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Xi warns armed forces to prepare for ‘actual combat’

Via RT

The president told troops at a navy base that their mission is to defend the country’s “territorial sovereignty” This photo taken on April 7, 2023 shows the rocket force of the Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) transferring a missile before the combat readiness patrol and military exercises around the Taiwan Island. © Liu Mingsong/Xinhua

President Xi Jinping has urged the Chinese military to prepare for real combat, national media reported on Wednesday. The remarks came days after Beijing held massive military drills around Taiwan which reportedly involved the simulation of precision strikes on the self-governing island.

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Land of the Lost: Part 2

Via Visayas Outpost

The Good Shepherd

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.”  -John Adams


April 13, 2023

This goes out to America, especially those who want to be Found, and to light the way forward.   

In Part 1, I reviewed how America became so lost.  Call it the GenX perspective if you want.  My personal account outlined the depth of lies that have been pushed onto the American public ever since Kennedy and Vietnam, particularly the recent years since September, 2001.  Half of the country has fact-checked their way into denial of reality itself.  Are you one of those people, Reader?  Have you just washed up on shore and can’t decide if the other survivors have a clue?

Truth Bomb Incoming:

Gulf War 1 still reverberates today, and I refer to the Coalition AmericaTM policy whereby we gin up evidence to convince our little brothers that some ass-kicking is needed in a foreign desert.  We supercharge the content creators, to paint the most compelling story.  Then, when the right amount of outrage is stoked among the public, we send in the Military Industrial Complex to do what it does best.  The result is either regime change, or weapons contracts, or upward movement of Blackrock in our 401k’s.  We do this over and over again, under different presidents and circumstances.  We tell ourselves it is necessary, when there is not a single basis of truth coming from our government.  For most of you this has been going on for your whole lives.  Continue reading “Land of the Lost: Part 2”

Disorder is the Order of the Day

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

“We are fueling a proxy war in Ukraine in order to defend freedom, such as the freedom to censor dissenting views on our proxy war in Ukraine.” Aaron Maté

Does peace have any chance with more US military aid to Ukraine? - Global  Times

How long do we have to wait before Volodymyr Zelensky opens a disco in Boca Raton? That’s one of the questions raised by the secret CIA documents leaked last week, supposedly by a 21-year-old National Guard airman in Massachusetts named Jack Teixeira. Since that’s about the lowliest rank in the whole US military, you have to wonder how Jack got his mitts on all that embarrassing info, and what it says about the Pentagon’s command structure and its relations with the Intel “Community.”

I guess our cyber-security isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. But then, neither is our war effort in Ukraine. Yes, our war effort. We own this war from tail to snout, lock, stock, and barrel, the whole shootin’ match. We started it (in 2014, when we began the preps there), we goaded the Russians into it in bad faith, and now we’re losing it. Why?  Because it was a stupid venture from the get-go. Now, it’s really a matter of how psychotic our government’s reaction will be when the Russians restore order to the place.

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Vandana Shiva: Assault on Dutch Farmers a ‘Contemporary Witch Hunt’

Guest Post by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

On the latest episode of Russell Brand’s “Stay Free,” scholar, environmental activist and food sovereignty advocate Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., discussed the Dutch Farmer Citizen Movement and how it is part of a global movement for democracy.

vandana shiva dutch farmer citizen movement feature

On the latest episode of Russell Brand’s “Stay Free,” scholar, environmental activist and food sovereignty advocate Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., discussed the Dutch Farmer Citizen Movement and how it’s part of a global movement for democracy — despite how the media has smeared it.

To make sense of Dutch farmer politics, Shiva said, the first thing to understand is that “This is the farmer citizen movement. It’s not just the farmer’s movement. It’s the citizens of the Netherlands who don’t want their economy, their land or their country hijacked.”

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The Coming New York Exodus

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

A new study found that 27% of New Yorkers plan to relocate out of state within the next five years. New York once represented the symbol of American prosperity and growth. People dreamed of living life in the “Big Apple” and America’s international image was largely portrayed at the New York fairytale in films and books. Yet, New York no longer resembles what it once was.

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A Handful of Companies Control the Global Propaganda

Via Mercola

Video Link

Story at-a-glance
  • PR firms and ad agency holding companies are a central cog in global propaganda machine. They make sure the same message is distributed in many different places in a cohesively timed fashion
  • An estimated two-thirds to 80% of the content broadcast and published by corporate media comes from public relations firms such as these four. In other words, most so-called mainstream media “news” is propaganda
  • The four largest ad holding companies in the world are the Publicis Groupe, WPP, the Omnicom Group and the Interpublic Group, and all are deeply interlocked with the corporate media, the military-industrial complex and the policymakers
  • A handful of private investment companies dominate every aspect of our lives and own everything we spend our money on. The two largest ones are Vanguard and BlackRock. Vanguard and/or BlackRock are also among the top 10 shareholders in the four largest ad agency holding companies
  • The 1% of the world’s wealthiest people provide the ideological justification that is driving the implementation of The Great Reset worldwide. The term academia uses to describe this globalist cabal is “The Transnational Capitalist Class” or TCC

In her book “One Idea to Rule Them All, Reverse Engineering American Propaganda,” Michelle Stiles reveals how the American public (and indeed the global population at large) have been indoctrinated and conned by public relations (PR) companies that run the globalist cabal’s propaganda campaigns. I will be interviewing Michele shortly for this book.

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Slavery in America Was Resurrected in 1913

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Just as Jews claim exclusivity as holocaust victims of WW II despite that more Germans died and many times more Russians died and it was a holocaust experience for a number of ethnicities, black Americans claim to be the only victims of slavery despite the historical fact that all races have been enslaved usually by their own kind.  Black slavery, for example originated in slave wars between African tribes.

For 40 years, perhaps longer, I have emphasized that in every country with an income tax, everyone who earns is enslaved. In America slavery was officially institutionalized with the income tax in 1913.  People do not comprehend that they are slaves, because they think of slavery as being tied to a location, but in previous times of slavery everyone was tied to location, free men as well as slaves.  Travel was slow and difficult. There were no cars or airplanes.

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The Anti Government: New Design + Civil Disobedience Quotes

Listing the best civil disobedience quotes is easy. Anyone can do it. I just did it. But it takes a great deal of tact to endorse its practice.

On the one hand, I do believe civil disobedience is a moral response to an immoral state of affairs; on the other, I hardly need some boneheaded misanthropes with a pile of bricks and a lust for shop windows to go blaming this article for their poor life choices.

Is it civil disobedience to create a ruckus for the sake of disrupting the status quo? No – even if your intentions for burning down a broad swath of Main Street are as pure as the driven snow, the act would amount to mere vandalism. It’s better to leave blowing up urban centers to the experts who allocate your tax dollars.

Civil disobedience is when you refuse to obey unjust laws or pay unjust taxes or fines. Whether or not you deem a law unjust depends wholly on your philosophy.

For example, I do not believe that gun control is moral, let alone Constitutional, which is why I decided to become one of the tens of thousands of Americans who lost their entire gun collection during a freak boating accident.

Likewise, I do not believe that taxation in any form is moral. That is why I legally changed my race to Irish Setter and bark whenever I see census takers approaching.

A word of caution before you go out civilly disobeying the government: It’s dangerous to do it alone. If you’ve got a lot of followers (or, if you’re not charismatic, are one of a lot of followers), then you’ve got a good chance at starting the 21st Century’s Salt March.

But if you’re just some guy in a cabin who doesn’t want to fund wars of imperialism, then you’d better hope you look good wearing orange rompers.

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