9/11: Twenty-Two Years On

Via Off-Guardian

Yesterday marked twenty-two years since the towers – all three of them – fell in New York. The 9/11 attacks are a subject OffG has always rated as vitally important to understanding the modern world, and we have devoted a lot of coverage to it over the years.

This year, as well as new content, we would like to present this index of the best we have produced over the years.

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9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth?

Guest Post by Kevin Barrett

On June 6, Tucker Carlson, America’s most-watched TV pundit, launched a new show on Twitter. No longer reined in by Fox News executives, Carlson was free to ask a big, explosive question: “What exactly happened on 9/11?” He answered himself: “Well, it’s still classified.”

A few months earlier, Carlson had appeared on Clayton Morris’s podcast and brought up World Trade Center Building 7, widely viewed as the Achilles heel of the official story of 9/11:

“If you say, like, ‘What actually happened with building 7? Like that is weird, right? It doesn’t—like, what is that?’… If you were to say something like that on television, they’d flip out. You’d, like, lose your job over that. It’s an attack on my country. Can I ask? I don’t really understand. Do buildings actually collapse? No, they—maybe they do. I don’t know. But, like, why can’t I ask questions about that?”

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Mainstream Media Doesn’t Care That the CIA May Have Helped Cause 9/11

Guest Post by Branko Marcetic

In an obscure court filing, dozens of former FBI agents and others allege that an illegal CIA operation on US soil accidentally facilitated the 9/11 attacks. It should be a bombshell — if only anyone in the establishment would notice.

For all the ways the September 11 attacks continue to shape US culture and foreign policy, the event is still shrouded in a surprising amount of mystery. A recently unearthed bombshell court filing offers some possible clarity on the questions that continue to surround the attacks and their aftermath — and yet, like similar bombshells in recent years, it’s been studiously ignored by the media and political establishment.First reported by Rolling Stone contributing editor Seth Hettena on the Substack SpyTalk, the media project run by veteran former Newsweek national security reporter Jeff Stein, those potential answers come in the form of a signed affidavit from Guantanamo military commission investigator Don Canestraro. The affidavit outlines the findings of a 2016 investigation by Canestraro, a longtime veteran of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), into Saudi and CIA complicity in the terrorist attacks, findings that are squarely at odds with the story given to the public in their wake.

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For Those Who Do Not Remember 9/11

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Those in college do not recall 9/11/01. College freshmen were only three or four years old at the time of the attack. They do not recall the ongoing search for Osama bin Laden or the frequent briefings from former President George W. Bush. Even young adults beyond college do not recall life before the Patriot Act and the abandonment of our privacy. They have always seen TSA at airports and terrorism warnings. The Patriot Act changed everything, and all Americans were forced to surrender their freedom to the government under the guise of “national security.” National security has been used to justify government surveillance ever since that tragic morning.

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9/11 After 21 Years

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Today is the 21st anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City. There has never been an official US investigation of the attack. After much pressure from families of those who died in the collapse of the towers, the White House finally and most reluctantly assembled a 9/11 Commission consisting largely of politicians and a neoconservative staff director to sit and listen to the government’s narrative and to write it down. This is what comprised the 9/11 Commission Report. Afterwards the commission’s co-chairmen and legal counsel wrote books in which they said the 9/11 Commission was set up to fail, that resources and information were withheld from the Commission, and that the Commission considered referring criminal charges to the Department of Justice against some of the government officials who falsely testified before the commission. These confessions were ignored by the presstitutes and had no effect on the government’s highly implausible narrative.

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9/11 – the False Flag Allegation & Bin Laden

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

It is interesting that 9/11 took place precisely on the pi target date of the Economic Confidence Model. However, I know that the attack on 9/11 was real. The people charged with the first attack on the World Trade Center drew the Twin Towers on their cell wall in MCC with planes going into it a year before the attack. Was it planned by the terrorists — absolutely. I cannot speak to whether it was actually bin Laden who ordered the attack. That is what the government claims, but they also swore there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

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Biden Orders Declassification Of 9/11 Documents & Possible Saudi Links

Via ZeroHedge

Amid ongoing pressure from the families of 9/11 victims, President Biden on Friday ordered the declassification of FBI documents related to the September 11, 2001 attacks, now set to be released over a period of the next six months.

The families have long moved through US courts to seek accountability for the Saudi government. They accuse multiple US administrations of seeking to cover up close US-ally Saudi Arabia’s involvement in supporting the al-Qaeda hijackers.

The Associated Press

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Did The CIA & Saudi Arabia Conspire To Keep 9/11 Details Secret?

Authored by Jeff Stein via NewsWeek.com,

It’s easier to bury uncomfortable facts than to confront them. So this September 11, the ceremonies marking the 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., will simply honor the dead. In Manhattan, tourists and mourners will gather where the World Trade Center Towers once stood, lowering their heads in memory of the 2,606 who perished there. The services won’t reflect the view that the attacks might well have been prevented.

But for hundreds of families and a growing number of former FBI agents, the grief of another 9/11 ceremony will be laced with barely muted rage: There remains a conspiracy of silence among high former U.S. and Saudi officials about the attacks.


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The Great 9/11 Coverup

Authored by Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Off-Guardian.org,

Did you happen to notice that after more than a decade of the ‘news’ media’s demanding publication of “the missing 28 pages” (which turned out actually to have been 29 pages) from the U.S. Congress’s investigation into 9/11, the document’s press-coverage, finally, on 15 July 2016, turned out to have been little-to-none? And did you notice that the little there was, said it contained nothing important? Perhaps you didn’t get to know even this much about the press-coverage of it, because the U.S. Congress, which had been hiding the document ever since 2003, dumped it on a Friday night, in order for it to receive as little press-coverage as possible.

Well, what that document actually showed, and proved (and cited FBI investigators who could then have testified in public, if requested), was the opposite of unimportant: that the Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saud (who was known in Washington as “Bandar Bush,” because of his closeness to the Bush family), had secretly been paying the Saudi handlers of at least two of the 15 Saudis among the 19 9/11 hijackers, and that Bandar’s wife and other relatives were also paying those hijackers-to-be, and their families — thus enabling the future hijackers to obtain the necessary pilot-training etc., for the 9/11 attacks.

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