Did The CIA & Saudi Arabia Conspire To Keep 9/11 Details Secret?

Authored by Jeff Stein via NewsWeek.com,

It’s easier to bury uncomfortable facts than to confront them. So this September 11, the ceremonies marking the 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., will simply honor the dead. In Manhattan, tourists and mourners will gather where the World Trade Center Towers once stood, lowering their heads in memory of the 2,606 who perished there. The services won’t reflect the view that the attacks might well have been prevented.

But for hundreds of families and a growing number of former FBI agents, the grief of another 9/11 ceremony will be laced with barely muted rage: There remains a conspiracy of silence among high former U.S. and Saudi officials about the attacks.


“It’s horrible. We still don’t know what happened,” said Ali Soufan, one of the lead FBI counterterrorism agents whom the CIA kept in the dark about the movements of the future Al-Qaeda hijackers. To Soufan and many other former national security officials, the unanswered questions about the events leading up to the September 11, 2001, attacks dwarf those about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, because “9/11 changed the whole world.” It not only led to the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the fracturing of the Middle East and the global growth of Islamic militantism but also pushed the U.S. closer to being a virtual homeland-security police state.

“I am sad and depressed about it,” said Mark Rossini, one of two FBI agents assigned to the CIA’s Osama bin Laden unit, who says agency managers mysteriously blocked them from informing their headquarters about future Al-Qaeda plotters present in the United States in 2000 and again in the summer of 2001. “It is patently evident the attacks did not need to happen and there has been no justice,” he said.

The authors of a new book on 9/11 hope to refocus public attention on the cover-up. Thoroughly mining the multiple official investigations into the event, John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski find huge holes and contradictions in the official story that 9/11 was merely “a failure to connect the dots.”

Duffy, a left-leaning writer and environmental activist, and Nowosielski, a documentary filmmaker, have nowhere near the prominence of other journalists who have poked holes in the official story, in particular Lawrence Wright, author of The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11, the Pulitzer Prize–winning book that was turned into a gripping multi-part docudrama on Hulu earlier this year.

But Duffy and Nowosielski come to the story with a noteworthy credential: In 2009 they scored an astounding video interview with Richard Clarke, a White House counterterrorism adviser during the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. In it, Clarke raged that top CIA officials, including director George Tenet, had withheld crucial information from him about Al-Qaeda’s plotting and movements, including the arrival in the U.S. of future hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi. In The Watchdogs Didn’t Bark: The CIA, NSA, and the Crimes of the War on Terror, the authors assemble a compelling case of a government-wide cover-up of Saudi complicity in the affair.

In 2002, Tenet swore to Congress that he wasn’t aware of the imminent threat because it came in a cable that wasn’t marked urgent—and “no one read it.” But his story was shredded five years later when Senators Ron Wyden and Kit Bond forced loose an executive summary of the CIA’s own internal investigation of 9/11, which stated that “some 50 to 60 individuals read one or more of the six Agency cables containing travel information related to these terrorists.”

Clarke went ballistic. Until then, he had trusted Tenet, a close colleague and friend, to tell the truth. In 2009, despairing at the lack of media traction on the astounding disclosure, he wrote a book about the duplicity, Your Government Failed You, which was largely ignored. So when Duffy and Nowosielski came calling, he welcomed them.

“I believed, for the longest time, that this was one or two low-level desk officers who got this [information about Hazmi and Mihdhar] and somehow didn’t realize the significance,” he told them. But “50—five oh—50 CIA officers knew this, and they included [Tenet and] all kinds of people who were regularly talking to me? Saying I’m pissed doesn’t begin to describe it.”

All these years later, it’s still unclear why the CIA would keep such crucial details about Al-Qaeda movements from the FBI. Clarke and other insiders suspect that the spy agency had a deeply compartmented plan in the works to recruit Hazmi, Mihdhar and perhaps other Al-Qaeda operatives as double agents. If the FBI discovered they were in California, the theory goes, it would have demanded their arrest. When the CIA’s recruitment ploy fizzled, Tenet and company hid the details from Clarke lest they be accused of “malfeasance and misfeasance,” he said.

It’s the only logical explanation for why the presence of Hazmi and Mihdhar was kept from him until after the attacks, Clarke said. “They told us everything—except this,” he says in the video.

Tenet and two of his counterterrorism deputies, Rich Blee and Cofer Black, issued a statement calling Clarke’s theory “reckless and profoundly wrong.” But now Clarke has company. Duffy and Nowosielski found other key former FBI counterterrorism agents and officials who have developed deep doubts about Tenet’s story. The only element they disagree on is which officials were responsible for the alleged subterfuge.

“I think if there were some conscious effort” not to tell the bureau what was going on, Dale Watson, a former FBI deputy chief of counterterrorism told them, “it was probably” carried out below Tenet, Blee and Black, by managers of the CIA’s Osama bin Laden unit.

But Pat D’Amuro, an even more senior former FBI counterterrorism official, told them, “There’s no doubt in my mind that [withholding the information] went up further in the agency” than those managers. “And why they didn’t send it over, to this day, I don’t know why.”

And then there’s the continuing mystery of Saudi complicity with the hijackers. Duffy and Nowosielski offer a tightly focused update on what’s been learned about Saudi support for Al-Qaeda in recent years. Back in 2004, the official 9/11 Commission said it found no evidence that the “Saudi government as an institution, or senior Saudi officials individually funded” Al-Qaeda.

A year later, the highly redacted CIA inspector general’s report cracked open another window, saying that some agency officers had “speculated” that “dissident sympathizers within the government” (i.e., religious extremists) may have supported bin Laden. Subsequent investigations have revealed that officials from the kingdom’s Islamic affairs ministry were actively helping the hijackers get settled in California.

Such information spurred several hundred families of the 9/11 attack victims to file suit against the Saudi government in federal court in New York last year, seeking unspecified monetary damages.

“Saudi intelligence has admitted that they knew who these two guys were,” Andrew Maloney, an attorney for families, told Newsweek last week. “They knew they were Al-Qaeda the day they arrived in Los Angeles. So any notion from the Saudi government saying, ‘Oh, we just help out all Saudis here’ is false. They knew. And the CIA knew.”

The kingdom has turned over some 6,800 pages of documents, “mostly in Arabic,” that Maloney’s team is in the process of translating. “There’s some interesting things in there,” he said, “and some clear gaps.” He said he’ll return to court in October to press for more documents.

He also wants to depose Saudi officials, particularly Fahad al-Thumairy, a former Los Angeles consular official and imam of a Culver City, California, mosque attended by the hijackers. In 2003, Thumairy was intercepted after he landed in Los Angeles on a flight from Germany and deported from the U.S. “because of suspected terrorist links.” But he still works for the government in Riyadh, Maloney said. “Can you believe that?”

In April, Maloney subpoenaed the FBI for documents on Thumairy and Omar al-Bayoumi, a suspected Saudi spy in the U.S. who was also in contact with the hijackers. The bureau has not responded, so on September 11 he plans to file “a formal motion to compel the FBI” to produce the documents. His motion follows a sworn statement by Steven Moore, the FBI agent who headed the bureau’s investigation into the hijacking of the plane that flew into the Pentagon, charging the 9/11 Commission with misleading the public when it said it “had not found evidence” of Saudi assistance to Hazmi and Mihdhar.

“There was clearly evidence that Thumairy provided assistance to Hazmi and Mihdhar,” Moore wrote. And “based on the proof in our investigation,” he added, “Bayoumi himself was a clandestine agent and associated with radical extremists, including Thumairy.”

Moore’s statement was first reported by the Florida Bulldog, a Fort Lauderdale news site that has been investigating the hijackers’ contacts with flight schools. “To my knowledge,” Moore stated, “Thumairy has never been the subject of a genuine law enforcement interview conducted by the actual agents who investigated him.”

Maloney’s additional targets are other FBI, CIA, State Department and Treasury Department personnel and documents. “There are a lot of people, former agents—I won’t identify who or what agencies—who have talked to us,” he said, but others, especially in the CIA’s bin Laden unit, “will never talk to us or will only talk to us if they are given some kind of blanket immunity.”

Getting access to them, he said, would probably require an executive order from President Donald Trump—an unlikely outcome given his administration’s strong backing for the Saudi monarchy.

There may be public support for Maloney’s endeavors. A 2016 poll found a slight majority of Americans (54.3 percent) believe that the government is hiding something about the 9/11 attacks. Then again, a considerable number of 9/11 “truthers” embrace conspiracy theories positing that the attacks were “an inside job” by the Bush administration and/or Israel and abetted by explosives planted in one of the World Trade Center towers.


The September 11 memorial in lower Manhattan.SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES

But they are right about Saudi resistance to fully disclosing its relations with the hijackers. Last year, agents of the monarchy were discovered surreptitiously funding a PR effort to derail a congressional bill permitting a 9/11 families group to sue the kingdom for damages. Last September, the family group filed a 17-page complaint with the Justice Department.

Terry Strada, a leader of the group 9/11 Families & Survivors United for Justice Against Terrorism, will mourn again this year, but not at the site where the towers once stood and her husband died. She plans to attend “a private service” at the Shrine of St. Joseph in Stirling, New Jersey, which she said has “a beautiful and solemn space” dedicated to all who died in the 9/11 attacks.

But she is also full of fury at the government’s refusal to release all it knows about the run-up to the attacks. “It’s very sad that we’re still being kept in the dark about it. It’s frustrating. It angers me,” she told Newsweek. “It’s a slap in the face. They think they’re above the law and don’t have to respond to the families—and the world. It’s disgusting.”

But Strada evinces even more disdain for the Saudis. Responding to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s August 20 message “wishing Muslims around the world a blessed Eid al-Adha,” she tweeted, “Seriously???”

Strada added, “The Saudis promote & finance the most virulent hatred toward Americans than any other nation. Murdered 3,000 on Sept 11.” The “9/11 families,” she wrote, “will #NEVERFORGET. #FreeTheTruth”

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September 3, 2018 7:52 pm

NAH. The Saudi moozie sand lizards are “harmless” – just like in the Vegas shoot-out.

Cleveland Watson
Cleveland Watson
September 3, 2018 8:57 pm

The Vegas shoot-out was done by a narcissistic loser who decided to end his life by killing as many people as possible. Prove otherwise.

September 3, 2018 8:10 pm

controlled opposition?
controlled demolition is not the same as an aircraft and several of the so called hijackers where found to be alive,, this does not compute.
either “the scientists for truth” are lying or these “trustworthy former intelligence” officers are lying, eventually both. this does not pass the smelling test imo.


Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
September 3, 2018 8:22 pm

When I first saw that charade crap I knew it was a false flag. Since I had spent 40+ years in com building const. I know how those builds are put together. An aluminum airplane slicing thru those 1″ thick steel collumes, yeah,rite. I have talked yea,argued with people over the years about that event. Anyway, the perps need to be brought to justice. Israel,bush,cheny, rumsfeld et al.

  Jack Lovett
September 3, 2018 8:52 pm

Jack- You left out the media who never questioned the official story.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
September 3, 2018 10:05 pm

Yeah, they are are part of the plan.

  Jack Lovett
September 3, 2018 9:40 pm

I’m no structural engineer but for how much money the .gov pisses away on things why not build a structure similar to the twin towers out in the desert and fly a retired 767 into it at full speed. The cost would be peanuts compared to all the “wars of freedom” in the middle east.

For what it’s worth I use a plate steel crusher to condense aluminum beer cans for recycling. It’s probably representative of the gauge difference between the WTC and Boeing.

Todd H.
Todd H.
September 4, 2018 1:05 pm

I have wondered the same thing myself: at a cost of only a few 100 million dollars (chump change to .gov), why not build a steel frame reproduction of the twin towers and fly a real 767 remotely into it and see what happens? The answer is obvious: it would expose 9/11 for the fraudulent false flag it was.

  Jack Lovett
September 3, 2018 11:14 pm

Here are some interesting facts:
The aluminum skin on aircraft has a yield strength of 345 mega-Pascals (MPa).
The aluminum structural elements are 500 MPa.
The Trade Towers were made primarily of ASTM A36 and A242; very common structural steels with yield strengths of 250 and 345 MPa respectively.
A 767 traveling at nearly 500 knots and weighing around 100,000 kg has a kinetic energy of 3.4 giga-Joules. To say nothing of the explosive effects of the Jet A onboard.
A Tomahawk missile carries a warhead delivering about 2.1 giga-Joules.
The point is: yes airplanes are made from aluminum. But very strong aluminum. As strong or stronger than many steels. And the kinetic energy of a commercial airliner going full tilt is enormous. I’ve no doubt that the structure of the aircraft could penetrate the steel building, much the same way as soft lead and copper bullets can penetrate steel plates when fired from a rifle.
I’m not endorsing the official narrative. But the physics of the aircraft punching holes in the buildings are not at all implausible.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
September 4, 2018 2:53 pm

Yes, its just impossible. A 5 yo. child knows that. Get a grip doggy boy.

  Jack Lovett
September 4, 2018 7:56 pm

Compelling argument, dumbfuck.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
September 5, 2018 4:13 pm

Hey assho, a com aircraft cannot fly at 500 knots near sea level. Hear that loser?

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
September 5, 2018 4:28 pm

I am going to sign a doner card and leave my brain to U slickum. U wont B able to spell or do math but U will a nice guy. I quit school in the 7th grade and hated the previous 6 years. Thats my excuse. And U?

Todd H.
Todd H.
  Jack Lovett
September 4, 2018 12:06 pm

There may not have even been any hijacked airliners that day: merely CGI animations of planes distributed to MSM on the teevee after missiles struck the buildings. If that isn’t true, then where can I see pictures of large pieces of airplane fuselage, luggage, seats, bodies of passengers on the streets below, etc.? Or independent recordings of the plane strikes from different angles? There isn’t any solid evidence of plane crashes at the Pentagon or Shanksville field either. Boeing 757s/767s are not small aircraft that just fragment into dust and plunge into the ground. If Hollywood can do it, certainly the Deep State/Mossad can as well.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
  Todd H.
September 4, 2018 2:49 pm

Their were no aircraft involved on that day. I said that to a doubter a few weeks after the event. He exploaded and said he saw them on the tell-a-vision. I tryed to tell him about holagrams. Was all controlled demo.
A 5 yo child knows an alumium aircraft cannot slice into a building as was reported.
Those vertical collumes were 39″ OC and coated with spray on fireprofing.

Todd H.
Todd H.
  Jack Lovett
September 4, 2018 4:43 pm

The whole 9/11 thing had such a “Hollywood” feel to it, that it immediately seemed like a professional movie production. But something tells me that there was a slight hitch in the plans that day, and that was Building 7. Perhaps a 3rd CGI “plane” was planned to crash into it, but Mossad’s computers crashed. If Donald Trump is the real deal, the Deep State perpetrators of 9/11 have probably been shitting bricks ever since 11/8/16. There is a real chance that Comey/Mueller/Rosenstein/Brennan could be brought up on treason charges for 9/11 and sent to the gallows.

  Jack Lovett
September 4, 2018 8:01 pm

Aluminum stronger than the structural steel which made up the Towers.

Also, Jackie-dumbfuck, do you know where fuel is stored in a 767? Most of it in the wings. Fuel is liquid. Liquid is incompressible. A full fuel load would turn those wings into solid objects, practically speaking.

They’d go right through those “collumes” and their “fireprofing”.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
September 5, 2018 4:16 pm

U R an idiot freako!

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Jack Lovett
September 5, 2018 10:43 am

As crazy as it sounds I’m in agreement Jack. As I believe PlatoPlubius mentioned in another post, Dr. Judy Wood has some compelling arguments for the “no planes” scenario but goes a step further and argues that there was no massive “conventional” controlled demo either. You can find her on the youtube if you have not already.

My opinion, waking people up to 9/11 is the key to waking people up.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
  grace country pastor
September 5, 2018 4:19 pm

One of my concerns is waking people to the pedofilia in our midst.
We need to protect the children. Job #1.

September 3, 2018 8:23 pm

If we the American people knew what “really happened”on 9/11, there could be a coup, or maybe not. At this point, I’m not sure. The MSM has done such a great job of staying lock step with the Deep State, and people buy everything they are selling. When I was in the Corps of Cadets at A&M, many in my class went on to distinguished military careers. I couldn’t go to OCS because of a medical issue. My fish year, we we’re constantly being told how we were different than the other boys in our “Nintendo playing and Twinkie eating generation”. Now days, it’s much worse. The snowflakes wouldn’t give two shits if the truth were exposed, as long as they could get their avacado toast and iced coffee. I wish I knew the real story because it would probably confirm what I already believe and it’s not in the commission report. Between now and the mid-terms, stay frosty. Who knows what the deep State has up their sleeves. Also, keep an eye on the markets. One way or another, they will be using lots and smoke and mirrors to cover their tracks in this next false flag or psy-op.

Being in Texas, as this Fourth Turning plays out, I pray for secession. That’s the only hope I have for my kids and grandkids.

God bless the victims of 9/11 and their families, and the first responders that are continually battling health issues and cancer.

Just John
Just John
September 3, 2018 10:25 pm

It’s probable that Saudi Arabia was involved to some extent, but Israel was the tip of the spear in carrying out the operation to plant and detonate the explosives that took the buildings down.

September 3, 2018 11:24 pm

Saudi Arabia = Is RA El’s proxy just like Merika.

Saami Jim
Saami Jim
September 4, 2018 8:05 am

All I need to see is Building 7 in free fall.
For me, that building coming down is the defining moment.
There is no way I believe the building 7 “collapse” (a textbook controlled demolition) was caused by the collapse of the twin towers.
The whole 9/11 shit show was no doubt a false flag.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 4, 2018 8:07 am

The one man who called 911 an inside job has been criticized and made sport of as a lunatic fringe from his very beginning .
Alex Jones !
Yes he gets wild and tosses unbelievable connect the dots wild theories in the mix “BUT” generally he is on to something that our government insiders do not want you to know .
I started listening to him as a joke before the Internet was a daily service we all jump on . Alex Jones broad cast a shortwave radio show daily for a couple hours . When I would be installing SSB radio equipment his signal was bounced from a station in Tennessee and it was strong at some distance to test the reception . I would install a modem that allowed e-mail so checking reception was important and besides at the time his rants were a hoot to listen to as background .
Strangely enough weeks or months later MSM would be running a story about government shenanigans and guess who was nearly spot on once the MSM and DC spin was removed , Alex Jones !
So who had to be silenced by the big internet players Alex Jones ! If he is such a goof ball what are they afraid of ?
This proves how correct he really is : There Is A War On For Your Mind !

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 4, 2018 10:35 am

Yes, and they never have quit. Right now the Bad Guys (US, Jews, Sauds, Terrorist) are planning another False Flag gas attack to blame on Assad as an excuse for some more Bad Guys shock and awe. The Russians have warned US not to do it because that could turn Tactical Nuclear. Put all the NeoCons in Trash Cans, fill with cement, dump into the New York Bight. Let the Jews, Sauds and Terrorist make wars at their own risks. Good Day.

September 4, 2018 12:19 pm

Passport of a hijacker found at ground zero in a short time? Sure it was!

September 4, 2018 3:24 pm

How convenient!

The official story makes my blood boil and the fact that all the evidence was quickly sold to a Chinese company to scrap the metal.

Again, how convenient

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
September 4, 2018 5:16 pm

Just like the Waco Church and the OKC Murrah Building were immediately “covered up” so no real scientist could make any tests.