How To Get Your Significant Other On Board With Prepping For Any Emergency?

Submitted by Ben Tanner

Emergency preparedness is something that two people in a relationship should do together. This is because if you have two people handling all of the details, equally together as one, it is twice the work being done. Having two people doing emergency preparedness together means planning ahead together and being in sync successfully if any form of 911 emergency does strike the area that you are living in.

It doesn’t matter what the type of emergency is either, as there are various scenarios. What matters the most is having all of your prepping steps ready to meet any emergency that may strike unannounced. This is because by having your emergency preparedness done ahead of time. You are ensuring yourself, as well as your significant other, a much better chance of being able to survive any emergency that may take place without any advance warning.

How to get your significant other on board with prepping for any emergency? First of all, before you get your significant other involved in any real plan to do emergency preparedness, you should do something in advance first. What is this something in advance? You need to personally determine what type of events can take place in your community.

Is your area prone to hurricanes, tornadoes, and other forms of natural disasters such as earthquakes, wildfires, mud slides? The list goes on. Once, you have determined what events usually plague your locale, then you should build an emergency preparation plan around these kind of debilitating occurrences. Some people also prepare for nuclear war, or other man-made disasters too. Therefore, this can be incorporated into your particular emergency preparedness plan, as well.


The Hook:

The next step is to give your significant one category of the emergency preparedness plan to take care of specifically. One area that is crucial is for food storage and emergency food. You can dispense this key part of the plan to him or her.

You shouldn’t overwhelm others with the whole plan.  Giving them a small part of the plan can introduce them the whole vision and picture.  If you try to unload all the problems that can happen, they will be less likely to participate.

Then you can go ahead and take another category, which does include getting an emergency kit together. Getting your significant on board with prepping for any emergency allows both of you to get the emergency preparedness work done a lot faster as a team. It is something totally different with just one person doing it. However, when two people are involved in the process, it is not as time consuming and endless a task to handle.


If your significant other does choose to do the emergency food storage supplies task make sure that he or she only buys items that can withstand the test of time and are designed to for emergency food storage.

For instance, freeze dried food is ideal for long time storage, and is great to serve as part of an emergency preparedness food survival preparation. Some other items that are very good for an emergency food checklist include bottled water, food bars that have a shelf life of five years, as well as trail mix, nuts, raisins, are just an example of the many that are available. You should also include some water purification tablets too. When you make up your disaster emergency kit. It should include a flashlight and extra batteries, a battery-operated radio, a cell phone with chargers, inverter or solar charger, a first aid kit, a dust mask, a manual can opener, garbage bags with ties, moist towelettes, amid some of the things to put into it.

A great source for these items is

Once you’ve got them onboard, the sky’s the limit.  Your relationship can be strengthened as you are both focused on a common goal.  And one last thing, remember to have fun!