governor whitmer no christmas fun rule galaxy dark lords nailed what to wear

message real conspiracy theory media never lie government cares pharma wants to cure them

wonka tell me again how virus escaped level 4 biolab but youre going to stop with daisy print home made mask


Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won’t Have “Freedom To Move Around”

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,

Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer says that those who refuse to take the COVID vaccine won’t have “freedom to move around” and will have to continue to wear masks.

Dr. David Williams was asked if he “would make some sort of mandatory vaccination recommendation.”

Williams acknowledged that “we can’t force someone to take a vaccine,” but when on to explain how people who didn’t take it would have their freedom of mobility severely restricted.

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Why I Mask

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Authored by Sam Younnokis via,

Masks are useless as well as uncomfortable.  I believe they actually increase the odds of the wearer coming down with a case of COVID infection.  They make it hard to have intelligible conversations and hide what few smiles people may still be having.  Yet I do mask.

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2020: A Retrospective From 2025

Authored by Tom Trenchard via,

Donald Trump and the Altogether True and Amazing Origin of the United American Counties.

2020 marked an epoch in American history, standing alongside 1865, 1787, and 1776. First there was the COVID-19 pandemic, then there were the racial protests and riots throughout the summer, and then there was the disputed presidential election. Finally and most cataclysmically, though, 2020 witnessed the initial formation of the United American Counties (UACo) within the former United States of America. Five years later, it is only now becoming possible to assess the most important causes and consequences of this momentous development for American political society.

As with most politically revolutionary events, the Declaration of UACo Independence was almost entirely unforeseen before it occurred, but almost inevitable in hindsight. By the early 2010s two things were clear:

(1) Americans had become increasingly polarized in their worldviews and political beliefs; and

(2) These polarized halves of the U.S. were increasingly sorting themselves into either urban or suburban/rural areas.

Trump’s election in 2016 put a spotlight on these political realities; as Trump frequently boasted, the 2016 electoral map looked like a sea of red surrounding islands of blue. In 2020, that situation was essentially unchanged.

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Guest Post by Ray Jason
     For nearly a decade I have tried to convince friends and strangers that my Sea Gypsy Tribe concept is an excellent strategy for dealing with possible societal catastrophes. Unfortunately, my attempts have been mostly ignored.
       But now, with the global repercussions from the Wuhan Virus; and the riots and bedlam in the USA dominating our daily lives, it is a good time to renew my efforts. I also like the symbolic value of doing so in 2020, since 20/20 vision signifies clarity.
      One of the criticisms directed towards writers like myself, is that we point out problems, but never advance solutions. This is definitely untrue in my case. For years and years, I have written essays that offer a genuine and specific strategy for dealing with looming disasters.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Aircraft squadron disappears in the Bermuda Triangle – 1945


At 2:10 p.m., five U.S. Navy Avenger torpedo-bombers comprising Flight 19 take off from the Ft. Lauderdale Naval Air Station in Florida on a routine three-hour training mission. Flight 19 was scheduled to take them due east for 120 miles, north for 73 miles, and then back over a final 120-mile leg that would return them to the naval base. They never returned.

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“Nemesis, the goddess of retribution and vengeance, the punisher of pride and hubris, waits impatiently for her meeting with us.”

Chalmers Johnson

“There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1936

“Grades don’t measure anything other than your relevant obedience to a manager.”

John Taylor Gatto

“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”

Mark Twain

Nice Guys Finish Last

Guest Post by The Zman

One of the main battles within Western liberal democracies over the last seventy years has been the war between partisanship and objectivity. Those on the side of partisanship see politics as a war between interests, like labor versus capital or minorities versus the majority. Objectivists see politics as a battle about finding the best solution for the problems of society. For them, even their own narrow interests must take a back seat to the truth. Being right counts for everything.

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The Establishment Relies on its Lies Being More Convincing Than the Truth

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Barr, Durham and the rest of the Republican Establishment have sacrificed President Trump and American Democracy in order to preserve the Establishment’s reputation.

As I predicted in 2016, Trump had no understanding of Washington and no idea of who to appoint.

As I also predicted, Trump was staffed by the Establishment with an Establishment government. Trump thought, based on his experience as boss, that the boss was the boss, but as I learned from my quarter century in Washington that is not the way Washington works.

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Selfless Democrats Go To Fancy Restaurants, Parties To Show Public What Not To Do

Via The Babylon Bee

U.S.—With the pandemic still ongoing and many people still getting infected with COVID-19, Democrats have been especially strict with their constituents, enforcing the harshest lockdowns and restrictions on gatherings. Fearing that’s not enough to get their point through, Democrats have gone the extra length of illustrating to the public exactly what they shouldn’t do by engaging in those activities themselves.

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NASDAQ green lights seedless watermelons to join company boards

Guest Post by Simon Black

NASDAQ is one of the largest stock exchanges in the world and home to most of the biggest names in tech.

Companies worth a total of $17 TRILLION– nearly the entire size of the US economy– are listed on the NASDAQ exchange, including Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon.

You’d think the executives behind NASDAQ would be remarkably sharp people who understand what it takes to build and run a wonderful business.

But here we are again with another sign that the world has lost its mind.

NASDAQ has now joined with other woke warriors in trying to mandate that all of its listed companies meet minimum diversity requirements.

Specifically, the wonderful wizards of WOKEDAQ insist that every company should have at least one woman on its board, plus one person who is either an ethnic minority or LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ.

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Jupiter and Saturn Will Align to Create the First “Christmas Star” in Nearly 800 Years

Via Pop Sugar

As 2020 comes to a close, the solar system has decided to grace us with a cosmic Christmas miracle that hasn’t been witnessed in nearly 800 years. On Dec. 21 (aka the December solstice), Jupiter and Saturn will align so closely in the night sky that they’ll almost appear to collide from our vantage point here on Earth, creating a radiant point of light often referred to as the “Star of Bethlehem” or the “Christmas Star.”

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