Bannon: “It’s a rigged game for the Elite” on Wall Street

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Muck’s query for the day- Security Clearance

Steve Bannon, The Donals’s pick for a permanent seat on the National Security Council may be running into a mode of fugue. It seems the administrator of and an avid Lenin admirer himself (and how long he holds onto that label is questionable) is wading in a bog of a lack of a Top Secret+ security clearance.

Hell, for all I know, maybe The Donald may be shaky on that too – but I expect he was vetted before being able to run for Pres or it would have come out.

If Mr. Bannon (who Ol’Muck does not think highly of) can’t get a security clearance can The Donald use an executive order to force the granting of such clearance?  Somehow I doubt it – but with this mess I never know.

Have a lovely week – next week.  This one is shot!
