From The Porch Steps

Muck About’s note:  Ms. Gilfert is a local columnist from our newspaper with a weekly column as above.  She normally comments on the good old days, Florida History, etc.

This week she departed from her normal script and wrote the column presented below.  Now Nina is no spring chick, has climbed the mountains and crossed the rivers.  When she departs from her normal cheerful, informative fare, it would do us all well to listen.


Guest Post by Nina Gilfert 


We are skating on thin ice


The following is the final paragraph from an opinion piece in the Daily Commercial written by Bill Geringswald of Mount Dora. The original piece was written about our current water emergency.

“If we do not become personally involved ‘top to bottom’ with a sensitive commitment and insight of our larger environmental challenges we will end up in a concrete-covered existence profiting a handful of special interests as we are right now. The key is to project future repercussions and devise ways to empower different results. Conservation, smart land use to include land banking and recycling will be the keys protecting our recharging areas from urban sprawl. And discipline to enact common sense goals and political commitment to have this happen.”

Some of you may remember Captain Toby Williamson (now deceased) of the Leesburg Fire Department who once said in an interview many years ago that Florida’s ecology is already in trouble. When you put too many cows in the pasture, you kill the pasture. If this is true, and we know it is, why do we continue allowing more and more construction of housing projects without first assuring our present water is adequate to the situation? Do we have, as Geringswald suggests, the discipline to enact common sense goals in our water management?

We are doing the same thing with our national government, and it is never ending. We have more and more bureaucracies governing and promising more and more services and dictating more and more rules for our lives than ever before or ever intended by our Constitutional form of government. We already have an unsustainable national debt and now we are planning to fund child care for working mothers. This seems like a humanitarian project but is it just one more small tack in our governing coffin?

We are no longer governed by our three branches of government as provided by the Constitution, but by an out-of-hand bureaucracy that is not self-sustaining but is growing with each new administration — each bureau with the power to tax, regulate and prosecute.

This bureaucracy is becoming a nightmare to individual citizens determined to obey the law but not so involved about the making of those laws.

I know you are not usually used to reading about serious stuff like this under the “From the Porch Steps” heading, but I am worried. I am not worried about myself but about the future generations in this country who are headed for bankruptcy — not of their own making.

What are we going to do about this? Have you heard either your Democrat or Republican candidates for president mention this problem? Have you heard either one of them promise to reduce the taxes we pay to sustain it?

Are you against abortion simply by principle? Would you help pay for someone else’s abortion? Are you against the many women and men who have sex without benefit of matrimony and expect someone else to pay for the consequences of their lack of stability?

This isn’t a moral issue so much as it is a rights issue. If you are in a situation where you have to work and pay for childcare, do what my generation did and pinch pennies until you can keep your household above water. Don’t look for the government to pull your irons out of the fire. The Constitution does not give you that right.

By the way, did you know Sept. 17 was Constitution Day, and that Sept. 17-23 was Citizenship Week as declared by President Obama? Let’s celebrate it by being responsible citizens and accepting the results of our own life style instead of asking others to pay for it.

Nina Gilfert can be reached at [email protected].

Author: MuckAbout

Retired Engineer and Scientist (electronic, optics, mechanical) lives in a pleasant retirement community in Central Florida. He is interested in almost everything and comments on most of it. A pragmatic libertarian at heart he welcomes comments on all that he writes.

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kokoda - Les Deplorables
kokoda - Les Deplorables
September 27, 2016 7:09 pm

I’ll bet on a Comet hitting earth before our debt is paid off. Try getting elected without promising bennies to a large group of people, just for their votes.

September 27, 2016 7:14 pm

Never, never, never going to be corrected without 1) a debt jubilee and 2) population control. End of story.

September 28, 2016 7:37 am

You heterosexual could come over to our side. If even half of you did, all the earth problems would solve themselves in a generation.

September 28, 2016 8:14 am

LOL! Very clever! I definitely have several extinction level events in mind but less than zero of them involve me packing fudge or having my fudge packed! I’ll take the meteor impact or nuclear winter option thanks!

September 27, 2016 7:42 pm

What we have is financial slavery through a corrupted monetary system. Banks need to be banned from creating money through debt. Until that happens, we are slaves in the system.

Hollow man
Hollow man
September 27, 2016 8:10 pm

Turn sea water into fresh. With global warming we will have plenty and then the land won’t be over run with water. Hah hah ha

September 27, 2016 8:16 pm

A big die-off needs to occur, I am afraid. But, I do not hear anyone volunteering to be a die-offee.

Gonna get interesting.

September 27, 2016 9:44 pm

Indeed you are correct. We can start with many inhabitants of DC, select
folks in NYC, City of London and the EU Directorates in Brussels.
G. Soros and his step parents can be next. Having those as a first wave,
will equal a nice bite out of Satan Lucifer’s tail butt.

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
September 28, 2016 9:03 am

Zika does not cause Microencephalopathy. Thousands of people, if not millions, have Zika throughout Jamaica, Colombia, even good ol’ civilized Cayman Islands. No abnormal rates of birth defects.
The Brazilian scientific community has admitted that the cause is most likely the larvacide used to try and control the mosquito population. It works by deforming the larvae and preventing maturation into a functioning mosquito.
Meanwhile, Big Pharma has made a cool billion or so from the WHO’s self serving hysteria mongering. Remember Swine Flu?

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  Jimmy Torpedo
September 28, 2016 11:19 am

The Brazilian authorities actually put the insecticide into the drinking water. Jeezo Pete! The stuff is an endocrine disrupter! Sigh… what could possible go wrong?

September 28, 2016 7:35 pm

It may be that the virus is provoking an immune response in the fetus, which disrupts normal brain development.

If the virus is crossing the placenta – infecting the fetus directly – a women that had been infected but no longer is carrying the virus, should be able to safely carry a pregnancy to term with no ill effects on the child.

If the effect on the fetus is the result of the mother’s immune system being affected by zika – and maternal immune cells normally cross the placenta during pregnancy, and appear to play some role in fetal immune development – then a woman that has been infected with zika (particularly a women that has delivered an infant exhibiting the symptoms of such fetal neural disruption in the past) may never be able to bear healthy children.

Not all pregnant women that have been infected with the zika virus have delivered children with impaired brain development.

It isn’t clear exactly what is happening, as far as I can tell, and research continues.

September 27, 2016 8:57 pm

Of course this course is Physically and Mathematically unsustainable and will end up in a huge die off. We lack the will to raise the ante to stop the coming triage. Eugenics started years ago may have prevented the coming triage die off.

September 27, 2016 9:55 pm

Thanks for the editorial by Nina Gilfert and her wise and contemporary
thinking. Paying for childcare for working mothers is a bad idea.
Mothers should be at home…husbands out earning the living.
That was tried in Milwaukee and it turned out to be a mecca for fraud.
I won’t describe it.
Whoever is promising that program does not give a crap for children.
If there is to be $ in the equation, I would suggest a nice tax credit for the
family with a stay at home mother in lieu of paying for child care.
Home school? Bonus tax credit for that.
(I know who promised that)
I am going to send Nina an email right now. To praise her column.

September 27, 2016 10:26 pm

Yes, yes and yes. Good ideas. I never thought of a Tex credit for stay at home mothers and home schooling. Makes a hell of a lot of sense to me.

September 27, 2016 10:08 pm

I sent the mail to gilfertnina, etc
and included the link

September 27, 2016 10:42 pm

I often ponder what the purpose of humans is here on this planet. The only solid conclusion I have come to is that our purpose is to live more and more beyond our means in EVERY possible way with each passing generation. We don’t strive for a higher ideal. We almost NEVER look to or plan for the future beyond a few decades at most. We only care about the here and now and even then we look to others to tell us how to think, act and feel.

I’d give my right nut to be able to come back every 20 years or so after I die just to chart The Great Regression. Stick a fork in us…..we’re done!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 27, 2016 10:52 pm

“‘We’ don’t strive for a higher ideal. ‘We’ almost NEVER look to or plan for the future beyond a few decades…”

You’re playing pretty fast and lose with that pronoun my friend…

  Francis Marion
September 28, 2016 12:04 am

“The human race” doesn’t strive for a higher ideal. “The human race” almost NEVER looks to or plans for the future beyond a few decades at most.


I sort of thought that when I opened with “I often ponder what the purpose of humans is here on this planet.” everyone but bb would understand what I was talking about. 🙂

September 28, 2016 7:21 am

Thanks Muck! I’ll do that……soon.

I tend to think we might be a big algorithm running on a supercomputer somewhere that is designed to test failure modes for various civilizations. I believe I did read your post when it was new but I’ll give it another look.

I read most of what you write whether in posts or comments. I think I’d enjoy having a beer with you sometime!

Miles Long
Miles Long
September 27, 2016 11:30 pm

Manipulated rebels, with a total disregard for the rules…

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 28, 2016 6:36 am

Forty two years I worked and paid taxes , social security etc… At 55 I was diagnosed with a genetic organ failure , kept working through it all till “TRANSPLANT” required me to slow down a lot ! So started the disability claim approved no problem and I continue to work at greatly reduced hours and pay but still do something . When I hear entitlement remember I and my employers paid 15% of every dollar I earned to cover a national insurance program for people in my situation . I understand “SOMEBODY” promised more than they could deliver and thru fraud and decit find them and bankrupt them all first then start chipping away at retirements and social security . Everybody has got to take a hard hit in this round ! Let’s be sure we bludgen the responsible parties first by going after their personal assets so they walk out of federal court in good will clothes and nothing else , senator and congressman no jail , get in line at the local misson you are homeless . Your family will be allowed to keep a modest roof over their heads but you are not allowed in it get caught there ever , they lose it !

RiNS the deplorable
RiNS the deplorable
September 28, 2016 8:47 am

Government Programs originally set up to help keep people like Boat Guy going have over the years morphed into something completely out of control. There seems no shortage of people in need anymore. A whole industry now has been created to find more. No rock left unturned.

Politicos hand out cheques, cut ribbons and it is all paid for by taxes.

I am trying to put in place a Doomstead plan. At one point I was bouncing an idea of starting or taking over a farm. Changed my mind because cost. I’m am realistic about what I can achieve. Anyways putting up a shop to do Carpentry. Simple you would think but so far I have had to get two permits and there are still two inspections left before I can have power connected.

Got me to wondering who owns the land and dwellings where I live.

The need for a more just society has enslaved us. Paid in full with the money we earn.