Trump’s Plan for Iran: Put Terrorists in Charge

Back in the 2008 presidential race, I explained to then-candidate Rudy Giuliani the concept of “blowback.” Years of US meddling and military occupation of parts of the Middle East motivated a group of terrorists to carry out attacks against the United States on 9/11. They didn’t do it because we are so rich and so free, as the neocons would have us believe. They came over here because we had been killing Muslims “over there” for decades.How do we know this? Well, they told us. Osama bin Laden made it clear why al-Qaeda sought to attack the US. They didn’t like the US taking sides in the Israel-Palestine conflict and they didn’t like US troops on their holy land.

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Shipwrecked in the Sands of Time: Lessons from History

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Today, across the globe, there remains a clash of cultures as ancient as religion; as violent as tides crashing upon the shores of nations; islands separated within seas of humanity.  Ongoing wars rage on in the middle-east as democracies fight theocracy, and waves of Islamic immigrants flood onto the shores of western nations like tsunamis.  Although oil and water will not mix well, there are those who perennially hope to try; and, if history serves as any right measure, the blending will continue to roil and boil like ships on fire in perilous ports.

Will the captains in the Western nations lead us safely on our journey?  I think not. To know where we’re going, we must first understand where we are, and where we’ve been.

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America Burns Under Bumbling Trump

by Uncola via

Washington (AP)  –  In the wake of terror attacks throughout Europe, including the March 2017 ISIS assault on the Parliament building in London, many Americans believed it could never happen here.  They were wrong.

In a series of attacks yesterday, portions of Honolulu, Seattle, and Chicago have been cordoned off until authorities have finished collecting evidence.

In Honolulu, the motive of Mohammad Awad Basara, a British-born Mexican national, is still unknown.  At approximately 7:30 PM Aleutian Standard Time, Basara drove a stolen dune buggy at high speeds across Waikiki Beach killing three people and injuring dozens.

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Know Your Enemy

by Uncola via

In his inaugural address on January 20, 2017, President Donald J. Trump, once again, threw down the gauntlet before his political opponents.  In a declaration of war against a globalist establishment, he reiterated his love of country and his support for common Americans.  Just as during his presidential campaign, Trump promised to put America first on the way to making America great again:

We the citizens of America are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people. Together we will determine the course of America, and the world, for many, many years to come. We will face challenges. We will confront hardships, but we will get the job done.

For me, it was reminiscent of the same scorched earth strategy he exhibited during his speech at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner on October 20, 2016.  It appears Trump meant what he said during the campaign and, at this time, he is not acting as a typical politician who lied to get votes only then to change positions once elected into office.

From the very beginning of his speech, Trump identified the demarcation line; or the red line in the sand, that has separated the political establishment from average Americans over the past several decades:

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Europe’s Bloody Future

Guest Post by The Zman

One aspect of the continuing crisis in Europe that is never discussed is why the people allegedly responsible for the welfare of their people, continue to act so irresponsibly. Closely linked to this is why the people in these countries have been so passive toward their ruler’s flagrant disregard for their duties. In any previous era, the terrorist attack on the Berlin Christmas market would have led to a swift response from government, because doing anything else would have the people in the streets building a scaffold for their rulers.

Germany continues to have a reputation for effective and efficient government administration, despite the fact all the evidence suggests Germany is now run by a collection of thumbless boobs. As someone on Sailer’s site noted, this is not a new thing. Germany has been operating like a drunk on holiday for quite some time. Angela Merkel’s decision to import a million violent low-IQ barbarians is just the most egregious example of the reckless disregard for their duties by the German rulers and the indifference of the German people to it.

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Having recently finished reading The Harrows of Spring, the fourth and final novel of Jim Kunstler’s World Made By Hand series, I couldn’t help but compare and contrast his dystopian post economic collapse America versus our current warped egocentric pre-economic collapse America. His world made by hand is forced upon Americans who have survived some sort of conflict resulting in the destruction of Washington D.C. and Los Angeles by nuclear blasts.

The Federal government has ceased to exist. The nation has splintered and varied factions are vying for power in autonomous regions of the country, but the small community of Union Grove, New York has been left to fend for itself. The four novels detail the trials and tribulations of average Americans in a small rural town after the implosion of modernity, as the world is stripped of its technological oil based comforts, devastated by terrorism, racked by epidemics, and having endured the ravages of economic collapse.

Kunstler’s dystopian future isn’t as bleak as the dystopian visions of 1984 or Brave New World. If dystopian means a world characterized by dehumanization, totalitarian governments, environmental disaster, or a cataclysmic decline in society, then Kunstler’s World Made By Hand series doesn’t match that characterization. There is more humanity and hope in his novels than you would expect in a dystopian vision of the future. The novels focus on various types of societal segments who represent the different courses society could chart after a breakdown of modern social norms, enforced by central authorities. Living through a national catastrophe and stripped of the modern conveniences provided by cheap plentiful oil, the citizens of Union Grove see their community falling apart from neglect, natural decay, disease, and lack of hope for the future.

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Is Islamic Terror America’s Future?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

If the cliches hold — nothing succeeds like success, the past is prologue — this generation will not likely see an end to the jihadist terror that was on display at Pulse in Orlando on Sunday.

For terrorism has proven to be among the most cost-effective and successful strategies of war that the world has ever seen.

Consider. The 9/11 attacks involved 19 hijackers willing to crash airliners into four buildings: the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and the Capitol.

So doing, those 19 altered the foreign policy of the United States.

They drew the world’s last superpower into wars that have bled and almost bankrupted us, broken a president, and left us mired in half a dozen civil and sectarian conflicts with no exit or end in sight.

As a political terrorist, Osama bin Laden rivals Gavrilo Princip, whose assassination of the Austrian archduke set in train the events that led to the Great War that brought on the downfall of the West.

Consider the success of Islamist terror since 9/11.

As Gerry Seib of The Wall Street Journal notes, in the 15 years since then, just 95 Americans have died in jihadist attacks in the U.S.

Yet, one atrocity in Orlando, where 49 were slaughtered, polarized the nation, brought the presidential candidates to savaging one another, and held a national TV audience spellbound for a week.

Continue reading “Is Islamic Terror America’s Future?”


This coward is either one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet or he is purposely using this Islamic terrorist attack to further his gun confiscation agenda. The Muslim yelled Allah Akbar while slaughtering over four dozen gay people. He fucking called 911 and told them he was committing this act of terror in the name of ISIS. You know, the moderate Muslims who Obama armed with our weapons.

But Obama absolutely refuses to call it what it is – radical islamic terrorism. He actually thinks these Muslim scum wouldn’t commit these murderous acts if guns were illegal. What a fucking idiot.

Muslims hate gay people. They think they should die. The outrage from the left wing over a Christian not baking a fucking cake for a gay wedding will be far greater than the outrage from the LGBT community over this Muslim hate crime. The minds of liberals are demented.

There is one person running for president who understands the issue and will call a spade a spade. Is that raciss?

Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn’t he should immediately resign in disgrace!