Why You Should Take Your Apple Cider Vinegar at Night

Via Mercola

Story at-a-glance

  • NBC News reported that half the U.S. population suffers from either high blood sugar or full-blown diabetes, and half of them don’t even realize it
  • Eleven study subjects had a little apple cider vinegar with cheese as a bedtime snack and woke up the next day with significantly lowered blood glucose levels
  • Apple cider vinegar is useful for a number of health-related conditions, such as balancing your pH, increasing your good gut bacteria and helping to control your weight
  • ACV uses are various and unexpected; its antibacterial effects help cure athlete’s foot and heal wounds, the acetic acid helps tone your skin and treat dandruff and the same compounds make it useful for cleaning around the house

No doubt, you’ve seen them — lists touting the amazing curative power of apple cider vinegar for an amazing number of ills. “ACV” (as it’s sometimes referred to in studies) has been praised for its ability to balance your pH, increase good gut bacteria and help control your weight, as well as many other beneficial things.

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