When you add it all up, it’s hard to believe what Obama has gotten away with. The NSA does his bidding, spying, and undoubtedly has files on all his enemies. he’s used the IRS to target and terrorize his enemies. He’s built the DHS in a domestic police force to crush any dissent and terrorize the population. Obama and Holder ignore laws, circumvent laws, and have made a joke of the legal system. The Supreme Court finally stood up to him, cancelling his illegal recess appointments. Obama is clearly completely out of control, and needs to be stopped. And like all corrupt filthy Illinois community organizer politicians, he WILL end up in prison where he belongs.


OK. It’s Official: Now Obama’s Daring Us to Impeach Him

Written by Teri O’Brien on June 26, 2014

To call the Obama administration “scandal-ridden” is like calling Michael Moore “full-figured.” Hands down, this is the most lawless, corrupt, and despicable administration to ever occupy the Oval Office. Whether it’s their Fast and Furious assault on the 2nd amendment, the Obamacare fiasco, the Benghazi debacle, the scandalous treatment of veterans by his Veterans’ administration, or the breathtaking behavior of his Internal Revenue Service, we’ve never seen anything like this administration’s contempt for the rule of law in this country’s history. Nor have we seen a president attempt to explain away his gangsta government by the lame repetition of the laughable script ““I had no idea! I am outraged! I am going to get to the bottom of this situation!” This tired act laid an egg the first time. After the twentieth or thirtieth performance, it’s beyond infuriating, especially when it’s followed by a trip to the nearest golf course or a White House press event with celebrities or winning sports teams.

In searching for an explanation for the Obama Regime’s ridiculous response to the Scandal of the Day, I speculated that it might not be incompetence, or even the One’s radical leftist ideology. Rather, in fact, the whole thing might be an elaborate gag, a form of performance art. That’s one plausible explanation, but there’s another, one that must occur to any knowledgeable observer after the latest excuse from one of Obama’s agencies for its failure to comply with an oversight request from Congress. Perhaps Barack Obama and his apparatchiks are daring the Republicans to impeach him.

You no doubt know that on June 13, 2014, Obama’s IRS, currently under investigation by the House Oversight Committee, revealed that—Shazaam!!!—shall we say, misplaced, emails sent by Lois Lerner, director of the IRS’ Exempt Organizations Unit and the official at the heart of the scandal regarding the targeting of conservative groups, during a critical two-year period, because her hard drive “crashed,” and has likely been destroyed. In addition, there were six other IRS officials who suffered the same unfortunate hard drive “crashes.”

Now, in an unbelievable coincidence, on June 25, 2014, another federal agency can’t produce emails requested by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. From The Washington Examiner:

In a hearing Wednesday before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said the agency was still trying to recover the emails from a now-retired employee who was involved in a controversial EPA evaluation of a proposed mine project in Alaska’s Bristol Bay.

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., asked McCarthy: “Were all of his emails preserved according to the Federal Records Act or was a law violated?”

McCarthy responded:

I think we have notified the appropriate authorities that we may have some emails that we cannot produce that we should have kept. I do not know yet whether we can recover all of these or not.” She added that later: “We are not sure where the failure came from and what it is attributed to.

Seriously? I’ve said for years that the Left needs to get new writers to refresh their tired ideology. In addition, they need to lose the “dog lost my homework” act by every Obama agency to try to cover up their deceit and contempt for the people and Constitution, and to try to goad the GOP into impeaching his sorry rear end, and try him for treason for supporting Al Qaeda. Obama belongs in prison for the rest of his life.


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June 27, 2014 12:57 pm

Very simply put….CONgress MUST pass a law that allows all American’s to use in court the excuse of ” I lost that information “.

June 27, 2014 1:39 pm

In hindsight, I think the Obama regime is, in fact, trying to destroy the USA. Unfortunately I think the damage is largely done at this point.

Rise Up
Rise Up
June 27, 2014 1:50 pm

I agree, Persnick…it was only recently I learned of the Cloward-Piven strategy, and boy oh boy, that explains so much. Although it was conceived way back in 1966, it seems to have reached critical mass since Obummer came into office.

o Overwhelm the social welfare system
o Overwhelm the immigration system
o Overwhelm the voting system with illicit registrations, no proof of identification when voting, etc.
o Overwhelm the economic system with massive loans to those who can’t afford to pay it back (student loans, no-doc housing loans, etc.)

June 27, 2014 2:36 pm

Yeah. I actually heard of Cloward-Piven and various claims about Obama back in 2008 or so, and I could see plain as day that he was dishonest and scum – but that covers >90% of national politicians, and for the most part I didn’t think the far-right tinfoil nutters were doing anything but being tinfoil nutters all over again. Now, after 6 years, I think nearly every negative and crazy thing said about Obama and his cronies is right.

I also can’t tell if the Republicans are even trying any more, or if they are 100% part of the same NWO-fascist group, and simply pretending to be outraged at the blatantly illegal actions of the regime. Considering how much the central party of the Rethuglicans goes nuts when a tea party or non-national authentic conservative starts getting attention and support, I tend to think that Boner, Cantor and their ilk are purely actors.

June 27, 2014 2:40 pm

“…we’ve never seen anything like this administration’s contempt for the rule of law in this country’s history…”

I would LOVE to talk to some Constitutionalists from around the time of the Civil War. Talk to the citizens whom’s homes were stolen, or burnt to the ground. Talk to the former slaves that were NEVER declared human and found their new world might suck more than the one they left.

Not to mention the FACT that MOST of the “evil” was signed into law by a Republican and agreed to my nearly 100% of CONgressional Repukes.

Firing Ob ama won’t fix a freaking thing. To “fix” something, we would have to start with firing our representatives, all their employees, AND making corporate graft to the government illegal.

In short, good freaking luck.

The Great and Powerful O is nothing but a mascot and empty suit of the true powers that be.

The fact so many still keep the faith that changing the color of the suit will change things is utterly disheartening.

June 28, 2014 11:22 am

Any good company has emails stored on servers as backup.
This bullshit about hard drive crashes is absurd lies.

el Coyote
el Coyote
June 28, 2014 7:48 pm

the markets did not crash when the WTC went down because everything was backed up in a separate facility.