How Does Coffee Affect Your Metabolism?

Via Mercola

how does coffee affect your metabolism

Story at-a-glance

  • There’s an, often unspoken, effect of coffee drinking that many would consider a benefit — it makes you poop
  • Colon activity increases quickly after a cup of coffee — within four minutes — and the effect persists for at least 30 minutes
  • In terms of acting as a colonic stimulant, drinking caffeinated coffee has effects similar to that of eating a meal, and leads to activity that is 60% stronger than drinking water and 23% stronger than drinking decaffeinated coffee
  • Molecules including exorphins, which are opioid-like compounds in coffee, motilin or the hormone gastrin may be involved in coffee’s metabolic effects, possibly due to neurohumoral responses, meaning they involve both neural and hormonal mechanisms
  • By potentially increasing metabolic rate and enhancing the function of brown fat, it’s possible that coffee could also contribute to weight loss

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