KILL SHOT: The CIA’s SV40 Cancer Weapon

Guest post by Shannon Joy

This is a very interesting 1 hour video documentary centered around Lee Harvey Oswald, the JFK assassination, and many players you’ve heard of before but, I’m betting not in this context.


In the summer of 1963, a young girl found herself caught up in a clandestine covert operation to eliminate Fidel Castro. This wouldn’t be a shot heard around the world, but rather, a silent shot of super cancer causing poison, derived from a monkey simian virus called SV-40.

This tale has everything from murder, espionage, a tragic love story, to bioweapons and the genesis of gain-of-function research, weaponized in covid-19.

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Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out About Novel Coronavirus


Story at-a-glance

  • Francis Boyle, who for decades has advocated against the development and use of bioweapons, suspects COVID-19 is a weaponized pathogen that escaped from Wuhan City’s Biosafety Level 4 facility, which was specifically set up to research coronaviruses and SARS
  • According to Boyle, the COVID-19 virus is a chimera. It includes SARS, an already weaponized coronavirus, along with HIV genetic material and possibly flu virus. It also has gain of function properties that allow it to spread a greater distance than normal
  • At the beginning of the pandemic, the incubation period for COVID-19 infection was still unknown, but estimates ranged from 14 days to 30 days
  • Prior to the pandemic, the U.S. government had spent $100 billion on biological warfare programs since September 11, 2001, up until October 2015
  • Curiously, even while there had been only a limited number of reported cases of COVID-19 infection in the U.S., the U.S. military had designated several detention sites around the country to quarantine Americans, should the situation take a turn for the worse

As you know, a novel coronavirus (initially labeled 2019-nCOV before being renamed COVID-19 by the World Health Organization1) originating in Wuhan City, Hubei Province in China, was rapidly spreading across the world early in 2020.

The first case was reported December 21, 2019, in Wuhan. Symptoms included fever, shortness of breath, severe cough and pneumonia which, in more severe cases, can lead to impaired kidney and liver function and kidney failure.2,3

January 21, 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the first U.S. case4 — a patient in Washington state who had recently visited Wuhan. Then, the first U.S. death was reported February 29, 2020, also in Washington state.5 Continue reading “Bioweapons Expert Speaks Out About Novel Coronavirus”