More Than 217,000 Americans Killed by the COVID Jab

Via Mercola

more than 217,000 Americans killed by covid jab

Story at-a-glance

  • According to a December 2021 survey of 2,840 Americans, between 217,330 and 332,608 people died from the COVID jabs in 2021
  • Survey results also show that people who got the jab were more likely to know someone who experienced a health problem from COVID-19 infection, whereas those who knew someone who experienced a health problem after getting the jab were less likely to be jabbed
  • Of the respondents, 34% knew one or more people who had experienced a significant health problem due to the COVID-19 illness, and 22% knew one or more people who had been injured by the shot
  • 51% of the survey respondents had been jabbed. Of those, 13% reported experiencing a “serious” health problem post-jab. Compare that to Pfizer’s six-month safety analysis, which claimed only 1.2% of trial participants experienced a serious adverse event
  • In December 2022, Rasmussen Reports polled 1,000 Americans. In this poll, 34% reported experiencing minor side effects from the jab and 7% reported major side effects

While it’s clear that the experimental COVID shots have killed a considerable number of people, the total death toll remains elusive, thanks to U.S. health agencies obfuscating, hiding and manipulating data.

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Horowitz: Did 7.5 million people die from COVID shots?

Guest Post by Daniel Horowitz

COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment Update | Everyday Health

There is simply no macro epidemiological evidence that the COVID jabs saved any lives from the virus. To the contrary, there are numerous data points showing negative efficacy. Moreover, over 70% of the 6.75 million recorded COVID deaths occurred precisely after the shots were unleashed. In fact, many parts of the world that barely experienced COVID deaths during the first year, such as Scandinavia, Australia, and far East Asia, incurred almost all of their deaths after the shots were in the arms of every senior. So now that we established there was no mortality benefit, what was the cost? What if I told you it was 7.5 million – even more than the recorded number of COVID deaths?

Continue reading “Horowitz: Did 7.5 million people die from COVID shots?”

Deaths Running 26% Above Pre-Pandemic Levels – and the Vaccines Remain a Leading Suspect

Via The Daily Sceptic

Deaths continue to run at extraordinary levels in England and Wales. In the week ending January 13th 2023 there were 17,381 deaths, which is 2,837 or 19.5% above the five-year average. This is despite the five-year average having risen due to the early 2021 Covid wave. Compared to the pre-pandemic five-year average of 13,822 it is 3,559 or 25.7% above average.

There were 922 deaths with Covid registered on the death certificate, of which 654 were registered as due to Covid as underlying cause. This leaves 2,183 excess deaths from a different underlying cause. Since the wave of excess non-Covid deaths began in April the total now stands at 34,691.


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On what the Iraq invasion and mRNA shots have in common

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

And why it is so hard for the people in charge to understand when they’ve made a catastrophic mistake, much less change course

I’ve been thinking lately about the profound American failure I saw in Iraq in 2003 – and how it ties to the profound failure we’re all seeing right now.

I went to Iraq for The New York Times in September 2003, landing in Amman, Jordan, and then riding in a Suburban overnight through the desert to Baghdad. In my bags I had a bulletproof vest and $30,000 in cash for the paper’s bureau chief, John Burns. I will never forget how brightly the stars shone over the empty desert when we pulled off the highway a few minutes after crossing the border.

I hadn’t been a foreign correspondent before. But some experienced Times reporters had gone home after covering the invasion (though other great ones, including Burns and the legendary Dexter Filkins, remained). The paper needed reinforcements.

I was nervous. In late August, the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad had been bombed, killing 22 people, including its top diplomat in Iraq. Still, people who’d covered war zones told me not to overreact. These places are never as dangerous as they look from the outside. Baghdad was slightly bigger than Chicago and had twice as many people – almost 6 million in 2003. The risk of terrorism and violence was real, but manageable, they said.

Continue reading “On what the Iraq invasion and mRNA shots have in common”

The death records show the COVID vaccines are shortening lifespan worldwide

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

This is why they are hiding them from public view. All they need to do is show the age, date died, and date of last COVID vax. It would end the COVID vax program worldwide instantly.

Vital Records Explained: Is 'Cause of Death' public record? - Recording Law

Executive summary

Any state governor or the head of any country in the world could bring an immediate halt to the COVID vaccine program for all ages if they published the age, date died, and date of last COVID vax (if any) for all people who died since the vaccine became available in their state/country. All they have to do is match up the death certificate with the date of last COVID vaccination. It’s not hard.

But nobody will do that.

It’s because they all know it would show that people were more likely to die after they got the shot which is the exact opposite of what is expected (due to the healthy patient bias).

Any surgeon general of a state could do this as well. They are all afraid.

Because I know what they will find. And so do they. That’s why they aren’t doing it.

Continue reading “The death records show the COVID vaccines are shortening lifespan worldwide”


The wheels are coming off this vaccine scam. You can be sure Pfizer and Moderna are funding these MSM weasels to write hundreds of stories about the dozens of new reasons young healthy people are having heart attacks. Anything to cover-up the mass murder they have committed with your own tax dollars. Finger pointing will commence shortly.  Next will be “how could we have known they were toxic?” Who will be the ultimate fall guys? Probably not the real perpetrators – Fauci, Birx, Bourla, Walensky, et. al.


New peer-reviewed study: >217,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccines in just the first year alone!

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

And it also turns out that serious adverse events were ~5X higher than what Pfizer reported in their Phase 3 trial. But it’s OK because they are immune from prosecution.

U.S. deaths in 2020 top 3 million | PBS NewsHour

Executive summary

A new peer-reviewed paper was just published that finally gets the truth out:

  1. Over 217,000 Americans were killed by the vaccine in the first year after rollout
  2. The rate of severe adverse events reported in the survey by the survey participants (13.4%) after adjusting by a factor of 2 for categorization error, is still 5X more than was reported by Pfizer in their Phase 3 trial.

Since deaths from the vaccine were higher in 2022, most experts would estimate the all-cause mortality death toll from the COVID vaccines to be in the range of 500K to 600K. So the global cost of life from these vaccines is on the order of 10 to 12 million people.

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Why are they FINALLY “admitting” the Covid Vax could be harmful?

Guest Post by Kit Knightly

The mainstream narrative spinners – from politicians to the CDC to the media – have started reporting “possible harms” due to Covid “vaccines”.

This is a potentially seismic shift in the narrative, but as usual we need to ask  the perennial questions –

Why this?

Why now?

For almost two years, those of us expressing concern about the possible damage done by forcing untested and unnecessary gene therapies on billions of people have been either ignored by the noisy majority or slandered by them. And this includes both mainstream and “alt” media.

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HALF the US thinks it “likely” that “vaccination” has caused many deaths; and someone scrawled the awful truth just outside an Italian cemetery

Guest Post by Mark Crispin Miller

People all over the world are waking up. Now which of the Four Horsemen will come at us next, so that the government-and-media can try to scream us back to sleep?

Half of US thinks COVID vax caused unexplained deaths: Poll

January 7, 2023

About half of Americans believe that the COVID-19 vaccines have caused side effects that have contributed to a significant number of unexplained deaths, according to a new survey.

The survey by Rasmussen Reports, which was conducted from Dec. 28 to 30, found 49 percent of American Adults believe it’s likely that side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths, including 28 percent who considered it “very likely.”

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Shocking Lab Investigation of COVID Vaccines

Via Mercola

Video Link

Story at-a-glance

  • A recent laboratory investigation by The Highwire reveals the only consistent thing about the COVID shots are their inconsistency. There is no quality control. Some appear clear like saline, while others are loaded with contaminants
  • In August 2021, Japan rejected 1.63 million doses of Moderna’s mRNA shot due to contamination. Last year the European Medicines Agency (EMA) also expressed concern over vials that were only 50% to 55% pure
  • The vials also contain massively inconsistent amounts of polyethylene glycol (PEG). PEG can cause anaphylactic shock in some people. PEG also gets in the way of proper immune response
  • If you are unfortunate enough to get a vial that is loaded with PEG, your risk of adverse effects such as anaphylactic shock and dysregulated immune response is greater than if you get a vial with lower amounts
  • According to Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist, what looks like microchips or nanotechnology in the liquid are actually stacked cholesterol, sugar and salt crystals, and what has been described as parasites are stellate trikons, found on the bottom of leaves. They’re likely a contaminant picked up at some point during the lab investigation

December 12, 2022, The Highwire posted1 a fascinating and shocking lab investigation of the COVID shots. Del Bigtree begins by reviewing some of the many alleged findings by organizations looking at the shots using various technologies. For example, some claim to have found graphite in the vials, while others have discovered what looks like nanotechnology and parasites.

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