Anarcho Tyranny

Submitted by Brewer55

Remember this term: “Anarcho Tyranny”.
Eric Metaxas interview with John Zmirak where he discusses this term and what it means for us.

Fast forward to the 4 minute mark if you want to skip the idle banter.

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Modest Proposals

Guest Post by The Zman

The great paleo-conservative thinker, Sam Francis, introduced the term “anarcho-tyranny” into the dissident vocabulary. He defined it as “we refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny).” For example, the streets are littered with speed cameras, red-light cameras and other surveillance equipment to tax motorists. On the other hand, if your car is stolen, the cops cannot be bothered to look for it and you have to hope the insurance company is generous.

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Like a Kid-Touching Priest…

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Years ago, when I worked as an editorial writer at The Washington Times, I got to know the curmudgeonly – and brilliant – writer Sam Francis. One of his most astute observations was that we suffer under a system of anarcho-tyranny. He meant by this that the government does as it pleases, regardless of “the law” (including the Constitution, which is supposed to be the law)  while viciously persecuting ordinary people over even trivial infractions of law.Hero Webster

This neatly describes the reason for the increasingly public and general dislike of cops – who are the government’s enforcers (their own term).

But it’s not the enforcement, per se, that enrages.

It’s the double standard.      

Another example of this hit the news recently when a brutal Dover, Delaware cop was awarded a quarter-million dollar pension and four months of full salary (and benefits) on top of that as his “punishment” for kicking a man in the face as hard as he possibly could – breaking the man’s jaw.

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