The Save America Rally: Oklahoma Patriot’s Viewpoint

Just over a week ago I proudly presented a rant by my friend Jenni White (from Oklahoma) here.  Well, the next thing I knew Jenni was in DC at the protest.  I was once again in awe of her spirit and determination to stand upon her beliefs and engage in spirited and peaceful protest and hope you will read the linked essay Jenni has written in response to the outrageous accusations she’s had to face from liberals just because she was there in Washington D.C. to exercise her right to protest peacefully.

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The Testing Time … a Paul Harvey Classic

I believe this classic broadcast deserves a review.  We have no idea what will happen in the days ahead, but we can listen to calm and rational voices in spite of the cesspool our modern media has become.

We desperately need true leaders to step forward and start a real conversation.  Notice I did not use the word “convention” in any form or context. And, no copyright infringement intended here either, Paul.

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This reality check is worth checking out

hat tip Guest (commenting elsewhere)

This is a profound video we should all watch carefully, listen to carefully and assess its real meaning.

We are at the “choose this day” step here, aren’t we?

Paul Harvey and Our Sacred Honor

The rest of the story…

Many of us remember listening to the mesmerizing voice of Paul Harvey while we were rolling down the highway across this country in the 1970s and 1980s.  While looking for a good review of Harvey’s book Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor, I found the link below. I hope others will enjoy the trip down memory lane and remember how freedom felt when there really were journalists with integrity and a passion for truth such as Harvey.  Perhaps, there were even a few politicians left with a bit of character not yet pledged to lobbyists for campaign dollars from corporate clients. Well, at least there was Paul Harvey, who was a natural storyteller with a uniquely powerful voice that informed a nation and earned our trust.

Continue reading “Paul Harvey and Our Sacred Honor”

Angry Parent-Teacher Rages at the Dying of the Light

By Jenni White

Tonight I am angry. Not a passing emotion brought on by a single circumstance, this anger is a deep, knotted-up, abiding anger created by a mix of frustration, despair, hopelessness, and injustice.

As a public school science teacher in the late 90’s, I watched parents disengage from the learning process of their children and those students gain more and more power over the classroom. I saw the administration allow it to happen and even excuse bad behaviors (“She has a very hard home life, she just needs to blow off steam and we need to give her a safe place to do that. You don’t want her to feel unsafe do you?”). I saw good teachers leave the profession rather than fight the storm brewing on the horizon – the one that would make them constables instead of instructors, the kind that would rely more on technology than instruction. I saw it too, so I quit.

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End of Civilization and a Fact-Free Lockdown Hysteria (Redux)

I thought it interesting to listen/watch these videos from early in the year and compare to current events.  It seems as if the year happened without our permission.

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Could Trump Marshall Support for Martial Law?

What do you think?  Is it criminal for the president to stop what many people think is a crime against voters?

“Any attempt to deploy the military to overturn the results of the 2020 election would violate multiple federal laws. First, it would violate the Posse Comitatus Act, an 1878 law codifying the longstanding principle that the military may not engage in domestic law enforcement (18 U.S. Code 1385). The Insurrection Act is understood to provide a rare exception to posse comitatus, based on a civil emergency that requires the immediate restoration of law and order, conditions that would simply not be satisfied here, even if Trump’s allegations of election fraud were true. There are also specific laws designed to criminalize election interference by the military. Members of the Armed Forces, for example, who assist with the overthrow of a lawful election can be held criminally liable under 18 U.S. Code 593 and sentenced for up to five years imprisonment.”

Invoking Martial Law to Reverse the 2020 Election Could be Criminal Sedition



Pennsylvania Guidelines for Orgies

Make sure to wash your hands before and after group sex to cure COVID-19, says Pennsylvania department of health.

If you simply cannot help yourself and have to attend an orgy in Pennsylvania – or as the PDH puts it, “if you attend a large gathering where you might end up having sex – the public health agency advises that you limit the number of partners and try to identify “a consistent sex partner.”

Desperately Seeking Mexican Breeding Rabbits!

While looking at a variety of rabbits to breed into my natural habitat warren I’ve decided to build, with the theme of “Say Yer Prayers, Rabbits” (™)* I discovered there is breed of rabbit in Mexico which make the bonding ritual male rabbits go through look like an art form.*

Continue reading “Desperately Seeking Mexican Breeding Rabbits!”