The powers that be can’t wait for another round of Ferguson upheaval to distract the masses from the ongoing economic debacle. They love these race events that get whites and blacks fired up and not focused on the true enemies on Wall Street and K Street.
Religious leaders speak to police officers during a demonstration at the Ferguson Police Department in Ferguson, Missouri, October 13, 2014. (Reuters/Jim Young)

Religious leaders speak to police officers during a demonstration at the Ferguson Police Department in Ferguson, Missouri, October 13, 2014. (Reuters/Jim Young)

Gun shops near Ferguson, Missouri are reporting a surge in sales as residents wait to hear if a local police officer will be charged in the death of an unarmed teenager. State Gov. Jay Nixon has vowed a strong response to potential protests and violence.

Retailers like Metro Shooting Supplies in Bridgeton, MO have seen gun sales triple in recent days, KMOV News reported this week, and similar shops throughout the region are reporting that items are flying off the shelves, apparently amidst fears that the impending grand jury decision concerning Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson may rekindle violent demonstrations.

Sales on Friday were at a “fevered pitch,” Metro’s Steven King told KMOV, with the store selling over 100 guns in only three days instead of a more routine 30 weapons or so.

“This is very abnormal,” King told the station. “With all the rumors on the internet, they are saying every neighborhood is unsafe, there is a possibility of a strike in any neighborhood.”

According to CNN, similar shops in the Show-Me State are experiencing the same type of uptake as a grand jury gets closer to deciding if Wilson will be indicted over the officer-involved shooting death of Michael Brown, 18, earlier this year. A shooting range in Bridgeton visited by the network, for example, said sales there had surged by up to 50 percent within recent days; Dan McMullen, a local insurance man, told the station that he brings an “extra gun” with him to his Ferguson office now after demonstrations in town during the last few weeks left businesses looted or, worse, burned to the ground.

“So maybe I get trapped here or something and have to have a John Wayne shootout,” McMullen told CNN with a smile. “That’s the silly part about it: Is that going to happen? Not a chance. But I guess, could it? I’m the only white person here.

The August 9 incident that left Brown dead quickly spawned protests not just in Ferguson but around the world as anger grew among Americans outraged over the absence of charges filed against Wilson, 28. Those demonstrations, which at times became violent, attracted not just thousands of demonstrators, but a gauntlet of highly armed police officials who garnered attention in their own right, not over the potential case against Wilson, but rather the law enforcement response than has largely been labeled as overly excessive.

Now with a grand jury reportedly days, if not moments away from announcing whether or not Wilson will be charged, Missourians seem fearful that a similar showdown may soon erupt.

“Every time that door opens, we’re seeing new faces,” John Stephenson of the Metro Shooting Range in Bridgeton told CNN, citing specifically what the network described as concerns over the grand jury response.

With respect to home defense shotguns sold at Metro, Stephenson told CNN, “We’ve sold tons.”

But Sgt. Brian Schellman of the St. Louis County Police Department warned the network that the influx of weapons in Ferguson could prove problematic, even if just one person perturbed over the grand jury verdict acts out their frustration.

“It only takes one in 10 with bad intentions to make the entire situation spiral out of control,” he said. “A few protesters take it above and beyond not just aimed at police anymore, but sometimes these threats are going against police officers’ families.”

Indeed, Ferguson Mayor James Knowles even went as far as to warn local media this week that authorities must prepare for the worst as the city awaits a new series of demonstrations that may rival what was seen after the Aug. 9 killing.

“I think you have to prepare for the worst, but I think we all hope the best out of people,” Knowles said. “I don’t believe that there is even a small fraction of residents in the city of Ferguson who want to do any damage or harm to any other residents or to any businesses…the concern would be who comes (from) outside the area.”

Previously, King from Metro and other area gun retailers said they saw a similar spike in gun sales in mid-August and the Ferguson protests began to take hold. On Tuesday this week, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon said over 1,000 officers have received specialized training in crowd control since the last major round of protests, and said “Violence will not be tolerated” when the Darren Wilson decision is finally made, which may come as early as this week.

Missouri Gov.: past ‘ugliness’ cannot be repeated

Meanwhile, Governor Jay Nixon announced on Tuesday that the state would be ready to quickly respond to any reports of violence that may occur in the wake of the grand jury decision. The National Guard will be on standby and ready to intervene, if necessary, he said.

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon. (Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon. (Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Nixon added that 1,000 officers have taken part in new training procedures specifically intended to deal with protests. So far, they have logged some 5,000 hours learning new procedures and preparing for whatever may happen when the decision is revealed.

Referring to clashes between protesters and police that occurred in the weeks after Brown’s death, Nixon said it would be unacceptable for similar events to unfold again.

“That ugliness was not representative of Missouri and it cannot be repeated,” Nixon said, as quoted by Reuters. “These measures are not being taken because we are convinced that violence will occur, but because we have a responsibility to prepare for any contingency.”

While Nixon did not delve into specifics, he emphasized that the civil rights of protesters will not be violated should they take to the streets. Previously, a federal judge ruled that officers did violate the rights of demonstrators when they threatened arrests if people did not move after a few seconds.

Nixon reiterated that protests would be permitted so long as they are peaceful.

“This is America,” he said. “People have the right to express their views and grievances, but they do not have the right to place their fellow citizens and property at risk.”


Government mandated racial diversity coming to your neighborhood courtesy of your Savior in Chief using your tax dollars to ease the plight of former slaves by providing them housing they can’t afford, but you can. You too can now live next to Section 8 neighbors like Admin in Wildwood. Obama is the gift that keeps on giving. He’s got two years left and he will use executive orders to implement his left wing agenda while appeasing the Republicans with more war. Wait until the nasty parts of Obamacare kick in during 2015.

Guest Post by Anthony Sanders


Free To Choose? Obama Administration Likely To Impose “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Regulation After Midterm Elections

The midterm elections are on Tuesday, November 4th. After the elections, the Obama Administration is expected to operationalize the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” regulation in December.

What is the proposed “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” regulation?

According to the New York Post,

After a delay, the administration’s final “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” regulation is now expected to be announced in December. Originally scheduled for finalization in October, the new Housing and Urban Development Department rules will force all cities and suburbs to accept subsidized housing in the name of racial diversity, superceding all local zoning ordinances.

The Orwellian-sounding regulation would force some 1,200 municipalities to redraw zoning maps to racially diversify suburban neighborhoods.

Under the scheme, HUD plans to map every US neighborhood by race and publish “geospatial data” pinpointing racial imbalances. Areas deemed overly segregated will be forced to change their zoning laws to allow construction of subsidized and other affordable housing to bring more low-income minorities into “white suburbs.” HUD’s maps will be used to select affordable housing sites.

It’s part of the administration’s ambitious agenda to eliminate “racial segregation,” ZIP code by ZIP code, block by block, through the systematic dismantling of allegedly “exclusionary” building ordinances. In effect, federal bureaucrats will have the power to rezone your neighborhood.

Some cities are already complaining about the new regulation.

Here is how it will work. HUD and it’s agents will create racial maps and then “encourage” affordable housing construction in non-integrated neighborhoods.


The cost if a municipality doesn’t comply? Loss of HUD block grant funding. Or worse.

School busing was a previous attempt at “equality” of education, but that venture failed badly and was abandoned. So now HUD wants to bus people to your neighborhood … permanently.

Selective Enforcement

Of course, the HUD maps of racial divergence will not be applied equally. Does anyone believe that Democrat Nancy Pelosi will allow affordable housing projects in her swank San Francisco neighborhood? Will billionaires in the San Francisco Bay Area from Google, Apple, etc., allow affordable housing projects in Portola Valley, Los Altos Hills, etc? Will wealthy horse owners in Northern Virginia allow affordable housing projects plopped in the middle of their farms? Not likely.

This is massive Federal overreach and negates “voting with your feet.” That is, if you choose to move away from bad schools, crime, etc., the Federal government will negate your freedom of choice and plop the same problems in your new neighborhood.

And I doubt if President Obama will allow an affordable housing project next to whatever swank golf course he decides to move to after he leaves office.

No, the “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” Regulation is another attack on the middle class.

This new regulation comes from HUD, the same people that brought us “The National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream” under President Bill Clinton that turned out to be a nightmare for millions of American households.

Here is Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman discussing freedom of choice versus government control of markets.


There have been 1,600 shootings in Chicago this year. There have been 266 homicides. 80% of the victims were black. An equal percentage of the perpetrators were also black. Why does the death of one black man in Ferguson result in 40 FBI agents and the Attorney General swooping into that city, but dozens of blacks get gunned down every weekend in Chicago with absolutely no response from Obama or Holder? Every urban ghetto run by Democrats in this country has off the charts gun violence every day. Why doesn’t the Jesse and Al Show pull into these Democratic enclaves and demand someone be lynched? 

To see the stats on Rahm’s paradise, checkout this website:


Via Doug Ross

CALLOUS DISREGARD: Obama’s Ferguson Remarks Ignore Yet Another Bloody Week in Chicago

By Investor’s Business Daily

Malignant Neglect: The president talks about Ferguson, Mo., but not about a Chicago weekend where three dozen people were shot, seven of them killed, including a 16-year-old black girl who wanted to be a doctor.


To his credit, President Obama was more judicious than usual talking about the shooting of Michael Brown outside St. Louis. He did not say the police acted stupidly. He actually made a rare attempt at acknowledging individual responsibility when he said that when young black men “commit a crime, they need to be prosecuted, because every community has an interest in public safety.” 

One of those communities is Chicago, about whose routine carnage the president has said little of substance, and where last weekend, as the fires of looted stores in Ferguson burned, seven people were shot dead and 29 were wounded. No need to put out the fires of perceived racial animosity or place special focus on the situation when it is young blacks routinely killing other young blacks.

If Sasha and Malia Obama, the president’s young daughters, had another sister, she might look like 16-year-old Shaquise Buckner. Chicago police say Shaquise, who was the same age as Malia, appeared to have been the unintended target of a gang-related drive-by shooting early Saturday morning.

Yet Attorney General Eric Holder went to Ferguson, not Chicago. Thirty-six people are shot in Chicago in a single weekend, seven of them fatally, yet the FBI sends 40 agents to Missouri to investigate the shooting death of one young black male.

In his remarks on Ferguson and the difficulties of young black men, Obama spoke of “communities that feel left behind; who, as a consequence of tragic histories, often find themselves isolated, often find themselves without hope, without economic prospects. You have young men of color who are more likely to end up in jail, or the criminal justice system, than they are to end up in a good job or college.”

One of those communities is Chicago.


Only 1% black employees?????

OMG. Where is Al Sharpton? Shouldn’t he be leading a march on Google headquarters?

How come our Teleprompter in Chief isn’t holding a press conference to decry this outrage?

Is Google under the control of the racist Tea Party?

The MSNBC dykes and fairies must be sputtering mad. Last time I checked, women made up about 50% of the population. How can Google explain only 30% women? Moochelle must be outraged.

NO. The sounds of silence coming from the liberal MSM and our progressive Democratic leadership?

Maybe Google is getting a pass because they pay off these politicians and cooperate with the NSA in tracking our every move. Maybe the advertising money generated from Google ads on the MSNBC and other MSM websites is more important than reporting the truth.

The hypocrisy of the liberal media and the political left is breathtaking to behold.


Google workforce data show company is predominantly white and predominantly male

Google published data detailing the diversity of its workforce, becoming one of the first large tech firms to do so. The data confirm a widely held belief: The company is predominantly male and white.

The numbers are stark: 70% of Google employees are men, and 61% are white. The company,  in a blog post published Wednesday, concedes it still has a ways to go to meet its diversity goals: “Put simply, Google is not where we want to be when it comes to diversity, and it’s hard to address these kinds of challenges if you’re not prepared to discuss them openly, and with the facts.”

The issue of diversity in the tech industry has gained prominence during the past year, as social activists, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson, has called out Silicon Valley for its lack of racial and gender diversity and has begun pressing companies to release data about their workforce compositions.

Last week, Jackson appeared at Facebook’s annual shareholder meeting in Redwood City, Calif., to press the company to release data about its workforce, lamenting the scarcity of women and minorities in tech, especially at the executive level.

There are reasons, Google says, for its diversity deficit: Women earn roughly 18% of all computer-science degrees in the U.S., and blacks and Hispanics earn fewer than 5% of those degrees.