to replace them doing the same crimes but in much more evil ways.
One thing the yids always do before they commit any crime is to get someone else to do it for them and or they always set up a patsy to set up, put at the scene of the crimes, and then take the blame for them.
Just like all psychopaths, the yids think this way: Good is all the evil they can do, and evil is ever getting caught or being held accountable for it. That is why they all become lawyers or doctors.
Whatever the Italians were up to the Rabbis would secretly rat them out to the FBI.
They got them all locked up.
These Italians had a conscience and would only go so far. The yids wanted the mob to be brutal and have no limits to the evil they were capable of doing, so the yids replaced them with themselves, they even took over Las Vegas from the Italians. It is said of the yiddish Russian Mob: “they would kill someone just to check if their gun is working. Yids have no conscience at all.
Then they took over the world as the mob under the CIA=Mossad and the porn, drugs and sex industries and sex clubs, and blackmail and con games and crime got worse and worse to what we now have in America and the formerly free Western world.
They took over sports and gambling and it is all rigged, totally fake and fixed, world wide. The Yids are an international crime syndicate. They had the Chabad Lubavitch hasidic yids as international drug mules, Rabbis running organ trafficking and the child trafficking is now ubiquitous all over the world but the center of it all is headquartered in Israel. Miami to Israel is one of the biggest child trafficking networks.
Their biggest crime was targeting the children of anyone with clout, power and a high status position in government. In the late 1970’s they set up parties in all the elite prep schools where their targets were. The parties would become drugged out and crazy and satanic, they would use drug scopolamine, also referred to as “devil’s breath”. They would get these targeted children (of the really powerful important people in high positions they could use to get more power for themselves the yids) to do horrendous crimes during satanic ceremonies at these parties and filmed all of it.
Donald Trump and his older brother were 2 of these targeted children. The brother drank himself to death, and Trump became the darling of the Yids, and he married Yid women who are Russian, they are his handlers and none of their children are Donald’s kids.
Anyway they blackmailed all people in high status positions in the USA, all of them, that were gentiles and had a conscience. The yids need people with no conscience. When they blackmail them they extort favors from them and make them have no conscience by using their children’s crimes on film as leverage. They own Trump and his father and Roy Cohn repeatedly raped Donald. It worked so well that they set up Epstein in the same way, a blackmail for leverage con. Even in Hollywood, they used Michael Jackson in the same way they used Epstein, not for blackmail/extortion, but as a provider of children for other blackmail ops.
Donald is not a ladies man, he is a homosexual as are all 33 degree masons.
I have seen Trump’s birth chart. He has sagittarius on the 5th house cusp, so I doubt he can father children. Most likely from the Mumps. His present wife has a lover in the Trump towers for years, he is a doorman or something, he works there. Trump also has the moon in his natal 4th house, his luck is running out, he will be miserable and weak and unlucky from now until he dies.
The Mafia began with its founder, who was Mazzini, (Albert Pike’s letter to Mazzini); it began as a gang of all Yiddish-Marranos (marranos are jews who pretended to convert to Catholicism, so they would not be expelled. Now the Italian mafia is all yiddish again.
The same with the USA, it was discovered by a Yid=Columbus, and began as a freemasonic nation and now, again it is run by freemasons, who are all run by the yids, and the yids are run from the top by the illuminati who are in turn run at the very top by Lucifer.
Trump does belong to the Russian Mob who gave his father government contracts for all the projects to make him rich, they made Donald rich, and bailed him out whenever he filed and went bankrupt, because they groomed him to be their President.
Neither Biden or Trump are our President; they were both put there to be the Chabad Lunavitchers president. They are both just puppets. However, Biden is the most virulent because his consciousness is only of the consciousness of those who have been condemned to Hell, he is soulless, he died and his consciousness now reduced to the demonic level returned to the body they cloned for him to occupy.
They replaced Joe Biden with a clone, and some actors, when he died, by the Tecumseh curse, the one that kills every president elected on a year ending with a 0 every 20 years apart:
The Chabad Lubavitch mafia who are the mafia world wide run Putin, who is also dead, and has been replaced by about 4 different actors since his death.
The Chabaders have strategically placed all of their whore slaves, as every important head of State, and have eliminated any good ones so they may replace them with the evil ones under their total control.
The Russian yiddish Mob, the CIA and the Mossad run all the dirty crimes that have ruined the west. They killed JFK because he said no to their plans to bring in all the Yiddish lucrative criminal activities drugs and sex and porn industries and child trafficking all run by the CIA.
Their plans included ruining and replacing belief in God with science and technology and the star system of celebrities (false idol worship) and at the same time elimination of all the Catholics, prayer and belief in God. They would make themselves rich off of it at the same time ruin all the citizens financially as the drug crime to feed drug habits and sex industries to feed the drugs habits made them rich.
It was all a scheme to transfer the wealth away from the gentile people and put it into the hands of the Yids. Giving power to Lucifer.
It was Onassis, a Yid drug kingpin, not a shipping magnate, who called the hit on him and got yiddish Jackie to do it. He in turn married her and made her very wealthy.
Onassis was the one who wanted to increase his fortune by making America addicted to the drugs he trafficked in his ships worldwide.
You can thank him for what has happened to this west with all the drug addiction.
Trump is a gentile wannabe yid, and he is just a useful idiot for the Chabad Lubavitchers.
He is expendable, once they have used him enough he will most likely die a gruesome death.
Trump’s mother was Scottish, he is a gentile.
You are not a yid unless your mother was a full yid.
Biden is the same as a Yid, a demon.
Obama is something worse than the illuminati.
He was the first illuminati born in a lab with carefully selected DNA.
Born from them not in a yiddish body but created by them as their golden child, totally one of them the perfect antichrist.
Clinton was also not born of a Yiddish mother but his real father is Rothschild.
So he is like Trump, expendable and also has a conscience.
He is usable, but if he dies and goes to Hell, for his worship of the Antichrist=yiddish, he will return as a more useful demon to serve Lucifer, he could get his wish and become a Yid for real from a Yiddish mother.
The USA is the most corrupt (corrupted by the devil) nation after Israel, Russia and China, all owned and run by the Chabad Lubavitcher mafia under the fallen angels of Hell the illuminati who run freemasonry and obey the orders of their God: Lucifer,.
The western nations are almost completely corrupted by the yids.
They infiltrated and took down the Catholic Church the same way they took down the Italian mob, infiltrated cause division and destroyed from within all good replacing it with all bad, all at the same time.
The Yids are going to take down the West the same way. They will do it as soon as it becomes so weakened it can’t defend itself, then they will go in for the Kill, just like the way they took down the Italian mob.This nation will be run by the yids and their god: Lucifer.
It will not be one nation under God anymore, It will be consecrated in innocent blood to Lucifer in the coming civil war and finally during WW3. The same will happen to the western powers.
They infiltrate, when they play divide and conquer and then they lock everyone up and kill them and impoverish them with new crimes that carry heavy fines and restitution, then they can safely take over, when they have ruined their opponent financially. The same strategies, methods and tactics they used on Russia China and are now using on the Western nations who worship them believe they were god’s chosen not the spawn of satan they truly are.
During the revolutions/civil wars the yids will pass some deranged, sick, oppressive, and lethal laws to get rid of all gentiles in very cruel ways as they did in Russia and China’s revolutions.
That will devastate the economy. After the economy fails, they will strike, and go right for the throat and kill america and the entire free western nations. They don’t like freedom.
They destroy all inner alliances and friendships to isolate friendly nations from each other and make friends enemies. They did it to the Italians and the Catholic Church and the Western powers are their next victim. All the while they will cry antisemitism and make draconian laws that antisemitism be punishable by death, Christianity and bibles will be declared antisemitic and punishable by death etc, etc.
Child sacrifice will be rampant. It is the most important part of the Yid’s demonic religion.
They divide and conquer, they make others be arrested for the crimes they commit.
Just like all psychopaths, the yids think this way: Good is all the evil they can do, and evil is ever getting caught or being held accountable for it. That is why they all become lawyers or doctors.
Both give them the power to be trusted while they use that power for pure evil as a global mafia taking down everything that the gentiles created, and while at the same time, stealing it and making it their own.
They always blame their victims, for doing to them, exactly what they do to their victims. It is always their tactics and methods, to be absurd and lie to get away with crimes. The devil just repeats and repeats what has worked for him before.
Don’t forget the people who are the most rich and powerful, when they go to Hell after they die, get sent back here to earth to serve satan born as Yids, they are sent back because they know the ins and outs and all things political and about business, etc. All the cons, dirty tricks, everything they need to know to ruin God’s creation. It is the worst and most evil among us that once they lose their souls are returned to this earth as Yids who have acquired in their previous life of evil, that sent them to Hell, all the greatest knowledge and skills necessary do the most damage.

February 21, 2024 2:20 pm