Coronavirus Killed the Constitution Star

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via


Video killed the radio star
Pictures came and broke your heart
Oh ah-ah-ah oh
And now we meet in an abandoned studio
We hear the playback and it seems so long ago
…. Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
In my mind and in my car
We can’t rewind we’ve gone too far

The Buggles (1979)


War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

– George Orwell


Social Distance® is just. Flatten the Curve® is safety. Self-Quarantine® is fair.



Since the advent and spread of COVID-19, we’ve been presented with “new and improved” Orwellian terminology every week. Designations such as “flatten the curve“, “community spread”, “social distancing” and, even, “density mitigation” have become part of our collective vocabulary.  And just as new forms of thought control were introduced by the globalists via Political Correctness, so, too, have terms like “social distancing”, “sheltering in place”, and “self-quarantine” launched virtue signaling to entirely new levels.  It has been stunning to watch.

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The Colonization Of Local-Business Main Street By Corporate America

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

This is what our mode of production optimizes: ugliness, debt-serfdom, and servitude to politically dominant corporations.

An insightful correspondent recently remarked on the striking transition of American neighborhoods from commercial districts dominated by locally owned businesses to streets lined with look-alike outlets of Corporate America. This transition is so obvious that few even comment on it, much less ask if this wholesale replacement is in the best interests of residents and consumers.

I have long suggested starting any inquiry with a simple question: cui bono— to whose benefit? Let’s add a second essential question: what does the system optimize?

By this I mean: what is optimized by the infrastructure, regulations, political structure, etc.–what we call the mode of production.

I think it’s abundantly clear that our mode of production optimizes large-scale global corporations, which have access to the capital and expertise needed to optimize production, management, employee training and discipline, supply chains and the purchase of political influence.

Continue reading “The Colonization Of Local-Business Main Street By Corporate America”


They write the laws. They decide which politicians you will vote for. They ship your jobs overseas. They demand bailouts with your money when they blow up the financial system. They pay themselves obscene amounts of compensation. They have kept your wages below inflation since 1989. Their arrogance and hubris know no bounds. They eat at the best NYC restaurants. They fly on private jets. They spend their summers in the Hamptons. They rule this country. The incestuous relationships of these whores is there for all to see.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist
By Jeff Desjardins

Conspiracy theorists allege that the world’s most rich and powerful people have secret meetings at places like Bilderberg or Bohemian Grove, or that one can find rooms on Wall Street or in DC where world-changing deals go down amidst a cloud of cigar smoke.

While there is still debate as to the true extent of the above claims, even the most skeptical of us can agree that the most powerful executives between Wall Street and the biggest corporations in America are intimately connected. Government officials are also in that web, but that’s a project for another day.