Is Islamic Terror America’s Future?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

If the cliches hold — nothing succeeds like success, the past is prologue — this generation will not likely see an end to the jihadist terror that was on display at Pulse in Orlando on Sunday.

For terrorism has proven to be among the most cost-effective and successful strategies of war that the world has ever seen.

Consider. The 9/11 attacks involved 19 hijackers willing to crash airliners into four buildings: the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and the Capitol.

So doing, those 19 altered the foreign policy of the United States.

They drew the world’s last superpower into wars that have bled and almost bankrupted us, broken a president, and left us mired in half a dozen civil and sectarian conflicts with no exit or end in sight.

As a political terrorist, Osama bin Laden rivals Gavrilo Princip, whose assassination of the Austrian archduke set in train the events that led to the Great War that brought on the downfall of the West.

Consider the success of Islamist terror since 9/11.

As Gerry Seib of The Wall Street Journal notes, in the 15 years since then, just 95 Americans have died in jihadist attacks in the U.S.

Yet, one atrocity in Orlando, where 49 were slaughtered, polarized the nation, brought the presidential candidates to savaging one another, and held a national TV audience spellbound for a week.

The whole world is talking about Orlando.

And what did this victory cost the Islamic State?

Zero. What Omar Mateen did suicide bombers do every day in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, kill dozens of innocent people while shouting “Allahu Akbar!”

Yet compare the returns from this act of Islamist terror in Orlando, to those from similar attacks in Kabul, Baghdad or Damascus.

Any wonder ISIS would implore its followers to strike where they are, inside the U.S., inside Europe, and not come to Syria to die anonymously?

Under siege in Raqqa, Mosul and Fallujah, being bombed and bled as it surrenders the conquered lands of its caliphate, ISIS’ shift in strategy and targeting makes perfect sense.

Consider, now, the triumphs of Islamist terrorism in Europe.

The 2004 Madrid train bombings led to the defeat of a centrist government and rise of a socialist regime that pulled Spanish troops out of Iraq.

The Paris attacks on Charlie Hebdo and the Bataclan theater strengthened the National Front of Marine Le Pen.

The Beslan massacre of school children in North Ossetia in 2004 led to a consolidation of power by Russian strongman Vladimir Putin.

Across Europe, the political impact of Islamist terrorism, though the numbers of dead and wounded have been, measured against the casualties of conventional war, relatively few, has been extraordinary.

Islamist terrorism has helped spawn anti-immigrant parties and “illiberal” regimes. The association of Islamic terror with Muslim immigration and refugees from Syria’s war has helped to drive “Brexit,” the British campaign to secede from the EU.

Islamist attacks have helped propel anti-EU movements and to incite nationalist demands for a recapture of state control of borders and security policy from Brussels.

Obama explains his reluctance to use the term “radical Islamic terror” on his not wishing to validate ISIS’ claim to be the spear point, the fighting arm of the world’s largest religion in fulfilling the mission given to it by Allah — to make the whole world Islamic.

And this is exactly what ISIS has in mind.

By the frequency and ferocity of its attacks, it seeks to displace al-Qaida and other Islamic resistance movements in the eyes of the 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, and to be seen by the young as the great liberator of the Islamic world and future conqueror of the West.

The crushing of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria is a necessary but not a sufficient condition of victory in this war, for ISIS is not just an organization but a cause, a movement, an idea.

ISIS believes that by repeatedly wounding and provoking the West, it can reignite a war of civilizations. And though the West is vastly superior in nuclear weapons and conventional arms, economic power and technology, ISIS believes it can gradually drive the West out of the Middle East, as it has already helped to drive the Christians out.

Then, ISIS believes, through mass Muslim migration into a West whose native-born are dying out, Muslims can reoccupy these lands they had almost wholly conquered, until stopped by Charles Martel 14 centuries ago.

For some few Muslims, as we saw at Fort Hood, San Bernardino and Orlando, ISIS offers a dream worth dying for. And as they kill and die for ISIS, they will push America where they are pushing Europe — to the right.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 17, 2016 6:53 am

Pat is either focusing on a singular issue because it happens to be timely, or he is intentionally trying to obfuscate the larger problem.

Violence, discourtesy, isolation, fragmented and dysfunctional communities- all of these things are part and parcel of a borderless society/proposition nation.

There is a cost for every thing. You want people to live free of judgement? Expect any behavior. You want multiculturalism? Expect cultural friction. Even in the most stable, well ordered and healthy environments there are stresses and conflict, it is part of the nature of the human species. Like maternity for women, men engage in violent conflict. If you’re lucky the society learns how to sublimate it through either martial or sporting activities among similar people with a shared background. If you are unlucky- or deliberately stupid, you get mass murder and genocide.

That’s the choice and the people have chosen. Indolence or industry. Health or decrepitude. Vigor or decline. Stable families or dysfunctional individuals.

If you must have radical muslim adherents living cheek to jowel with flamboyant transgender drag queens then by all means you’d better expect that violent struggles will ensue. How can this be anything BUT an outcome?

Based on everything I have seen and experienced over the course of the last 25 years nothing is more violently opposed than a critique of the status quo- moreso than any number of bloody corpses in the advancement of that narrative. This is the course we’ve set sail on, and those at the helm are not about to alter it.

June 17, 2016 7:33 am

There is a war going on.

The enemy, Islam, takes the position of kill the enemy (Western civilization) as often as you can anywhere you can, any way you can.

We, Western civilization, take the position of deny who our enemy is, bring him into our countries, give him an exalted status, and protect him from even being mentioned as our enemy much less dealt with as such.

Who you think gonna win?

June 17, 2016 8:35 am

The Mohammedans have identified the enemy. They are stalking us and killing us. They are winning.

Wish I was as smart as HSF.

June 17, 2016 8:42 am

It’s not our future. It’s our present, and past.

No fate but what you make.

June 17, 2016 9:16 am

Weeeeee Penn Head is getting philosophical .( No fate but what you make ) or I guess he means we have free will.Only problem is God is in Providential control. In other words God has a bigger free will.
Remember God has the helicopter view of time and eternity. He judges nations in time.

If you read the bible closely you will see God uses invasion forces as a curse upon the nation he is judging. He uses economic ruin as a JUDGMENT…. Penn Head , I don’t we have as much time and free will as you think .I think all this free will talk is a libertarian utopian fantasy.

June 17, 2016 9:35 am

bb, believe what you like, but if everything is predestined, what’s the point of being active about anything?


June 17, 2016 10:46 am

HSH…”If you must have radical muslim adherents living cheek to jowel with flamboyant transgender drag queens…”

These are not radical. These are normal, everyday adherents to Islam.

June 17, 2016 11:50 am

I didn’t say everything was predictable ,predestine or probable . I said God has a freer will then your free will. Penn Head , pls read for comprehension.

June 17, 2016 12:22 pm

We’ve all seen the charts ….. that when mooslimfuks reach 10% of the population, havoc ensues. See France, Sweden, etc.

However, Russia’s population is also 10% mooslimfuks. By and large they have escaped (Chechnya being the main exception) the Mooslim Curse. Why is that? Can we duplicate what they are doing?

What I’m suggesting is this; NO!, mooslimfuk terror does NOT need to be America’s future …. IF we have the willpower to defeat/subdue them.

June 17, 2016 12:24 pm

“He [God] judges nations in time.” ——– bb

But, judges people for eternity.

Yeah … that’s fair and just! end, sarc

June 17, 2016 12:49 pm

Stucky….”However, Russia’s population is also 10% mooslimfuks.”

The difference – Russia under a strong leader (Putin) knows how to deal with Musloids (reference Chechnya). The leader prior to Putin didn’t handle the original problem in Chechnya, so the problem resurfaced.

June 17, 2016 3:28 pm

There can be no doubt about the Traitor-in-Cief’s plans. He is on pace to issue green cards to 1.1 million migrants from Muslim-majority countries.

ursel doran
ursel doran
June 17, 2016 4:06 pm

Why the hell is Obama importing the Muslims so aggressively?? Scattered all over the country.
This six minute video of reality view of a brit is instructive.

Maddie's Mom
Maddie's Mom
June 17, 2016 4:31 pm

To keep the mayhem going, in order to advance the agenda of the Left?

Or to keep us distracted from even bigger things???

Likely both at once.

June 17, 2016 4:38 pm

Pat thinks that 19 assholes hijacked 4 planes using box cutters as weapons, and crashed them into buildings, etc.

Fucker watches waaaay too much TV.

June 17, 2016 5:57 pm

Not much problem in Russia because they know that he’ll will rain on them if they cause to much trouble. They are crazy but ot stupid.

June 17, 2016 10:21 pm

“Pat thinks that 19 assholes hijacked 4 planes using box cutters as weapons, and crashed them into buildings, etc.”

Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. Even if he knows with true conviction that the official story is bullshit, he can’t say so and get any positive attention in the future ever again. It may be a lie, but it’s one you’re compelled to abide in order to be treated as any part of a debate.