New Fissure Near Yellowstone Supervolcano Causes Teton National Park Closure

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

A 100-foot-long fissure near the Yellowstone supervolcano has prompted the closure of parts of Teton National Park. Coupled with the Steamboat geyser’s newly active status, fears of an eruption at the Yellowstone caldera are increasing.

Teton National Park has issued a statement regarding the newly opened up fissure, according to WoodTV.

“The Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point areas are currently closed due to elevated potential for rockfall. The area was closed to protect human safety on July 10 after expanding cracks in a rock buttress were detected.  It is unknown how long the closure will be in effect. Geologists are monitoring the buttress for movement and have initiated a risk assessment for the area.”

Although scientists continue to tell the public the possibility of a major eruption is incredibly small, they also believe it’s worth the effort to constantly monitor the area. 

Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point are both closed and both are located in the popular Jenny Lake area. They are among the park’s busiest attractions. Other Jenny Lake attractions, including the ferry, remain open.  There is no estimate on when these locations could reopen.

“We’re really going to need a few more days of data to make a solid determination if the rock is still moving,” park spokesman Andrew White said Friday according to Strange Sounds. Following data collection, park rangers will conduct a “risk assessment” to determine if the area can be reopened, he said.

The huge fissure on the buttress above Hidden Falls was discovered by Exum Mountain Guides on July 9  while training guided climbers for Teton ascents. By the next morning the gap had widened, so the closure followed citing a potentially dangerous “rockfall.” But a report from July 3 stated that Yellowstone’s magma chamber is “more powerful” than scientists had previously known.

Using a new way to track heat flow under the park, researchers now estimate Yellowstone’s magma chamber could be recharging from deep within the Earth twice as fast as previously thought. But there’s still no cause for alarm, even though all this news comes as the largest geyser in Yellowstone, the Steamboat geyser, becomes more active. It has now erupted for the eleventh time.

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July 18, 2018 7:27 am

Wow! That is some Grade AAA+ propaganda right there!

I don’t think Mac Slavo wrote that either. Some assclown named Bill Steffen shat that story out I think.

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July 18, 2018 12:41 pm

Was there a point to your comment? As far as I can tell, the story is factual.

July 18, 2018 3:11 pm

For starters, referring to a crack in a rock face as a “fissure” is a clear attempt at fearmongering. In modern day news the word fissure refers almost exclusively to “volcanic” fissures. (see Hawaii of late)

The issue in Grand Teton Nat. Park is a crack in a rock face or “buttress” on a popular climbing route that poses the risk of a “rockfall”. That is “factual”. All of the rest of the story is about the completely unassociated Yellowstone supervolcano which is intended to sow fear of an eruption instead of “inform” about the actual issue which is a potential “rockfall”. More of the article is dedicated to Yellowstone than the real issue in Grand Teton.

To top it off, EVERY photo in the article is of Yellowstone. WTF? Why not a photo of the equally beautiful Hidden Falls or a photo of Grand Teton Nat. Park or a photo of the “crack” in the rock itself? That is the point of the article right?

Look at the paragraph below and ask what exactly is the purpose of the last sentence?:
“The huge fissure on the buttress above Hidden Falls was discovered by Exum Mountain Guides on July 9 while training guided climbers for Teton ascents. By the next morning the gap had widened, so the closure followed citing a potentially dangerous “rockfall.” But a report from July 3 stated that Yellowstone’s magma chamber is “more powerful” than scientists had previously known.”

If you can’t see the BS and extreme hyperbole (my point), I can’t help you AND you might be a sheep.

July 18, 2018 3:18 pm

I/S – Could be that the more than 200 earthquakes in Yellowstone are the cause of the problem. Massive earthquake activity is expected prior to volcanic eruption, along with a rising of the dome over the caldera.

July 18, 2018 4:30 pm

And a butterfly in Africa flapped its wings.

[imgcomment image?a425532[/img]

July 18, 2018 9:58 pm

I/S Nice, the only thing that flapped was your gums while missing my point. I WAS basically agreeing with you, that a crack in the rock cliff was/could be caused by the 200 earthquakes in the area in recent days. Also, the lifting of the dome could be the cause.

So, why don’t you just make yourself more clear as to why you needed that snide reply?
Yes, they were misleading that the crack in the rock face was a fissure/vent.

July 18, 2018 11:23 pm

From my 3:11pm post:
“If you can’t see the BS and extreme hyperbole (my point), I can’t help you AND you might be a sheep.”

I apologize BL. Allow me to shorten and simplify my response:


That should clear things up.

July 18, 2018 11:55 pm

I/S- The Yellowstone caldera is 1500 square miles in size, that could very well cause the cracking in rock formations in that area due to the above mentioned.

Granted some experts say it is nothing to worry about, which may or may not be true. What exactly is/was your point? Are you a vulcanologist , noted expert on Yellowstone ?

July 19, 2018 12:26 am

Obviously I don’t speak for I/S, but it seems his point was that the story is manufacturing fear and hype.

As for worrying, that’s about as productive as worrying about an asteroid strike, or non-existent chemtrails.

July 19, 2018 12:28 am


July 19, 2018 12:34 am

Yay! An all-expenses-paid trip to Spokanistan?

July 19, 2018 12:46 am

Yes, I got that but that is what sells papers, the hyped headline. Just yesterday there was one about scientist found a trillion tons of diamonds underground, you start reading to find that they are a hundred miles straight down…..good luck with that but the headline grabbed your attention. That technique is old as the hills but effective.

July 19, 2018 12:51 am

RDawg, not Spokanistan……lovely Cheney, WA. I’m told it’s the only hole above ground in eastern, WA.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
July 18, 2018 7:42 am

The ever present “THEY” will study , measure , compile data in a very intellectual process in pursuit of some conclusion . The process is probably equal to a Washington DC think tank with one thumb up their collective asses and the other in their collective mouths and on command “THEY” switch and wonder where that shit taste came from .
I asked this local alcoholic bumming change what he thought of the Yellowstone Volcano . His response was quick and to the point “ sooner or later dat mutha fucka gonna blow” . I gave him $5 bucks since his prediction is just about the same as what the experts have ultimately concluded at a much greater expense !

Bob P
Bob P
July 18, 2018 7:43 am

I wonder how CNBC will make this Donald Trump’s fault?

  Bob P
July 18, 2018 10:51 am

Clearly, they will tie it to global warming and the fact that Trump is pro-big oil because he had Tillerson in his cabinet will mean it will be Trump’s fault. If Yellowstone blows during Trump’s term it will be nothing short of treason…..just ask Comey, Brennan and all the rest of the Clinton felony squad.

July 18, 2018 7:44 am

Indent Service , I’ve been wondering about you .I know you are a ” space freaking ” Star Wars fan so if you would be so kind as to go ” Testing the Globe .com ” it would make me very happy. NASA is one of the agencies build on lies. We never went to the moon. The earth is not rotating around the sun . Outer space does not exist. Rockets do not go into space .The space shuttle / space station is not what we are told .It’s all lies. Everything you have ever learned about the universe is a lie. Now do your own research.

Martin brundlefly.. we need stinkin badges
Martin brundlefly.. we need stinkin badges
July 18, 2018 8:13 am

All planets are a sphere. Except the flat yet hollow earth and space sphere moon.


Martin- The yin and yang symbol depicts the curved eliptical movement of the sun and the moon in our sky bringing light and dark. The ancients knew this….what happened?

July 18, 2018 4:00 pm

we fucked up and allowed governments to controle the world is my best guess…

July 18, 2018 5:06 pm

BB, another book that would interest you is “Who built the Moon”. I found it very interesting.

July 18, 2018 10:51 pm

BB, another book that would interest you is “The Cat in the Hat”. I think it’s just your speed.

July 18, 2018 9:57 am

Democrats will propose a Caldera Credits scheme soon. 97% of volcano scientist agree.

July 18, 2018 10:33 am

It’s just a crack, a fissure, nothing to worry about – until it blows!

July 18, 2018 10:52 am

When I first started hearing about flat earthers a couple years ago, I was sure that the folks pushing it were trolling to see how many idiots they could get on the bandwagon, but now it seems to me that the peddlers are true believers. I think chem trails followed the same trajectory.

July 18, 2018 12:14 pm

I guess you never look up, if you think chemtrails are a myth. In government documents they call them atomospheric aerosol injections.

Death to q and the anons

July 18, 2018 12:36 pm

Dio- Yet again today our sky is full of chemtrails, how do these maroons not see them?

July 18, 2018 4:02 pm

bc chemtrail are a lie? you just showed every intelligent reader that you are not one of them;)

July 18, 2018 6:16 pm

P/N- Fuck you asshole, even Hardscrabble and Admin, plus many readers here have acknowledged that chemtrails are in our skies. If you are in Norway , look up as we know you have them too. Norwegians are fast becoming the pussified laughing stock, snowflake fuknut liberal morans of the world. Blow me.

July 18, 2018 11:19 am

A “volcano swarm” is when a great many of the volcanoes in the world go off basically at the same time. It is NOT beyond the realm of critical thinking that a large caldera such as Yellowstone would be part of the swarm. Past history shows us that in periods of global swarm activity with vast amounts of ash and smoke elevated into the atmosphere, it generally triggers a cooling spell. How much snow can you shovel naysayers? Just a crack indeed.

July 18, 2018 12:19 pm

There is almost but not quite zero percent chance of a major Yellowstone caldera eruption in our lifetimes. Maybe with considering here and there but not worthy of any genuine worry.

My here and there thoughts: it may be the only right fuckin now disaster scenario for my area. It could be a fine to Mad Max situation in 72 hours for the mountain regions (my entire state (Colorado) would basically become Mordor overnight) and a 1-3 year global collapse scenario. On the whole, I rather hope the motherfuckers remains more or less calm for at least the next century. Huh

July 18, 2018 12:22 pm

DRUD- Where did you get this zero percent chance information, CuNNt News?

July 18, 2018 2:55 pm

Oh, BL, you just need to learn to read…”almost but not quite zero” is NOT zero. I could have said infinitesimal or minuscule, perhaps, but that does not accurately reflect the number of zeros before the first significant figure in the chances.

I have said before, and repeat now, that Yellowstone eruption is IMMINENT, in geological terms…i.e. it will almost surely erupt sometime in the next 10-20,000 years. I also go on to state how devastating an eruption would be.

So, immeasurably catastrophic even with a ridiculously low probability of occurrence. Both are off any charts ever devised by any insurance tables. Any accepted Risk Management strategies are of no use in this particular case.

July 18, 2018 1:05 pm

Everything is 0% chance until it happens. Then it is 100% chance.

July 18, 2018 1:20 pm

Liberty- good thing you don’t work as a actuary in the insurance business. 🙂

Risk management ain’t your thing bro.

July 18, 2018 2:08 pm

What does Yellowstone have lots of? Bears!

What is Russia’s national symbol? The Bear!

I trust you morans see the connection here. Collusion!!!

Robert H Siddell Jr
Robert H Siddell Jr
July 19, 2018 9:53 pm

You ain’t seen nothing yet, but you will. Yellowstone is definitely waking up and so are about 50 others worth watching. Science shows volcanoes blows during GSMs and Solar Physicist forecast this Modern GSM to last at least 30 years (The Eddy Minimum). Plus the planets are all on the same side of the Sun until 1Sep and that usually begets some bonus volcanoes. Then during July2020, Saturn and Jupiter will form a line with Earth and the Sun; I plan to not be visiting any volcanoes then. PS: Besides Death and Taxes, another 100% certainty is the spherical Earth rotates around the Sun.