Muck’s Minute #41 (shortest on record!)

Direct TV’s joke on the Regulators

At one time, someone in the bureaucracy of the Federal Communications Commission told executives of direct TV (The satellite TV provider) that they could not broadcast RT – RT being Russian Television News.

So nowhere on Direct TV’s Guide will you find RT.  They obeyed the word of the law and RT is no where to be found on Direct TV many broadcast channels.

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So About ‘Dem Norks….

Courtesy of Denninger  via MuckAbout

The problem with drawing red lines is that when someone steps over one you are compelled to act on pain of being labeled a “pussy.”

That’s not a good thing when the topic is international relations; it inevitably leads to not only more provocation but much worse, it leads others to believe you won’t act when you say you will, and thus you become an unreliable party.

It is never in the best interest of a nation to be unreliable.  Unpredictable can be an asset in certain circumstances, but never unreliable.

So now, with the Norks setting off what was probably a multi-stage (fusion/fission) weapon, that is “hydrogen bomb”, we have a big problem.

The claim has been made through the years that North Korea will not be “permitted” to become a nuclear weapon state.

It just did — so what are we going to do about it?

Continue reading “So About ‘Dem Norks….”

Muck’s Minute # 40

On Getting Old and Saying Goodby

My morning today was spent setting at the bedside of an old, old friend, holding his hand as he lay in a hospital bed – for all intent and purposes – dead, victim of no less than 3 strokes, under oxygen and breathing gently but with no other signs of life.  I thought so too when I first walked into the room, having spoken to his wife, two sons and his physician who were outside the door of his room passing time.

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Muck’s Minute #39

“Freebies” and the death of society as we know it.

Too many “Freebies” have the capacity to destroy all of us!

First of all, one of the most important and greatest fact that humans must understand, and 98%  don’t, is that the the word TANSTAAFL has a very serious meaning.  This acronym is credited to Robert Heinlein (who, by the way, made me into an insatiable reader of science fiction at the tender age age of 9. Remember “Rocket Ship Galileo” ?) and TANSTAAFL means, “There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch!”…

Nothing is free, not the food we eat, the substance and sustenance we gouge from Mother Earth itself, the clothes we wear; the water we drink;  absolutely  n-o-t-h-i-n-g  is free.  It is or was or will be paid for by someone, from past production and savings or investments now or in the future by your decendents.  But it will be paid and with interest on top of it!

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Muck’s Suggestion of The Day: 8/29/17

For those of you who read TBP regularly, there is a magazine and TV Station you need to put on your reading and watching list.

It’s called Newsmax Magazine and Newsmax TV (Channel 349 on DTV – cable, you’re on your own).

This is an independent news magazine and television channel dedicated to freedom, the Constitution and the United States of America.

It is well worth your trouble to become acquainted with Newsmax and see for yourself.

Yours for true freedom.

‘Old Muck..

Muck’s Thought of the Day 8/28/17

I WILL be damned.  Trump’s press conference just aired (as we are writing) and he actually sounded like a President while he was reading from his q-cards.

Not so much on the Q&A part but give him credit.

In Texas (and soon Louisiana) TSHHTF and he is almost responding like a President should!

Stay safe, our neighbors to the West.. The rebuild job from this will literally take years – but we Americans can do it.

(muck – in Florida!)


Muck’s Minute #38

A short comment on where Ol Muck has been and where he headed..

Yes, I know!  Been a while since a new Muck’s Minute has hit TBP but circumstances have piled up on me and at the present, I’ve got just enough snakes in the pit to keep me out of it.

Just to continue the #37:  Trump has now maneuvered himself to where he’s no longer just toast (a mentioned in #37) he has now placed himself into a position where, if he’s doesn’t change his ways, he’ll never finish his first term.  It will end with him and his Generals blockaded in the Oval office without a friendly face in sight.

Continue reading “MUCK’S MINUTE #38”

Muck’s Minute #37

Trump is Toast

Well here I am, still packing up to move, but I can’t resist another short Minute..

Over the last two weeks, I have been observing – with great interest – how the massive bureaucracy of  the Federal Government and the combined forces of the bought-and-paid-for media and liberal pundits slowly start ripping Trump and his Administration apart..

It very much like watching a small, scrappy but very inept chihuahua take on Jabba the Hutt.  For every bite The Donald takes out of Jabba’s rear end, another gob of slobber falls from Jabba’s mouth and slimes The Donald.  Hilarious to watch – not much fun for The Donald I suspect.

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Muck’s query for the day- Security Clearance

Steve Bannon, The Donals’s pick for a permanent seat on the National Security Council may be running into a mode of fugue. It seems the administrator of and an avid Lenin admirer himself (and how long he holds onto that label is questionable) is wading in a bog of a lack of a Top Secret+ security clearance.

Hell, for all I know, maybe The Donald may be shaky on that too – but I expect he was vetted before being able to run for Pres or it would have come out.

If Mr. Bannon (who Ol’Muck does not think highly of) can’t get a security clearance can The Donald use an executive order to force the granting of such clearance?  Somehow I doubt it – but with this mess I never know.

Have a lovely week – next week.  This one is shot!


Survey for the Day

I need to take a survey..  results will be tallied and forwarded to Admin – if he doesn’t follow the results as they happen.

Question: How do you like the “Ratings Widget” that POPS up and blocks you view and obscures parts of the comments when you give someone a up or down thumb.

I hate it with a passion and have since it got stuffed onto the Web Site.

So lets have a survey how many people would like to see it go or stay?  Lets say “thumbs up = stay and “thumbs down = shit can it”!


Muck’s Minute #36

What a Pain in the Ass!

Hey, guys and girls and Burning Platform dwellers, just a note from

Ol’ Muck to let you know that I’m being uprooted from 20 lovely

years, living here in Central Florida, and making one-last-

absolutely-final-I-hope-to-whatever move….

My sweet Annette and my oldest daughter got together and plotted

against me.   They both decided it would be best for Muck and my

bride of 60 years to up-stakes from a perfectly usable and very

comfortable community here in the “Golden Triangle” between

Lakes Griffen,Eustis, Dora and Harris and relocate my old self to a

mountain side about 18 minutes from Prescott, AZ in what’s know

as the “Webster” area (mostly because there is a main feeder road

through it called “Webster Rd.).

Continue reading “Muck’s Minute #36”

Muck’s Minute #35

Achieving Peace with Change

This Muck’s Minute is a wee bit off track the current economic, political, fiscal, monetary idiocy that I usually comment on. Hope you like it.

Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde once said, “With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone.”  Mr. Wilde is better know by shedding the middle three names and is just known as Oscar Wilde, a world class novelist, playwrite and poet. (1854-1900).  Truer words were never spoken.

And since I’ll begin my 80th year on 1 January, 2017, I am continuously searching for any short, worthwhile wisdom that I may have been lucky enough to pick up  (like beggar’s lice or cockle burrs) as I’ve waded through life so far.

Continue reading “Muck’s Minute #35”

Fukushima Radiation

Here’s an article to cheer up all our West Coast readers (as well as those around the rest of the world).  As we all know Fuck-You-Shima has vanished from the media – a total news black-out – with no up-dates, no information on what’s being done to clean it up (HA!) or, in general, anything about it.  N-O-T-H-I-N-G.!

Well here’s an article that tells it all including how one might begin to be wary of eating anything from the Pacific Ocean and – in thinking ahead – what happens outside the Pacific Ocean if they can’t fix the continuing 300 tons of radioactive waste flowing into the Pacific Ocean daily!!  

Friends, we are in much deeper trouble over Fukushima than the media and Governments are letting us know (so we won’t be “frightened).  Heavens forbid that the general public of the World begin to get “frightened” over a nuclear accident that could eventually make half the world and its’ largest sea unusable, dangerous, uninhabitable, unable to produce food and we loose the nature resources that the entire Pacific Basin provides the entire bloody World.

It’s time to panic, folks.  Not tomorrow – but today.

Muck About

Fukushima Radiation Has Contaminated The Entire Pacific Ocean (And It’s Going To Get Worse)

Continue reading “Fukushima Radiation”

From The Porch Steps

Muck About’s note:  Ms. Gilfert is a local columnist from our newspaper with a weekly column as above.  She normally comments on the good old days, Florida History, etc.

This week she departed from her normal script and wrote the column presented below.  Now Nina is no spring chick, has climbed the mountains and crossed the rivers.  When she departs from her normal cheerful, informative fare, it would do us all well to listen.


Guest Post by Nina Gilfert 


We are skating on thin ice


The following is the final paragraph from an opinion piece in the Daily Commercial written by Bill Geringswald of Mount Dora. The original piece was written about our current water emergency.

Continue reading “From The Porch Steps”