Is Trump The One For 2024?

Via The Blue State Conservative

Generally speaking, I am not a fan of polls. For one, I’ve never been polled by anyone. For another, the number of people being polled often strikes me as too small a sample from which to draw broad conclusions. Also, those samples more often than not tend to oversample one group, Democrats, let’s say, over another group, which again leads to questions of accuracy.

Bottom line, I don’t trust ‘em and tend to ignore them in preference to the only poll that actually counts, the election itself.

I’ve often asked myself, what would I do if I were to be contacted to participate in a poll. Not sure how I’d answer. My curmudgeonly self would probably tell them to go pound sand. My impish self would probably participate, but answer exactly opposite of how I really think in order to help bring inaccuracy and disrepute to the poll itself when later compared to real results.

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Trump Fans Excited To Vote For The Guy Who Fast-Tracked Vaccines And Hired Fauci

Via Babylon Bee

U.S.—Fans of former president Donald J. Trump are chomping at the bit to once again vote for the guy who fast-tracked vaccines and appointed Dr. Anthony Fauci to the Coronavirus Task Force.

“Trump was by far our greatest president. Even better than James Madison!” said local deplorable Nathan Nebulous. “Everything was great under Trump until that deadly virus changed the face of the entire earth overnight and ruined everything. But he was so good at owning the libs!”

Sean Hannity, a popular conservative pundit, announced his continued support of Trump on his radio program. “Sure, the vaccines don’t seem to help at all and Fauci may have created COVID himself, but nobody’s perfect. Don’t lose sight of how great his Twitter account was before he got banned.”

President Biden has welcomed a rematch with Trump, claiming it may be the only chance he has to stay in office. “I think this country is done with hetero-normative white men. No one’s going to vote for him over a black man like me.”

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The White House Is Donald Trump’s To Lose

Via The Blue State Conservative

The current occupant of the Oval Office has proven to be just as clueless as anyone with a functional brain knew he was before he wasn’t elected. It was obvious from jump street that Joe Biden was purely a puppet for the elite who needed Donald Trump out of their way, but a year in we find that calling Clueless Joe a puppet is an insult to Howdy Doody, Charlie McCarthy, Kermit the Frog, and Jeff Dunham’s entire cast of characters. Biden makes “Achmed the Dead Terrorist” look like a brain surgeon.

Enough time has passed since the thievery we call “the 2020 Presidential Election” that even those who hated Trump enough to actually support the puddin’head are dropping him like a recently-spewed hunk of lava. It’s been bad since the inauguration, but it’s gotten so much worse that at this point a ham and cheese sandwich could defeat Biden in 2024. What’s worse for Sleepy Joe, a ham and cheese sandwich with a (D) beside its name could easily trounce him (and will) in the primary, and in another week or so it won’t even need the cheese.

So what does all of this mean for the most popular President in modern history, who received more legitimate votes than anyone ever has before (and doesn’t seem to have lost any of his electoral support)?

It means the 2024 White House is Donald Trump’s to lose.

But here there be monsters, and the Donald must quickly and efficiently address them if the sailing is to be as smooth as polling, and common sense, would indicate.

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