Ever wonder why our country is being destroyed right before our eyes? The criminals in charge of running our government aren’t any different. The republicans should be screaming for Obama’s impeachment, but just watch this video. Pelosi, Reid, Boner, turtle boy. No wonder we’re doomed.

Boehner and McConnell; “We Shall Overcome!”


OBAMA: IT’S ALL ABOUT ME…Narcissism on display, an increasingly mentally unstable president….

‘I,’ ‘Me,’ ‘My’—Obama Uses First Person Singular 199 Times in Speech Vowing Unilateral Action
July 11, 2014 By Terence P. Jeffrey

Not counting instances when he quoted a letter from a citizen or cited dialogue from a movie, President Barack Obama used the first person singular–including the pronouns “I” and “me” and the adjective “my”–199 times in a speech he delivered Thursday vowing to use unilateral executive action to achieve his policy goals that Congress would not enact through the normal, constitutional legislative process.


Millennials voted Obama into office, twice, and how has that turned out? In addition, 42% of millennials consider themselves to be “socialist”, and so their socialist president is undoubtedly making them happy. If kids think socialism is going to work, when it’s failed every single time in history, shows what their intelligence, or more likely, the programming from public school to college liberal progressive socialists is working. We’re doomed.


POLL: 42% of Millennials say they’re ‘socialist’…

16% know what it means…

The Secret Language of Millennials

Boomers just don’t understand what younger people are saying about politics and culture.

Fifty years ago, Baby Boomers and their parents suffered through what was ubiquitously understood as “the generation gap,” or the inability for different generations to speak clearly with one another.

The poll of Millennials was conducted by the Reason Foundation (the nonprofit publisher of Reason.com, the website and video platform I edit) and the Rupe Foundation earlier this spring. It engaged nearly 2,400 representative 18 to 29 year olds on a wide variety of topics.

This new generation gap certainly helps to explain why Millennials are far less partisan than folks 30 and older. Just 22% of Millennials identify as Republican or Republican-leaning, compared with 40% of older voters. After splitting their votes for George W. Bush and Al Gore in 2000 (each candidate got about 48%), Millennials have voted overwhelmingly for Democratic candidates in the 2004, 2008, and 2012 elections. Forty-three percent of Millennials call themselves Democrats or lean that way. Yet that’s still a smaller percentage than it is for older Americans, 49% of whom are Democrats or lean Democrat. Most strikingly, 34% of Millennials call themselves true independents, meaning they don’t lean toward either party. For older Americans, it’s just 10%.

Millennials use language differently than Boomers and Gen Xers (born between 1965 and 1980). In the Reason-Rupe poll, about 62% of Millennials call themselves liberal. By that, they mean the favor gay marriage and pot legalization, but those views hold little or no implication for their views on government spending. To Millennials, being socially liberal is being liberal, period. For most older Americans, calling yourself a liberal means you want to increase the size, scope, and spending of the government (it may not even mean you support legal pot and marriage equality). Despite the strong liberal tilt among Millennials, 53% say they would support a candidate who was socially liberal and fiscally conservative (are you listening, major parties?).

There are other areas where language doesn’t track neatly with Boomer and Gen X definitions. Millennials have no first-hand memories of the Soviet Union or the Cold War. Forty-two percent say they prefer socialism as a means of organizing society but only 16% can define the term properly as government ownership of the means of production. In fact, when asked whether they want an economy managed by the free market or by the government, 64% want the former and just 32% want the latter. Scratch a Millennial “socialist” and you are likely to find a budding entrepreneur (55% saying they want to start their own business someday). Although they support a government-provided social safety net, two-thirds of Millennials agree that “government is usually inefficient and wasteful” and they are highly skeptical toward government with regards to privacy and nanny-state regulations about e-cigarettes, soda sizes, and the like.

For all the attention lavished on the youthful, anti-capitalist Occupy movement a few years ago, it turns out that Millennials have strongly positive attitudes toward free markets (just don’t call it capitalism). Not surprisingly, they define fairness in a way that is less about income disparity and more about getting your due. Almost six in 10 believe you can get ahead with hard work and a similar number wants a society in which wealth is parceled out according to your achievement, not via the tax code or government redistribution of income. Even though 70% favor guaranteed health care, housing, and income, Millennials have no problem with unequal outcomes.

Like most older Americans, too, Millennials are deeply worried about massive and growing federal budgets and debt, with 78% calling such things a major problem.

It would be a real shame if we can’t have the sorts of conversations we need to address and remedy such issues because different generations are talking past each other. Millennials are different than Boomers or Gen Xers: Culture comes first and politics second to them. They are less partisan and they are less hung up about things such as pot use, gay marriage, and immigration. But in many ways, they agree with older generations when it comes to the value and legitimacy of work, the role of government in helping the poor, and the inefficiency of government to do that.

Everyone agrees that there are crises everywhere: Social Security and Medicare are going bust and the economy has been on life support for years. The best solutions will engage and involve Americans of all ages. The Reason-Rupe poll points to some places where generations are talking past each other and others where there is wide agreement. Giving its finding, a close read might just help narrow today’s generation gap so we can get on with improving all generations’ prospects.




Oops, I guess you shouldn’t have voted for Obama….


Houston black woman goes on EPIC rant about unaccompanied illegals – “Why can’t they go back?”

Bernadette Lancelin is very upset that the unaccompanied minors flooding across the border aren’t being sent back home. Instead they are being put in detention centers around the country. Lancelin is out with the local news in Houston because a closed middle school that hasn’t been used in years is now on the list to become another detention center. And she, among others, is furious about it.

It’s not right. Now billions of dollars want to be borrowed from the White House to help feed and house them.

What about the kids here? In our neighborhood? In our country? Not just in this neighborhood but in our country.

All these kids? Really? Why can’t they go back?

I’m sorry that their parents are in poor living conditions or surroundings or whatever’s going on out there. I don’t care.

I care about what’s going on right here in my own back yard, my neighborhood.

Am i the only one in this community that’s out here that watches the news this morning. Oh, my god! I feel alone right now this this, and I’m very saddened by it.

BLACK PROTESTERS in Murrieta Confront Pro-Illegal Immigrant Supporters

Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, July 7, 2014, 12:39 PM

A group of black Americans spoke out in support of protecting women and children in America BEFORE worrying about the rest of the world. This occurred at the Murrieta California Border Patrol Station on July 4th, 2014.

The young man pictured below said this:

“If somebody brought six children to your house and you ain’t got no job, are you going to take them in?… Are you going to try to find out where they came from? Are you going to try to send them back?… What are we going to do for the people who are here who are starving already?… Why would we add to the problem?”

black patriots

The woman below added:

“It’s just too much. We already got starvation, kids walking without with no shoes. We are already taking that on in America. We don’t need other people’s kids to bring more problems.”

black female border

The debate starts around the 1:40 mark in the video when the black Americans confronted the illegal immigrant protesters.

“What are we going to do for the people who are here who are starving already?”


I’m so sick of this illegal alien invasion led by Obama, the republicans, the DHS, and every other criminal in Washington responsible for enabling this travesty. Somebody needs to be brought to justice, prosecuted, impeached, removed from office, whatever it takes.

As if this country isn’t turning into a third world shithole fast enough, just open the borders and let every damn idiot into this country to get free shit, reproduce like cockroaches on the taxpayer’s dime, and live a life of luxury on welfare, which pays $57,000 year tax free. If people let this stand, we’re finished, and much faster than anyone realizes. It’s got to end folks.


SHAPIRO: Leftists Create, Exploit The Immigration Crisis

Another crisis, another opportunity.
7.7.2014 Commentary Ben Shapiro

While the media focus incessantly on protesters in Murrieta attempting to block buses full of illegal immigrants from entering their city, four-year-olds are crossing America’s southern border. Those four-year-olds, however, don’t make for pictures quite as striking as the sight of dozens of flag-waving Americans begging the American government to enforce the border, nor narratives quite as convenient as “racist right-wingers try to stop government from helping children.” And so the media leave it to outlets like Breitbart to report on the influx of unaccompanied minors.

This is how the left controls narrative. They create massive humanitarian crises using the government as their tool, then suggest that those who want the government to do its job in protecting the rights of the American people are the true lawbreakers. They fostered the crisis of single motherhood by incentivizing bad decisions with taxpayer dollars, then told conservatives that if they didn’t support more government spending on behalf of those children, they were cruel. They fostered the crisis of healthcare with excessive regulation, then said that if conservatives didn’t want Obamacare, they wanted Americans to go without health insurance.

Now, they foster illegal immigration, then suggest that if conservatives do not cave on border security, they seek to victimize children.

This is the worst form of bullying. The government violates the rights of its citizens – the right to be free of crime, the right to not see its taxpayer dollars exploited, the right to expect a consistency in the application of law – and then, with the help of the media, portrays those who protest those violations as villains.

Meanwhile, the victims pile up: immigrants who come, hoping to be part of a system of unlimited opportunity and instead shuttled into a life of dependency and fear; citizens, promised the rule of law. But victims don’t matter to the left. They’re just more opportunities, more crises to exploit.


President who created border crisis not eager to resolve border crisis

By: John Hayward
7/8/2014 09:23 AM

Remember how President Obama’s early efforts to spin away the border disaster his policies created included frequent promises to begin shipping the “refugees” back to their countries of origin as quickly as possible? Never mind. That talking point is no longer operative, probably because it was put-up-or-shut-up time, and there’s no way Obama would short-circuit his deliberately created open-borders machine when it’s so close to achieving its objectives. Also, at this point the immigration wave is a done deal – a vast network of taxpayer-funded planes and buses is distributing the new “undocumented Americans” across the country, making deportation effectively impossible – so there’s no further need for pretenses of effective action.

And so, as Fox News and the Associated Press report, Obama suddenly wants to “hold off seeking legal changes to speed up the deportation process for illegal immigrant children, when he submits his request to Congress on Tuesday seeking billions in emergency funding to deal with the crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border.”

The administration insists it still plans to seek expanded authority to expedite deportations. But The Associated Press reported overnight that the request is moving on a separate track, amid objections from immigration advocates to the deportation proposal.

The blurry state of affairs reflects the political pressure the administration is facing from both sides of the debate.

From its left flank, advocacy groups oppose proposals to speed thousands of unaccompanied minors back home to El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. But Republicans in Congress, and some Democrats, want the administration to get tough, and send a message that these illegal immigrants cannot get a free pass to stay in the U.S.

The AP reported that, according to unnamed Capitol Hill aides, the administration decided to submit the spending request apart from the policy changes.

What a surprise. They want billions to spend, but they’ll deal with all that yucky border security and deportation stuff later – you know, their actual duties to the taxpaying citizens of the United States.

But an administration official told Fox News they still intend to seek expanded authority to expedite removals.

“We already sent a letter to the Congressional Leadership last week on our desire for expanded authorities and we are still seeking those authorities and have made clear we will work with Congress to get those authorities,” the official said.

The developments underscore the delicate position the administration finds itself in as it risks alienating allies by pursuing changes to turn the immigrant kids around more quickly. More than 50,000 have arrived since October, in many cases fleeing violence at home, but also drawn by rumors that they can stay in the U.S.

Actually, the total number of people who have surged across the border during that time period is much larger – more like 300,000 delivered to American cities by the federal government just since April – but 50,000 of them are unaccompanied minors. None of these people will ever be deported, and they know it. That’s why they’re here. Wait until prospective “migrants” hear that Obama has abandoned even the pretense of holding expedited deportation hearings.

If you think the Obama Administration feels some sense of duty toward protecting the border and American citizenship, this is sheer lunacy – he’s doing exactly the opposite of what everyone knows is the only way to slow the flood of illegals. The accurate belief that they’ll receive “permiso” – permission to remain in the United States indefinitely, with the American Ruling Class dead set on creating a “pathway to citizenship” for them as quickly as possible – is what has drawn them here. Just last week, Obama’s hot talking point was that all of those folks were deluded to believe this, the victims of “misinformation” spread by their lousy governments and ambitious smuggling gangs. But now everyone in the southern hemisphere can pick up the paper and read how Obama wants to fast-track money to accommodate their needs, while putting “expedited deportation” on a slow track that leads right off a cliff.

Nothing except swift and effective deportations will make a lick of difference in this crisis. I wouldn’t even put too many chips on enhanced physical border security, which we’re not getting anyway – Obama’s idea of enhancing security is sending 150 more Border Patrol agents, but the inbound illegal aliens are voluntarily presenting themselves to Border Patrol agents, who immediately become their travel agents.

(Or their “relatives” swing by the shelter to pick them up. According to leaked documents from the Department of Homeland Security that we weren’t supposed to see, federal officials have noticed the same people returning to detention centers over and over again, to pick up fresh shipments of young “relatives.” Fewer than half of the children coming across the border end up in the custody of their actual parents. None of that fills you with confidence that the Administration will be able to stop hard-core bad guys who rent a couple of kids from coyote smugglers and stroll across the border, does it?)

Even if some sort of impenetrable wall were swiftly constructed, the result would be even worse refugee camps on the other side of it, a crisis the Left would swiftly declare to be America’s problem. And nobody, Left or Right, should be eager to create conditions that would produce such a humanitarian disaster. We’re talking about the lives of tens of thousands of people, of children. Refusing to swiftly correct the situation that lures them here is a crime against humanity.

The developments all come as Obama has declared comprehensive immigration legislation dead in Congress and announced plans to proceed on his own by executive action to make whatever fixes he can to the nation’s dysfunctional immigration system. That could put Obama in the seemingly contradictory position of shielding millions of people from deportation while at the same time trying to hurry deportations for the unaccompanied children.

That’s not “contradictory.” It’s the Cloward-Piven strategy of manufactured crisis. In such an attack on the system, it is essential to preserve the illusion that the system is trying, and failing, to cope with the crisis. That sets the stage for pronouncements that the system is fundamentally “dysfunctional” and must be scrapped, replaced by something more to the taste of activists. There’s no doubt which sort of activist has more sway in this debate… a debate in which one side is told, in increasingly shrill tones, that it cannot even use phrases like “illegal alien” to clearly describe what is happening.

The genuinely “dysfunctional” aspects of our immigration system are the last thing Obama and his fellow travelers have any intention of addressing. Legal immigrants who honorably follow the rules will continue to enjoy the same level of neglect this government shows current U.S. citizens who follow the rules and do everything right. Talk of “comprehensive immigration reform” is trickery designed to push amnesty deals. The only thing urgently in need of “comprehensive reform” is the part of the system that lets 300,000 aliens assume permanent residency in the United States in a matter of months, with the active assistance of taxpayer-financed government resources.

“Leadership” would have involved the President forthrightly alerting Americans to the problem as soon as government agencies detected it, and if he really did feel curiously bound by whatever laws he claims are obstructing deportation proceedings, he could have called for immediate action months ago… or taken it himself, with those executive orders he loves so much. It didn’t take 300,000 people crashing into the system to determine that the Obama Administration thinks the Bush Administration effectively offered to absorb the entire Central American population.

Instead, Obama spent months hiding the problem, followed by weeks of bamboozling us with talk about how all of these people would be deported any moment now, and they’re crazy to be lobbing their kids a thousand miles into Barack Obama’s deportation trampoline. And now we get fresh new spin about how his hands have been tied all along. They certainly weren’t tied when he wrote those Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals executive orders handing out amnesty, were they? And nobody in the Administration seems to lose any sleep over ignoring the decade-old legal requirement to build a larger and more effective border fence.

Of course, the Left being the Left, the only thing that has troubled liberals about any of this is Obama’s refusal to nip over to the border during his Texas fundraising swing, and get himself photographed at the refugee camps. Of course he’s not going to do that, and there’s no need to float any rumors about how he’s worried he’ll catch some illness from the people in the camps. The illness he’s worried about is the kind that spreads through viral images, with captions like “LOOK UPON MY WORKS, YE MIGHTY, AND DESPAIR.”

Because the Left is all about symbolism and imagery, they’re experiencing a childlike wave of confusion about the Lightworker’s refusal to visit the border and fix everything with a wave of his hand, creating the new meme that this is “Obama’s Katrina moment.” In this case, unlike the actual Katrina Moment, the President caused the disaster – he’s not just refusing to take control away from an incompetent Democrat mayor and governor in Louisiana during a natural disaster, or dropping “heckuva job” sound bites in favor of lackluster agency officials.

Thus, we have reporter Susan Page of USA Today appearing on an MSNBC roundtable show to describe Obama’s refusal to survey his border handiwork as “a Katrina moment,” although she evidently thinks the problem is that he hasn’t been able to work even more of his “comprehensive immigration reform” magic. After six long years, we also see the first glimmerings of a sustained media narrative about Obama’s ineptitude. From a transcript at the Washington Free Beacon:

“This is unacceptable to more than Republicans on immigration, the situation we have there,” Page said. “And boy, is that going to anger some of his core constituents who have wanted him to do more on immigration, not less.”

Carolyn Ryan of the New York Times argued that the “national funk that we’re in” is “partly due to a sense that things aren’t working,” and suggested the border crisis adds to questions about the Obama adminsitraiton’s competence.

“You can see that 30-second tv ad,” Chuck Todd remarked. “You start with the health care rollout. You go to the VA. You go to Syria. You go to Iraq. And you can go to the border. And you can draw a straight line.”

Rep Henry Cuellar (D-TX) said exactly the same thing in a Fox News interview: “I’m sure that President Bush thought the same thing, that he could just look at everything from up in the sky, and then he owned it after a long time, so I hope this doesn’t become the Katrina moment for President Obama, saying that he doesn’t need to come to the border. He should come down.”

Obama’s not “incompetent” on the border – he’s getting what he wanted, just a bit bigger and faster than he anticipated. I wonder if some of this “Katrina moment” rhetoric, in addition to betraying a childlike devotion to photo ops and the symbolic majesty of the imperial presidency, isn’t an effort to lower the bar and set the stage for celebration when Obama actually does do something. After stubbornly refusing to accept Texas Governor Rick Perry’s invitation to visit the border together, and taking a feeble stab at blowing him off with an airport handshake, Obama finally offered to meet with Perry in Dallas… which, I can’t help noticing, is rather a long haul from the Rio Grande. To confused Obama-worshipers who don’t understand why he resisted meeting with Perry for so long, it’s because even that is going to draw increased attention to the border crisis, and the President does not want that.

Oh, and His Majesty has finally consented to allow his courtiers in the media to visit a detention center full of children, but only if they drop all that fussy “First Amendment” stuff and promise “not to record anything, not to ask any questions during the tour, and not to talk to any of the staff members or children,” according to National Review. The top priorities for this White House are controlling political damage, and finding ways to turn the manufactured crisis to their advantage. Doing anything effect to slow or halt the flow of people coming across the border is written into the margins of their to-do list, sideways, in pencil. Some “leadership,” huh?

Update: In case you think it was a bit hyperbolic to refer to Border Patrol agents as de facto travel agents for incoming illegals, the Associated Press reports on “government buses that spend each night idling on a Texas roadside, awaiting the latest arrivals,” backed up by “a fleet of Border Patrol vans.”

Human-smuggling operations really appreciate this outstanding concierge service: “Migrants’ willingness to surrender to authorities has created a system in which smugglers need only to get their human cargo to the American side of the river, rather than guiding them to a populated area.” This makes the smugglers’ task ridiculously easy, as “it takes only a few seconds for a watercraft to dart across the river and deposit three or four people on to U.S. soil,” where they instantly merge with crows of people in busy recreational areas.

But sure, this will all stop because Obama cuts a PSA telling the people of Central America to stop sending their kids across the border, and maybe puts up a few billboards in Guatemala.



The incompetent idiots running the government, and the 20 million union government drones making 60% more than the same person in the private sector, with retirement at 50 with massive pensions and benefits, are pissing away other people’s money; money the government has stolen from productive people at gunpoint via the IRS.

By their own admission, they’ve pissed away $100 billion in fraudulent and scams run on the government. As the VA scandal has shown, union government drones don’t care if you live or die, go bankrupt or end up in prison after being financially wiped out by the IRS. As long as the government drones get their huge salaries, bonuses, pensions, free healthcare and benes, they’re happy. It’s not their money they’re pissing away, it’s yours.


Government made $100B in improper payments


WASHINGTON (AP) — By its own estimate, the government made about $100 billion in payments last year to people who may not have been entitled to receive them — tax credits to families that didn’t qualify, unemployment benefits to people who had jobs and medical payments for treatments that might not have been necessary.

Congressional investigators say the figure could be even higher.

The Obama administration has reduced the amount of improper payments since they peaked in 2010. Still, estimates from federal agencies show that some are wasting big money at a time when Congress is squeezing agency budgets and looking to save more.

“Nobody knows exactly how much taxpayer money is wasted through improper payments, but the federal government’s own astounding estimate is more than half a trillion dollars over the past five years,” said Rep. John Mica, R-Fla. “The fact is, improper payments are staggeringly high in programs designed to help those most in need — children, seniors and low-income families.”

Mica chairs the House Oversight subcommittee on government operations. The subcommittee is holding a hearing on improper payments Wednesday afternoon.

Each year, federal agencies are required to estimate the amount of improper payments they issue. They include overpayments, underpayments, payments to the wrong recipient and payments that were made without proper documentation.

Some improper payments are the result of fraud, while others are unintentional, caused by clerical errors or mistakes in awarding benefits without proper verification.

In 2013, federal agencies made $97 billion in overpayments, according to agency estimates. Underpayments totaled $9 billion.

The amount of improper payments has steadily dropped since 2010, when it peaked at $121 billion.

The Obama administration has stepped up efforts to measure improper payments, identify the cause and develop plans to reduce them, said Beth Cobert, deputy director of the White House budget office. Agencies recovered more than $22 billion in overpayments last year.

“We have strengthened accountability and transparency, saving the American people money while improving the fiscal responsibility of federal programs,” Cobert said in a statement ahead of Wednesday’s hearing. “We are pleased with this progress, but know that we have more work to do in this area.”

However, a new report by the Government Accountability Office questions the accuracy of agency estimates, suggesting that the real tally could be higher. The GAO is the investigative arm of Congress.

“The federal government is unable to determine the full extent to which improper payments occur and reasonably assure that appropriate actions are taken to reduce them,” Beryl H. Davis, director of financial management at the GAO, said in prepared testimony for Wednesday’s hearing.

Davis said some agencies don’t develop estimates for programs that could be susceptible to improper payments. For example, the Health and Human Services Department says it cannot force states to help it develop estimates for the cash welfare program known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. The program is administered by the states.

The largest sources of improper payments are government health care programs, according to agency estimates. Medicare’s various health insurance programs for older Americans accounted for $50 billion in improper payments in the 2013 budget year, far exceeding any other program.

Most of the payments were deemed improper because they were issued without proper documentation, said Shantanu Agrawal, a deputy administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. In some cases, the paperwork didn’t verify that services were medically necessary.

“Payments deemed ‘improper’ under these circumstances tend to be the result of documentation and coding errors made by the provider as opposed to payments made for inappropriate claims,” Agrawal said in prepared testimony for Wednesday’s hearing.

Among other programs with large amounts of improper payments:

—The earned income tax credit, which provides payments to the working poor in the form of tax refunds. Last year, improper payments totaled $14.5 billion. That’s 24 percent of all payments under the program.

The EITC is one of the largest anti-poverty programs in the U.S., providing $60.3 billion in payments last year. Eligibility depends on income and family size, making it complicated to apply for the credit — and difficult to enforce, said IRS Commissioner John Koskinen.

“EITC eligibility depends on items that the IRS cannot readily verify through third-party information reporting, including marital status and the relationship and residency of children,” Koskinen told a House committee in May. “In addition, the eligible population for the EITC shifts by approximately one-third each year, making it difficult for the IRS to use prior-year data to assist in validating compliance.”

— Medicaid, the government health care program for the poor. Last year, improper payments totaled $14.4 billion.

Medicaid, which is run jointly by the federal government and the states, has seen a steady decline in improper payments since 2010, when they peaked at $23 billion.

The program is expanding under President Barack Obama’s health law.

—Unemployment insurance, a joint federal-state program that provides temporary benefits to laid-off workers. Amount of improper payments last year: $6.2 billion, or 9 percent of all payments.

The Labor Department said most overpayments went to people who continued to get benefits after returning to work, or who didn’t meet state requirements to look for work while they were unemployed. Others were ineligible for benefits because they voluntarily quit their jobs or were fired.

—Supplemental Security Income, a disability program for the poor run by the Social Security Administration. Amount of improper payments: $4.3 billion, or 8 percent of all payments.

Social Security’s much larger retirement and disability programs issued $2.4 billion in improper payments, according to agency estimates. Those programs provided more than $770 billion in benefits, so improper payments accounted for less than 1 percent.




The socialist state of Illinois won, the worst state in the union as determined by residents. Illinois has more people on welfare than have jobs, like 9 other states. They are more than $40 billion in debt, gold-plated union government drone pensions for retirees at 50 y.o. and 90% of their previous salaries, free healthcare for life, are only 40% funded, and bankrupt. The democrats running the state, election after election, keep selling bonds (go deeper into debt), even though they doubled income taxes, which had little effect except to steal more money from productive people. Chicago is a shooting gallery, flash-mob war zone, savages running the streets.

It’s the worst of all possible worlds, and almost 20% of residents say their actively making plans to move to another state. Socialism is alive and well in Illinois, and will be the death of this country. And Illinois gave this country the worst, most destructive president in the history of this country; Never had a job, never run a company, no foreign policy experience, nothing, who rose and was elected as because of his skin color and affirmative action. A Bill Ayers, Saul Alinsky community organizer radical that supports Al Qaeda, ignoring the constitution, the bill of rights, laws, letting in a wave of barbarian Mexicans, and is utterly destroying this country. Illinois, truly an American disaster.


These Are The “Worst Possible States To Live In” As Ranked By Their Residents

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/06/2014

It should come as no surprise that when Gallup recently conducted a poll asking residents to rank if their state is the “worst possible to live in” a whopping 25% of its residents, by far the most of any states, responded Illinois. Which were the other “worst possible” states? The table below ranks them all.


How about the opposite: the best US states to live in? Here is the full list in descending order.


And some commentary from Gallup:

Residents of Western and Midwestern states are generally more positive about their states as places to live. With the exception of the New England states of New Hampshire and Vermont, all of the top 10 rated states are west of the Mississippi River. In addition to Montana and Alaska, Utah (70%), Wyoming (69%), and Colorado (65%) are among the 10 states that residents are most likely to say their state is among the best places to reside. Most of these states have relatively low populations, including Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, and Alaska — the four states with the smallest populations in the nation. Texas, the second most populated state, is the major exception to this population relationship. Although it is difficult to discern what the causal relationship is between terrain and climate and positive attitudes, many of the top 10 states are mountainous with cold winters. In fact, the two states most highly rated by their residents — Montana and Alaska — are among not only the nation’s coldest states but also both border Canada.

With the exception of New Mexico, all of the bottom 10 states are either east of the Mississippi River or border it (Louisiana and Missouri). New Jersey (28%), Maryland (29%), and Connecticut (31%) join Rhode Island among the bottom 10.

The results are based on a special 50-state Gallup poll conducted June-December 2013, including interviews with at least 600 residents in every state. For the first time, Gallup measured whether residents view their states as “the best possible state to live in,” “one of the best possible states to live in,” “as good a state as any to live in,” or “the worst possible state to live in.”

Few Americans say their states are the single best or worst places to live. Rather, the large majority of respondents say their states were either “one of the best” or “as good a state as any” place to live.

One in Four Illinois Residents Say Their State Is the Worst Place to Live

Illinois has the unfortunate distinction of being the state with the highest percentage of residents who say it is the worst possible place to live. One in four Illinois residents (25%) say the state is the worst place to live, followed by 17% each in Rhode Island and Connecticut.

Throughout its history, Illinois has been rocked by high-profile scandals, investigations, and resignations from Chicago to Springfield and elsewhere throughout the state. Such scandals may explain why Illinois residents have the least trust in their state government across all 50 states. Additionally, they are among the most resentful about the amount they pay in state taxes. These factors may contribute to an overall low morale for the state’s residents.

Texans Most Likely to View the Lone Star State as the Very Best

Although Texas trails Montana and Alaska in terms of its residents rating it as the best or one of the best places to live, it edges out Alaska (27%) and Hawaii (25%) in the percentage of residents who rate it as the single best place to live.

Texans’ pride for their state as the single best place to live is not surprising when viewed in the context of other measures. According to Gallup Daily tracking for 2013, Texans rank high on standard of living and trust in their state government, and they are less negative than others are about the state taxes they pay. The same is true for Alaska and, to a lesser extent, Hawaii, which had relatively average scores for trust in state government and state taxes, but ranked high for standard of living. The three also have distinct histories, geographies, natural resources, and environmental features that may contribute to residents’ personal enjoyment and pride in their locale.

Bottom Line

Residents with the most pride in their state as a place to live generally boast a greater standard of living, higher trust in state government, and less resentment toward the amount they pay in state taxes. However, the factors that residents use to determine whether their state is a great place to live are not always obvious. West Virginia, for example, falls far behind all other states on a variety of metrics, including economic confidence, well-being, standard of living, and stress levels. Still, over a third of West Virginians feel their state is among the best places to live, giving it a ranking near the middle of the pack.





Everything about America these days points to a dying country bleeding wealth, employment, stature, and even purpose. The federal government is at the core of this plague, and Barack Hussein Obama is at the center of the disease.. Americans are totally divided as to the correct course the country should take. It appears Americans are evenly divided between producers and moochers. Spoon fed on socialist dogma in schools and culture for generations, liberal Americans seek and support policies are surely destroying us.

By every measurement, Barack Obama is a total failure for Americans who support freedom and prosperity. By every single measurement, Obama has weakened the USA, emboldened our enemies and reneged on his oath to uphold our laws and protect the Constitution. His NSA and spying has alienated the world, destroying allies and foreign relations that took decades to cultivate. Worse, Obama fully supports our sworn enemy, Al Qaeda and ISIS, committing treason. Obama is not alone, George W Bush also dramatically increased the size and cost of government, but Obama has done more wholesale damage to this country than any president in history (and was recently polled as the worst president since WW2).

I found this video the other day from 1986 when America had a President who was a patriot and defended the values and morals of what made America the strongest, wealthiest country in history.

America now has a President who promised to and has greatly succeeded in “fundamentally transforming America.” He has transformed America into an economic disaster zone where we witness more concern for millions of illegal alien invaders streaming across our borders than taxpayers. Obama has saddled us with so much debt the American dollar is rapidly losing its enviable position as the world standard as China and other countries rise. He has tremendously grown the federal government in cost, scope, and power. The initial disastrous results of the unpopular ObamaCare only hint of the full destruction of health care in America awaiting us. His political party has marched in lockstep with his disastrous policies and actions.

Where is the ‘loyal opposition?’ The Republican Party has also marched lockstep with Democrats and Obama in increasing the insurmountable national debt of nearly $18 trillion and growing the federal government. They have worked backroom deals trying to pass Amnesty for illegal aliens not here seeking freedom as legal aliens once did but come here for seeking welfare handouts.

With 100% of black support, the Democrats need new voters they can lavish with social programs in return for lifelong support at the ballot box. While Republicans, owned by the Chamber of Commerce and their Big Business cronies, seek a new class of cheap labor. And the doors of America’s border states have swung wide open! Who pays for all this? The American middle class tax payer and worker who sees the American Dream rapidly becoming the American Nightmare.

Republicans put on political theater feigning outrage for the numerous scandals and unconstitutional usurpations of Obama and his minions. But nothing happens. No one goes to jail. No one even loses their jobs. Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner sadly promises to sue Obama in court knowing that Obama will be long gone when any decisions are rendered, despite the fact that Obama needs to be tried for treason and impeached. Yet, the country continues bleeding to death.

Where are the statesmen who will step forward and boldly proclaim that nothing will be funded or passed until the violations perpetuated by the federal government on American citizens are made right and the responsible punished? Who in Washington demands that Obama uphold the very laws he swore to uphold? Who proclaims that Obama will no longer circumvent Congress with de facto Amnesty and violations of his presidential authority? What is the answer?

America had Ronald Reagan to restore our faith in government after four years of the disastrous Jimmy Carter. Who do current day Ruling Class Republicans want us to elect to replace Obama? El Jeb Bush or Chris Christie. I will pass on either of those.

We find ourselves one Supreme Court heartbeat away from the socialists placed on the bench outlawing the Second Amendment
! How much can and will patriotic Americans suffer before something is done?

The question is not “what is the answer” but “what is the solution?” The Republicans nor Democrats offer no solutions. The are the problem. America’s elected officials at the national level have installed themselves as the Ruling Class virtually immune from being voted from office. Lifelong politicians are enriched by corrupt lobbyists and special interests while completely ignoring their constituents. What the Republicans did by paying black liberal Democrats to vote for Thad Cochran in the Mississippi Republican primary shows the despicable levels Republicans have fallen in protecting one of their fellow ruling class corruptocrats.

What hope does the American patriot taxpayer have when his federal government actively works towards his demise? Americans have faced this decision before. You will recognize the words:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

By the words of Thomas Jefferson, all signs point to American States who still hold those truths to be self-evident, that the United States of America cannot stand in its current direction. The rights of The People must be protected. Not the rights of the collective as sought by the ever-powerful and tyrannical federal government, but the individual! You! Me! The leaders of the Tea Party movement who were deliberately targeted by the IRS and members of Congress!

The States that still hold fast to the vision of The Founders are the current Red States. Socialist Blue States long ago made their decisions to pursue socialist and crony capitalist policies that are resulting in the collapsing of their economies and the encroachments of the rights of their citizens. Red States are seeing refugees from these Blue State hellholes arriving in droves. In Dallas, homes for sale remain on the market less than a week before purchase, usually being purchased by a Blue Stater fleeing high taxes, high unemployment, and lack of individual freedoms. I heard a friend say the other day that the construction crane should become the new Texas State Bird. Cranes are everywhere.

I have stated numerous times I have no desire to have corrupt socialist politicians from Massachusetts, California, New York, Michigan, Vermont, Delaware, Illinois etc holding power over my earnings and freedoms. In 2009, I had hope that we could return America to a prosperous path where new Congressmen and Senators would be elected to replace the Ruling Class ilk hellbent on destroying us. But I have come to accept that the Tea Party was 30 years too late. The Tea Party worked tirelessly to return the Republicans to power in the House only to watch them renege on every promise they made and go on to elect John Boehner as Speaker. For those who have read Atlas Shrugged, I have turned into John Galt after years of holding out hope as a Dagny Taggart. My beliefs in a prosperous America with a positive future were further eroded when Barack Obama was reelected.

I have great faith in Texas where sufficient numbers of patriots are able to neutralize the millions of dollars from the national Republicans and their Chamber of Commerce cronies with fiscally conservative voters who are motivated to vote in primaries.

Is America doomed to separate into two countries where only one follows the tried and true limits on government set up by the Founding Fathers while the other follows socialist European models of high taxation and limited freedoms? Will the separation be a requirement to protect Americans from the tyranny of corrupt big government?

In the wise words of Benjamin Franklin, “you have a Republic if you can keep it.”

It appears the warnings of Alexis de Tocqueville have been realized: “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”

As for me, I will quote the great Texas songwriter Ray Wylie Hubbard: “I like the other States, they’re OK. But Texas is where I want to be and I don’t care if I ever go to Delaware anyway!”

What are your thoughts on the question of the continued viability of the United States of America as a republic?

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2014/07/breakup-america-imminent-even-necessary/#kDzf63LijFXWfed7.99


Cloward Priven is destroying this country (CPIDTC). Upwards of half my money is stolen by the IRS and government, and redistributed to deadbeats that refuse to work for a living, and are instead the 100 million welfare FSA. This population and our crooked government and criminal politicians have turned this country into a socialist welfare state, despite the fact that every single socialist country has collapsed throughout the whole of history.

The “war on poverty”, started by democrat LBJ, has pissed away $20 trillion dollars so far, and poverty rates are worse than ever. If this isn’t the biggest calamitous failure in history, I don’t know what is. And Obama has increased welfare spending by 50% since taking office, removed all previous reforms, and doubled the number of people getting food stamps. It’s all by design, Obama’s radical mentors and thought leaders trained him well in how to destroy an entire nation. Every day, we’re one step closer to economic collapse.


Is The Cloward-Piven Strategy Being Used To Destroy America?

Submitted by Brandon Smith of Alt-Market blog,

In the mid-sixties at the height of the “social revolution” the line between democratic benevolence and outright communism became rather blurry. The Democratic Party, which controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress, was used as the springboard by social engineers to introduce a new era of welfare initiatives enacted in the name of “defending the poor”, also known as the “Great Society Programs”. These initiatives, however, were driven by far more subversive and extreme motivations, and have been expanded on by every presidency since, Republican and Democrat alike.

At Columbia University, sociologist professors Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven introduced a political strategy in 1966 in an article entitled ‘The Weight Of The Poor: A Strategy To End Poverty‘. This article outlined a plan that they believed would eventually lead to the total transmutation of America into a full-fledged centralized welfare state (in other words, a collectivist enclave). The spearpoint of the Cloward-Piven strategy involved nothing less than economic sabotage against the U.S.

Theoretically, according to the doctrine, a condition of overwhelming tension and strain could be engineered through the overloading of American welfare rolls, thereby smothering the entitlement program structure at the state and local level. The implosion of welfare benefits would facilitate a massive spike in poverty and desperation, creating a financial crisis that would lead to an even greater cycle of demand for a fully socialized system. This desperation would then “force” the federal government to concentrate all welfare programs under one roof, nationalize and enforce a socialist ideology, and ultimately, compact an immense level of power into the hands of a select few.

Cloward and Piven claimed that this could be accomplished at a grassroots level through community activism, and, that it would facilitate a more compassionate federal authority, however, there are numerous problems with these assertions.

The Cloward-Piven Strategy has nothing to do with grassroots activism, and accomplishes nothing tangible for the downtrodden poverty class. In fact, I would dare to say that Cloward and Piven as well as most social engineers are well aware that the concept ultimately only serves to give even more dominance to the establishment and pilfer even more freedom from the masses.

Cloward-Piven is not limited to the destabilization of state and local welfare programs. It can easily be used against federal level entitlements, and in reality, is much more effective against an entity with the proven tendency towards exponential debt spending. Though the federal government may be able to borrow fiat dollars through the Federal Reserve to prolong welfare rolls while the states cannot, a more volatile threat arises when debt monetization begins to wear down the purchasing power of the currency. Weakened purchasing power results in reduced consumer activity, less industrial growth, less GDP, and obviously, more poverty. The dollar has lost approximately 98% of its purchasing power since 1972, and after 50 years of the so-called “War on Poverty”, nearly one third of the American population now repeatedly slips under the official poverty line.

In the past decade alone, the number of people dependent on food stamps and EBT for their survival in the U.S. has doubled from 25 million people to nearly 50 million people. Those who receive some kind of payment from the government, including those on social security, disability, and veterans benefits, are approximately 100 million. Americans on social security do not consider themselves welfare recipients because they paid into the system, however, the point remains that if the federal money tap shuts down due to overwhelming participation, the checks will stop whether you paid into the system or not.

In the end, it is the Federal Government itself that is most vulnerable to the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and I believe the goal is to set fire to ALL social structures in the U.S., then assimilate them into a new globalist system.

The tactic of overwhelming the welfare structure REQUIRES the complicity of the government itself. A grassroots activist movement cannot and will never compel federal and state governments to expand welfare initiatives if they do not wish to. If welfare programs are not expanded beyond their capacity to be maintained, they cannot be overwhelmed. Therefore, government must cooperate with the Cloward-Piven Strategy by generating more and more welfare programs to be exploited. That is to say, the elitists who control our government, regardless of their claimed political party, must WANT to arrange circumstances to allow for Cloward-Piven to be successful.

Another key component of Cloward-Piven is the existence of an immense number of poverty stricken people. Without a significant portion of the population under the poverty level, there is no mass of people to use as a weapon. Again, grassroots activists would be hard pressed to actually create the kind of poverty levels they would need for exploitation. But wait! Government, along with the aid or direction of central bankers, is able to create any level of poverty it wishes at any time by simply pretending to bungle everything it does. Once again, Cloward-Piven (much like Saul Alinsky’s repertoire of propaganda scams) is far more useful to the power elite than it is to the common citizen. As former White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, famously said:

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before…”

In light of the Cloward-Piven Strategy, which is at its very core a method to artificially induce crisis, the otherwise insane policy actions of the Obama Administration and preceding puppet presidents now become perfectly logical. Obama, after all, has been a long time proponent of the methods of Saul Alinsky, the left wing gatekeeper equivalent to Neo-Con godfather Leo Strauss. Cloward and Piven were also both avid followers of Alinsky, who promoted lies, misdirection, subversion, and abandonment of conscience in order to win social power at any cost (special note – Alinsky also dedicated his book ‘Rules For Radicals’ to Lucifer…yeah, to the friggin’ devil).

Under Obama’s watch alone, our real national debt including unfunded liabilities and entitlements has risen to nearly $200 trillion. Our “official” national debt has gone from $10 trillion to $17.6 trillion in the short time Obama has been in office, and will be $20 trillion when Obama leaves office, assuming he isn’t impeached or tried for treason. Real unemployment including U-6 measurements stands at around 20% of all Americans. Personal wealth and savings have plummeted. Wages remain in stasis while prices on necessary goods continue to rise.

In my articles ‘The Socialization Of America Is Economically Impossible’ and ‘Obamacare: Is It A Divide-And-Conquer Distraction?’, I examined much evidence suggesting that Obamacare was actually designed to fail, and that the bumbling of the Obama White House when dealing with the program was purely deliberate. When coupled with Obama’s handling of the current illegal immigration conflict, I would say that the Cloward-Piven Strategy is in full force.

Why fight tooth and nail against all common sense and history, why lie openly to millions of registered voters to get the program in place, only to allow it to derail because of a poorly designed website!? Because, Obama and his handlers know full well that it will end up costing the country billions that we cannot afford, and aid in a resulting crash and the destruction of our healthcare system (just like the Va death debacle).

Why the sudden surge of illegal immigrants into the U.S.? Why not! The White House has made it clear that it has every intention of keeping them within America by allowing the border patrol to ship the detained across the country where they are then released. Obama’s threat to use executive action to force through his own version of the immigration bill is the icing on the cake. Amnesty is essentially guaranteed, I believe, in the near term, which is why tens of thousands of Central American parents are willing to send their children on a journey where they could very well be kidnapped by sex traffickers or killed. If the White House really wanted to stop this humanitarian crisis, the President would state publicly and clearly that America is not a drive through welfare center, that there will be no free goodies at the second window, and that there will be no chance of amnesty, instead of diverting more agents to the border to ensure more illegals are shipped into the interior.

The president does not wish to stop the flood of immigrants exactly because Cloward-Piven requires their presence. Not only would this officially add millions of people to welfare rolls, but I would venture to suggest that Obama will likely include automatic sign-up to universal healthcare as part of his amnesty measures.

If there wasn’t enough strain on the social welfare structure before, there certainly will be now.

I have seen other commentators including Glenn Beck discuss Cloward-Piven in the past, but always through the blinders of the false left/right paradigm. Obama could not have attained the levels of destabilization he has without standing on the shoulders of those political errand boys who came before him. Ronald Reagan, for instance, was also responsible for signing the Immigration Reform And Control Act of 1986 into law, which was supposed to trade the amnesty of 3 million illegals for greater border security. This new “more comprehensive” security was never implemented by Reagan. Both Republican and Democratic regimes have made our current calamity possible, and the leaderships behind both parties are nothing more than paid mascots for international financiers and globalists who have a very different vision of what America should be.

If we allow ourselves to fall into the trap of making the developing crisis about a singularly unimportant man such as Obama, then the elites get exactly what they want – an angry and desperate citizenry out for the blood of a middleman and out for the blood of each other, while they sit back, relax, and wait to swoop in as our financial saviors with strings attached.

For those naïve enough to assume that Cloward-Piven is just a well intentioned activist method, it is important to understand that even if that were so, the effect of the Cloward-Piven Strategy will never achieve the goal its creators claimed to support. In my view, it is probable that they never really intended for it to produce wealth equality or an increased quality of life.

The tactic can only decrease wealth security by making all citizens equally destitute. As we have seen in numerous socialist and communist experiments over the past century, economic harmonization never creates wealth or prosperity, it only siphons wealth from one area and redistributes it to others, evaporating much of it as it is squeezed through the grinding gears of the establishment machine. Socialism, in its very essence, elevates government to the role of all-pervasive parent, and casts the citizenry down into the role of dependent sniveling infant. Even in its most righteous form, Cloward-Piven seeks to make infants of us all, whether we like it or not.





Things are spinning out of control pretty fast in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia sent 30,000 troops to the Iraq border, and Kuwait is in flames tonight. Starting to look like all-out war.

Obama and his minions have supplied Al Qaeda with money, weapons, arms, and training in multiple countries, and ISIS is using American military equipment, both given to them and captured. As the article and video show, Obama is heavily involved.



This video is a must watch…no two ways about it. Trust me, any words I would post would not do justice to what’s inside this video and all it entails. There is much included inside it, everything from Seal Team Six and Extortion 17 to Dear Leader’s complicity and hands inside ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, heat seeking missiles etc etc. This also talks about the Muslim Brotherhood members inside his own cabinet too. Of course we’re speaking of the whole mess and destruction that’s still ongoing in the middle east…and Dear Leader’s fingerprints are all over it.


Here’s a another summary via this site:

This video makes the shocking claim that Barack Hussein Obama is behind the newly formed Islamic State—the Caliphate that reaches from Iraq to Jordan, whose army is now marching toward our embassy in Baghdad. Citing the just-published blockbuster book, Dark Forces, along with Muslim Brotherhood sources—the brains behind the Caliphate—and a Muslim Brotherhood member in the Department of Homeland Security, it appears to be an inescapable conclusion: that Barack Hussein Obama is in fact behind the Islamic Caliphate!

Watch, listen and learn below:

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2014/07/question-day-dear-leader-behind-islamic-caliphate/#IGRIMLCCZ2X3DiDM.99


The Arab Spring Just Got Serious Again – Kuwait Is Burning

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/03/2014

Same stuff… different country. Once again someone (former opposition leader Musallam al-Barrak) exposed the corruption among the elites (revealed documents that allegedly prove billions of illicit financial transfers were made to senior officials, including judges) and the leaders (Kuwait officials) decided he should be arrested and charged with slander. This has caused uproar among the people as hundreds of protesters rallied overnight in support of al-Barrack, marching from his house to the jail chanting: “The people want to cleanse the judiciary!” The police in the oil-rich nation of Kuwait used tear gas and stun grenades early Thursday to disperse the protesters. As we have noted previously, uprising against government corruption is a global trend and in the case of Kuwait (which is oil-rich, the last friendly place to US in the Middle East, and has the highest per capita Twitter usage on the planet), we suspect this ‘spring’ is far from over.

Saudi Arabia Deploys 30,000 Troops On Iraq Border; Iraq Launches Airstrikes At ISIS Positions
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 07/03/2014

While up until now the virtual war between Saudi Arabia, openly calling for the ouster of Iraq’s Maliki (whose words in retaliation were just as harsh) was primarily of words, things appear to be escalating on that front too following an overnight report that Saudi Arabia has deployed 30,000 soldiers to its border with Iraq after Iraqi soldiers withdrew from the area, Saudi-owned al-Arabiya television reported Thursday. The world’s top oil exporter shares an 500-mile border with Iraq, where Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) insurgents and other Sunni Muslim militant groups seized towns and cities in a lightning advance last month. King Abdullah has ordered all necessary measures to protect the kingdom against potential “terrorist threats,” state news agency SPA reported on Thursday.




Witnessing the psychopathologies of the leftist mind, and the volume of those afflicted, is really quite depressing. The hate, the ignorance, the arrogance, the immaturity, the sanctimony, the naiveté, the sheer insanity…the list just goes on.

God is being “sublimated”—i.e., that the innate (read: almost certainly genetically based) human impulse to prostrate oneself before an Almighty was not magically eradicated by the left’s relentless attack upon religion; rather, that impulse now merely manifests itself as worship of government, since worshipping God is so gauche.

Capitalism is the devil; corporations are its demons. [Leftist] politicians are high priests to whom we can appeal for safe passage from this evil, courtesy the benevolence of a caring and compassionate God-Government.

If God-Government demands that it, and it alone, shall care for the poor and sick and hungry (in whatever ways it deems most suitable to its whims)? Then believing charity should be an individual choice makes you a cold-hearted, evil bastard, and therefore you deserve to be demagogued and driven out of polite society.

God-Government abuses science as a smokescreen to gain ever more control over the lives of individuals and their businesses? Then to refuse to comply with this agenda makes you an ignorant, anti-science, earth-hating troglodyte, and you deserve to be silenced—by force, if necessary.

God-Government demands everybody embrace “diversity” (read: white genocide) to the point of forfeiting their freedom of association and nullifying our borders? Then anyone who dares protest is a frothing-at-the-mouth, hate-filled, racist, xenophobic, nativist, white supremacist, and deserves to have their livelihoods demolished.

God-Government demands everyone accept paraphilias as perfectly normal and in utero infanticide as an unmitigated moral good? Then to deny this makes you a backwards, bible-thumping, Flying Spaghetti Monster-worshipping laughingstock, and you deserve to be sued into oblivion.

God-Government demands a monopoly on the use of force? Then anyone who refuses this dictate is a radical-right-wing gun nut domestic terrorist and deserves to be incarcerated.

God-Government is a jealous god—there can be only one. Hence anyone who dare say God-Government should not be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent are heretics, and are to be broken upon the wheel.

None of this is rocket science. I’m an idiot, and if I can see it, so anyone else should be able to. However, as mentioned previously, hubris is the defense mechanism of the warped liberal mind—where ego has no end, truth has no entry. Wrapped in a comfortable cocoon of self-flattering nonsense and endless adolescence, the voluntarily benighted want nothing less than to see the light.

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2014/07/47249/#RTh0tLfr0Wu1g2dL.99


The Socialist Brain of a Liberal Democrat

A normal state of a healthy person whose brain developed under the caring guidance of the progressive establishment.

As opposed to the rigid and bigoted Republican / Capitalist / Conservative brain, a Liberal / Socialist / Democrat brain is hard to map because it undergoes perpetual reshuffling of its centers and synapses. Generally it can be characterized by a compassionate concern for not taxing the rich enough, combined with generosity in spending other people’s money.

A liberal brain is known to have a well-developed “blame-America” synapse, a benign “Smarter Than Thou” tumor, a Global Warming Panic Center, the Entitlement Synapse, Moral Relativity Gray Area, and a “P.C. Lobe” responsible for speech codes, multiculturalism, racial quotas, and alternative lifestyles. The underdeveloped areas of a Liberal Brain usually include those that handle common sense, personal responsibility, sense of humor, patriotism, and work ethics.

The eternal motivational force that keeps a liberal going is typically a daily doze of Starbucks coffee combined with the dialectical struggle of the opposites – the feeling of being a victim of oppression and the feeling of guilt for oppressing the others at the same time.


The Obama-led flood of illegal immigrant story is getting more interesting all the time. Despite laws protecting our borders, Obama and democrats are still having their way, as tens of thousands of barbarians continue to flood into this country illegally. Anyone who questions what’s going on it threatened by government thugs, even healthcare professions. Nancy botox Pelosi went to personally greet her new FSA members, and was overwhelmed by the filth and disease on display. The tyranny and lawlessness of president seems to know no bounds. Lets hope you don’t catch a horrible disease from these people.


Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest

By Todd Starnes
Published July 01, 2014

A government-contracted security force threatened to arrest doctors and nurses if they divulged any information about the contagion threat at a refugee camp housing illegal alien children at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, sources say.

In spite of the threat, several former camp workers broke their confidentiality agreements and shared exclusive details with me about the dangerous conditions at the camp. They said taxpayers deserve to know about the contagious diseases and the risks the children pose to Americans. I have agreed to not to disclose their identities because they fear retaliation and prosecution.

My sources say Americans should be very concerned about the secrecy of the government camps.

“There were several of us who wanted to talk about the camps, but the agents made it clear we would be arrested,” a psychiatric counselor told me. “We were under orders not to say anything.”

The sources said workers were guarded by a security force from the Baptist Family & Children’s Services, which the Department of Health and Human Services hired to run the Lackland Camp.

The sources say security forces called themselves the “Brown Shirts.”

“It was a very submissive atmosphere,” the counselor said. “Once you stepped onto the grounds, you abided by their laws – the Brown Shirt laws.”

She said the workers were stripped of their cellphones and other communication devices. Anyone caught with a phone was immediately fired.

“Everyone was paranoid,” she said. “The children had more rights than the workers.”

She said children in the camp had measles, scabies, chicken pox, swine flu and strep throat as well as mental and emotional issues.

“It was not a good atmosphere in terms of health,” she said. “I would be talking to children and lice would just be climbing down their hair.”

A former nurse at the camp told me she was horrified by what she saw.

“We have so many kids coming in that there was no way to control all of the sickness – all this stuff coming into the country,” she said. “We were very concerned at one point about strep going around the base.”

Both the counselor and the nurse said their superiors tried to cover up the extent of the illnesses.

“When they found out the kids had scabies, the charge nurse was adamant – ‘Don’t mention that. Don’t say scabies,’” the nurse recounted. “But everybody knew they had scabies. Some of the workers were very concerned about touching things and picking things up. They asked if they should be concerned, but they were told don’t worry about it.”

The nurse said the lice issue was epidemic – but everything was kept “hush-hush.”

“You could see the bugs crawling through their hair,” she said. “After we would rinse out their hair, the sink would be loaded with black bugs.”

The nurse told me she became especially alarmed because their files indicated the children had been transported to Lackland on domestic charter buses and airplanes.

“That’s what alerted me,” she said. “Oh, my God. They’re flying these kids around. Nobody knows that these children have scabies and lice. To tell you the truth, there’s no way to control it.”

I don’t mean to upset anyone’s Independence Day vacation plans, but were these kids transported to the camps before or after they were deloused? Anyone who flies the friendly skies could be facing a public health concern.

The counselor told me the refugee camp resembled a giant emergency room – off limits to the public.

“They did not want the community to know,” she said. “I initially spoke out at Lackland because I had a concern the children’s mental health care was not being taken care of.”

She said the breaking point came when camp officials refused to hospitalize several children who were suicidal.

“I made a recommendation that a child needed to be sent to a psychiatric unit,” the counselor told me. “He was reaching psychosis. He was suicidal. Instead of treating him, they sent him off to a family in the United States.”

She said she filed a Child Protective Services report and quit her job.

I didn’t want to lose my license if this kid committed suicide,” she told me. “I was done.”

The counselor kept a detailed journal about what happened during her tenure at the facility.

“When people read that journal they are going to be astonished,” she said. ‘I don’t think they will believe what is going on in America.”

So it was not a great surprise, she said, when she received a call from federal agents demanding that she return to the military base and hand over her journal.

She said she declined to do so.

“I didn’t go back to Lackland,” she said.

Both workers told me while they have no regrets, they want to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals.

“They’re going to crush the system,” the nurse told me. “We can’t sustain this. They are overwhelming the system and I think it’s a travesty.”

Baptist Family & Childen’s Services spokeswoman Krista Piferrer tells me the agency takes “any allegation of malfeasance or inappropriate care of a child very seriously.”

“There are a number of checks and balances to ensure children are receiving appropriate and adequate mental health care,” she said.

Piferrer said the clinicians are supervised by a federal field specialist from HHS’s Office of Refugee Resettlement. She also said BFCS have 58 medical professionals serving at Lackland.

“Every illness, whether it is a headache or something more serious, is recorded in a child’s electronic medical record and posted on WebEOC – a real-time, web-based platform that is visible to not only BFCS but the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,” she said.

As for those brown shirts, the BFCS said they are “incident management team personnel” – who happen to wear tan shirts.

My sources say Americans should be very concerned about the secrecy of the government camps.



Boehner, a lawyer, is “suing” Obama for illegal executive action taken by our lawless, feckless president. Is this a joke? A lawsuit? Is a jury going to award damages to the American people? This is the kind of joke our government has become. He needs to be stopped, immediately, with an impeachment prosecutor and article of impeachment filed. I don’t remember reading anywhere in the Constitution or Bill of Rights about filing lawsuits against a fascist dictatorial President that is completely and utterly out of control. Obama doesn’t seem to think Congress, the House, The Supreme Court, laws, his own party, or anything else applies to him. He believes, in his narcissist sociopathic psychotic brain that he can just do whatever he wants, with his pen and phone, and it will be done. Obama’s mind must be crumbling, making him even more dangerous. His hubris knows no bounds, and many people are openly questioning his sanity. Yea, what better way to stop this abusive despot than file a lawsuit. We’re doomed.



The Imperial Dictator has been slammed down by the Supreme Court of the United States repeatedly recently, yet he ignores them all, slaps back at their decisions using national television and his lapdogs to do so. I’m tellin’ ya folks, his arrogance knows no bounds…and so far he gets away with his narcissistic defiance to the likes of which this nation has never seen since her inception! He’s a stark raving madman!

He and he alone rules over this nation, period, full stop. He sees everyone else as peons below him, so all must bow and obey when he deems it so. Barack Hussein Obama is the commander of the world in his sicker than sick delusional mind. He has no doubt he’s above the law, the constitution, congress and the separation of powers when it comes to a coequal branch of government. They matter not to him. His ideology and agenda must come first and foremost…so he circumvents and bypasses congress them using AG Eric (‘My People’) Holder to help.

BHO’s enemies thru his looking glass are all to be brushed away and put in the dustbin of his history for him to achieve his goals..along with the aide of other federal heads of governmental departments like the EPA, IRS and the DHS, just to name a few. In his mind, he and his cohorts will not be stopped…and so far they haven’t been, so why should he think differently…hmm?

I could go on and on, but you all get the big picture and know full well how the King and his cohorts work by now. He’s a power-grab, power-mad enemy within…and it seems he will not be stopped by anything or anyone, anytime soon…if ever! Yet he must be stopped before it’s far too late…we’re on the brink of destruction now, just as he designed with his real transformation of America. – Agenda completed. Valerie Jarrett is proud….so is Soros, along with many other uppity-up evil entities behind the scenes.

Men in little white coats need to come and carry him away in a straitjacket…ASAP! Of course we need to throw in some law enforcement officers provided with handcuffs for future use to that mix as well!

The leftists are insane…we must fight their insane world and bring back our country to some sense of sanity, morality and normalcy, just as our forefathers fought and died for since the beginning of our beloved nation before it’s far too late, if it isn’t already.

After all is said and done, consequences matter…or do or don’t they anymore?

Impeachment and Conviction needed to take place yesterday, still does today…yet we all know that will happen when hell freezes over first! What do we do now…hmm?

Read more at http://angrywhitedude.com/2014/06/picture-day-executive-overreach-gone-far/#WJPGDPU08hc5oVZV.99



When you add it all up, it’s hard to believe what Obama has gotten away with. The NSA does his bidding, spying, and undoubtedly has files on all his enemies. he’s used the IRS to target and terrorize his enemies. He’s built the DHS in a domestic police force to crush any dissent and terrorize the population. Obama and Holder ignore laws, circumvent laws, and have made a joke of the legal system. The Supreme Court finally stood up to him, cancelling his illegal recess appointments. Obama is clearly completely out of control, and needs to be stopped. And like all corrupt filthy Illinois community organizer politicians, he WILL end up in prison where he belongs.


OK. It’s Official: Now Obama’s Daring Us to Impeach Him

Written by Teri O’Brien on June 26, 2014

To call the Obama administration “scandal-ridden” is like calling Michael Moore “full-figured.” Hands down, this is the most lawless, corrupt, and despicable administration to ever occupy the Oval Office. Whether it’s their Fast and Furious assault on the 2nd amendment, the Obamacare fiasco, the Benghazi debacle, the scandalous treatment of veterans by his Veterans’ administration, or the breathtaking behavior of his Internal Revenue Service, we’ve never seen anything like this administration’s contempt for the rule of law in this country’s history. Nor have we seen a president attempt to explain away his gangsta government by the lame repetition of the laughable script ““I had no idea! I am outraged! I am going to get to the bottom of this situation!” This tired act laid an egg the first time. After the twentieth or thirtieth performance, it’s beyond infuriating, especially when it’s followed by a trip to the nearest golf course or a White House press event with celebrities or winning sports teams.

In searching for an explanation for the Obama Regime’s ridiculous response to the Scandal of the Day, I speculated that it might not be incompetence, or even the One’s radical leftist ideology. Rather, in fact, the whole thing might be an elaborate gag, a form of performance art. That’s one plausible explanation, but there’s another, one that must occur to any knowledgeable observer after the latest excuse from one of Obama’s agencies for its failure to comply with an oversight request from Congress. Perhaps Barack Obama and his apparatchiks are daring the Republicans to impeach him.

You no doubt know that on June 13, 2014, Obama’s IRS, currently under investigation by the House Oversight Committee, revealed that—Shazaam!!!—shall we say, misplaced, emails sent by Lois Lerner, director of the IRS’ Exempt Organizations Unit and the official at the heart of the scandal regarding the targeting of conservative groups, during a critical two-year period, because her hard drive “crashed,” and has likely been destroyed. In addition, there were six other IRS officials who suffered the same unfortunate hard drive “crashes.”

Now, in an unbelievable coincidence, on June 25, 2014, another federal agency can’t produce emails requested by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. From The Washington Examiner:

In a hearing Wednesday before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said the agency was still trying to recover the emails from a now-retired employee who was involved in a controversial EPA evaluation of a proposed mine project in Alaska’s Bristol Bay.

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., asked McCarthy: “Were all of his emails preserved according to the Federal Records Act or was a law violated?”

McCarthy responded:

I think we have notified the appropriate authorities that we may have some emails that we cannot produce that we should have kept. I do not know yet whether we can recover all of these or not.” She added that later: “We are not sure where the failure came from and what it is attributed to.

Seriously? I’ve said for years that the Left needs to get new writers to refresh their tired ideology. In addition, they need to lose the “dog lost my homework” act by every Obama agency to try to cover up their deceit and contempt for the people and Constitution, and to try to goad the GOP into impeaching his sorry rear end, and try him for treason for supporting Al Qaeda. Obama belongs in prison for the rest of his life.

Read more at http://clashdaily.com/2014/06/ok-official-now-obamas-daring-us-impeach/#iHF7V70kVAvmTslE.99


This is truly one of the biggest stories in a long time. Central banksters have (printed) invested some $29 trillion in the stock markets. Forget QE, it’s a drop in the bucket compared to what’s been going on. This explains why the market never goes down, despite a constant stream of negative economic news, collapsing GDP, and outright recession. The Central banksters don’t care, they’re propping up stock markets across the globe, and it appears there is nothing they won’t do at this point.

To say the markets are rigged is a gross understatement. The markets are now OWNED by the banksters. I don’t think anybody can predict how this will end, if ever. The banksters want to own it all, and now they do. They own the criminals in Washington, the military, and now the stock market. What will be next? Truly mind boggling.


“Cluster Of Central Banks” Have Secretly Invested $29 Trillion In The Market”
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/15/2014 20:17 -0400

Another conspiracy “theory” becomes conspiracy “fact” as The FT reports “a cluster of central banking investors has become major players on world equity markets.” The report, to be published this week by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF), confirms $29.1tn in market investments, held by 400 public sector institutions in 162 countries, which “could potentially contribute to overheated asset prices.” China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange has become “the world’s largest public sector holder of equities”, according to officials, and we suspect the Fed is close behind (courtesy of more levered positions at Citadel), as the world’s banks try to diversify themselves and “counters the monopoly power of the dollar.” Which leaves us wondering where are the central bank 13Fs?

While most have assumed that this is likely, the recent exuberance in stocks has largely been laid at the foot of another irrational un-economic actor – the corporate buyback machine. However, as The FT reports, what we have speculated as fact for many years now (given the death cross of irrationality, plunging volumes, lack of engagement, and of course dwindling credibility of central planners)… is now fact…

Central banks around the world, including China’s, have shifted decisively into investing in equities as low interest rates have hit their revenues, according to a global study of 400 public sector institutions.

“A cluster of central banking investors has become major players on world equity markets,” says a report to be published this week by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (Omfif), a central bank research and advisory group. The trend “could potentially contribute to overheated asset prices”, it warns.

The report, seen by the Financial Times, identifies $29.1tn in market investments, including gold, held by 400 public sector institutions in 162 countries.

China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange has become “the world’s largest public sector holder of equities”, as the report argues is “partly strategic” because it “counters the monopoly power of the dollar” and reflects Beijing’s global financial ambitions.

In Europe, the Swiss and Danish central banks are among those investing in equities. The Swiss National Bank has an equity quota of about 15 per cent. Omfif quotes Thomas Jordan, SNB’s chairman, as saying: “We are now invested in large, mid- and small-cap stocks in developed markets worldwide.” The Danish central bank’s equity portfolio was worth about $500m at the end of last year.

Read more here

So there it is… conspiracy fact – Central Banks around the world are buying stocks in increasing size.

To summarize, the global equity market is now one massive Ponzi scheme in which the dumb money are central banks themselves, the same banks who inject the liquidity to begin with.

That would explain this.


That said, good luck with “exiting” the unconventional monetary policy. You’ll need it.




Obama hasn’t destroyed this country all by himself. He’s had help, one of the main criminals being Eric Holder, Obama’s henchman and fixer. Holder’s committed multiple crimes, yet refuses to uphold border laws and others to the detriment of everyone living in this country. An excellent article documenting Obama and Holder’s criminals activities. One can only wonder, with our joke of a legal system and government “oversight” completely out to lunch, if these two criminals will ever be prosecuted and put in jail where they belong.


Obama’s Enforcer

Eric Holder’s tenure in the Justice Department has been marked by scandal after scandal.

By John Fund & Hans A. von Spakovsky June 11, 2014

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following article is adapted from John Fund and Hans A. von Spakovsky’s new book, Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department.

Attorney General Eric Holder’s Justice Department gave bad advice to President Obama and the Pentagon in the controversial Bergdahl prisoner trade that the president could ignore federal law requiring prior notification to Congress. This is just the latest example of how Holder helps the administration ignore the rule of law and crafts his “legal” opinions based on the desired political outcome, not the actual state of the law.

Under Eric Holder, the Justice Department has stood the old Ronald Reagan maxim “trust but verify” on its head and adopted a “trust and we won’t let you verify” approach to its activities.

Even Jill Abramson, the former executive editor of the New York Times, has said that “the Obama administration has moved beyond protecting government secrets to threatening fundamental freedoms of the press to gather news.”

How much is the Justice Department’s uncooperative and secretive approach the product of Eric Holder’s management style and how much is in response to President Obama’s wishes? We would argue that the most likely explanation is that a president almost always appoints the attorney general he’s most comfortable with, someone who will watch his back on institutional issues and vigorously pursue his enforcement priorities. In Eric Holder, Barack Obama has found both a kindred spirit and a heat shield against criticism that would often be directed at the White House. And Holder has made it clear that he is “part of the president’s team.”

Eric Holder and Barack Obama first met in November 2004, at a small Washington dinner party celebrating Obama’s election to the Senate that month hosted by Ann Walker Marchant, a niece of Vernon Jordan and a former Clinton-administration White House aide. “Obama sat next to Eric Holder, a former Justice Department official in the Clinton administration. The two found they had much in common — they were lawyers, they had gone to Columbia University, and they were basketball enthusiasts. The party was the start of a continuing Holder-Obama relationship,” reported Newsday. “We just clicked,” said Holder.

Holder was expected to support Hillary Clinton for president in 2008, but his meeting with Obama changed everything. “Loyalty is something I value an awful lot. And so my decision to support Barack was not necessarily a difficult one, but I had to be really moved by him. My inclination would be to support Senator Clinton, but I was overwhelmed by Barack,” he told American Lawyer magazine in 2008. He added that when it came to race, he and Obama “share a worldview.” Holder also became close to Valerie Jarrett, a highly influential, highly political Obama adviser. In fact, Jarrett said in 2008 about Holder that “there isn’t a day that we don’t talk.”

By the summer of 2008, Holder was “the utility infielder for Team Obama” and was a key player in the search committee that settled on Delaware senator Joe Biden to be Obama’s vice-presidential running mate. Holder was Obama’s first and only pick to be attorney general.

Why does it matter who runs the U.S. Justice Department? Because that person heads one of the most powerful executive-branch agencies in the federal government — one that has enormous discretionary power to pursue people accused of breaking the law and to exert major influence over social, economic, and national-security policies by the choices he makes in enforcement. It requires someone who understands that while the attorney general is a political appointee, he (or she) has a sworn duty to uphold the Constitution and enforce the law in an objective, nonpolitical manner. One of Holder’s own friends, a former DOJ official, told GQ that Holder’s weakness is his “instinct to please.” Holder “doesn’t have to be told what to do — he’s willing to do whatever it takes. It’s his survival mechanism in Washington.”

In 2013, the Justice Department had a budget of almost $27 billion and 114,000 employees. It has more employees today than it has ever had in its history, with a sharp increase in the number of staff occurring during the Obama administration. In essence, the Justice Department is the largest law-enforcement agency in the world, with investigators and agents, lawyers, and prison officials all combined in one government department.

The Justice Department’s motto, contained on the seal of the department, is “Qui Pro Domina Justitia Sequitur.” It has been roughly translated to refer to the Attorney General as he who “prosecutes on behalf of justice.” But as we outline in our book, Eric Holder seems to have changed that motto so that it can be read to mean “the attorney general prosecutes on behalf of his political and ideological allies.” Eric Holder is almost certainly the most liberal attorney general of the modern era, but he has also liberally bent the rule of law and established internal practices that harm the cause of justice. His tenure at the Justice Department has been marked by one scandal after another and abusive behavior by Justice Department lawyers in unwarranted, ideologically driven prosecutions.

Holder is the first attorney general in history to be held in contempt by the House of Representatives for his unjustified refusal to turn over documents related to what may be the most reckless law-enforcement operation of the Justice Department ever conducted: Operation Fast and Furious. He has launched more investigations and prosecutions of leaks than any prior attorney general, yet he has studiously ignored high-level “friendly leaks” by White House officials in the Obama administration.

Holder has racialized the prosecution of federal discrimination laws and led an unprecedented attack on election-integrity laws, thus making it easier for people to commit voter fraud and facilitating the election of members of his political party. His handling of national-security issues has been dismal and he has filled the career ranks of the Justice Department with political allies, cronies, and Democratic-party donors, in clear violation of civil-service rules. Holder has treated Congress with contempt and has done everything he can to evade its oversight responsibilities by misleading, misinforming, and ignoring members of Congress and its committees. Holder has attacked pro-life protesters, trying to use federal power to restrict their First Amendment right to speak, has prosecuted American companies for engaging in behavior that is routinely done by government officials, and has on numerous occasions ignored his duty to defend the law and to enforce statutes passed by Congress.

For these reasons and many others, former career lawyer Christopher Coates, who served in the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations, says that in his opinion, “Holder is the worst person to hold the position of attorney general since the disgraced John Mitchell, who went to jail as a result of the Watergate scandal.”

