Why I Mask

Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

Authored by Sam Younnokis via AmericanThinker.com,

Masks are useless as well as uncomfortable.  I believe they actually increase the odds of the wearer coming down with a case of COVID infection.  They make it hard to have intelligible conversations and hide what few smiles people may still be having.  Yet I do mask.

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This coward is either one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet or he is purposely using this Islamic terrorist attack to further his gun confiscation agenda. The Muslim yelled Allah Akbar while slaughtering over four dozen gay people. He fucking called 911 and told them he was committing this act of terror in the name of ISIS. You know, the moderate Muslims who Obama armed with our weapons.

But Obama absolutely refuses to call it what it is – radical islamic terrorism. He actually thinks these Muslim scum wouldn’t commit these murderous acts if guns were illegal. What a fucking idiot.

Muslims hate gay people. They think they should die. The outrage from the left wing over a Christian not baking a fucking cake for a gay wedding will be far greater than the outrage from the LGBT community over this Muslim hate crime. The minds of liberals are demented.

There is one person running for president who understands the issue and will call a spade a spade. Is that raciss?

Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn’t he should immediately resign in disgrace!