Audit the Pentagon – Trillions Still MIA Since Pre-9/11

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

“On September 10, 2001, former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said, “Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building because it’s stored on dozens of technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible,” the Sanders-Grassley Audit the Pentagon Act states. A day after Rumsfeld’s announcement, the building was targeted in the 9/11 attack where the alleged accounting effort was taking place. The $2.3 trillion remains unaccounted for to this day.

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9/11, 22 Years Later: Will We Ever Get the Truth?

Guest Post by Kevin Barrett

On June 6, Tucker Carlson, America’s most-watched TV pundit, launched a new show on Twitter. No longer reined in by Fox News executives, Carlson was free to ask a big, explosive question: “What exactly happened on 9/11?” He answered himself: “Well, it’s still classified.”

A few months earlier, Carlson had appeared on Clayton Morris’s podcast and brought up World Trade Center Building 7, widely viewed as the Achilles heel of the official story of 9/11:

“If you say, like, ‘What actually happened with building 7? Like that is weird, right? It doesn’t—like, what is that?’… If you were to say something like that on television, they’d flip out. You’d, like, lose your job over that. It’s an attack on my country. Can I ask? I don’t really understand. Do buildings actually collapse? No, they—maybe they do. I don’t know. But, like, why can’t I ask questions about that?”

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The Shocking Truth About WTC 7 and The Twin Towers: Stunning Evidence Of Controlled Demolition

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9/11 – the False Flag Allegation & Bin Laden

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

It is interesting that 9/11 took place precisely on the pi target date of the Economic Confidence Model. However, I know that the attack on 9/11 was real. The people charged with the first attack on the World Trade Center drew the Twin Towers on their cell wall in MCC with planes going into it a year before the attack. Was it planned by the terrorists — absolutely. I cannot speak to whether it was actually bin Laden who ordered the attack. That is what the government claims, but they also swore there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

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America: A Land Without Truth

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

It has been 17 days since a four-year study of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 by civil engineers was made available to the media.  The study concluded that fire was not the cause of the collapse of the 47-story building.  The study also concluded that “the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.”

In other words, the study concludes that the building was intentionally destroyed by controlled demolition.  Controlled demolition means that there was a plan to destroy the building and that access to the building inhabited by a number of US security agencies was permitted in order to wire the building for demolition.  This finding is consistent with what the owner of the World Trade Center, Silverstein, said on television, that the decision was made “to pull” the building.

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Major University Study Finds “Fire Did Not Bring Down Tower 7 On 9/11”

Authored by Matt Agorist via The Free Thought Project,

On September 11, 2001, at 5:20 p.m., World Trade Center Building 7 suddenly collapsed into its own footprint, falling at free fall speed for 2.5 seconds of its seven-second complete destruction. WTC 7 was not hit by a plane. After it collapsed, Americans were told that office fires caused a unique — never before seen — complete architectural failure leading to the building collapsing into its own footprint at the rate of gravity.

Despite calls for the evidence to be preserved, New York City officials had the building’s debris removed and destroyed in the ensuing weeks and months, preventing a proper forensic investigation from ever taking place. Seven years later, federal investigators concluded that WTC 7 was the first steel-framed high-rise ever to have collapsed solely as a result of normal office fires.

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The Official Story of the Collapse of WTC Building 7 Lies in Ruins

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

A research team at the University of Alaska’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, led by Dr. Leroy Hulsey, Dr. Zhili Quan, and Professor Feng Xiao, Department of Civil Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, released yesterday for public comment their findings from a four-year study of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on September 11, 2001.  This is the first scientific investigation of the collapse of the building.   Here is the conclusion:

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Was 9/11 A Plot to Seize Power?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I do not know about the Twin Towers, but I can say that the first World Trade Center bombers drew the World Trade Center on the wall of their cell in MCC with planes flying into it. There is no question that there was a terrorist attack. HOWEVER !!!!!!!! There is evidence, I know PERSONALLY, that the government knew what they were going to do. Do not confuse the fact that there were planted explosives to try to pretend there was not a terrorist attack. They just used the attack as cover.

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Cliché Series # 5: Perceiving Profiles Confined Within Certain Configurations

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Whenever anyone uses the term conspiracy theory or calls someone a conspiracy theorist in any debate, they are, in most instances, revealing their own contempt prior to investigation.  This is, in fact, an exemplification of prejudice even by those claiming their minds are open.  In truth, they are not willing to consider any evidence that might challenge what they have previously decided to be untrue, or unproven; these, of course, being two very separate prospects.

If people were intellectually honest they would acknowledge, at the very least, the POSSIBILITY of SOME truth behind what they designate as “conspiracy”. Or, should they wish to engage in the discussion, they would debate using opposing facts; or any additional contravening corroboration behind their perspectives and ideological positioning.

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