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Britain’s ‘Partygate’ Scandal – The Ghost of Christmas Past has come Home to Roost

AMID the erupting scandal of Downing Street ‘parties’ during lockdown last year – “one rule for them, another for us plebs” – it is astounding how some of our ruling elite hold the British public in such disdain.  And yet the sheeple go on supporting them, following orders like the good sheep they are.  But not me and mine, Boris – I’m sick to the back teeth of your lies and idiotic rules – you can go to hell!  Maybe Neil Oliver’s discourse below will give the remaining ‘critical thinking’ Brits food for thought.

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Fauci and Biden are Pathological Liars

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Both are alleging without providing a speck of evidence that 97% of Covid cases/hospitalizations/deaths are the unvaccinated. This is a total lie.

Information from every country shows that it is the vaccinated who are suffering injuries and deaths.

The “Omicron variant” is being used to create a new wave of public fear and government control over civil liberties and citizens’ bodies–essentially rape with a needle–despite the known fact that the variant is rarely harmful. Hospitals are falsely reported to be full of Omicron patients. The presstitute media stresses that the more or less harmless variant is highly contagious, and are creating fear out of the ease of catching it. People are urged to protect themselves by taking the jab even though it is a known fact that the Omicron variant is immune to the “vaccine.”

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Remember that phrase “everyone is sick?”

Some food for thought. Step back into your memory banks a bit – and recall some times in the past (at least two years ago or longer please). Do you remember any times in your life where you might have said something along these lines: “everyone is sick!”

This could have been at your school, office, church, or neighborhood.

Yes. It happened. Fairly regularly, too.

There would be these phases or “waves” that took place every other year or so – where people got colds – got sick – in great numbers. Everyone mentioned it (but never panicked).

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I’ve been unable to post much in the last few days. The flu that doesn’t exist according to some people has knocked the living shit out of me. Nothing dire, but an overwhelming feeling of fatigue. Since last Friday I’ve barely been able to get out of bed. Hopefully, I’ll regain some energy in the next few days.

Those with posting ability can pick up the slack. I’ll check periodically and release them.


Submitted by Hardscrabble Farmer

What To Do About That Russian Ultimatum

Guest Post by Pat Buchanan

What To Do About That Russian Ultimatum

Before dismissing these Russian demands outright, the U.S. should look closely to see if there are not some issues on which compromise is possible and common ground can be found so the Ukraine crisis might be defused.

“Get off our front porch. Get out of our front yard. And stay out of our backyard.”

This might stand as a crude summary of two draft security pacts Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei A. Ryabkov delivered last week as Russia’s price for resolving the crisis created by those 100,000 Russian troops on Ukraine’s borders.

Ryabkov’s demands appear to be a virtual ultimatum, designed to be rejected by the U.S. and NATO and provide Moscow with a pretext for an invasion and occupation of part or all of Ukraine.

Among the maximalist Russian demands:

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – General George S. Patton dies – 1945


General George S. Patton, commander of the U.S. 3rd Army, dies from injuries suffered not in battle but in a freak car accident. He was 60 years old.

Descended from a long line of military men, Patton graduated from the West Point Military Academy in 1909. He represented the United States in the 1912 Olympics-as the first American participant in the pentathlon. He did not win a medal. He went on to serve in the Tank Corps during World War I, an experience that made Patton a dedicated proponent of tank warfare.

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Trump doubles down on death

Submitted by Brewer55

Via Leo Hohmann

Donald J. Trump has doubled down on his efforts to promote the injections that his administration unleashed on the world, and that every independent, honest doctor and scientist will tell you is a dangerous experimental gene therapy capable of killing off millions, possibly billions of people.

Dr. Judy Mikovits has estimated that the injections will kill up to 55 million Americans over the next few years.

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Parliamentarian to Americans: Merry Christmas!

Guest Post by Joe Guzzardi

No Amnesty in Build Back Better

After nearly a year of watching President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas ride roughshod over federal immigration laws, trample the U.S. Constitution and their oaths of office, Senate Republicans finally scored a victory.

Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough gave the GOP a huge helping hand when she rejected for the third time Democrats’ bids to include an amnesty for 8 million illegal immigrants in the administration’s Build Back Better bill. MacDonough said the Democrats’ proposal, as written, would violate the Byrd Rule, which requires all provisions included in the budget reconciliation legislation to be primarily related to budget matters.

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