Senior Russian Official: Putin Has Green Light To Sever Undersea Commo Cables

Via ZeroHedge

Following reports attributing the September destruction of Russia’s Nord Stream gas pipelines to the Ukrainian or US government, the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council has declared that President Vladimir Putin should feel free to sever undersea communication cables of the country’s “enemies.” 

“If we proceed from the proven complicity of Western countries in blowing up the Nord Streams, then we have no constraints – even moral – left to prevent us from destroying the ocean floor cable communications of our enemies,” said Dmitry Medvedev on Telegram. Medvedev was Russia’s president from 2008 to 2012 and is a close ally of Putin.

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev (left) said Putin would be fully justified in attacking undersea cables serving Russia’s “enemies” (Reuters via Daily Mail)

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Call the Exorcists!

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“Modern states are powerful things, vast machines built of human components that act according to their own logic and towards their own ends.”Eugypius on Substack

Jewish Word // Dybbuk

As a Jewish American, and a connoisseur of my people’s folklore, I bring to your attention the troublesome figure of the dybbuk (dih-bik), a disembodied demon that, because of its sins, wanders restlessly among us and can enter the flesh of a living person, who will then afflict and torment the community until properly exorcised by a minyan of rabbis garbed in white burial shrouds wielding sacred oaths.

Thus, I give you Andrew Weissmann, Esq., attorney at law, the American chief dybbuk, on the scene for decades now, sowing mischief and woe, leading an unholy host of fellow dybbukim calling itself Lawfare to infest the courts and meddle in elections. Think: Michael Sussman, an imp of RussiaGate; Michael Bromwich, former DOJ Inspector General (!) and then advisor to one Christine Blasey Ford (remember her?), David Laufman, erstwhile DOJ counter-intel goblin and Blasey Ford “beach friend” errand boy, Marc Elias, engineer extraordinaire of ballot harvesting operations in the 2020 election and many related pranks, Dan Goldman, lead counsel for the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment against Donald J. Trump…dybbuks all!

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Power Elite Now In The Nuclear Crosshairs

Via State of the Nation


SOTN Editor’s Note: While it took President Putin et al. way too long time to stop calling their Western counterparts “partners”, it now appears that the Kremlin correctly understands they’re dealing with their most dangerous mortal enemies of all time.  Not only that, but the stark geopolitical analysis posted below clearly indicates that Russia is currently facing the most grave existential threats of its entire history, even greater than the utterly devastating Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Furthermore, Moscow finally seems to grasp the sheer evil and demonic malevolence of the Khazarian clique of incorrigibly corrupt sociopaths and criminally insane psychopaths who populate the highest echelons of the Zio-Anglo-American Axis power structure.  Not only that, but the decision-makers in the Kremlin also see that the exceedingly perilous predicament in Ukraine will require a show of force that scares the bejesus out of the Western power elite.

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The Government Keeps Lying to Us About Ukraine. Where Is the Outrage?

Guest Post by Michael Tracey

On June 4, a group referring to itself as the “Polish Volunteer Corps” issued a boastful announcement confirming its participation in a series of cross-border ground offensives into Russia. News of these audacious raids was jarring enough, given the many prior assurances of U.S. and Ukrainian war planners, who insisted no attacks would be carried out inside Russian territory. It was all the more conspicuous that the incursion units were apparently comprised of Polish soldiers.

Poland, of course, is not only a NATO member state, but the NATO member state with which the U.S. has most assiduously aligned itself since Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine (Polish government officials deny any formal connection to the “Polish Volunteer Corps”). So the raids raised an obvious, yet oft-neglected question: Just what the hell is U.S. policy in Ukraine?

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Satan Asks LGBTQ Community To Please Tone It Down A Bit

Via The Babylon Bee

Article Image

WORLD — Facing increased backlash and negative public attention amid what is perceived by many to be an aggressive assault on traditional values, Satan has officially asked the LGBTQ+ community to tone down its efforts.

“Can you guys pump the breaks a little?” asked the Prince of Darkness in a prepared statement from his Midwestern headquarters in downtown St. Louis. “I’m all for degrading culture and leading human beings toward eternal destruction, but we’re really catching a lot of flack here. Maybe take a more measured approach, because the whole ‘dancing in thongs in front of children and shaking trans boobs on the White House lawn’ strategy isn’t working out so well.”

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Can you imagine Biden, Kamala, or Trump spending hours being grilled by Rogan?

Continue reading “RFK JR. ON ROGAN”

What if Hunter Biden is guilty?

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Not on the tax and firearms disclosure charges – those are too easy. I mean of selling access to his father to foreign companies for millions of dollars. More importantly, what if Joe is guilty too?

The Intercept is no one’s idea of conservative media. It specializes in hardcore investigative reporting, usually with a left-wing bent.

Yet this morning, its top story was: What Does The FBI Have On Hunter and Joe Biden?

Quite a lot, actually.

Hunter Biden is a bad guy.

Cocaine addicts are psychopaths almost definitionally. Cocaine’s a hell of a drug, and it tends to focus the mind (mostly on getting more cocaine). Alas, cocaine is also a hell of an expensive drug. Middle-class opioid addicts can stay afloat awhile, but cocaine used at scale will bankrupt almost anyone in a hurry, if it doesn’t kill the user first.

Hunter was an addict par excellence, living rock to rock for years. “I never slept. There was no clock. Day bled into night and night into day,” he wrote in his memoir.

So Hunter spent much of the last 15 years in a state of self-imposed degradation, chasing cash to support his habit and his whoring. Along the way he flung his scat at anyone foolish enough to try to help him, especially women. He must have been a good lay. I hope he was, I hope his ex and the rest got something out of it.

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Biden: Your Children Belong to the Government

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

President Joe Biden admitted the truth – the government is claiming your children as their own.

Speaking on his favorite topic, the LGBTQ community, Biden addressed the nation in a disturbing video posted on Twitter that states:

“To the LGBTQI+ Community – the Biden-Harris Administration has your back. These are our kids. These are our neighbors. Not somebody else’s kids; they’re all our kids. And our children are the kite strings that hold our national ambitions aloft. It matters a great deal how we treat everyone in this country. LGBTQ Americans, especially children, you are loved, you are heard, and this administration has your back.”

Continue reading “Biden: Your Children Belong to the Government”

Taking Vitamin D Daily May Reduce Cancer Mortality by 12%

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • A 2023 systematic review and meta-analysis found daily vitamin D supplementation reduced cancer mortality by a significant 12%
  • Daily vitamin D supplementation was particularly beneficial for people aged 70 and over, as well as those who took vitamin D daily and were later diagnosed with cancer
  • Among people who took daily vitamin D doses of 5,000 IU to 50,000 IU daily, no adverse effects were found
  • Past research has found women with a vitamin D level at or above 60 ng/mL (150 nmol/L) had an 82% lower risk of breast cancer compared to those with levels below 20 ng/mL
  • To optimize your vitamin D levels, regular sun exposure is the best option; however, if you’re unable to get adequate sun exposure each day, supplementation may be necessary

On a typical sunny day, your body may produce up to 25,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D.1 Yet, in the U.S., the average daily recommended intake is only 600 IU for people between the ages of 1 and 70, and 800 IU for those over 70.2

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Quick Take: “Tropical diseases migrating north” is just more climate scare-mongering

Via Off-Guardian

We’ve been writing for a while about how the latest propaganda drive on “climate change” will be primarily about turning it into a public health crisis (see this piece from last week).

…and the media have been in a hurry to prove us right.

Yesterday it was reported by the Mail that “experts” had told the UK Parliament that increased temperatures due to climate change would reach UK shores carried by mosquitoes and ticks:

World’s deadliest diseases are coming to the UK because of climate change: Mosquitos and ticks carrying viruses with death rates of up to 50% will make Britain home, experts warn MPs

The diseases of concern included Zika – the original harmless “pandemic” back in 2016 – as well as Breakbone fever. But the real scaremongering was reserved for Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF).

Continue reading “Quick Take: “Tropical diseases migrating north” is just more climate scare-mongering”

Race Discrimination Against White People Has Been Institutionalized Precisely as I Predicted in my Book, The New Color Line, decades ago

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

In the United States of America white people are now officially second class citizens as this 16 minute video by an Asian man makes completely clear:

There is much in the video to disturb us, but notice especially that most of the colored and white young people denouncing white people as a race have been thoroughly brainwashed by their university education that blacks are entitled to hate white people because blacks were enslaved by whites.  That is not the case, and the university professors who indoctrinate the students know it.  Blacks were enslaved by blacks.  Blacks conducted slave wars between themselves. 

Continue reading “Race Discrimination Against White People Has Been Institutionalized Precisely as I Predicted in my Book, The New Color Line, decades ago”

Peak Lies

By Eric Peters

How come you almost never hear about “peak oil” anymore?

Probably because it never arrived.

For decades, we heard about it incessantly. Oil was running low, soon to run out. It was urgent, therefore, that we use less – that we be forced to use less, as by federal fuel economy standards that pushed most large (and large-engined) cars off the roads by the mid-1980s and – for some 20 years, beginning in the ’70s – enforcement of the 55 MPH National Maximum Speed Limit, originally justified as a “fuel saving” rather than a “safety” measure.

And then we stopped hearing about “peak oil” altogether – and began hearing about something else.

The former happened when it became as embarrassing – in view of the contrary facts – to continue asserting that we were getting close to running out of oil as it is to continue asserting that “masks work.”

More oil was discovered. Continue reading “Peak Lies”

THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Lincoln warns that America is becoming a “house divided” – 1858


Abraham Lincoln - Freedom From Religion Foundation


On June 16, 1858, newly nominated senatorial candidate Abraham Lincoln addresses the Illinois Republican Convention in Springfield and warns that the nation faces a crisis that could destroy the Union. Speaking to more than 1,000 delegates in an ominous tone, Lincoln paraphrased a passage from the New Testament: “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” Continue reading “THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Lincoln warns that America is becoming a “house divided” – 1858”