Out of Formula

Via TownHall

by John Stossel

Out of Formula

Parents still struggle to find baby formula.

The left and most media (sorry, same thing?) blame “corporate power run amok.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says, “There might be a need for indictment!”

They blame Abbott Laboratories, because it shut down a Similac plant. The Food and Drug Administration says unsanitary conditions led to deaths of two infants, but Abbott denies that its formula recall had anything to do with those deaths.

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The Degeneration of Politics

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

The real sad change in politics has been just to win votes from people by saying anything and just installing figure-heads while the Deep State really runs the show. We can see from this announcement that Biden will pick a woman regardless if she is even qualified. She will be Black to try to win the Black vote. This has nothing to do with being competent anymore. Can they stand up and read a prepared speech written by the Deep State.

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