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I put personal mission in the title of this post, because I think every parent needs to answer this question on their own and create their own definition of whatever their objective is.

It’s easy to get into the rut of earning a living, raising a family, retiring, and then dying. Today, child raising is largely left to the state, corporate America and other kids. We live in a two-parent workforce, with an enormous pressure to send our kids to government-run schools. Children are now watching 35 hours of TV per week, and that’s not including 10 hours on iDevices (see: The Dissident Dad – No TV for You!).

Unless you think deeply about your intentions as a parent, you can pretty much just go through the whole experience by going through the motions, since the majority of parents simply mimic one another. Today, parenting style is often pretty much just on auto-pilot.

My objective as a father and a husband is to enhance the lives of the people in my family. It sounds simple, but putting it into practice requires me to think it through constantly, in an attempt to give each day fulfillment and purpose.

Continue reading “The Dissident Dad – My Personal Mission as a Father”