U.S. President Donald Trump Initially Refused to Acknowledge Manufactured Reality

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

 Why should Trump give any credence to the intelligence agencies who first tried to prevent, and later subvert, his presidency?


You may not be able to alter reality, but you can alter your attitude towards it, and this, paradoxically, alters reality. Try it and see.

– Margaret Atwood


The above quote, attributed to the author of “The Handmaid’s Tale”, is seemingly representative of the elite establishment today in their dystopian zeal to erase the presidency of Donald Trump.  How? By means of manufacturing an Attitudinal New Reality complete with Orwellian-style and Twilight Zone-type narratives reminiscent of the “Upside Down” , the other-worldly dimension of Netflix’s “Stranger Things”.

Of course, where we are today was likely inevitable from the start.

When businessman Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States, he was ridiculed by the political establishment, Hollywood, and the Corporate Mainstream Media.  When it appeared that he could actually win, the U.S. Intelligence Agencies, under President Obama, spied on Candidate Trump and set up members of his team for a grand scheme of entrapment arranged by former CIA Director, and perjurist, John Brennan; even as corrupt high-ranking officials in the FBI, like James Comey, arranged for Hillary Clinton’s crimes to be swept under the political rug.

Soon, we heard about wiretaps at Trump Tower and illegal unmasking by former National Security Director Susan Rice, even as Wikileaks released the password to Vault 7, also known as: “The Largest Ever Publication of Confidential CIA Documents” where a program entitled UMBRAGE was revealed. It was a formerly top-secret initiative whereby American intelligence agencies could mimic internet hacks from other countries, including Russia.

Unsurprisingly, the alleged mastermind behind “Vault 7 was recently indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice after being arrested for child porn on his computer, just as the Pakistani-Intelligence operative , Imran Awan, was let off the hook by an Obama appointed judge; because there was “no evidence” that congressional computer systems were compromised by Awan after a Democratic Party caucus server was replaced by a look-alike.

Paradoxically even WikiLeaks now says the murder of Democratic National Committee employee, Seth Rich, has been contradicted by Rod Rosenstein’s “July 2018 indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence agents”:


The [Seth Rich] murder spawned several right-wing conspiracy theories, including the false claim that Rich had been involved with the leaked DNC emails in 2016, contradicted by the July 2018 indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence agents for hacking the e-mail accounts and networks of Democratic Party officials and by the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion the leaked DNC emails were part of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections. Law enforcement as well as fact-checking websites like PolitiFact.com, Snopes.com, and FactCheck.org stated that these theories were false and unfounded. The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post called the fabrications fake news and falsehoods.


Wow.  Someone moved fast there, didn’t they? WikiLeaks, PolitiFact.com, Snopes.com, and FactCheck.org all claim there is nothing to see in the Seth Rich murder. Indeed, it appears all of the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted and all of the bases are covered.

Put a bough on it.  It’s a wrap.

Except Jack Burkman, a Washington-based attorney and lobbyist who has worked with a private investigative team to find the killer of DNC staffer, Seth Rich, recently claimed to have found a “credible” witness who will identify the murderers of Seth Rich as “a current DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) agent” and a “current ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) agent”.

Moreover, we do know because of the GOP Groundhog Day 2018 Memo, that Hillary Clinton and the DNC financed the Russian Dossier on Trump and, according to former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, it was used to finally obtain the FISA warrant required to spy on Team Trump. The 90-day surveillance warrant on Carter Page was then renewed three times. It appears this was done in order to dig up political dirt and diminish Trump’s chances of winning the 2016 Presidential Election and, later, to undermine his presidency.  At the same time, the culprits specifically named in the memo (i.e. James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr) seemingly conspired to bury the multifarious crimes of Hillary Clinton.

A mole in Trump’s campaign was also later revealed as Steven Halper,a 73-year-old Oxford University professor and former U.S. government official who was paid over $1 million by the Obama administration including $411,575 that was made in two payments by September 26, 2016.  That date was three days after a Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff on Trump aide, Carter Page, that the FBI later used as supporting evidence in the FISA warrant application for Page.

Then, after Trump won the election, the phony Russian conspiracy was utilized:


1.) By online social networks to censor the alternative media


2.) By President Obama to sign into law the “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” on December 23, 2016


3.) By Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, to feloniously unmask Trump administration officials


4.) By Democrats and the Media to pressure the new president’s National  Security Advisor to resign and the nation’s new Attorney General to recuse himself from the Russia investigation


5.) By deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, to appoint his trusted, dear friend and collaborator, Robert Mueller, as Special Counsel to investigate President Trump’s non-existent collusion with Russia


6.) By Robert Mueller to transition the imaginary Russiagate Collusion into allegations of Obstruction of Justice against Trump for firing former FBI Director, James Comey


7.) By Robert Mueller to obtain minor process crimes on Paul Manafort (Trump’s former campaign chairman), Rick Gates (business associate of Manafort), George Papadopoulos (Trump’s former foreign policy advisor) and Michael Flynn (Trump’s former national security advisor)


But wait. There’s more.

In apparent  “violation of Justice Department policies and, perhaps, legal prohibitions on disclosure of grand jury secrets”, it appears that AP reporters and FBI agents colluded in a conspiracy against Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort; who, two days after America celebrated Independence Day 2018, remained in solitary confinement.



Now, because of the ongoing efforts of Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, and his personally appointed Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, it seems President Trump’s attorney client privileges have been summarily rescinded; as former President Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both whistle past the graveyard.

Of course, this is exactly what deep state operatives like Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein do; they investigate others for crimes they themselves have committed.  Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller as special council signed off on at least one of the misrepresented, and therefore illegal, FISA applications to spy on Donald Trump.  Moreover, it was Rosenstein who advised President Trump to fire Robert Mueller’s close friend and associate, James Comey; an act for which Mueller might still one day attempt to bring an obstruction of justice charge against Trump.

Mueller was also former president Obama’s director of the FBI when the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation received $145 million in Uranium One payments for selling twenty-percent of America’s uranium deposits to Russia.

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp said what Hillary Clinton did with her charity and Uranium One is the biggest espionage case involving government officials in the history of this country, and “that James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, was protecting her and leaking things to the media and lying” and that John Brennan, Director of the CIA, protected “her by starting a false investigation (on Trump) and stirring things up with this (false/unverified) dossier”.

And, who led the investigation into the Uranium One sale? It was Rod Rosenstein, the same troll who hired his best friend, Robert Mueller, to investigate Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia.

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting dizzy with all those spinning concentric circles of corruption.

But that’s not all.


– Last month, questions were raised as to why Imran Awan, who was under investigation for illegally accessing confidential information on Congressional computer systems, was answering phones at his law firm, which had connections to Bill and Hillary Clinton.


– During FBI agent Peter Strzok’s testimony to Congress, Jim Jordon (R-Ohio) got the former FBI agent to admit that the FBI received the Hillary Clinton Funded “Golden Shower” dossier on Trump from the FBI’s Bruce Orr (whose wife worked for Fusion GPS) – which was an astounding admission on internal collusion – before Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee interrupted the exchange.


– Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during the hearing with former FBI official, Peter Strzok, that the Inspector General discovered that nearly all of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails were sent to a foreign entity and that the FBI didn’t follow-up on that finding.


– It was  furthermore revealed that FBI agent Peter Strzok, himself, actually knew Clinton’s emails were in the hands of a foreign entity, that a whistleblower from the State Department tried delivering significant evidence in the Clinton email investigation which went nowhere, and that Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, was called four times from someone wanting to brief him about it and Horowitz never returned the call.


– In the aftermath of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) claiming that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had “personally redacted information and threatened House Intelligence Committee staffers” and Republican Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert telling a TV morning show that he believed government personnel working for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein were spying on his office, NBC News reported the following:


Powerful GOP Rep. Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach

“It’s sad for me to hear that he’s denying,” said one former wrestler. “I don’t know why he would, unless it’s a cover-up.”


  It was later reported that the law firm investigating the accusations against Jim Jordan were also involved in the FISA abuse scandal by assisting both the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to fund the now discredited Steele Dossier.


  Days after the decades old sexual scandal slurs against Republican Congressman Jim Jordan were resurrected in the media, Jordan’s 21 year-old nephew died in a car crash in Illinois.


Coincidences?  Sure.

But now, the kicker:

In an effort to divert publicity away from the Capitol Hill testimony of disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok, and to subvert President Trump’s ongoing efforts toward peace with Russia, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced the Mueller Investigation’s single indictment of Twelve Russian intelligence officers for alleged election hacking under President Obama’s watch; even though, according to Rosenstein , “no American was a knowing participant” in the Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election and there was “no allegation in the indictment of any effect on the outcome of the election” .



Immediately following the indictments, Trump Tweeted these questions:


Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t the FBI take possession of it? Deep State?


This, as the veteran GOP political operative, Roger Stone, said he was the ‘U.S. person’ mentioned in the Mueller indictment of the 12 Russians.

Then, as initial claims were made that Republicans were preparing to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein because they felt Rosenstein had “continually stonewalled their investigation into corruption at the FBI” – Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) suddenly ruled out the possibility of impeaching Rosenstein, saying there was “not enough support for his ouster”.

The evening before his historic meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Trump lamented the “hatred and dissension” in the U.S. and Tweeted that “no matter what he achieves in Helsinki, journalists will bash him for being not good enough or for kowtowing to Putin”.

Just prior to his meet with Russian President Putin, Donald Trump Tweeted:


Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!


After Trump’s meeting with Putin, the U.S. President called the Russian leader’s denial of election meddling ‘very powerful’ – as Putin said he wanted Trump to win the 2016 election, and laughed about the “golden showers” dossier.

In the press conference following their meeting, President Trump shocked the Deep State senseless by again raising legitimate (and still unanswered) questions regarding the Democratic National Committee’s missing server and Hillary Clinton’s missing emails; as Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed U.S. intelligence agents funneled $400 Million to the Hillary Clinton Campaign.

Just then, the real fun started:


  In the immediate aftermath of the Trump-Putin meeting, the Obama Administration’s CIA director, John Brennan, charged that President Trump’s post-summit press conference with Russia President Vladimir Putin was an act of treason; as disgraced former FBI Director, James Comey, called for a coup against the sitting president by means of patriots standing up and rejecting Trump’s behavior.


The New York Times offended many in the LGBT community by posting a homophobic cartoon of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin as gay lovers.


“Just days after special counsel Robert Mueller charged 12 Russian intelligence officials with directing a sprawling hacking effort aimed at swaying the 2016 election” and “just hours after President Donald Trump met with Russian President Vladimir Putin”, federal prosecutors charged an alleged Russian agent and “Gun Rights Activist”, named Maria Butina, for using the National Rifle Association (NRA) as a conduit to influence members of the Republican Party.


 In the wake of the Trump-Putin meeting, Russia’s elite and media celebrated the meeting as victory for Putin and “an end to the West’s attempt to isolate Russia”, as U.S. cable news network’s saw “the apocalypse”, Trump as a worse-case-scenario Russian mole, and Trump’s Helsinki performance as an act that will ‘Live in Infamy’ as much as “Pearl Harbor” or “Kristallnacht”.


 And for the cherry on top:  Former U.S. President Barack Obama, while on foreign soil, disparaged “strongman politics” and called today’s times “strange and uncertain”, before adding that “each day’s news cycle is bringing more head-spinning and disturbing headlines”.



Anyone not clueless or pathologically self-deceived realizes if Trump had acknowledged, during the Helsinki press conference with Putin, any meddling in accordance to the contrived findings of Robert Mueller’s investigation – the mainstream media would have insinuated what they have all along:  That Trump, colluded with Russia to win the election.

That is what they want people to believe.

Except Trump didn’t, initially, play according to their rules. Instead, he brought up the missing DNC server again to a collective gasp from a worldwide audience.

And that was why we witnessed the outright panic of Deep State tools and their drones in the Corporate Mainstream Media Bubble; all of whom have created an alternate reality.

Although Trump has now said he misspoke and acknowledges the Russian meddling, all of the other information is still available out there for anyone to see.  However, Orwellian Propaganda and a Perceived Phony Parallel Universe will likely make it impossible for a talented reality TV star to ever sway the people who voted for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Recently, it was reported that the Democrats now lead the GOP by 12 million registered voters.

Nevertheless, it appears the deep state is still making plays as they continue to run out the clock until the 2018 Midterm Elections.  Even then, Trump’s fate will remain in polling booths populated by mushy-minded, lukewarm Independent Voters rallying to overcome fake news and censorship in order to save America.

Not exactly fertile ground to plant flowers of hope, but of course anything can happen.

Regardless of who wins, however, the losers will not accept the results as the U.S. continues to unravel like Hillary Clinton’s neural synapses.

All the snowflakes can hear now is Trump’s treason with Putin. This is because, in a bullshit world, optics are everything.

As I consider the American Sheeple, and post this article about the manifestation of the Advertised New Reality, I remain haunted by a quote from Netflix’s “Stranger Things”, Season 2, Episode 5 – where a vodka-drinking, bearded, balding man wearing a robe and sporting circa 1960’s Austin Powers-type eyeglasses exclaimed:


You’re being naive, Nancy! Those people… They’re not wired like me and you, okay? They don’t spend their lives trying to get a look at what’s behind the curtain. They LIKE the curtain. It provides them stability, comfort, definition.

This… this would OPEN the curtain, and the curtain BEHIND that curtain, okay? So the minute someone with an ounce of authority calls bullshit, everyone will nod their heads and say, “See? Ha! I knew it! It was bullshit.”

That is if you even get their attention at all.


In the aftermath of FBI agent Peter Strzok’s appearance before Congress, the full Editorial Board of The Wall Street Journal said:


President Trump will have to declassify a host of documents if he wants Americans to learn the truth about what happened in 2016.


Will Trump do that? Would it make any difference if he did?  Stay tuned.


Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent. www.TheTollOnline.com

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July 18, 2018 6:53 am

If this article is even slightly true it may explain the panic and hysteria. It claims that Putin has given Trump 160Tb of intercepted comms made by American officials, politicians, social media executives etc. Covers who has funded terrorists, groups like Antifa and basically all the real traitors to America and in the 5 Eyes, including my own country the U.K.


Even if it didn’t happen, the reaction in the media sure makes me think They believe it did or at least Trump now knows a lot more that he did before. No wonder they tried for so long to stop them meeting in private. And if I was Trumps interpreter, I’d want protection. There are already calls for him to appear in front of Congress to ‘spill the beans’.

IMO the Storm has just broken over Their heads.

July 18, 2018 3:25 pm

One thing that might be in that 160TB data dump the Russians handed over:

US intelligence agencies funneled $400 million to Clinton campaign from Russian source.


July 18, 2018 7:58 pm

Why isn’t this on the front page of every newspaper, and the lead story on all the news channels and cable networks? /sarc

July 19, 2018 2:48 pm

Uncola is preaching to the choir. The reason it isn’t on the front page of every newspaper is that facts don’t matter to the liberal progressive socialists as only emotions are real and their fleeting emotional state, indifferent to the truth, is what counts. These are people who never grew beyond the toddler stage of development. They are captive to the whims of superficial events always seen as a crisis. It is a Chicken Little mentality, which perfectly describes the Democratic party today.

Rational grownups have seen Uncola’s observation and have seen it for a long time, but it is nice to see the time line as it brings it into perspective. Liberal Progressives with their myopic vision of the world miss it entirely. Basing important life decisions on fantasy usually doesn’t work out too well.

July 19, 2018 10:06 am

Why should Trump give any credence to the intelligence agencies who first tried to prevent, and later subvert, his presidency?….the truth has been spoken….i agree…..period

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 12:35 am

I saw that on the Abel Danger website. Hope this true.

July 18, 2018 7:01 am

I’m laying here at 4 in the morning wondering what has happened to our nation and its so called leaders. It seems like there is so much corruption that it / we are hopelessly doomed as a country. If it is the character of a people that determine the nature of a country then the writing is on the wall. I had some hope when Trump was elected that he would begin to ” clean house ” but not now. The corruption and the corrupt are Washington DC. Separation and secession is our only hope.This nation cannot / will not survive as is.

July 18, 2018 1:35 pm

Right you are BB. I’ll repeat with $21 trillion in debt, $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities, state pension funds on the verge of bankruptcy all over the country, and a nation so completely divided that civil discussions over ANYTHING are completely IMPOSSIBLE! We’re the titanic, we’ve hit the iceberg, and the band has stopped playing. We’re already flooded and on our way down… Chip

July 18, 2018 1:39 pm

Great post AGAIN Doug… Chip

The Wolrd is Mad
The Wolrd is Mad
July 19, 2018 12:16 am

How a global movement to extinguish the human race won its latest convert: me

The idea that the planet would be better off if humans weren’t a part of it wasn’t new; Knight was just the first person to think to organize it into a movement. (In fact, he launched VHEMT in part because he was worried that someone would beat him to the punch.) But since then, membership has grown steadily. He doesn’t think that he or the movement is necessarily changing people’s minds about having children, but that it’s attracting people who realize they don’t want to have children. “It’s not so much that people are joining the movement, but rather, the movement is joining them,” Knight says.
Today, Knight still works as a substitute teacher in Portland’s public schools. Although some might think nourishing the minds of children runs counter to the philosophy of VHEMT, he disagrees. “Taking care of the humans that are already here is a major part of VHEMT. We can take better care of those who are here by not creating more,” Knight says. He argues that he’d only be contributing to population growth if he was encouraging students to procreate, which he avoids doing directly. “I don’t try to put my ideas into their heads. I try to help them form their own concepts,” Knight says. “But if some student says, ‘I’m never having kids,’ I can’t help but to say, ‘That’s not required, so congratulations,’ because they won’t hear it from anyone else.”

Read the rest of this crackpot shit here:


Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  The Wolrd is Mad
July 19, 2018 12:39 am

If these idiots don’t want to procreate, that’s fine with me.
Deplorable couples, get busy having sex, enjoying it, and making babies.

sandra sullivan
sandra sullivan
July 19, 2018 12:06 pm

Do we really want any of these traitors to walk on a technicality out prison?
Any lawyer will tell you it takes a long time for justice to move for the conviction of a criminal. That’s just for an uncomplicated case. Look at multi-layered in-fractions of all those guilty of crimes. Obama appointed judges, government positions at all levels and that includes the military have got to be replaced. Those people have got to found and that alone is and will take time. We must encourage each other and ourselves to be patience because it will come to pass.

  sandra sullivan
July 19, 2018 5:14 pm

Those are good points, Sandra. Especially since it was an Obama appointed judge who just buried the crimes of the Awans.

As alluded to, and link-embedded in, the above piece: The judge presiding over the case was Tanya Chutka, who was appointed by Obama after years of contributing to him, was a partner at a very Clinton-friendly law firm, and her husband was also appointed by Obama to the D.C. Superior Court in 2011.

July 18, 2018 7:17 am

It’s too late to remedy the problems of the USA .

July 18, 2018 7:54 am

Rob,too late,perhaps,doesn’t mean I won’t keep trying and hopefully others will do what they can also,inside and outside of the govt.We may crash but like the mighty phoenix will arise from the ashes of our immolation,shake off the dust and perhaps be stronger,will be a long haul though!

I am sick of the whining about the summit,meeting world leaders is what a POTUS does!Show proof he sold us out at said meeting,then,will be upset,till then,msm,shut the fuck up!

I noticed what at first in article thought was a typo,”Wrapped in a bough”.On some reflection came to the conclusion that a bough can be used to hang things/make objects say like a gallows pole,or,perhaps,a coffin,works for me.

As for dumping the docs on the public,while would get the truth out do believe it would cause literal violence in this country as then high ups either get arrested which would cause civil strife or they don’t,again,causing civil strife.I say this does happen will definitely then needing before mentioned bough!

Bob P
Bob P
July 18, 2018 7:30 am

Easily the best summary I’ve read of the surreal world we live in in 2018. It’s rather like the 9-11 syndrome; people can’t believe their nation is capable of something like this, so they believe the lies; to accept reality is tantamount to accepting we are now the bad guys and that the country is evil. That simply cannot be as far as the masses are concerned. So, as my family and friends might put it if they voiced what they were thinking, “Shut up about it. I’m worried about you always dwelling on this, Bob. I don’t think you can tell the difference between reality and the illusory world you inhabit. I think maybe you need help.”

July 18, 2018 7:41 am

“President Trump will have to declassify a host of documents if he wants Americans to learn the truth about what happened in 2016.”

Trump already wrote and signed an EO to declassify. It simply awaits an official request (presumably from Congress) and a date to be penciled in before being released. A photograph was even taken of the EO that, again, presumably will match perfectly with the official wet ink copy once signed and released.

Stay tuned indeed.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 18, 2018 9:50 am

Who is supposed to actually release previously classified documentation? The same IC actors who have generated these bogus “Russia hacked the election” claims. Congress is supposed to have oversight responsibility over the FBI. Congress subpoenas documents and the FBI slow walks them. When they’re eventually delivered everything is redacted. What’s Trump supposed to do – walk into the CIA, say “hey guys, show me where you keep Brennan’s notes about framing Carter Page. Also the Michael Hastings assassination order and Obama’s real passport data from 1981. Oh yeah, and where’s the copy machine?”

  Iska Waran
July 18, 2018 10:59 am

@ Iska,

It would force their hand and make them squirm like worms on black pavement at high noon.

However, perhaps the biggest downside for Trump would be the accusations of him interfering with forever-ongoing investigations like Mueller’s (i.e. obstruction).

July 18, 2018 1:05 pm

Also, as an addendum – it could be Trump wants to appear the victim going into the midterm elections. Or, stated another way, he may believe the “David versus the Deep State’s Goliath” optics will help him and the GOP in the upcoming elections. Or not.

July 18, 2018 8:14 am

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July 18, 2018 8:27 am

Indentured,I think the country needs a bigger bough!

Articles like this get my paranoid thinking up to speed a bit.Seems the Russians may have given Billary 400 million,really not sure of the whole story yet keep in mind it seems Obama gave Iran 400 million,coincidence?!

On a side note,my spell check does not recognize”Obama”,gonna take that as a good sign!

July 18, 2018 8:27 am

They murdered a president in full public view and got away with it scott-free. The many outrages since including those listed in this great piece are just as bold-faced and overt and only a fool would imagine some fucking ballot will stop them. If Trump doesn’t call them out boldly and forcefully for the world to see-he’s finished.

Schumer warns Trump: Intel officials ‘have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you’

July 18, 2018 8:50 am

If such an event happens to Trump and he has not declassified and released the information that would incriminate them then it will never be declassified, the public will never know it, and we (as a nation) will never know what really happened any more than we know what really happened to Kennedy and who took part in it or why.

IMO, hidden facts and information can only be a matter of speculation since they cannot be confirmed.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 18, 2018 9:57 am

They also murdered a Supreme Court justice so that they would have a 4-4 court that couldn’t overturn any lower court decisions about vote counting that might have arisen after a close vote in a swing state. The appellate courts that cover Pennsylvania and Michigan are dominated by democrat-appointed judges. They wanted to rule out another Bush v Gore situation. It turned out that Trump won too many electoral votes to overturn via a friendly court decision.

July 18, 2018 10:44 am

“They murdered a president….”
Who is “they”?

July 18, 2018 11:10 am

Eisenhower’s referenced “military industrial complex” and Kennedy’s referenced “secret societies” would be the first places I would look.

What’s funny is that I will have “friends” read this piece and call it the online blogging version of Oliver Stone’s JFK; just so they can maintain their daily sense of normalcy.

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 18, 2018 1:49 pm

Doug, you mean maintain their sense of normalcy bias… Chip

July 18, 2018 1:08 pm

“They” are the ones that covered it up.

July 18, 2018 1:20 pm

Marsh. You know damn well who “THEY” is.

July 18, 2018 7:12 pm

names, please?

Jack Hammer
Jack Hammer
July 18, 2018 8:58 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 18, 2018 9:11 pm

Start with Dick Cheney running the shadow gov from Site R. He and Rummy set this “Continuation of Government” protocol up over a long period, even when either was out of government, they still volunteered time to bring this plan along. COG was implemented on 9/11/01 and has not been de-activated.
And that’s just for starters.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 12:45 am

If Schumer’s comment didn’t get people questioning things, they’re not paying attention. JFK immediately sprang to my mind.

Martin brundlefly.. we need common sense liberal and negro control laws
Martin brundlefly.. we need common sense liberal and negro control laws
July 18, 2018 8:29 am

Why no special council investigating the clinton obama crimes? Why not start one? At least there exists evidence of actual crimes for all to see.


You gotta ask why?


“At least there exists evidence…”
What evidence? (please be specific, and remember allegation is not evidence)

July 18, 2018 11:24 am

There isn’t any hard evidence. There never is with professional hits. But there’s tons of evidence of a cover up-like the president’s brain that goes missing, the chain of evidence ignored, the death limo rushed back to Detroit to be swept of evidence and the wounding of James Tague. But not enough for company men like you.

Honest Buck
Honest Buck
July 18, 2018 1:08 pm


The FBI texts could point all the way to the top. That should warrant a special counsel?

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
July 18, 2018 2:18 pm

How about, for starters, refusal to hand over the subpoenaed server, phones, laptops, 30,000 plus e-mails? How about Cockbreath Comey allowing witnesses (Cheryl Mills etc.) to sit in on interrogations and act as defense counsel for Hillary Clinton? How about Mills and others being given immunity without testifying or providing any evidence pro or con? About the fuqueing FBI for Christ’s sake destroying the laptops used by Hitlary’s minions as well?
These are facts. The “allegations” will make your hair stand straight up as if this crap didn’t already.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Harrington Richardson
July 19, 2018 12:54 am

Harrington, not to mention no simultaneous raids on all suspect homes, offices, rented rooms, with guns drawn and suspects on the floor, hands behind backs, as the FBI sweep the entire premises of each location of all suspects. All suspects questioned on the spot, no delay, simultaneously, to see whose stories don’t match and who will snitch on the others. Didn’t see any of that, which is what would have happened to your or me, and happens daily to normal Americans.

And I’ve read that the lower-level FBI agent kept the Clinton clan laptops and didn’t destroy them as instructed since it went against all reason. Hope that’s true.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Harrington Richardson
July 19, 2018 12:56 am

Also, the NSA has the missing e-mails and all Hillary Clinton’s texts and e-mails stored on their massive servers. Trump only has to request them, if he knows to do so.

July 18, 2018 8:37 pm

@ SILLY MarshWabbit
If you visit George Webb’s YouTube channel open source investigation you wouldn’t be asking “who”, he provides plenty of names…

But, then again you might not want to spend the cognitive energy to learn yourself some perspective…it be complicated and all


“Why no special council investigating the clinton obama crimes?”

I take it you have not heard of John Huber? Far more powerful than any special counsel. No matter. He’ll become a household name soon enough.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 1:05 am

According to Roy Potter, who has dealt with Huber, he is not a go-getter type and doesn’t have the experience or expertise to handle the investigations into FBI/FISA/Clinton, etc. I’m not well informed about this guy, but I do know he was initially an Obama nominee who was later nominated for U.S. attorney by Trump. So I’m not expecting much from him. If I were Trump, I’d set up my own team to do the investigation.

July 18, 2018 8:41 am

Doug, I always like reading what you post. Mainly because you always include numerous links to online proofs of what you state.
In my book, that good habit substantiates claims or statements by an author.
Very much like when an author lists references and sources in the back of a book.
It strengthens ones viewpoints and makes them more believable than simply stating an opinion,
making it an informed opinion; making it more fact-like, in its nature.
Couple that with your good talent at framing a topic, and delivering it in an easy to read format.
So, kudos once again.

BB, I can understand your sentiments. It’s why some of us turn to scripture, in the attempt to search for solace, inspiration, hope, or some semblance of faith that in the end, good may displace evil, no?

If any of the Q blurbs are to have merit, one statement was that “we are at war”
Can this be doubted?
It is an information war of words and narratives, in the battle to influence the minds of the masses.
It is heating up, and the tactics used are vicious displays of the evil that many men are capable of, acting in concert, with blinders on and an unshakable belief in their cause.

One can only hope that if we emerge out the other side, as many people in history do after brutal wars, that the death and devastation witnessed may eventually be triumphed over, with the dawn of a new beginning. A new start. A new path for healthy growth.
The current outlook does not look promising.

As I’ve grown older, I’d like nothing more than to retreat to a quiet place, where the sun shines, the people are friendly and kind, and all the simple needs of life can be easily afforded and enjoyed, in peace and relative privacy.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t appear that anywhere in the U.S. will qualify, if current trends continue.
Best of Luck, to all the wise audience members of the platform who seek the same.

July 18, 2018 8:49 am

Not to mention pervo Anthony Weiner’s laptop. Why isn’t there an investigation/prosecution related to that?

July 18, 2018 8:53 am

Probably contains too much information that would come out that the prosecutors and investigators want kept secret for many differing reasons (all of which would probably be related to their own self interest).

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 1:11 am

T.C., they dismissed that within days, remember? All duplicate e-mails basically, they say. Which was proven in later testimony to be a lie. And due to their knowledge of the deep state, the NY Police supposedly kept their own copy of what was on that laptop and started making threats before the FBI would even look at it, only to dismiss it again. But based on early reporting, some of the content actually made NY police officers sick, literally, according to one officer who had kids. So what the hell was Weiner’s insurance policy? Must have been sicko stuff.

July 18, 2018 9:04 am

This is classic Sun Zhu Art of War maneuvering
With Trump flailing about like a wounded duck
And his enemies circling lips smacking and thinking
Now finally they can move in for kill and pounce

The best is Trump knows about all this
It is yet another troll being done by him
To flush out the Flakes and the Grahams
And their apparatchiks in the MSM

And while it seems to some that all is lost
Fear not for there are Patriots still about
One of them being William Binney
A man who has the evidence no doubt

While things now seem bleak and foreboding
There is an old saying its darkest before dawn
Trump promised a swamp needs draining
He knows where the skeletons have been all along

They are lurking in the Media of course.
Lest not forget the Clappers and the Brennans
Hopefully soon they will be in view full view
Hanging from a rope on the news at eleven

In the meantime the natives in jungles are getting restless…

For moar see below..

Yours in Odin,



Yeah I know this is from a few months ago but it does give a sense the the insanity of the claims being made by Meuller et al…


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 18, 2018 11:41 am

RiNS, I liked your comments on Stucky’s QOTD. I read the whole thread this morning.

Off topic but I thought you might find this interesting. (Or maybe it’s not off topic and the reason why there is so much insanity right now is the rise of neo-paganism?)


“Neopagans in Iceland Will Build the First Temple to Thor and Odin in 1000 Years”

  Mary Christine
July 18, 2018 12:23 pm

Thanks MC

Will have to put it on my bucket list to get to Iceland. That and my plan on going back to view the Stones at Callanish during Summer Solstice in year sometime soon. And yeah it could very well be that the rise now is connected with the insanity that is about. The world as we know it has lost respect for the Land, the People and most importantly for the Individual. Can it all be blamed on the Monotheistic Religions. Of course not! But some of it can. Why appeal to a Higher authority while at same time exhibiting such wanton regard those walking on this Earth.

So it is that my affinity with some key elements in Ásatrúarfélagið belief system is that it has as its bedrock a belief in individual responsibility which is, I think, an outgrowth from the fact that it is not a revealed religion.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Lord Odin – Ain’t he Great!

Anyways thanks for the kind words about what I wrote. I have been in a bit of a funk lately. Not sure why but I haven’t the need for much to say..



Taxation is Theft
Taxation is Theft
July 18, 2018 5:00 pm

I got that one off of my bucket list this summer–going to Iceland. I enjoyed it and spent about a week there to the southeast part of the island and due NW of Reykjavik, but the place is damn near overrun with tourist with the cheap flights in and out of there on WOW and Icelandair. The airport at KEF is a complete fucking joke, WAY beyond capacity. The airlines and hospitatlity industries there are parterned up with their government to drive up tourism and now it appears to be overrun worse than places like Yellowstone.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 1:51 am

Hey, RiNS, have you ever read the Bernard Cornwell Viking series? It features the English-born Uhtred, who becomes a dispossessed nobleman after his father is killed in the shield wall, but he’s taken in by Danes and grows up a Dane and goes Viking but eventually becomes a warrior for Alfred the Great, who Uhtred can’t stand because he thinks the king is weak. He also can’t understand why Christians worship their weak “nailed” god. Uhtred always wears his hammer (necklace) and keeps his sword close by so he can have it in hand when he dies so he can enter Valhalla and drink and winch with the rest of his dead friends.

Yes, it’s fiction, but it is actually based on the records of the author’s ancestors. And it’s full of sex, and blood and guts, and battles. And Uhtred is always torn between his oath to Alfred and his love of the Danes. It’s a fun read.

It’s called the “Saxon Chronicles,” and the first book is “The Last Kingdom.” If you want something interesting to read that’s not too, too serious, but grabs your attention and keeps it, this is a great series.
Here’s a link on Amazon to the first book:

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 2:05 am

Sorry to hear you’re in a funk lately, RiNS.

  Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 8:30 am

Maybe funk was the wrong word to use. I’m good in so many ways. Have for most part put the past in rear view. Look forward usually instead of behind. Probably why I am not that concerned about Trump’s fate. For he will always be the exclamation on the inflection point of this 4th turning. His wanton success or demise matters not in the Grand Scheme of things.

I haven’t read this book but everyone tells me that it is really good. I did meet the author one time in Pub in Mabou, Nova Scotia. He has since passed away…..

There is right now a blithe indifference, on my part, to the farce that is Donald Trump and the MIC. Most days I fill now with getting outside and into the Sun. In my defense I have been building steps to shore at the cottage. I might post a picture of my stairway to heaven. It is going to be quite a feat of engineering once done. The shore front drop is about 40 feet high and fairly steep.


Not a carpenter but so far so good. Even my Sister who is very hard to please likes what has been done.

Whether Trump is really in Command or just another Knight on a Horse leading the charge is really anyone’s guess here in Summer of 2018. So I know all that sounds kinda corny but as with most things it too shall pass.

Ten years from now and after this turning has concluded, what Trump is or has done will be of No Great Mischief. The reason being that those in charge behind the lines will have already set the chess pieces in motion. The outcome of which predetermined.

And like most people I just want to get on with things. Do things concrete and lasting for those around me. If we all focused moar on that and spent less time fretting about missteps in Helsinki things about would be better off. And so I have taken a page from Scrabble’s book.

So it is that even I have to admit that he is the smartest guy I have never met. That is over and above the fact that he thinks the earth is flat and we never went to the Moon…

I jest.

One thing is for sure. We didn’t go.
The only question left is what does we mean.
And whether the answer to that really matters.
That and the Sun still comes up in Morning.

Thanks for the suggestions. I might just pick one up. I have never used Amazon. I am a relic I guess. I will however head to local book shop and see if they can track a copy down.

So Cheers!

Will end with this…

This Gohmert fellow did a great job yesterday wading thru the bullshit…

In the meantime I have steps to build. Might post moar on that later.


July 19, 2018 9:26 am

Yeah, man…post pics when UR done.
I figure if Maggie posted pics of what Nick’s done in the Ozarks, then
your workmanship is worthy of display to those of us with interest.
You’re right on track…like her, and HSF…getting on w/ life, and checking in less
frequently, but your two loonies on topics periodically always piques the interest of buds.
{Two cents is so outdated, courtesy of inflation, via the banksters.}
Be careful walking down steep steps,
especially after recent consumption of a long neck or four.
Don’t want you going MIA for extended time, due to a mishap.
Consider installing a zip line, lol.

Peace to you, friend.

July 19, 2018 9:52 am

Thanks Man! If I stumble I will make sure its head first. Should not be that hard to do as that is something I have done my fair share of.. now I am cutting work and will head for shore. Might have a picture or two at end of day..



Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 19, 2018 11:41 am

R, balance between living life and paying attention to what is going on is very important.

Please do post pics of your steps.

I am going to paint a couple of the 8 early american dining chairs I am working on. Got an entire dining set for $75 at an estate sale. The chairs are quite beat up after a family of six plus grandkids had used them but still sturdy. The tabletop is in very good shape but the base is also beat up. Very nice well made furniture but the chairs have the spindles and it’s a bit time consuming but very satisfying. Then I am going swimming.

Summer doesn’t last forever, unfortunately.

July 19, 2018 3:00 pm

@ Rins
+1000 ?

Rins said,
“And like most people I just want to get on with things. Do things concrete and lasting for those around me. If we all focused moar on that and spent less time fretting about missteps in Helsinki things about would be better off”

I 100% agree….so much suffering can be seen st every turn in public and my family’s life…
Inspiring words, thank you

July 19, 2018 8:51 pm

Well I finished the steps. Now I can walk to beach instead of sliding down a hill. To give sense of scale bottom step is eight feet long. The platform is eleven and steps above are 24 feet. And the best part is nobody is clipping toenails and getting in my way.

I was sitting at my computer at work this am and decided to bug out. It was a great day to be outside. I do look forward to weekend. It will be nice to see all my family using what I created.

That perspective kinda puts things in a better light.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 10:27 pm

I’m looking forward to the pictures, RiNS.

  Vixen Vic
July 20, 2018 6:01 am

Will post more.

The whole narrative has been effort to immobilize the Public. Let everyone for and against Trump spin in the dirt like a dog chasing its tail.

Read this am a great piece via disobedent media…

Kinda sums my mood these days..


  Vixen Vic
July 20, 2018 6:54 am

Beautiful work. That must have been some time planning.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 1:17 am

Good write up, RiNS.

  Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 9:03 pm

Hey Vixen I ordered the book. Look forward to reading it. Have place picked out to read it as well.



Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 10:35 pm

That’s great. I think you’ll enjoy it. The books are well written. The first book is a little show at first but it picks up quickly and gets better, and with each book in the series, it gets even better.

* If this comment appears twice it’s because my first attempt disappeared.

July 20, 2018 8:33 am

Glad I caught this, on Friday morning. Nice work, brother. Hope you sank the supporting posts deep, and erosion can be prevented. Stain or clear coated, to protect from Ma Nature? I hope. Wouldn’t want your labor to go south with time. May it last a long time for you and your fam to enjoy.
Have a great weekend, Rob.

July 20, 2018 9:01 am

The steps are actually anchored with rebar driven into ground. I used that cuz it was free! Not to worried about supporting posts as, believe it or not, the entire enterprise will have to be disassembled and hauled up to drier land this fall for storage. If I left it in place over winter it would be either swept away or crushed by the ice when winter sets in. There is an allegory in all that that pertains to the current fiasco that is the manufactured reality that is being force fed to us by MIC.

Thanks for the nice words! I am not too worried about the time spent doing this as most of it was spent working with my Son and Nephew.

I can always find time to build another set especially if at some point again I can teach the next generation that they too can do stuff like this for themselves…

I built this whole thing for about 500 bucks. If I had hired someone to do it it would cost that by some exponent. Things are affordable when you can do it yourself…


July 20, 2018 9:35 am

Wow. So, much like boat dock removal & storage, before winter comes calling.
‘t’sallright…physical labor does a man good.

I like, and practice, too, the noble sentiment of passing along knowledge and skills to the yutes.
I try to do that with words and actions to young adults I interact with at work, and in family social settings.
Pay it forward, right?
Later, bud.
Back on my hampster wheel, to earn an income. Work’s calling.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 20, 2018 10:50 am

I took “before” pictures of the chairs but you can’t really see how beat up they are. I’ll see how it looks when they are done.

I think we should use that “cat chasing a laser” analogy. It’s perfect. I think that’s what is going on with the Podesta immunity.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 20, 2018 10:32 am

“Things are affordable when you can do it yourself…”

Absolutely, plus the time with your son and nephew is priceless.

I got an estimate to have someone paint my dining set for me. $1800.00 and I didn’t transpose any numbers or add zeros. After getting into the project, I can almost understand how she can justify it.

I read the article you linked at Disobedient Media.

We are indeed like cats chasing the establishment’s laser pointer all over the wall of the Russia distraction.

Please post more pics, and also a view of the sea. I love the sea, landlocked here in the mid-west makes it even more enticing.

July 18, 2018 9:47 am

What do you think the percentages are, TBPers?

Trump supporters _____%
Trump haters _____%
Don’t care_____%

Therein is our immediate future, although I persist in my belief that the military will be the final arbiter of this conflict. I suspect that is the main reason the Swamp creatures have so far not touched any of the Trumps.

July 18, 2018 10:14 am

A guess only, Gayle.
Supporters: 25%
Haters: 35%
Don’t Care anymore: 40% but,
of these, I’d say 80% of the Don’t Cares actually think Trump is doing a mildly decent job, in the face of strong opposition / enemies.
Most of them are so wrapped up in trying to live life, and are sick of the info wars and headline / crisis du jour, they just don’t delve anymore into policical / social news or research.
-Trying to find fun things to experience, vs. the orchestrated drama that’s constantly bombarding us.

The other 20% of Don’t Cares I’d guess are Haters who just don’t bog down or get too active about it.
They, too, are just choosing to enjoy their life, without the drama overwhelming their plans.

The Supporters are aware of the truths, but not too vocal about it.
The Haters only see their version of events, and can’t STFU.

I believe you are right, Gayle, in that the military will play a role in how things shake out.
But, how does that jive with the MIC, and it’s cast of nefarious characters?
Interesting times, and worrisome, both.

July 18, 2018 11:36 am

@ Gayle & LaGeR,

Based on that recent survey that I posted (where TBP lurkers and regular commenters could anonymously upvote or downvote a Q video) – I would guesstimate the breakdown as follows:

60% Trump supporters
40% Either dislike Trump, remain on the fence, or don’t care

July 18, 2018 11:39 am

That was not a scientific pole and somebody fudged the numbers. Nice try UN.

July 18, 2018 1:13 pm

@ BL,

How could one fudge the numbers?

Informal Quick Poll: Future Proving Past Reality? – or – Bullshit Hope Porn?

168 upvotes vs. 12o downvoters (0r roughly 58% to 42%)

Maybe some people voted more than once?

Regardless, I will concede an “Informal Quick Poll” does not a purely scientific sampling make.

July 18, 2018 1:23 pm

OMFG- Like nobody ever tampered with the uppers /down thumbs around here, that is a joke right?

July 18, 2018 1:25 pm

Anyone who can change their IP address can vote multiple times. I did get the impression the Q-tippers used devious means to change the vote. They were way behind at one point.

July 18, 2018 1:30 pm

I also got the distinct impression that major vote manipulation was afoot but let it slide until today. Jeebus knows your cheating behinds and what you been doin’. Own it Q-Tippers.

July 18, 2018 3:39 pm

If that is the case, then the results are certainly specious. I actually appreciated the honesty of Robert Gore’s take on that thread. He said he didn’t vote because he didn’t “pretend to know”.

I had a “friend” vote both up and down on different systems for the same reason, but still wanting to participate.

What I would find most interesting though would be the following:

– The number of unique visitors on the thread

– The number of times the video was viewed

By my rough calculations as a seasoned surfer but amateur blogger, I would speculate normal participation (i.e. commenting, e-mailing, viewing) rates of any given post to be under 1% of the unique visitor count. If that post reflected higher than that, than it could indicate greater enthusiasm for the topic, multiple-voting, or both.

I almost e-mailed admin for those numbers, but later forgot, and it doesn’t matter now. The poll served my “processing purposes” regardless of its accuracy and it generated some fine commentary and discussion.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 2:18 am

Sorry I didn’t get a chance to participate in the poll. Must have missed that day of reading. I would have voted as a Trump supporter, just for the record.

July 18, 2018 12:28 pm

Gayle – That requires a mere guess on the part of the commenters, not a very reliable sampling.
Each person would have to make a statement in a separate post stating which way they lean and that can’t be trused either because people like Stucky and myself have numerous characters who would vote giving more votes than would be kosher. 🙂 Sorry.

July 18, 2018 5:31 pm

Edit: Gayle not Gay

It is difficult to estimate at all because the media incessantly broadcast the views, antics, and commentary of the Left, who are noisier to begin with. If you just watch the mainstream for your truth, you would assume there are few conservatives around, and they are just deplorable fascists and Nazis. I have a difficult time figuring out the numerical dividing line, but enthusiastic aftendance at Trump’s rallies and his stabilizing approval rate indicate to me that things are right around 50/50. Should be an interesting election to keep things boiling from now until November.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 2:24 am

Actually, Gay, based on the “real” attendance at Hillary Clinton rallies, which was enhanced with CGI showing duplicate people, in the last election, I would estimate 70 percent deplorables compared to 30 percent idiots. Just look at the voting maps showing the red and blue votes. Except for large cities, the Reds won. And I mean deplorable reds, not the Commies.

July 18, 2018 9:16 pm

Here’s my vote, Gayle:
Trump supporters 50%
Trump haters 20%
Don’t care 30%

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 2:15 am

Gayle, in the past, I always thought Trump was too arrogant to bother listening to. I can’t stand people with enormous egos. I didn’t even vote, and won’t until we have paper ballots that I can watch being counted because I don’t trust the current system. But I definitely felt we would be better off with Trump because Hillary is a crooked, evil *itch.
That said, the more I see of Trump in office, the more I like him. Being an arrogant ass in private life is one thing. Being an arrogant ass as president is a requirement. The man has balls. And you have to have enormous self confidence in that job. I support him 95 percent so far. (Syria bombings were a huge drawback, as was “take the guns and worry about the law later.”) I’m hoping Putin really did give Trump 160 terabytes of data on all the evil bad actors, which included some in the military, by the way. Putin and Trump – dream team.

July 18, 2018 10:36 am

When the Govt. is paralized the Bolsheviks will strike.

July 18, 2018 11:43 am

Thank God Q anons are on the job.

July 18, 2018 4:20 pm

Hey BL,
There are some that didn’t get how I compared the fucking anons with old Q- blah- blah- ist rabbis of old. Just look at the happy horseshit T4C posted.

Death to q and the anons

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 2:28 am

I read a comment on another site that says Q stopped posting on July 4th. Is that correct?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 11:33 am

VV, you must work days or something. Roy has a new video out today. I still have to listen to. You are right about Huber, he doesn’t trust him at all. The Q thing seems to have started a war between anti-Q and pro-Q people. It’s quite weird to watch.

  Mary Christine
July 19, 2018 2:17 pm

Good grief.. I meant night’s. I have transpositionitis. I may say left when I mean right and so on.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 10:48 pm

Another comment disappeared.
I work days but many days I have to late at night and that’s why it’s late when I post comments.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 2:31 am

Be on your ready, people. The Bolsheviks walked right into the Russian palace and took it over and nobody challenged them. I hope it’s true Trump has his own security team besides the Secret Service. After JFK, I don’t trust the Secret Service, who backed off on their security duties that day by not riding on the car with the president. If ever around Trump and you see that, draw gun and fire.

July 18, 2018 10:58 am

Thanks to all of your work on this article. Sadly, Trump seems to have capitulated to the D.State, agreeing with them that there was Russian meddling, only two days after stating the opposite. Something very strange is going on. Could it have anything to do with Russia’s sale of US securities yesterday? It could be one of many things-but it all seems so dark and sinister. Did they threaten Trump, or did he merely back down to the media?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 18, 2018 11:29 am

He backed down because too many establishment Republicans proved unwilling to admit that the intelligence community is completely corrupt. The only good news is that Trump knows they’re totally full of shit, even though he’s decided to pretend they’re not. He understands the CIA Umbrage capability. He’s riding a fucking tiger, that’s for sure.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Iska Waran
July 19, 2018 2:33 am

Your comment was spot on, Iska.

July 18, 2018 11:41 am

@ FM,

Unless I’m mistaken, the sale of the securities were from a while ago at the dawn of the trade wars? Or, in other words, prior to Trump’s meet with Putin.

I tend to think Trump plays the politician when necessary; kind of like signing that EO to put kids back with their families at the border. He lets the other side vent and look foolish and then concedes to their views thus taking the steam out of the opposition.

Methinks he does this primarily to play to the independent voters.

Only time will tell how that works out for him.

EDIT: And what Iska said above

July 18, 2018 1:18 pm

Found it. Sanctions, I meant, not trade wars:


….it was Vladimir Putin who liquidated a whopping half of Russia’s Treasury holdings, which declined by $47.4BN to just $48.7BN – the lowest since 2008 – from $96BN in March.

But wait, it gets better, because as Trump continued to jawbone about more sanctions targeting Russia, Putin did not stop and in May he continued what was an outright liquidation of Russia’s TSY holdings, which plunged by another $40BN, or 82%, from $48.7BN to just $9BN in May. Keep in mind this was over $100BN at the start of the year.

It appears that When Putin warned he would diversify Russia’s state reserves -out of Treasurys – he was serious.

July 18, 2018 3:09 pm

they are still at it, dumping your fake money is a national security deal in Russia:)

Grizzly Bare
Grizzly Bare
July 18, 2018 11:01 am
Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 18, 2018 11:34 am

It does feel like the Twilight Zone.

FM said :
“Something very strange is going on. Could it have anything to do with Russia’s sale of US securities yesterday? It could be one of many things-but it all seems so dark and sinister. Did they threaten Trump, or did he merely back down to the media?”

That’s what I was thinking, as well.

I don’t pay much attention to Oathkeepers and I’m never really sure what to think of them but this is from their website. It was brought to my attention when he was interviewed on Hagmann and Hagmann the a couple days ago. Bracken was supposed to be on with him which is why I listened but Bracken unable to make it and had to cancel at the last minute.


“The NEA just held their national convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 30-July 5, 2018, and adopted the following resolution:

New I. White Supremacy Culture

14 The National Education Association believes that, in order to achieve racial and social justice, educators must

15 acknowledge the existence of White supremacy culture as a primary root cause of institutional racism, structural

16 racism, and White privilege. Additionally, the Association believes that the norms, standards, and organizational

17 structures manifested in White supremacy culture perpetually exploit and oppress people of color and serve as

18 detriments to racial justice. Further, the invisible racial benefits of White privilege, which are automatically

19 conferred irrespective of wealth, gender, and other factors, severely limit opportunities for people of color and

20 impede full achievement of racial and social justice. Therefore, the Association will actively advocate for social

21 and educational strategies fostering the eradication of institutional racism and White privilege perpetuated by

22 White supremacy culture. (2018)”

So they are going to further politicize the students. David Hogg spoke at the convention. I hope it backfires on them.

This is up now over at WRSA


“Even if you’ve read it before, read it again.

Especially you boys and girls in the fusion centers.

Suggest passing a full copy upwards to your kommissars.

Understand that once the Reds go hot, there will be no escape for anyone identified as a Communist or Communist supporter.

No matter the title.

No matter whether local, state, Federal, or NGO.

No matter what costume.

And there will be no effective way to turn it off.

Traditional Americans understand the existential nature of the coming conflict.

Do you?”

Again, why would Trump “correct” what he said about accepting whatever conclusions the intelligence community makes about the so called Russian meddling? Either he has something up his sleeve or something even more sinister is going on.

  Mary Christine
July 18, 2018 5:38 pm

There’s Gay again. I’m not Gay!

I have a crazy idea that Trump and Putin recognize they are allies against globalism, but they have to continue to play adversarial roles while working with each other behind the scenes. Tricky to say the least.

July 18, 2018 9:02 pm

@ Gayle

To some extent they are.

But the people above them are playing both sides because either way they still win….different roads to the same destination…
And when the faux global kumbiah moment happens after much bloodshed, (you think Robespierre was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet!) most will demand peace and any of us like myself who point out the faux peace and that it was a set up Will be persecuted and become public enemy numero uno

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Mary Christine
July 19, 2018 2:38 am

Glad I live in South Carolina, which doesn’t tolerate public unions.

David Erickson
David Erickson
July 18, 2018 1:01 pm

I don’t understand why more people aren’t discussing the option of secession. That is preferable to a civil war (assuming of course that a civil war doesn’t result from that secession, as happened last time). If the normals split off from the leftists, we could get sanity in our own (new) country and let the leftists commit their own cultural and economic suicide without affecting us much. If we don’t secede, they are probably going to end up committing cultural and economic suicide of the entire country, which will obviously take us down with them.
For a good description of what a possible secession would look like see

  David Erickson
July 18, 2018 1:13 pm

@ David

Don’t you think a secession movement would lead to a civil war?

Igor Panarin, yes, Russian economist…warned of the potential for the U.S. to break up regionally and become “Balkanized” like aspects of the old Soviet Union in which many have been coerced into becoming NATO members hahaha

Igor Panarin (3 minute video)

David Erickson
David Erickson
July 18, 2018 2:49 pm

Secession could lead to a civil war (as happened last time), but we are on a path toward almost certain civil war and/or complete destruction of the country by the crazed leftists and Deep State anyway, so we don’t really have anything to lose by seceding, and a lot to gain.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  David Erickson
July 19, 2018 2:45 am

Successions is exactly why the American War Between the States happened. If you read Lincoln, you will see the war started to keep the country together. No other reason, regardless of what either side said. The North provoked the war for that reason. After that, states’ rights disappeared and states were put in their place, “You’re not allowed to leave the union,” though all founders believed the states, which were individual countries in their own right, were in a voluntary union. Instead of the united states of America we became the United States of America. Big difference.

Nathan Bedford Quantrell
Nathan Bedford Quantrell
  Vixen Vic
July 20, 2018 8:02 pm

We went from These United States, plural, to The United States, singular. We went from a confederation of small states, banded together for mutual protection, under the Articles of Confederation to one larger country. Substituting the Constitution for the Articles of Confederation was the first step in a process; Lincoln’s homicidal was was one of the last steps. Degradation, plundering, and demonization of the South and its culture after the war was another step in the process. The process is still ongoing.

Lincoln was not an independent entity. He was put in place by a group of people whose future access to greater wealth and power was dependent on the United States remaining intact and growing into a great empire. That wealth and power that cabal gained was at least 2 orders of magnitude greater than what any members of our species had previously held. But, as far as we know, all of them eventually die, and what do they have then?

The same process is underway in Europe. The EU was sold as a confederation of independent states, but it is fast moving toward being one country, and is already under one set of rules. Once a central European army has been created, the bureaucrats will have the tool to crush any member state who tried to leave.

July 18, 2018 1:10 pm


Excellent summary of the criminal shenanigans going on at the Federal level.

You wrote,
“Mueller was also former president Obama’s director of the FBI when the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation received $145 million in Uranium One payments for selling twenty-percent of America’s uranium deposits to Russia.”

Did you ALL see this headline from Zerohedge?

An excerpt from the link:

As Bloomberg and others previewed yesterday, on Wednesday morning the Trump administration announced it has launched a probe whether uranium imports threaten national security, a move which may result in tariffs on the metal.

According to the Commerce Department, the probe will determine “whether the present quantity and circumstances of uranium ore and product imports into the U.S. threaten to impair the national security.” The probe will cover the entire uranium sector, from the mining industry to enrichment, defense and industrial consumption.

In a letter to Defense Secretary James Mattis, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said the Department of Defense will be consulted about national defense requirements for uranium, Bloomberg reported.

The probe was initiated when US uranium producers Energy Fuels Inc. and Ur-Energy Inc. filed a petition in January asking the Commerce Department to investigate the matter under Section 232 of the 1962 Trade Expansion Act; this is the same provision the president used to slap tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.

U.S. industry participants want the government to shield them from competition from state-owned companies in countries including Russia and Kazakhstan. The problem is that any stumbling blocks to uranium imports could have a drastic impact on various downstream industries: U.S. production of uranium necessary for military and electric power has dropped to just 5% of domestic consumption, from 49 percent, said Ross.

A uranium investigation would add to further trade tensions which the IMF, and Wall Street, believe represent the biggest “tail risk” risk to the global economy. And, as Bloomberg adds, “imposing uranium duties would deal another blow to nuclear power plants already struggling with low electricity prices and flat demand.”

July 18, 2018 3:25 pm

I forgot to mention George Webb’s research on the uranium smuggling going through our gov’t apparatus, private corporations and foreign entitites…

Uranium one for dummies like me

If you’ve followed George Webb for any amount of time you will get that sureal, Alice in Wonderland feeling for sure…
Things he researches in depth usually are presented in the MSM from some incomplete angle.
It’s truly mind boggling how complex the criminality entrenched in our governmental and military apparatuses really are.

I started following his videos during the Eric Braverman series well before Q even existed!

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
July 18, 2018 3:14 pm

Russiagate unraveled when the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity performed an analysis of the metadata conncected with the allegedly “hacked” DNC server and proved that the server could not have been “hacked” via the internet. The download speed was far too fast, it could have only been directly downloaded on site to something like a thumb drive. It was an inside job, which is why the Seth Rich suspiciouns won’t go away. Like Jenga blocks, pull the “hack” out of the Russiagate narrative and it all falls down. Watch this interview with William Binney, former technical director of the NSA.

Good summary, Doug. I’ll post it tonight.

  Robert Gore
July 18, 2018 3:46 pm

Thanks, Robert. Your ears must have been ringing. I was just referring to you in a comment above

ursel doran
ursel doran
July 18, 2018 4:03 pm

Most EXCELLENT work as usual sir.
This article on the counter to the MSM orchestrated manipulated contrived shoving propaganda is at least a faint hope for the future if the assertions are indeed true.

billy bob burbon
billy bob burbon
July 18, 2018 4:17 pm

Mench, as my Oma used to say.

I love what Trump is doing to the Globalists.
It is obvious that they refused him a membership card, even though he could afford the club dues, so he said :”fuck them”

Imagine how you would behave, if you were elected president, and they still pissed on your shoulder and called it rain, you would behave exactly like Trump is behaving.

Every chance he gets to turn these chumps against each other, and then let the chips fall, is is plan. He is a master manipulator, and the elite are furrowing there collective brows, unable to counter to his jabs, as most of the elite remain hidden from view.

This is the sweetest form of irony for us little people, to what a whole power structure unravel, as they scurry from the light.

4 more years,
4 more years,
down with the deep state,
down with the DOJ
down with the FBI
down with the Rats
4 more years.

  billy bob burbon
July 18, 2018 4:50 pm

If it’s true that life is just a continuation of high school, then “Caddyshack” was like Trump’s first online post-graduate degree:

Ivar Malmström
Ivar Malmström
  billy bob burbon
July 18, 2018 8:51 pm

Mensch, Your Oma is from Germany? Here, we pray for Donald Trump.

July 18, 2018 8:15 pm
Ivar Malmström
Ivar Malmström
July 18, 2018 8:45 pm

“Why should Trump give any credence to the intelligence agencies who first tried to prevent, and later subvert, his presidency?”
Why should Americans give any credence to them? They subvert Your President. The best President you ever have had.

  Ivar Malmström
July 18, 2018 9:07 pm

The best president we ever had?
I’m rather fond of Andrew Jackson myself…was able to KILL THE BANK of the UNITED STATES and fucked the banksters’plans for awhile anyways

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 2:56 am

As Jackson shuffled the Native Americans to the West, my ancestors, who hid in the mountains and escaped the death march, all over gold found on their land. I like Thomas Jefferson, but he also has points I don’t like. Every president has their good points and their bad points, some more than others.
My favorite president? William Henry Harrison. He died 31 days after taking office and before he could do any damage.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 3:28 am

Uncola, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this article. I think it’s one of your best. You really pieced together the the sequence of illegal events, some of the suspects of what they did. Great job.

  Vixen Vic
July 19, 2018 10:08 am

Thanks Vic. I see it hit SHTFplan.com & Zero Hedge yesterday plus Steve Quayle’s site today as a “must read”. Even so, the Black Hat’s will always have a bigger bullhorn:


From the article:

Trump has now pulled off the improbable: He makes Hillary Clinton and her husband Bill look like ethical exemplars, compared with the corruption endemic in Trump’s administration.

The Clintons? “Ethical exemplars”? Really?


Mary Christine
Mary Christine
July 19, 2018 11:30 am

I’m not going to waste my time reading a yahoo article. But I was just wondering if they compiled a list of any evidence of so called corruption in the Trump administration?

If so, I am guessing it wouldn’t hold a candle to your list in this article about deep state corruption.

  Mary Christine
July 19, 2018 11:51 am

I hear ya MC. However, Yahoo is a major online platform and its articles are frequently disseminated on multiple link aggregators, including Drudge. What makes them particularly insidious though, is Yahoo’s (and similar platform’s) monopolistic access to mobile devices – and therefore the impressible minds of low IQ snowflakes who look no further for contravening information.

Advertising works.

It’s how lies travel the world twice while the truth ties its shoes.

Ben Dare
Ben Dare
July 19, 2018 11:56 am
  Ben Dare
July 19, 2018 12:27 pm

During a Q&A with CNN’s Lester Holt at the Aspen Security Forum, FBI Chief Christopher Wray said:

I do not believe Special Counsel Mueller is on a witch hunt. I think it is a professional investigation conducted by a man I’ve known to be a straight shooter.

July 19, 2018 12:02 pm

Until Trump starts channeling Lincoln, imprisioning reporters, suspending habeus corpus, shutting down media outlets, etc. I must assume we are simply watching from a distance.

July 19, 2018 12:03 pm

Yes, trump’s main problem all along, like Iksa said, was that most of his own party are worse enemies than the Demoncrats. It’s a uniparty, all else is subterfuge and deception. Trump is really an Independant, something like Ross Perot on steroids.

Without any support from his own “party” at the onset, I don’t think Trump can pull this thing off. Not surprised if he gets the hell out of there in 2 years. He’s accomplished much already, the greatest of which is shining light on these Swamp Critters and their functions. Draining the Swamp, I think is impossible without a LOT more help from the inside. All we can do is pray for him, and hope for the best. He may be looking for a way out of this mess as we speak.

What do you all think he will do in 2 years…stay or go? I guess the only hope IS what “Q” is preaching…some kind of a mass purging of his enemies…don’t know what to expect from that one.

July 19, 2018 3:11 pm

Keep stirring that pot POTUS!!

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July 19, 2018 5:59 pm

Hey everyone, this is slightly off-topic, but I have no idea where else to deposit it.
Recently, someone else here (My mind says Southern Sage, but I’ve been deranged in the past ) brought up the Spanish Civil War. I wish SS had gone more into detail about the history of the Civil War.
PLEASE NOTE- Our so-called “Civil War” pales in comparison. Don’t ever call the War of Northern Aggression a civil war again. When you read about the one town where the Communists threw 800 preachers, conservatives, and middle class people down a well one at a time and cheered, that’s a Civil War. These are 2 very different animals!

I found a good book about it, The Spanish Civil War, by Hugh Thomas. He’s fairly objective, too, unlike most of the authors, who seem to be straight-up Communist, like Paul Preston. Thomas was early enough to interview many of the actual participants in the war-direct sources are awesome sources. Thomas is also writing in 1961, fairly early compared to the Johnny Come Lately Marxists who write about the war now, and early enough to predate most of the liberal bullshit that bloomed after 1964.

So I’m only about 1/3rd through the book, but it is painfully obvious as I go how close that period is to our own today. Really. They suffered from a massive and growing chasm between left and right. The Left was ascendant then, too, and demonized the right. They also used violence freely against the right, including assassinating their politicians, which led to the right wing uprising. And they weaponized government against the right.

I won’t burden you further with the details, but SS was right and you need to start reading up on this period. I think if you can stand reading history books, you should get this particular one. It seems to treat both sides fairly. It was explosive enough in 1961 Franco’s Spain banned it, but it doesn’t put the Communists in a good light, either.

July 19, 2018 7:26 pm

@ Gilbert – I always enjoy your comments. Given your keen insights and command of the written word(s), you should consider writing such a piece and tie it into current events. Just a thought?

July 19, 2018 11:02 pm

Hey, thank you very much. Have a good evening.

July 20, 2018 8:26 pm

“They” all need a big injection of fentanyl and deep dirt bath.