Thought for the Day 9/26/2016

“You are what you leave behind you .”

Randy Travis – “Three Wooden Crosses”

Muck’s Minute #34

The Sound of Jawbones Breaking

(and other noises)

Much to panic of parts of the market (gold and silver, oil, hardgoods producers and transportation companies especially), the sounds of breaking Jawbones could be heard from September’s FOMC Meeting as Janet Yellen yet once again fell over her tongue and broke her jawbone for perhaps the last time.  It was pitiful to see – much less observe and hear.

There are just so many times the so called “Market Rulers” of what’s left of this country can openly, prevaricate, lie, fib, cheat, and try to guide what’s left of a bankrupted Nation of a 330,000,000 million plus population’s economy and have it work.  Over and over and over and over.

The Federal Reserve (shall we call them the “Vaultettes”), Treasury Department Dolts (that’s a modified horse with his head up his ass) and Executive twigs and sprouts can only hope to Say and not DO for so long before the markets (and those who flit around them like flies on a garbage pit) cease to believe that “Maybe” really doesn’t mean “Do” and begin not even to believe that  ”Perhaps” means “Maybe” any longer.  Or that next January may never come.

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Muck’s Minute #33

For those of you who want to know the true feelings of your Civilian Government toward our armed forces, you just might check out the video attached.

What I wanted to illustrate by stealing this little public access video is the utter disregard in which our current President holds the Military.  The second thing I want to illustrate is that the command pilot of this helicopter has brass balls the size of grapefruit, he or she is a patriot of the first order and should receive a medal for what he did.

President Obummer should receive a kick in the ass.

When The President did not honor the salute of the Marine at the steps to the helicopter, the Command Pilot booted The President’s ass off the aircraft and made him do it right.


Have an honorable day Mr. Marine, sir!  We thank you for your service even if it is to a jackass. To the Command Pilot of the helicopter, may all your journeys be safe ones as your honor and will live after you.



Muck’s Minute #32

This is the First and Last time you’ll hear about Electoral Voting Cycles from Old Muck!

This voting season would not be complete (or maybe better!) without Ol’ Muck’s nickel tossed into the ring.  So hold your noses, get a barf bag handy, a shot of Old Crock over ice on the end table next to you and here we go.

One must remember that the elections this November are not JUST about the President although to hear the media that’s the only thing that matters..  Wrong-oh!  Don’t forget the Supervisor of Elections, Sheriff, Tax Collector, State Legislature Senate and Representatives, Clerk of the Circuit Court, Country Commission Seats,  School Board Members Circuit and District State Judges (who can do an untold amount of local damage if they care too!) and all the dozens of smaller worker bees hopping to hop upon the State or Federal gravy train

First of all, this is not the first (nor will it be the last – short a financial or fiscal collapse or War far beyond what I expect to happen) where there was no one worth a good dammit-it-all-to-hell person to vote for the head of this country.  It’s happened – depending upon which historian you believe – at least a half dozen times over the past 240 some years of this magnificent country’s existence and probably more.

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Muck’s Comment of the Day 7/5/16

Since Admin is still running my #31 as a feature, and I never expected it to last this long, let it be known that Ol’ Muck is a trader in PM’s and not an investment advisor.  This is known as CYA to all involved.

Also, be advised that as of today, Ol’ Muck chopped his PM position by 50% to take profits.  The initial positions have made better than 30% profits in a very short time and while still on an uptrend, really hot profits usually mean someone is about to pee in the soup and make it not so much fun.

So just to make me and my sweetie happy (as she looks over my shoulder at some of the trades I make and bitches at me if I don’t take profits!!) I captured about as much profit on the trade as I wanted and remain long for a bit on 50% of it (JIC – just in case)..  If a reaction starts today or within the next few days, then I watch it very closely and dump the rest or renew the long trade depending on whether the reaction is major or minor.

“God” can tell you when that is because I don’t predict.



Mucks’ Minute #31


ALERT!  ALERT!  Right now, in my opinion, you should put a few $thou in ABX, AEM, SSRI, CDE, PAAS or any other combination of Silver or gold/silver miners that have efficient operations and lots of reserves of your choice and watch them.  FULL DISCLOSURE: I have positions in all of them and more.. Silver gapped up 2.5% TODAY alone and has been in a new Bull Market since last February.  Gold, not so much but since last February, it too has been strengthening. Get them both and trade the paper, and buy the real thing with the proceeds of the trade.  Another Muck’s Minute will be along in a bit that will cover the subject in more depth than this ALERT..

We return you now to regular programming!

Continue reading “Mucks’ Minute #31”

Mucks’ Minute #30

On Gun Control


There has been so much written on the subject of banning pea shooters over the past week or two I thought Ol’ Muck ought to weigh in on the subject.  



We have seen in the last three week or so, following the mass shooting of  roughly 100 people and the killing of 49 (so far – as a few are still in critical condition at area hospitals), yet another sickening spasm of political bullshit and posturing about controlling horses and cows long after the barn doors have been ripped off and burned for firewood.

I am talking, of course, about gun control.

Considering that there are more guns in the hands of citizens in this country than there are citizens, any effort to prevent the buying and selling of weapons is far, far past its’ expiry date and total useless.

Adding requirements – reasonable ones – to be met in order to purchase new ones or even to transfer ownership of existing firearms from one person to another is not yet out of the barn but the total ineptitude of the Federal Government to do anything right will handicap any and all efforts along those lines as well.

Continue reading “Mucks’ Minute #30”

Muck’s Minute #29

Inflation in all its’ wondrous glory!    (and side effects therefrom)


I know all about inflation.  I’ve been studying it since I heard the word (about 60 years ago).

Mr.  Milton Friedmanns’ definition that all inflation stems from printing to much money is absolutely correct except that with new skill and dexterity, our Federal Fools and the Banks that own them now include DEBT at part of the money supply.  Debt (i.e. money NOW, spend it NOW and pay it back NEVER) is the exact same thing as printing dollar bills.

The sad part is that the rest of the world is still stupid enough to keep holding part of the debt!  Even China has almost a $trillion bucks of Treasury debt they can threaten us with anytime they wish to.  (Like now – when the U.S. Government Fools start thinking out loud about tariffs and such on Chinese junk)..

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Apocalyptic Visions

By Theodore Darymple

Driving through France recently, we stopped for the night in the small town of Loudun.

It had that complete, and to me pleasing or even consolatory, deadness common to many small French towns, where there seems to be no activity at all, nothing ever happens except on the tiniest scale, and all dramas are strictly private.

There were a few desultory drinkers in the bar in Loudun, but that was all. Otherwise, the shutters were closed and nobody was about.


The quietness of a town at night has a special quality, which is more than the mere absence of sound, and it acts like a balm to the soul. During the Second World War, there was a British poster asking travelers whether the journey they were making was really necessary, nonessential travel supposedly detracting from the business of war; a French provincial town at night asks you, implicitly, whether what you are doing is really necessary. And the answer is almost invariably “No.”

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US, Russian Warplanes “Clash” Over Syria

Courtesy of Zero Hedge, right now!

Well, there is hardly anyone who hasn’t heard of “Russian Roulette”, Right?  Load a revolver with one bullet hole in an otherwise empty cylinder , roll the cylinder and then put the gun to the head and pull the trigger.  If you’re lucky, it goes “CLICK”.  But now and then, it goes “BANG” and your worries are over.

Believe it or not, that’s the game being played out over Syria as we speak.  Please read the article below and tell me if you think a mistake just might be made and we shoot down a Russian Su-34 by “mistake”, an act of war.

WTF are we playing at here?



While the focus on the Islamic State has shifted in recent months to the terrorist organization’s offshore activities, including ISIS-inspired terrorist activites in both the US and Europe, the war above the Islamic State continues, perhaps nowhere more so than in the skies over the controlled territory in Syria and Iraq, between US and Russian air forces. As the LA Times reported last week, Russian warplanes hit Pentagon-backed Syrian fighters with a barrage of airstrikes earlier this week, allegedly disregarding several warnings from U.S. commanders “in what American military officials called the most provocative act since Moscow’s air campaign in Syria began last year.

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A Short Course on Understanding Muslims

Courtesy of TroyOunce and


The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim.
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims.
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim.
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim.
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims.
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims.
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims.
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims.
The Moscow Theater Attackers were Muslims.
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims.
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims.
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims.
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims.
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims.
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims.
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims.
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims.
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims.
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims.
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims.
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims.
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims.
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims.
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims.
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims.
The Russian airliner bombers were Muslims.
The Paris assassins were Muslims.
The Mali hotel attackers were Muslims.
The San Bernardino killers were Muslims, etc., etc., etc…
And the headliners are not even the half of it.

Continue reading “A Short Course on Understanding Muslims”

Latest on Orlando Killings, Courtesy ZERO HEDGE

Presented with no comment from Old Muck..



In a surprising discovery, the Palm Beach Post first reported that according to state records, Orlando shooter Omar Mateen – who as we reported earlier was licensed as a security guard and also holds a firearms license – was employed by the US subsidiary of G4S plc, a British multinational security services company, whose US-headquarters are located in Jupiter, Fla, and which also happens to be the world’s largest security company by revenue.

Shortly thereafter, G4S confirmed that Omar Mateen has worked for the company since 2007. This is the statement released from G4S:

“We are shocked and saddened by the tragic event that occurred at the Orlando nightclub. We can confirm that Omar Mateen had been employed with G4S since September 10, 2007. We are cooperating fully with all law enforcement authorities, including the FBI, as they conduct their investigation. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the friends, families and people affected by this unspeakable tragedy.”

In other words, Mateen who according to preliminary reports, had been on a terrorist watchlist, and who still managed to obtain weapons thanks to his various licenses and permits just last week, was employed by one of the world’s largest security companies, where he may have had extensive clearances well above his pay grade, not to mention access to sophisticated military weapons and equipment. 

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Muck’s Minute #28

In Search of Something Good – with Detours


After Fred’s post (below – don’t miss it), I thought we needed a lighter post, so here it is.  It’s just a little rant about sorry telephone service coupled with a bit of a small hint of advise at the end..  Suffer through the bitch and try the  suggestions.

I find that my sweetie and I are learning that the older we get, the less we eat out. In fact, we find we are eating less in general – although we insure a proper – fresh if possible – meal.   I find I am enjoying cooking more too – surprise!

I also made our TV service (DTV) shrink except for the local channels that include PBS (My sweetie has a thing for Masterpiece Theater!).

Next I will drop the subscription to the Orlando Sentinel (our regional paper) because it is 95% worthless, leaving only our local rag to clutter the driveway in the mornings. Truly neither one is worth subscribing to as they are slowly turning into a “penny saver” publication with 20 times as many ad inches as “news”. (As a note:  NONE of the news items linked in Fred’s article showed up on National News (at least that I saw and in neither of our “newspapers”!)

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