Covid deaths in Israel have hit an all-time daily high. The mRNA vaccine experiment has failed. IT MUST END NOW.

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Remember: Israel was the first country to mass vaccinate with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.

It was the first country to use boosters.

The first to offer a fourth shot.

About 95 percent of adults over 50 are vaccinated. About 85 percent have received a booster.

This is the result.

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Is Trump The One For 2024?

Via The Blue State Conservative

Generally speaking, I am not a fan of polls. For one, I’ve never been polled by anyone. For another, the number of people being polled often strikes me as too small a sample from which to draw broad conclusions. Also, those samples more often than not tend to oversample one group, Democrats, let’s say, over another group, which again leads to questions of accuracy.

Bottom line, I don’t trust ‘em and tend to ignore them in preference to the only poll that actually counts, the election itself.

I’ve often asked myself, what would I do if I were to be contacted to participate in a poll. Not sure how I’d answer. My curmudgeonly self would probably tell them to go pound sand. My impish self would probably participate, but answer exactly opposite of how I really think in order to help bring inaccuracy and disrepute to the poll itself when later compared to real results.

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Whilst Britain is Getting Poorer by the Day – BoJo & Crew Squirm as Sue Gray’s Bombshell explodes over Whitehall – Letter from Great Britain [02-05-22]

GOOD NEWS! My book “The Financial Jigsaw”, which was serialised here, has now been accepted and published at my academic network.  Scroll down and Hit:  ‘View Full Text’ button for the complete book: I will be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected].

Hat Tip Admin – (rather appropriate timing I thought):

BREAKING NEWS: the link above perfectly fits the zeitgeist in Britain today.  The eponymous Sue Gray’s eviscerated report has been delivered at last.  Sue Gray said lockdown-era parties at No 10 were “hard to justify” amid “failures of leadership and judgment” “Gray adds: “Given the widespread public interest in, and concern about, these matters, and to avoid further delay, I am providing an [12 page] update on the investigation.” The use of the word “update” is seen as a signal by Gray that she does not consider this the final word and expects to submit full reports after police investigations are complete” This analysis is revealing:    She also criticised the culture of “excessive alcohol” at the heart of government.

REPORT here: sue-gray-report-into-downing-street-parties  AND some gory details from The Guardian:

Continue reading “Whilst Britain is Getting Poorer by the Day – BoJo & Crew Squirm as Sue Gray’s Bombshell explodes over Whitehall – Letter from Great Britain [02-05-22]”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Immigration act passed over President Wilson’s veto – 1917


With more than a two-thirds majority, Congress overrides President Woodrow Wilson’s veto of the previous week and passes the Immigration Act. The law required a literacy test for immigrants and barred Asiatic laborers, except for those from countries with special treaties or agreements with the United States, such as the Philippines.

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Trudeau Tests Positive For Fascism

Via Babylon Bee

OTTAWA—From an undisclosed hiding place outside Canada’s capital city, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau confirmed for the world that he has tragically tested positive for fascism.

“I took the fascism test this morning,” said Trudeau, beginning to sob. “And the test came back positive. I understand this may come as devastating news to freedom-loving Canadians, and I am here to assure you that everything will be ok… after I crush you underneath the jackboot of government tyranny until you learn to start obeying me.”

“Together, we will achieve strength through unity, and unity through faith. In SCIENCE.”

According to sources, Trudeau will remain in his hiding place under quarantine until all the scary protesting truckers go away, after which he will emerge to grind his people into the very dust until they accept his vision for a glorious fascist future for Canada.

Fortunately, his plans have been delayed as his replacement glue-on vanity eyebrows are still stuck on a delivery truck somewhere, and the fascist dictator refuses to be seen without them.


The Burning Platform’s newest design is now available on Libertas Bella!
Get your COVID-1984 swag here.

 Covid 1984 Sweatshirt

Leftists believe they have a monopoly on 1984. Draw any comparison between the nightmare world of Winston Smith and the nightmare world leftists are currently working their fingers to the bone in order to create, and a horde of pink-haired baristas will assemble itself to remind you that Orwell was in fact an enthusiastic democratic socialist.
And there’s the magic word. If Orwell was a socialist, then surely he would have approved of all of the tyranny which modern socialists are obligated to support – right?

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Attack Of The Transphobic Putin-Nazi Truckers!

Authored by CJ Hopkins (satirically) via The Consent Factory,

They rolled up on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill like one of the plagues in the Book of Revelations, honking their infernal air horns, the grills of their tractors grinning demonically, the sides of their dry vans painted with blasphemies like “FREEDOM TO CHOOSE,” “MANDATE FREEDOM,” “NO VACCINE MANDATES,” and “UNITED AGAINST TYRANNY.”

Yes, that’s right, New Normal Canada has been invaded and now is under siege by hordes of transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers, racist homophobes, anti-Semitic Islamaphobes, and other members of the working classes!

According to the corporate media, these racist, Russia-backed, working-class berserkers are running amok through the streets of Ottawa, waving giant “swastika flags,” defecating on war memorialssacking multi-million-dollar “soup kitchens,” and eating the food right out of homeless people’s mouths. Rumor has it, a kill-squad of truckers has been prowling the postnatal wards of hospitals, looking for Kuwaiti babies to yank out of their incubators.

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Filmmaker Captures True Spirit of ‘Defeat the Mandates’ Rally

Via The Defender

Watch investigative reporter and documentary filmmaker Dan Cohen’s coverage of the “Defeat the Mandates” protest in Washington, DC, to get the real story — not the pharma-funded mainstream media’s version.

Investigative reporter and documentary filmmaker Dan Cohen attended Sunday’s “Defeat the Mandates” protest in Washington, DC, where more than 30,000 people gathered to protest vaccine mandates, government overreach and censorship.

Cohen was there to get the real story — not the story pharma-funded mainstream media was peddling to the public.

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The Need for Information Filtration

Via International Man


In generations past, information was provided by word of mouth, or through reading, either in a book, a letter or a periodical. It was a slow system, but it did have an advantage: information came in one item at a time, and people had an opportunity to chew on the new bit of information for a while and consider whether to accept it or not.

Today, though, we are bombarded with information. The internet certainly has been an incredible boon, as it serves as book, periodical, and mail service all in one, and has the advantage of being immediate. Television is another animal entirely.

Television provides information continually, and we have only limited control over what we receive from it. In addition, in recent years, it has become a means through which to indoctrinate viewers with propaganda. For example, a conservative-thinking viewer may feel that he is in control if he selects, say, Fox News instead of the network news that he considers to be biased toward the liberal-thinking networks. He may or may not notice that, in the bargain, whatever good points the left has to offer are missing from Fox – many liberals that are allowed on Fox are those who are hopelessly inept and, not surprisingly, get roundly trampled by the Fox hosts (thereby reinforcing the conservative view). Additionally, information regarding libertarians such as Ron Paul is frozen out almost entirely.

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Long Funeral Homes, Short Life Insurers? Ex-Blackrock Fund Manager Discovers Disturbing Trends In Mortality

Via ZeroHedge

Four weeks ago, OneAmerica insurance company CEO Scott Davison revealed that they had witnessed ‘the highest death rates in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica’ with a jump of ‘40% over what they were pre-pandemic.‘ Interestingly, Davison noted that the majority of deaths are not classified as due to Covid-19.

The implication to many was clear – that the Covid-19 vaccine is linked to the excess mortality, and months of vaccine injury reports were now spilling over to actuarial data – which is beginning to show, among other things, that younger, working-age people began dying in greater numbers as vaccine mandates hit – for a disease which primarily kills older, non-working age individuals. The counter argument, often presented without evidence, is that the increase is due to people who postponed elective surgeries and other medical treatments during the pandemic.

Ex-Blackrock fund manager Ed Dowd is in the former camp, and has spent the last month analyzing breadcrumbs associated with a rise in excess mortality vs. pre-pandemic levels. Given that we’re now in the middle of earnings season, there are some pretty big crumbs rolling out of the insurance and funeral services industries which are beginning to paint a disturbing picture.

A few key observations:

Continue reading “Long Funeral Homes, Short Life Insurers? Ex-Blackrock Fund Manager Discovers Disturbing Trends In Mortality”