“I Found The Source Of COVID-19…”

Via ZeroHedge

After living and working in China for over 10 years and speaking fluent Chinese, you get to know a society pretty well… and let me tell you this – if you’re applauding or admiring the political leadership of China, you’re all deluded beyond belief.

That is how “laowhy86” begins this succinct  video exploring the ‘facts’ – not conspiracies – behind the source of the coronavirus that is ravaging the earth.

“China doesn’t operate like ‘your’ country,” he warns, “the Chinese government is a face- and greed-driven government that relies on lies and bullying to maintain leadership.”

Furthermore, he notes, the Chinese government layers are “broken and fragile” and so it didn’t surprise him when he was able to follow breadcrumbs – as begun by our inquisition about the roles that certain individuals played in Wuhan – to discover the “very suspicious” fact that the Wuhan Bio lab had a job opening from November 18, 2019, asking for scientists to come and research the relationship between the coronavirus and bats.

Continue reading ““I Found The Source Of COVID-19…””

Mexico in the Plague Year, and Reflection Northward

Guest Post by Fred Reed

A mixed bag. This morning we sallied forth to stock up on the essentials of life in time of plague, such as throat sanitizer–Wild Turkey serves well. In the liquor store, employees wore face masks. At Walmart there was a hand-sanitizer squirter that all had to use before entering, and the PA system exhorted us to viral countermeasures, but the checkout people did not wear masks. In most of Lakeside, bars and restaurants were closed, but in Chapala a couple of waterfront restaurants loudly were not. In Guadalajara there are hand wipes to use before entering big stores, six foot spaces in checkout lines, and employees masked like highwaymen. Also gloves.

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April Fools: In the New Age of Deception, Coronavirus has Hastened the Old Collectivism

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


“…..but the plan insidiously advances.”

ordo ab chao


They are banned from churches and public spaces. They can’t hold hands to pray. LOL!

The Devil


At the very end of last year, I wrote a New Year’s piece entitled “America is Over But You Knew That Already”, whereby various “cracks and water in the nation’s foundation” were explored.  In that article, I said:  “winter is finally here” along with these words:

 Exactly how and when America’s foundational stones will shatter in the coming months is anyone’s guess, but do know this:  When Progressive Democrats, and an activist mainstream media, stage a third-world impeachment trial of a U.S. President while reverently citing the words of the nation’s long-dead founders who were, by their own definition, privileged white males and racist slave owners – the end is nigh.

In a later article, six reasons were explored as to why the COVID-19 virus failed “the sniff test” along with the coincidental timing that marked the rise of the virus:

Continue reading “April Fools: In the New Age of Deception, Coronavirus has Hastened the Old Collectivism”

Managing a Disaster

Guest Post by Walter E. Williams

Managing a Disaster

I’m not sure whether COVID-19, first identified in Wuhan, China, in the U.S. qualifies as a true disaster. Putting the disease in perspective, we might look at current influenza illnesses. According to Centers for Disease Control estimates, between Oct. 1, 2019, and March 14, 2020, there have been 390,000 to 710,000 hospitalizations as a result of the flu, 38,000,000 to 54,000,000 flu illnesses and 23,000 to 59,000 flu deaths. That’s compared with, as of March 27, a total of 85,356 cases of COVID-19 resulting in the deaths of 1,246 people.

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Navigating Turbulence

Guest Post by John Hussman


As of March 1, 2020, the growth rate of COVID-19 cases in countries other than China is running at 25% daily. The expansion in the number of locations is also problematic, because the first person in each new location is local ‘patient zero.’ Unless serious containment efforts reduce this growth rate substantially, a continuation would produce a 1000-fold increase in cases over the coming month. Even that might not seem so bad, until the end of April, when the same rate of growth would push the number of COVID-19 cases beyond the 45 million U.S. flu cases observed in 2017-2018. That is exactly how this little coronavirus with twice the R0 of the seasonal flu, and a mortality rate that is evidently an order of magnitude higher, will produce utter chaos if containment efforts are not taken seriously.
– John P. Hussman, Ph.D., March 1, 2020

Public health notes

I want to begin with an update and extension of observations and analysis relating to SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) that I’ve included in these commentaries since January. As usual, I’ll try to separate my comments about this epidemic from investment discussion as much as possible.

As March began, there were 68 U.S. cases of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). At present, less than a month later, there are over 68,000. Though containment efforts were broadly dismissed early in the month, they have become more pointed in the past two weeks, particularly in certain states like New York. Even with a 1000-fold increase in cases during March, several corners of the media characterize containment efforts as an overreaction, and describe this epidemic as “like the flu.”

We still have a chance of limiting the number of fatalities that result, but not with dismissive approaches to containment, which I view as menacing to public health.

Continue reading “Navigating Turbulence”

People Get Ready!

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The cable news announced the other day that Covid-19 patients placed in critical care may have to be on ventilators for 21 days. Only a few years ago, I went in for an ordinary hip replacement. A month or so later, I got the hospital billing statement. One of the line-items went like this: Room and board: 36 hours…$23,482.79. I am not jiving you. That was just for the hospital bed and maybe four lousy hospital meals, not the surgery or the meds or anything else. All that was billed extra. Say, what…?

Now imagine you have the stupendous good fortune to survive a Covid-19 infection after 21 days on a ventilator and go home. What is that billing statement going to look like? Will the survivors wish they’d never made out of the hospital alive?

Continue reading “People Get Ready!”

Coronavirus Killed the Constitution Star

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com


Video killed the radio star
Pictures came and broke your heart
Oh ah-ah-ah oh
And now we meet in an abandoned studio
We hear the playback and it seems so long ago
…. Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
In my mind and in my car
We can’t rewind we’ve gone too far

The Buggles (1979)


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

– George Orwell


Social Distance® is just. Flatten the Curve® is safety. Self-Quarantine® is fair.



Since the advent and spread of COVID-19, we’ve been presented with “new and improved” Orwellian terminology every week. Designations such as “flatten the curve“, “community spread”, “social distancing” and, even, “density mitigation” have become part of our collective vocabulary.  And just as new forms of thought control were introduced by the globalists via Political Correctness, so, too, have terms like “social distancing”, “sheltering in place”, and “self-quarantine” launched virtue signaling to entirely new levels.  It has been stunning to watch.

Continue reading “Coronavirus Killed the Constitution Star”

Dr. Ron Paul On COVID-19 Panic: The Real Danger “Is The Government’s Overreaction”

Authored by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com,

In a recent interview, Dr. Ron Paul opined on his son Rand, who has tested positive for the coronavirus. Dr. Paul said that the dangers of the coronavirus have been “blown way out of proportion” and some people benefit from crises, like politicians who want more power.

Dr. Paul begins his interview with Lior Gantz of the Wealth Research Group saying Rand Paul had no symptoms of the virus and is feeling fine, like the majority of people who have gotten. Many are already immune and have been exposed without showing any signs. “I think millions of people have probably had the infection and still do,” says Dr. Paul.

Continue reading “Dr. Ron Paul On COVID-19 Panic: The Real Danger “Is The Government’s Overreaction””

12 Experts Question The COVID-19 Panic

Via Off-Guardian.org,

Below is our list of twelve medical experts whose opinions on the Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM, and the memes so prevalent on social media.

* * *

Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is a specialist in microbiology. He was a professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene and one of the most cited research scientists in German history.

What he says:

Continue reading “12 Experts Question The COVID-19 Panic”

COVID-19 Exposes Americans’ Financial Irresponsibility

Authored by Kristin Tate, op-ed via TheHill.com,

How long could you sustain your household if you were to stop earning income?

If you are like most Americans, the answer is not for long.

Only 40 percent of Americans can afford an unexpected $1,000 expense with their savings. In fact, nearly 80 percent of workers are living paycheck to paycheck. It is no surprise that the probability of an economic recession brought on by the coronavirus pandemic caused many to worry.

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They Should Have Called it CONTROLavirus

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

As schools are being closed in my state for the next several weeks, an article published in a local paper this morning stated: “With testing options now expanding, [the state] expects the number of positive cases to increase.”

Even the Orwellian Media is now making the case for shuttering the economy while, at the same time, Orange Man bad:

Does President Trump have the guts? His initial response to the virus was to underplay it and insist it would be gone before long. He was wrong about that. He has a chance now to rectify that with bold action. Like all leaders who find themselves managing a crisis, Trump is going to infuriate somebody, whether it’s those who think he’s doing too little or those who insist he’s doing too much. He has a short window of time to act before the only possible answer is that he’s doing too little.

Continue reading “They Should Have Called it CONTROLavirus”

Take a Chill Pill and Come Back Tomorrow

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

This is the third Coronavirus article I’ve written in the past month.   The previous piece has become one of my most viewed, perhaps because it took a skeptical view regarding how Coronavirus® had “been reported, coupled with how it’s been handled, its dubious origins, the alleged number of infected and deceased, as well as the age and general health of those who are reported to have died”.

The article, at the same time, allowed for the dangerous reality generated by COVID-19 and, especially, in regards to the reactions the virus has generated. Here are a few examples of those modifiers:

In any event, healthy skepticism is not close-mindedness, per se, because we may one day have a genuine pandemic on our hands.

….However, it could be that everything we’re seeing regarding COVID-19 is real…

… So is COVID-19 real or is it a marketing gimmick?

….Once again, it could be this latest incarnation of coronavirus is a real killer and the mortality rates now being reported are completely bogus.

… to be sure, the public reactions, including within the financial markets, are real.

Although that last article slanted towards my suspicions, it also left some wiggle room if only because COVID-19 is not a hill I’d risk my credibility to die upon. There’s no need and I have nothing personally at stake. Honestly, I’m just an American Nobody playing it like Popeye umpiring a baseball game;

Continue reading “Take a Chill Pill and Come Back Tomorrow”

Kung Flu Miscellany

Via The Raconteur Report

Ever see John Mosby of Mountain Guerrilla casually turn and pop off 10 or 15 rounds and put them all into not just the black, but the X-ring? Me either. (Because I’ve never taken one of his courses.) Wanna see him turn and put 10 or 15 bullet-points in the X-ring of the Kung Flu discussion? Flip over to his latest blogpost. It’s on Patreon. And you should throw him a bone and subscribe, if you can. It’s that good. He didn’t just nail this one, he hammers it home again and again and again, like an artillery regimental time-on-target. I’m not saying this because I agree with him, or he agrees with me, or any such nonsense. I’m telling you because he literally walks around 27 compass points of this discussion, like Tiger Woods analyzing a putt, and then he sinks a 30-footer with one sharp tap – nothing but plunk. Shut your mouth, open your eyes and ears, engage your brain, and go learn. Go.

Continue reading “Kung Flu Miscellany”

Double Whammy Of Shocks Plagues Companies Across World As Virus Spreads

Via ZeroHedge

As Covid-19 grinds the world’s economy to a halt and supply-chains break, anxieties flourish among multinationals, AP news reports.

Millions of businesses are reeling from virus impacts as supply-chain disruptions have triggered one of the most massive economic shocks since the last financial crisis.

Jay Foreman, CEO of the toy company Basic Fun in Boca Raton, Florida, told AP that his Chinese suppliers have dramatically reduced output because of the shutdowns, and this means his imports are significantly reduced. Foreman said he would layoff 10% of his 175-person global staff.

“I am getting vendors who are actually encouraging me to (make smaller) orders because they’re trying to spread out the capacity,” Foreman said. “I don’t want lower orders. I want higher orders.”

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CDC Chief Warns “US Is Beyond Virus Containment In Some Areas”: Live Updates

Via ZeroHedge


  • 6th patient dies from Cov-19 in UK
  • US CDC Chief: “the US is beyond virus containment in some areas”
  • Austria closes border with Italy
  • NJ Governor declares state of emergency
  • Harvard moves classes online
  • Xi takes victory lap in Wuhan

*  *  *

Update (1115ET): CDC Director Robert Redfield told lawmakers this morning during House tesimony that “the US is beyond virus containment in some areas”

Additionally, Redfield warned that Europe was the “New China” on the virus front and that US nursing homes were the most vulnerable to the virus.

*  *  *

Update (0950ET): A sixth patient has succumbed to the coronavirus in the UK, BBC News reports.

UK has managed to keep the body count lower than several European peers (notably France and Spain) while Germany only just recorded its first death.

For some context:

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