In Unprecedented Attack On Human Rights, Target Moves Pride Displays Back 20 Feet

Via The Babylon Bee

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MINNEAPOLIS, MN — Human rights activists planned large protests in the coming weeks after learning retail giant Target had committed the unprecedented atrocity of moving Pride displays back 20 feet from their previously prominent location at the front of the store.

“This is violence and erasure! We can’t let Target get away with this!” screamed Unity Scarborough (they/them), a spokesperson for Protect Trans Infants, an LGBTQ+ activist group in the Twin Cities. “Moving the store’s Pride displays back 20 feet literally means people are going to die! Do you hear me?! DIE!”

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Target Celebrates Gay Pride Month By Grooming Your Kids

Via Ace of Spades

Check out the new Target display at select stores.


Yep. That’s the kid’s section. But what someone does in their own bedroom is none of my business, am I right? I mean, it’s not like anyone wants to turn your kid gay, you goofball bible beater.

No. They just want to, you know, present it as an option for kids–a really cool, socially acceptable one that’ll earn you group praise and maybe a bit of friendly life coaching from a totally-not-trying-to-have-sex-with-you adult homosexual.

It’s about sharing and acceptance. Also, it’s about being part of a community that accounts for more than 80% of U.S. syphilis cases, but shhhhh! That’s bigot talk. Love is love.

And you’ll be happy to know that proceeds from the sales of these goods will go toward converting more kids for the gay lobby to love rigorously, passionately and often.

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Via The Federalist

Leon Walls, (pictured 44, was found guilty last month on charges including attempted homicide after grabbing Allison Meadows during the March 2013 incident Meadows, who was visiting the area from Tennessee, was grabbed by Walls near the checkout line as her mother looked on in horror

In 2013, Michael Turner saved the life of a 16-year-old girl who had been viciously attacked and stabbed in a Target store in Pennsylvania. And instead of thanking him for protecting its customers and preventing them from being murdered, Target is now suing him for his heroism and alleging he acted irresponsibly.

The attacker, Leon Walls, was convicted of attempted homicide for stabbing then-16-year-old Allison Meadows in 2013.

Security footage from the store shows Walls grabbing Meadows and stabbing her before Turner tackles the knife-wielding perp and chases him out of the store with a baseball bat.


Meadows and her family vehemently disagree with Target’s legal assault on Turner, calling Turner’s actions heroic and crediting them with preventing Meadows’ murder. The Meadows family has sued the store, claiming that the retail company had inadequate security, and alleging that the store, by suing Turner, is just trying to blame someone else for Target’s own refusal to protect the safety and security of its customers.

Continue reading “F**K TARGET”