Five Faulty Premises of Russiagate

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Having watched some of the questions to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller by congress on Wednesday July 24, 2019, as well as Mueller’s dithering deflections – it was obvious the entire affair was another distraction; more of the same ongoing circus show.

Of course, no minds were changed. Those on the Left still consider Trump to be a comprised capitalist pig guarding his tax returns with all the fervor of any good Manchurian Candidate and those on the Right still viewing Mueller as a tyrannical tool of the Deep State.

After Mueller’s live testimony, this blogger listened to roughly thirty Americans calling into CNBC with their comments. Of those callers, only three were in support of Trump and with the rest of them effusively expressing gratitude to Mueller for his service in revealing Trump’s threat to American Democracy.

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The Rants of the Libtards Ring Hollow then Echo

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

There’s a guy I met a few years ago who, it turned out, had worked with some people I’ve done business with in the past.  We shared a few war stories and have since had lunch together on a few occasions.  Last month he called me with a business proposition and invited me over to see his new place and the ongoing projects there.  After putting him off for as long as could be considered polite, I called him last week and we met at his house.

After the normal bullshit and small talk he told me his plans had changed and we wouldn’t be working together.  I told him I didn’t care one way or another and it was good to, at least, see the new place.  Then, after seeing some of the improvements and hearing about his current and future projects, he said:  “What did you think of the Mueller report? I have a feeling you might see it differently than me.”

Actually, that turn in our conversation took me by surprise.  Or, rather, perhaps I was merely surprised I didn’t see it coming.  In truth, I had hoped to avoid politics.  Yet, as soon as he asked me the question, I knew he was libtarded.  In retrospect, I think I always knew.  And, from the first moment I saw him standing in the doorway that day, I could tell he was agitated. Of course he was all smiles and laughter right up until he broached the Mueller report, I could see beneath his salesman’s shtick, that his eyes were angry.  It could have been from anything.  But just then it became obvious.

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U.S. President Donald Trump Initially Refused to Acknowledge Manufactured Reality

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

 Why should Trump give any credence to the intelligence agencies who first tried to prevent, and later subvert, his presidency?


You may not be able to alter reality, but you can alter your attitude towards it, and this, paradoxically, alters reality. Try it and see.

– Margaret Atwood


The above quote, attributed to the author of “The Handmaid’s Tale”, is seemingly representative of the elite establishment today in their dystopian zeal to erase the presidency of Donald Trump.  How? By means of manufacturing an Attitudinal New Reality complete with Orwellian-style and Twilight Zone-type narratives reminiscent of the “Upside Down” , the other-worldly dimension of Netflix’s “Stranger Things”.

Of course, where we are today was likely inevitable from the start.

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Ten Ways the Democratic Northern Hemisphere Nations Became the Orwellian West

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

In his book, “1984”, George Orwell envisioned a future crushed by the iron grip of a collectivist oligarchy. The narrative told of the INGSOC Party which maintained power through a system of surveillance and brutality designed to monitor and control every aspect of society.  From the time of the book’s release in 1949, any ensuing vision of a dark dystopia depicting variations of jackboots stomping on human faces, forever, has been referenced as being “Orwellian”.  This is because Orwell’s narrative illustrated various disturbing and unjust conceptualizations of control, crime, and punishment.

For example, “Newspeak” represented the language of mind control, whereas “crimethink”, “thoughtcrime”, and “crimeface” manifested as transgressions against the state.  Guilty citizens were captured by the “Thought Police”, and the ultimate punishment consisted of “vaporization”; which eliminated every last vestige of a person’s existence.

In the horrifying world of 1984, the nation of Oceania was divided into three concentric groups:  The Inner Party, the Outer Party, and the Proles, or proletariat.  The Proles constituted 85% of the population and lived in extreme privation.  The Inner Party represented the elite powerbrokers who led lives of comprehensive luxury compared to the minions in the Outer Party.

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Destiny Looms: Choose Your Way or it Drags You

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

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But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:

– 2 Timothy 3:3


– Fate leads the willing and drags along the reluctant.

― Seneca


Posting articles online, especially for readers of high intelligence, can be quite a balancing act.  In fact, with certain topics, it is like walking a tightrope while wearing ice-skates in a crosswind.  At times, the tightrope represents the delicate balance between the cerebral hemispheres.  According to Left- Brain Right-Brain Theory, the left-brained technicians incline towards logic, analysis, and objectivity, and the right-brained artisans are intuitive, subjective, and romantic.

Although I can play either side, I personally favor the creative aspects of artistic, conceptual visualization. This may be why left-brained people rarely get my jokes. For instance, if I wrote how mechanical engineers design weapons and civil engineers design targets, there would be comments in the ensuing thread informing me that both types of engineers design FAR more than just those two categories.  Even more importantly, extreme caution must be applied to never get the science wrong, ever.  Make one mistake and medieval heretics burned at the stake will gaze up from hell and say:  “There but for the grace of God, go we” as the left-brainers, with smoking pens in melted shirt pocket-protectors, dance upon my ashes.

So it’s a fine line.

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The Inevitable Gravitational Dynamism of Entropy

Bronze Sculpture, “The Myth of Sisyphus” by Emile Gregoire (1871-1948)

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Entropy is the general trend of the universe toward death and disorder.

—James R. Newman (1907–1966), Mathematician and Math Historian

Everything degrades over time without exception. Of course there are diverging regenerations within time’s decay but all is fleeting and cannot last. Just as the laws of thermodynamics universally define, a system will exist in a particular state and may cycle through varying states, but in the end, it will return to the equilibrium, or stasis, of inert uniformity. Life is a like a rotating heat engine of sorts, catapulting energy over the cold fabric of space-time as the lexicon of Physics continuously hold singular meaning in our daily existence: laws, work, heat, constant pressure, and cycles. Yet, sadly, total efficiency is achieved in theory only; this is because entropy precludes perfection within the confines of time.

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Cliché Series # 5: Perceiving Profiles Confined Within Certain Configurations

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

Whenever anyone uses the term conspiracy theory or calls someone a conspiracy theorist in any debate, they are, in most instances, revealing their own contempt prior to investigation.  This is, in fact, an exemplification of prejudice even by those claiming their minds are open.  In truth, they are not willing to consider any evidence that might challenge what they have previously decided to be untrue, or unproven; these, of course, being two very separate prospects.

If people were intellectually honest they would acknowledge, at the very least, the POSSIBILITY of SOME truth behind what they designate as “conspiracy”. Or, should they wish to engage in the discussion, they would debate using opposing facts; or any additional contravening corroboration behind their perspectives and ideological positioning.

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Stabbing With Their Steely Knives, They Just Can’t Kill the Beast

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

 You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor…

– Ezekiel 28: 15-17

In horror stories originating from the times of the first songs there have always been common enemies.  Creatures of sinister intelligence, blind violence, disingenuity, clever crafters of schemes, or often containing the capacity for all of these; lurking in the dark, or hidden in plain sight, but always waiting and watching.  Little Red Riding Hood and the Three Little Pigs suffered through the antics of wily wolves. Rapunzel and Hansel and Gretel agonized before the wicked wills of warted witches; and with Jack of Beanstalk fame it was jeering giants who longed to grind his bones for bread, alive or dead.  Star Wars had Darth Vader and the Lords of the Sith, whereas it was the evil eye of Sauron that ruled over J.R.R Tolkien’s shadowy land of Mordor.  And for most of the world’s religions today it remains Lucifer, the morning star, who fell from heaven by the weight of a prideful heart and now reigns as the Prince and Power of the Air; tempting, taunting, and tantalizing, all of mankind.

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